The opposite sex for three days... (with a twist)


New member
Apr 12, 2010
Proarcher said:
Would you be female straight off? yes you would, but you would have that thrust upon you which could be rather scary at first, as all your experiences up to that point would have been learned as a male.
Still not sure I understand what you are getting at. If I suddenly wake up a female one day, then I can either have the mind I have had all my life, or a completely new female identity. Are you saying I wake up as a female, but with all my previous male memories encapsulated within the mind of a female? I kind of get that, given recent studies showing that men and women do see the world differently. Men are more logical, whereas women are more intuitive, women have poorer night vision and depth perception but better colour vision. I think I get it, it is just a bit complicated. This is too much for my gamer brain, I am gonna go look at boobs and lolcatz on the interwebs now.


Free Cascadia!
Mar 9, 2010
Well... if changing my body changed my personality I'd have a different personality, so I don't know what I'd do. If it just flipped my sexual orientation for a few days... I dunno. I guess I'd wear ill fitting clothes and be a bit awkward until I changed back? It would be cool to experience something new, but it's not like I'd run out have a bunch of sex with strangers, and there really isn't anything I can think of off the top of my head that I'd like to do but can't as a male. I'm not quite sure what I'd do about work. Even if they believed me I wouldn't have a valid driver's license or any of that kind of stuff, so I guess I'd have to call in sick. Other than that I could pretty easily get away with just not talking to anybody I know for three days. Bleh, I'd probably just end up sitting around playing video games the whole time.

I feel completely lame now. Thanks for that.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Proarcher said:
DanielDeFig said:
hmmm...Depends. If it turns out i'm on my period i would take the opportunity to better understand women and what they have to go through once a month (Right now all i know is the conceptual science behind it, and that i'm supposed to be nicer to girls than usual when they are on their period).

Otherwise, probably try experiencing old stuff like my favorite books, movies, and videogames, to see if the experience is much different. I might also try on new clothes, to find out what i think looks good on a woman of my age and whatever body type i end up with (considering my ancestry i would probably be petite and curvaceous). I would also check out to see what kind of men i found attractive, and what about men can be attractive. Oh, going to one of those giant billboards in the street with a half-naked woman, and checking to see if it pisses me off, disturbs me, offends me, or if it's just meh. Exploring the female anatomy would probably an opportunity not to miss.

Finally, after the three days i would finally find out if what i have always been saying about preferring to be a guy hold true.
Ahh, finally a well thought out response, thanks man. ^^ Yeah it's interesting to think about ey. And true, if I experienced PMS first had I'd probably be hugging my girl friend a lot more during that time for her.
Thanks, lol XD! I'm still only at the stage of being very tolerant when my sister or my female friends get very moody (snapping at me, and such). It would be helpful to understand periods better than: eggs and blood and gunk are released once a month, that cause a hormonal imbalance (not to mention the embarrassment of and ick of having to deal with it).


New member
May 10, 2008
Proarcher said:
I've seen this thread done before here on the Escapist, but it just boiled down into statements like: 'Hur hurr, spend all day in the bathroom in front of a mirror / in the shower' So, I say no! Stop! That is NOT the opposite sex, that's just your current mind in the other genders body with the same sexual urges and your same personal priorities.

This thread is looking at the topic through a different light. I'm looking for some depth in peoples responses to this interesting topic and idea. Thus why I?ve given you three days, not just one as was the last time I saw this thread.

So that different light is, for three days, from your initial wake up on the first morning - you are now the opposite gender; and this isn't just your body we're talking about. You now posses and same genetic mind structure as the opposite sex. Therefore, let's assume, that if you were a straight female when you went to bed the night before, you'd wake up a straight male. Understand where I'm going with this?

And let's say if you?re already inclined towards attraction to the same sex and you?re currently male, when you woke up on the first day you'd be female interested in the same sex. (sexually I guess not much would change if you were bi-sexual, for obvious reasons.)

So if you woke up as a new female or new male in all aspects, how would you spend your three days and why would you spend it that way?

