The REALLY Wild Wasteland. (The Fallout RP!)


Endless Struggle
Mar 16, 2012
a homeless squat
Something Somewhere Garage
Close Encounters of the Hillbilly Kind

And so it was, on the year of our Lord two thousand something sometime, that His great beast, a being many generations of inbreeding in the making, was finally unleashed upon the world, so as to administer His divine judgement, guided by his loyal follower and mentor, Eddie, Grand Ken of Bee (a suburb of New Wiltonshire, itself a suburb of New Bobhaven, itself a suburb of the Nevada desert). The sacred notes were struck upon the Guitar of Awakening, and so the beast roareth, throwing a knife upon a bush (and for good reason, for this bush was not burning, thus not a direct line to the Lord, thus a charlatan trying to misguide them, a heretic of the highest degree), and, with a vengeful roar...

...Turned and faced his disciple (who is also his mentor, it's complicated), and with naught but a moment to waste, surged forward, gracefully flaying his hands in the air, galloping with the elegance of an antelope with a lion biting its arse, his angelic face twisting and turning into a grand array of gestures, like a man that spent the last eight hours furiously masturbating. One couldn't help but admire his muscles, his smooth facial features, be overawed by his finesse, his magesty and be bewildered...[footnote]For added effect, imagine all this in slow motion[/footnote]

That he could trip so easily.

Taking a step aside and dodging the uberbilly's blow, Eddie extended his leg and tripped him, and so dropped the beast head-first onto the sacred ground. With a satisfied growly giggle, he hopped a few steps back, preparing to play the next notes in his attempts to communicate.

But then, he raised his head and stared at the sky.

And he saw them.

And with but a moment's deliberation, grinned.


"You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain!"

With each note played, he took a few steps forward and to the left.


"Too much love drives a man insane!"

Another four steps, this time back a bit, to the right.


"You broke my will,"


"Oh what a thrill!"


"Goodness gracious..."

He crossed his arms and pointed to his left and right...


Pointing exactly on the spots two great fireballs fell from the sky and crashed in smoking craters on the ground.

Satisfied with his correct prediction and perfect execution, he started dancing around as he played the riff, stopping just a few paces away from where an escape pod landed.

"I learned to love all of Hollywood money!"

He turned to the door of the pod,


"You came along and you moved me honey!"


"I changed my mind..."


"Looking fine..."

He turned around, hand rubbing his chin contemplatively, wondering why no one was responding.

"Goodness gracious, great balls of fire..."

He thought about how he was going to go about this, he couldn't exactly axe his way through that and say "Here's Eddie!", that could cause an interplanetary incident! No, no, he needed a scapegoat...

It just so happened that a certain uberbilly was getting up. Eddie turned to look at the door again. It didn't look like it was holding up very well. He turned to look at Grendy again, this time grinning. They only had a brief interaction before, but Eddie, with his vast language skills, had understood just what he needed to do. The wonderful feat of genetics stood on its legs and turned to look at him, only to be greeted with...

And at that moment, a repeat of their previous bonding moment happened, with Grendel rushing at him, murder (or an orgasm) in his eyes, lunging forward...

...Only for Eddie to step aside again, and the monster of the lake crashed on the door, the impact taking both into the pod itself. Dusting himself off and fixing his hat, Eddie excitedly followed them, entering and...

"I COME IN PEACE!" he yelled in a grandoise manner, checking his surroundings. Grendel seeing stars and getting intimate with that door, and some human guy wearing a loincloth and a pink bonnet. How underwhelming.

Those aliens get wierder fetishes every day.

First order of business: Check under the loincloth. Hmm, no damage spotted there. At least they didn't take away the boy's manhood, because he didn't look like the kinda person that could build an information network out of starving beggar kids.

"Planet Eddie to Astroboy, do ya copy?" He said as he tapped on the kid's head like a woodpecker, pestering him awake.


