The olympics. Yay.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
I am not enjoying anything about the olympics, not the relay, not the DUMB AS FUCK V.I.P. road markings, nothing.

As an Additional: can anyone tell me if another country has done a similar thing with road markings? For those unaware, a large quantity of roads in London have been marked with the olympic rings; these roads are only for use by olympic VIPs, the fine for using the VIP lane is the same as using a bus lane.

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
scw55 said:
If they were held in Wales I'd care. Or if a few events were held on Welsh soil I'll get riled about the Britain = England misconception. Since neither is happening, I'm neutral. I won't piss on someone else's parade.
One of the venues for the football tournament is Millennium Stadium in Cardiff.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
I hate watching sports (why watch when you can do?), but I'll stick around for short competitions if Dad is watching.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Aris Khandr said:
scw55 said:
If they were held in Wales I'd care. Or if a few events were held on Welsh soil I'll get riled about the Britain = England misconception. Since neither is happening, I'm neutral. I won't piss on someone else's parade.
One of the venues for the football tournament is Millennium Stadium in Cardiff.


Technically Cardiff is in England with the density of Welsh speakers being almost non-existent.


New member
May 15, 2010
I don't really care much for the Olympics. I tried watching for the running events in the past but what would usually happen is a few minutes of coverage followed by constant, overly long commercials. I do enjoy figure skating, but that is obviously the winter Olympics. I don't really care for team sports anyways, but I love going out for a run at least 4 times a week. I feel amazing after a good run so I will be doing that during the Olympics.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Wolverine18 said:
Personally I'm quite looking forward to seeing The Doctor light the torch in the opening ceremony. Well, I've already seen it of course, but this time it will be now and not back then when we were seeing the future.
They should actually get David Tennant to do that as a publicity stunt.


New member
Jan 19, 2012
I fucking love the olympics. Ignore all the patriotic dick waving and it's delightful. My favorite is the women's curling for the winter ones.


New member
May 24, 2011
I got my sports fix during the Euro a month ago so I have pretty much no interest in the Olympics. The only events I care about are women's soccer and track. Women's soccer because the US team fucking kicks ass and I love them all to death, and track because Usain Bolt fucking kicks ass and I love him to death. Additionally with the 2012/2013 soccer season starting up again I can watch my boys Barcelona and Hannover play so I don't feel like I'll be lacking in professional sports anytime soon.


New member
Jan 16, 2012
I'm pretty indifferent to the olympics as I'm not into sports in general. I might check out some highlights if someone pointed out something interesting. Otherwise, I just ignore it.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Istvan said:
TheBobmus said:
Well, it's gonna be hell to travel round London, and it's made finding a house in the Olympic area really bloody hard.

However, I'm looking forward to the events I'm gonna see, and it's certainly made Stratford one hell of a load nicer.

EDIT: Also, whoever decided on that logo should be ashamed. It makes me laugh every time I look at it.
I see Lisa Simpson giving head to homer.

OT I hate the Olympics, bloody waste of time and resources. Also DAT LOGO ;-;
Oh...god. Why would you spread that kinda horror?

And yeah, I'm getting a lot of flak for being a grumpy git. When does that not happen on here?

Honestly, quite a lot, you guys/gals are usually fairly cool. But, still, as true as a lot of your arguments are, I'm not swayed.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
TheBobmus said:
Well, it's gonna be hell to travel round London, and it's made finding a house in the Olympic area really bloody hard.

However, I'm looking forward to the events I'm gonna see, and it's certainly made Stratford one hell of a load nicer.

EDIT: Also, whoever decided on that logo should be ashamed. It makes me laugh every time I look at it.
I remember the uproar when that monstrosity was unveiled, they had to actually tell people it depicted "2012" because noone had a clue what it was supposed to be.

That awful tower is as bad too,

It looks like they asked a drunken cowboy builder to make a helter skelter out of scaffolding. I am expecting other failures too, I really think we will make a mess of it and be a massive embarrassment.

The Korean flag fiasco was a sign of things to come, could they have picked a more politically sensitive flag to get wrong? Whats next? Maybe they will put several hundred adverts for pork sausages around the middle eastern nations events.


New member
Jun 8, 2009
I plan on watching
-The Opening Ceremony
-The cycling to see how Wiggins and Cavendish do

That's it, while I respect the athletes competing, I'm unable to bring myself to care enough to watch them. Plus, the sheer amount of bullshit surrounding the Olympics has tainted the event for me and probably a lot of other people.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
I went to see the torch when it came though Skegness, simply because it wasn't something you saw every day. It amused me that the buses carrying the sponsers came through aout 15 miutes before the first torch bearer.

That is the only interest that I have in the Olympics, I will pretty much ignore it now for the next couple of weeks.


New member
May 16, 2011
I'm in the same place as the OP - Pretty fucking tired of seeing a union jack stuck on every piece of packaging, everything from apple pies to toilet roll. Team GB is gonna suck, we will be lucky to get a handful of medals, and that would be fine, except the media won't accept that - as if we're incapable of supporting anyone unless we are sure they will win.
We know better, we don't expect to win much, so stop ramming it down our throats.

The worst though, is the McDonalds adverts! - really, McD's sponsoring the olympics is like Cadbury's giving money to diabetes charities. The advert makes me want to self harm though, the whole spiel about all the different fans - the miss out the hater, the couldn't give a fucker, the terrorist bomber, and the deluded tosser.

Of course, I have similar disdain for sport in general - but really I never used to mind the olympics, it used to be good just to leave it on in the background, now with it being held in that London, I'm just sick of it already, and really I think most people resent how much it's costing.