I think he has a partner that helps him now and does all of his editing. Thus the vast improvement in the videos from a production standpoint.The editing has made noticeable improvements. And I am highly curious where these slo-mo clips of randos reacting indiscriminately all come from. Is there a library of royalty-free expressive slo-mo people or are they all eager friends/acquaintances of the show? The craft is appreciated, but it's one of those that basically says everything i've already known and agreed with for some while now, so maybe it's more directed for those dug further into the trenches of interwebs dramas.
Honestly i used to really love Jim. But the last 18 months or so, he has really just been on a disappointing trajectory. Every Jimquisition episode now is about the evils of some company or another, and it just gets stale because often he isn't even talking about a new event and instead just digging into the same things. There used to be variety in his Jimquistions and I just dont feel like he is doing that anymore. Every Monday it feels like he is going, "Hey did you know that video game companies are fucking shit?"
He doesn't even do Jimpressions anymore. He stopped reviews a long time ago, however he has maintained a fairly consistent impressions series for most big and notible titles throughout the year. But it seems like he has simply run out of steam or something.
I've lost interest in him, which sucks because i used to be very eager to here his impressions of a game, or get excited for a new Jimquistion. Maybe it has simply run its course now.