The opposite sex for three days... (with a twist)


New member
Sep 27, 2010
My roommate would be so fucking happy if I woke up as a girl. Basically I would end up spending those three days in fear for my innocence as I play R:TW.


New member
Sep 12, 2008

Actually spend money to have an xbox live gold account and see what it's like to not feel personally victimized.

Also, watch some azumanga daioh.

You know what, pretty much what I do now. Except I'd be different physically.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
I'd call up a particular female friend of mine so we could go and buy me a nice dress or two, then I'd go home and try them on, then i'd lock myself in my room and try them off, and then flirt with my male friends without telling them it was me, just to screw with them.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
I'd thank the lord it's just for three days for one. Do you really want to experience PMS?


New member
Jan 19, 2010
I'd probably first go through the whole "Stages of acceptance" thing about it until the sex-and-personality-change finally wears off, and than be all "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" about wasting this grand opportunity.

Than I'll have to go through the whole fucking thing again about wasting away my golden opportunity.

So, once it DOES happen, I'll just have to try to avoid these feelings and do fuck all, like I always do.


New member
Jan 30, 2008
Depends, does everyone else know I was a guy beforehand? Will they know I was a chick for 3 days afterwards? If any know/remembers I'd just hide.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
hmmm...Depends. If it turns out i'm on my period i would take the opportunity to better understand women and what they have to go through once a month (Right now all i know is the conceptual science behind it, and that i'm supposed to be nicer to girls than usual when they are on their period).

Otherwise, probably try experiencing old stuff like my favorite books, movies, and videogames, to see if the experience is much different. I might also try on new clothes, to find out what i think looks good on a woman of my age and whatever body type i end up with (considering my ancestry i would probably be petite and curvaceous). I would also check out to see what kind of men i found attractive, and what about men can be attractive. Oh, going to one of those giant billboards in the street with a half-naked woman, and checking to see if it pisses me off, disturbs me, offends me, or if it's just meh. Exploring the female anatomy would probably an opportunity not to miss.

Finally, after the three days i would finally find out if what i have always been saying about preferring to be a guy hold true.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Honestly, I'd probably do what I normally do. Shower, excersize, play video games, read, paint, watch (currently) Gundam Wing on my PS3.

Probably more of the painting and reading though, if I were a more feminine version of myself, I'd probably focus more on the artistic than the violent aspect of my life. But then again, who knows. Hell, if I did decide to go and play one of my online games, I'd probably focus more on the social aspect of it instead of the going out and doing the missions and whatnot. Would all depend on my mood I guess.

Still, 3 days of gaming, eating, sleeping, keeping the body and dishes clean, and generally just the normal stuff I do. Except as a straight female, instead of a straight male.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Paksenarrion said:
Take a piss standing up.

For 3 days.

Ok, I'll also crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of their women.
See, I can't think of anything women can do that's that fun, and right there you have the crux of the sexism in the world: Men get to do all the cool shit.

I don't want to be a woman for three days, I'm pretty addicted to peeing standing up and hearing lamentations at this stage.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
TeeBs said:
I would spend three days masturbating

I don't know, The brain in my head and all the things that I have experienced have been experienced with a Male slant to it all, One cant just think like a woman when all of your experiences were Male.

But to answer your question, I would go around and talk to all the girls I know and ask them what the thought of the male me, then I would talk about how awesome the male me is in bed ect ect.... or probably what TeeBs said!


Always playing Touhou. Always.
Mar 2, 2008
And my answer does not change. What would I do? The same thing as always. Sex means little (nothing, actually, as I'm asexual, so an asexual male become an asexual female) to me.

I'd go to class as usual, I'd do my work at the last minute as usual, and after 3 days, change back.
Feb 13, 2008
Housebroken Lunatic said:
but we still don't know for sure if there's actually such a thing as a difference in the mind. Behaviour patterns could just as well be influenced by the varying levels of hormones for all we know.
I think we're all very aware of what influences our behaviour patterns, and how that would change if certain things (like self-worth, self-perception, loss of motor control) changed.

I mean, for all the men->women, there's phantom penis syndrome. And the women->men are gonna have as much trouble with suddenly losing their womb, but gaining a visual/tactile based climax. (Guys, you remember when you first noticed it working? They're gonna get that in spades. By the way, we finally look good in clothes. ;) )

Then there's perception of you and everything else. I think those three days would be spent clawing to get back to your own safe body.

