The opposite sex for three days... (with a twist)


New member
Jan 24, 2010
I've seen this thread done before here on the Escapist, but it just boiled down into statements like: 'Hur hurr, spend all day in the bathroom in front of a mirror / in the shower' So, I say no! Stop! That is NOT the opposite sex, that's just your current mind in the other genders body with the same sexual urges and your same personal priorities.

This thread is looking at the topic through a different light. I'm looking for some depth in peoples responses to this interesting topic and idea. Thus why I?ve given you three days, not just one as was the last time I saw this thread.

So that different light is, for three days, from your initial wake up on the first morning - you are now the opposite gender; and this isn't just your body we're talking about. You now posses and same genetic mind structure as the opposite sex. Therefore, let's assume, that if you were a straight female when you went to bed the night before, you'd wake up a straight male. Understand where I'm going with this?

And let's say if you?re already inclined towards attraction to the same sex and you?re currently male, when you woke up on the first day you'd be female interested in the same sex. (sexually I guess not much would change if you were bi-sexual, for obvious reasons.)

So if you woke up as a new female or new male in all aspects, how would you spend your three days and why would you spend it that way?

Personally if I suddenly woke up female, (currently a straight male) - I'd be fleetingly interested in my new anatomy and spend maybe an hour discovering myself in the shower, but more important to me would be to spend the time with the now opposite sex (male) to understand both sides of the attraction story completely.
I'd see how my body reacts differently to exercise and alcohol, and I'd try to fully discover what it means to be female, in all aspects. This includes accepting myself / being myself in my new sex and enjoying / learning about the world through my new eyes - That includes from the ways I dress as a female to (possibly) the new ways I think in my new genetic mind. Lastly I?d look deeply into how I see the same world around me, if that?s changed at all.


New member
Oct 9, 2010
I would spend three days masturbating

Ok Ok I will try to take this one seriously

Go onto Xbox live plug in a mic and a camera and see how many friend request I can get.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Gotta be honest, I'd still probably spend most of the time touching myself.
I guess I'd also try to see if it's easier for girls to get "some".

Yes, I could use the 3 days to try to explore the new emotions and feelings I have, but honestly knowing me like I do, I'd probably just make it about sex.


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
Proarcher said:
Personally if I suddenly woke up female, (currently a straight male) - I'd be fleetingly interested in my new anatomy and spend maybe an hour discovering myself in the shower, but more important to me would be to spend the time with the now opposite sex (male) to understand both sides of the attraction story completely.
I'd see how my body reacts differently to exercise and alcohol, and I'd try to fully discover what it means to be female, in all aspects. This includes accepting myself / being myself in my new sex and enjoying / learning about the world through my new eyes - That includes from the ways I dress as a female to (possibly) the new ways I think in my new genetic mind. Lastly I?d look deeply into how I see the same world around me, if that?s changed at all.
From what I've been told, some of the issues that women have indicates that it would take more than 3 days to learn about their issues.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
TeeBs said:
I would spend three days masturbating

Ok Ok I will try to take this one seriously

Go onto Xbox live plug in a mic and a camera and see how many friend request I can get.
Hahaha XD, I take it your male then. Clever idea but wouldn't you be more interested in the idea of a new mind?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I'm not even going to bother saying it because everyone would do say it anyway. Aside from that, stay in my room for 3 days.

My parents would freak out if they saw a female version of me. That is 1 flaw that should be fixed.

Assuming there is no flaw, I experience life as a female. 3 Days isn't enough to like someone so that's out of the question but perhaps just living life normally, taking notes on my emotions.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
Freak out all my friends and family. And take alot of pictures for when the temporary sex change wears off... I'd also try to dodge scientists/doctors, in case they want to dissect me for being a medical anomaly.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Uuuh. If I woke up as a lezzie one day I doubt much would change other than I'd probably wind up in a mental institution for three days saying about how I used to be a boy and something unexplainable has happened to me.