Personally if I suddenly woke up female, (currently a straight male) - I'd be fleetingly interested in my new anatomy and spend maybe an hour discovering myself in the shower, but more important to me would be to spend the time with the now opposite sex (male) to understand both sides of the attraction story completely.
I'd see how my body reacts differently to exercise and alcohol, and I'd try to fully discover what it means to be female, in all aspects. This includes accepting myself / being myself in my new sex and enjoying / learning about the world through my new eyes - That includes from the ways I dress as a female to (possibly) the new ways I think in my new genetic mind. Lastly I?d look deeply into how I see the same world around me, if that?s changed at all.
Females can be sex obsessed too :D


New member
Dec 4, 2010
Proarcher said:
I've seen this thread done before here on the Escapist, but it just boiled down into statements like: 'Hur hurr, spend all day in the bathroom in front of a mirror / in the shower' So, I say no! Stop! That is NOT the opposite sex, that's just your current mind in the other genders body with the same sexual urges and your same personal priorities.

This thread is looking at the topic through a different light. I'm looking for some depth in peoples responses to this interesting topic and idea. Thus why I?ve given you three days, not just one as was the last time I saw this thread.

So that different light is, for three days, from your initial wake up on the first morning - you are now the opposite gender; and this isn't just your body we're talking about. You now posses and same genetic mind structure as the opposite sex. Therefore, let's assume, that if you were a straight female when you went to bed the night before, you'd wake up a straight male. Understand where I'm going with this?

And let's say if you?re already inclined towards attraction to the same sex and you?re currently male, when you woke up on the first day you'd be female interested in the same sex. (sexually I guess not much would change if you were bi-sexual, for obvious reasons.)

So if you woke up as a new female or new male in all aspects, how would you spend your three days and why would you spend it that way?

Personally if I suddenly woke up female, (currently a straight male) - I'd be fleetingly interested in my new anatomy and spend maybe an hour discovering myself in the shower, but more important to me would be to spend the time with the now opposite sex (male) to understand both sides of the attraction story completely.
I'd see how my body reacts differently to exercise and alcohol, and I'd try to fully discover what it means to be female, in all aspects. This includes accepting myself / being myself in my new sex and enjoying / learning about the world through my new eyes - That includes from the ways I dress as a female to (possibly) the new ways I think in my new genetic mind. Lastly I?d look deeply into how I see the same world around me, if that?s changed at all.
Well besides the obvious "exploring", I'd probably use my new (female) gender to argue against points like "Women are superior and men should be all killed" without the opposition just going "Oh well you would say that MAN" and such.

Also I'd see what push ups are like with boobs.


Duel shield wielder
Jul 8, 2010
Probably try to figure out of to successfully sit down with a penis and balls between my legs. This will probably take up most of my three days. Other than that hide out in my bedroom and play some games, read some books, draw some stuff, just things to pass the time.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
I'd probably go out clubbing with the lads and just stare at the girls to see if I could 'get some'. Also it would be nice not to have to worry about showing off my figure in tight fitting clothes or putting on make-up. i could just get up and throw on anything I like rather than making so much effort getting ready.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
I'm not really a romantic or sexual person. I'd just get on my computer, turn on my Xbox, and spend my time in my room on my bed half naked. Nothing much would change. I already act a lot like a guy. I'd probably even cosplay. I already do.

As for school, I'd feel pretty lucked out, as my homeroom has about 23 kids, and about 9 guys. 23-9=14 girls. And I'll admit quite a few are very pretty.

I also write romance stories, so being a guy would help me with understanding how romance works with males. I'd know how a guy would see a girl, and what feelings might go through their head. Then my story would be more accurate.

And I've always wanted to walk outside topless. As a human with breasts, society forbids me from doing that without going to juvenile hall with a possible "public indecency" charge. As a guy, I'd chill outside my house without a shirt and in just boxers, playing my DS. Of course, I'd do that in about 4 months. It's freaking freezing outside where I live.

And I'd end my nights masturbating in my bed. Because that's what I usually do before I go to bed.