Think Puberty II: The Revenge.

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
I think we're all very aware of what influences our behaviour patterns, and how that would change if certain things (like self-worth, self-perception, loss of motor control) would influence them.

I mean, for all the men->women, there's phantom penis syndrome. And the women->men are gonna have as much trouble with suddenly losing their womb, but gaining a visual/tactile based climax.

Then there's perception of you and everything else. I think those three days would be spent clawing to get back to your own safe body.

Think Puberty II: The Revenge.
There is no scientific consensus about these things. We barely know how the biological brain works or it's relationship to our psychological profile, and psychology as a subject is riddled with badly constructed theories and pseudo-scientific nonsense.

So, as scary as it might be, no one really knows how the human mind works. At least not at the moment. The best we have access to are qualified guesswork, ham fisted examinations and politically motivated gibberish.

And it will most likely be a subject studied for decades if not centuries to come.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Humans are human, besides key physical and some psychological intricacies concerning both genders you're hardly going to have an epiphany. I'm not sure why men think women are such great mysteries. All you have to be is not so creepy, touchy, or exhibit excessive bravado or using the male gender as a shield whenever you say something hurtful or stupid in the company of women and you'll do fine in life.

That being said who here hasn't (in a western society where you won't get stoned to death) met girls more than willing to hit guys, slap them on the arse or burn you with a cigarette lighter? <.<

Humans are human, some are nice, polite, demure ... I think you're kinda kidding yourself if you're expecting some kind of epiphany ... sure people will treat you differently, but that hardly means you'll be better informed unless you have no clue now how to deal with people.


New member
Feb 7, 2010
Depending on shape, I'd probably spend the 3 days trying to adjust my balance. My mind is conditioned to walk like a man, with shoulders and all, not breasts and wider hips.

I figure after I stop falling over I may have to adapt to having breasts between my arms during regular, everyday activity; such as cooking, practice drawing, and gaming. Not to mention exercising, which ties in to trying to balance myself.

During all of this, documentation. Thought patterns, photographs, physical experiments (hehehe), and going out to see some social reactions. Would have to fashion my own bra out of a shirt or something though, not planning on spending any money on women-only things for only 3 days.

I think all in all:

Day 1: Freak Out Time; Confusion; Balancing 101; Physical Documentation.
Day 2: More Balancing; Documentation.
Day 3: Social Documentation.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
I'd go out and see what's easier: getting a girl (when i'm boy me) or getting a boy (when i'm girl me).

And really, I'd just be myself. It's not really a "twist", just makes "be myself" the only right answer. Because if you had the entire mindset, it wouldn't be so fascinating.
Feb 13, 2008
Housebroken Lunatic said:
There is no scientific consensus about these things.
Nope, but we know if we're gonna have a shitty day from the first thing in the morning.

Science can do many things, but the brain's trick is worth them all.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
DanielDeFig said:
hmmm...Depends. If it turns out i'm on my period i would take the opportunity to better understand women and what they have to go through once a month (Right now all i know is the conceptual science behind it, and that i'm supposed to be nicer to girls than usual when they are on their period).

Otherwise, probably try experiencing old stuff like my favorite books, movies, and videogames, to see if the experience is much different. I might also try on new clothes, to find out what i think looks good on a woman of my age and whatever body type i end up with (considering my ancestry i would probably be petite and curvaceous). I would also check out to see what kind of men i found attractive, and what about men can be attractive. Oh, going to one of those giant billboards in the street with a half-naked woman, and checking to see if it pisses me off, disturbs me, offends me, or if it's just meh. Exploring the female anatomy would probably an opportunity not to miss.

Finally, after the three days i would finally find out if what i have always been saying about preferring to be a guy hold true.
Ahh, finally a well thought out response, thanks man. ^^ Yeah it's interesting to think about ey. And true, if I experienced PMS first had I'd probably be hugging my girl friend a lot more during that time for her.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Paksenarrion said:
Take a piss standing up.

For 3 days.

Ok, I'll also crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of their women.
THIS. also, id probably tape my new man parts up or something =S i dont think i could stand a dangly bit hanging between my legs.

EDIT: oooh imagine a guy waking up in a womans body. a womans body that is going through her period. what would you do if you woke up bleeding from btween your legs and didnt realize you were a woman? xD