U-haul joke, etc.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
I think you've got a misconception going on here, since you assume that one's mind is under so much influence by the body.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Zannah said:
I think you've got a misconception going on here, since you assume that one's mind is under so much influence by the body.
I'm less under that impression as I am thinking about what we don't know. No one knows what specific or subtle differences there are between the male and female mind, and that's something I'd be very interested in discovering, if there is a difference at all. XD Wouldn't it be cool to be able to find out? Is what I'm saying. =)


New member
Dec 14, 2010
RatRace123 said:
Gotta be honest, I'd still probably spend most of the time touching myself.
I guess I'd also try to see if it's easier for girls to get "some".

Yes, I could use the 3 days to try to explore the new emotions and feelings I have, but honestly knowing me like I do, I'd probably just make it about sex.
I would be in the same situation as you.


Average Person Extraordinaire!
May 2, 2010
I would note all of the feelings and emotions I have while I am a woman, and write them all down in notes.

Then I will take them, analyze them when I return to being a male, and write the century's best selling advice book.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Proarcher said:
I'm less under that impression as I am thinking about what we don't know. No one knows what specific or subtle differences there are between the male and female mind, and that's something I'd be very interested in discovering, if there is a difference at all. XD Wouldn't it be cool to be able to find out? Is what I'm saying. =)
To be fair, we did the experiment once, me and my boyfriend joining a pen and paper campaign, each playing still as a couple but as opposite genders - it was... weird.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Skorpyo said:
I would note all of the feelings and emotions I have while I am a woman, and write them all down in notes.

Then I will take them, analyze them when I return to being a male, and write the century's best selling advice book.
Your genius is most profound. Well done!


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Take a piss standing up.

For 3 days.

Ok, I'll also crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of their women.

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
Proarcher said:
So that different light is, for three days, from your initial wake up on the first morning - you are now the opposite gender; and this isn't just your body we're talking about. You now posses and same genetic mind structure as the opposite sex. Therefore, let's assume, that if you were a straight female when you went to bed the night before, you'd wake up a straight male. Understand where I'm going with this?
Wait, what? Genderbased "genetic mindstructure"?

Yes, the brain anatomy might be different but we still don't know for sure if there's actually such a thing as a difference in the mind. Behaviour patterns could just as well be influenced by the varying levels of hormones for all we know. Ah, never mind I'll not go into the science right now.

IIt wouldn't really matter if I have a different mindstructure than usual because if I know that im usually a man and woke up a woman, I'd lock myself in for those three days and wait until the condition goes away.

Im extremely happy about being a man I and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
Paksenarrion said:
Ok, I'll also crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of their women.
Hey hey hey! The OP said you'd wake up "a man" if you're female. Nothing was said about waking up as austrian testosterone on legs. :p

EDIT: ... But once you're finished with that, are you going to "GET TO DA CHOPPAH!" afterwards? XD


New member
Jan 1, 2011
I don't think that this topic is possible to answer. I'm a guy. I have no idea what would change in my thought processes if I were female. I understand that there is some sort of subtle differences between the genders, so I can't answer this with any certainty.
Though, I will try.

If the differences are subtle, than probably not much would change. I would just have tighter shirts and looser pants for three days. I would do the same schoolwork, practice the same drums (God I hope that it wouldn't affect my muscle memory in some way) and visit the same forums.


Dark DM Overlord
Apr 7, 2010
Something tells me that i'd just sleep most of that time. It's what i do now and unless being female means that i get a massive energy and motivation boost (which i'm sure it doesn't considering that the two sexes are THAT different physiologically, aside from the obvious and of all my friends, male and female, neither is more energetic) it's what i'd do then. Then i'd play some videogames. I'm also assuming that this is happening over my upcoming three day weekend...

So, quick break-down: 72 hours of being female. 36 spent asleep. One spent going, "Ok. So that's what that's like. Interesting..." 35 spent glued to my computer screen screaming (presumable in a high pitch) at Dawn of War/STALKER as i get my ass kicked by my friends for the hundredth time.