I REALLY preferred the old, functional, familiar, easy-on-the eyes layout. Just being honest, the new one bothers me quite a bit.
It's so BRIGHT that it's unpleasant to look at. It's cluttered. Several things are redundant (two profile tabs, one of which can't be clicked on?). I can't find anything. My "recent activity" is just going to be forum posts, and I can keep track of those on my own. News is hard to find. New videos are even harder to find.
Was there really that big an outcry to change the site? I thought it was doing quite well, had a unique and functional layout, a memorable yellow-themed motif, and plenty of user accessibility.
I'm just... wow, bombarded with all these things I have little interest in and finding the things I used to gravitate towards is now harder than ever and, with the new bright white colors, not very aesthetically pleasing either.