Endless Struggle
Mar 16, 2012
a homeless squat
Note: Collab with @RipVanTinkle: part 1
Megaton - Outside Megaton
Part One: Misunderstandings

By the time he heard the gates opening again, he had calmed down.

Though, "calm" may be an overstatement. It was less calmness and more hopelessness, with a little bit of apathy and self-loathing mixed in. Not the best of moods, definitely not in the top 10.

He needed time. This had been a most difficult couple of days. He was exhausted, both physically and emotionally, and had reached his breaking point more than once in one day. He didn't need more of that. There was a concept, in the old world, a most peculiar concept, called vacation. A vacation sounded just what he needed right about now. Yes, time to recollect himself, rest, stomach the trauma and move on.

So of course he wouldn't be getting any of that.

From the opening gates emerged a tall figure wearing metal armour normally painted silver, but now stained crimson. The grin she let out as she saw him would have been uplifting, were her face not so bloody. Now it only was disturbing. She picked up the pace as she got nearer, and her approach was the last thing he wanted right now. Between his feelings and that display... there was too much going in his head about her, and now just wasn't the time to dwell on those.

Yet, there he stood, frozen in place, looking at her come closer and closer. He couldn't muster the energy to react in any sort of way. And besides, that would only make things worse, he bet.

"Jonathan! My Pugilist!" she exclaimed as she locked him unexpectedly in a hug, so unexpectedly that he dropped the withered rose from his hand. A weak hug, with barely any strength put into it. Quite atypical of her. That hug revealed more about the princess' current position than she would probably like to admit. "Ahh, I am so very happy to see you here - standing no less!"

"I believe I still have that first-aid kit in here somewhere. We look absolutely terrible! Ahh, scars, the tattoos of battle." The princess cracked a grin, but he couldn't reply in kind. He stared on at her miserably, with half-closed eyes. Yes, they had the luxury to remark how terrible they looked like. The dismembered corpses she left behind looked even worse, he wagered, but they couldn't worry about that anymore. They couldn't worry about anything.

The princess turned her arm, revealing an open wound still bleeding, albeit lightly, and Jonathan's eyes darted open in astonishment and worry, and guilt stung at his chest. She was wounded. She was wounded because of him.

"I may need your help."

"Uh, yes. Of course..." he stumbled, before removing his backpack, helping the princess with her first aid kit and examining the would. Nothing major, but it would need proper car-

"You...wanted to talk to me?"

What... was he thinking about, again? He was sure it was something important, but upon hearing that voice his mind froze. He turned his head to see, and he felt a thousand needles piercing his back and brain. Lucy Black, reluctant to even face him, was answering his request.

He stared at her for a few seconds, his face turning ever more remorseful the more he stared.

Damn it, old man, snap out of it!

"Uh... yes, I do..." he managed to mutter, turning to look at Kristin's wound, "But... Ms. Kristin is wounded and in need of medical attention. Please wait a few minutes, I have to take care of her wound."

After a reactionary closing of the eye, Lucy Black let out an audible sigh of frustration. Leaning against a nearby wall, her expression grew vacant as she stared off into the distance. Presumably looking at the outline of Springvale on the horizon.

Jonathan let out a longwinded sigh. Right, he also had to take care of that. Talking with Lucy wasn't what he wanted to do right now. But with him and Kristin going on their own way (note to self: talk Kristin into leaving them alone) this was probably the only chance he'd get.

"Your wound doesn't look too bad," he started, disgruntled "but better safe than sorry. Could we remove parts of your armour to treat it better?"

Unclipping the pauldron that covered most of her upper arm, Kristin openly grimaced at the sting of anaesthetic and the rough work of Jonathan's hands. If Jonathan was taking note of Kristin instead of the wound, he would have discovered the Injured Princess bearing a concerned frown for her unenthused partner.

"That will do just fine, Jonathan.", Kristin thanked Jonathan with a weak smile before grabbing sanitary wipes from the first-aid kit. Slowly working at cleaning up her face while using a mirror from her bag. Quite content with sitting down, a tired reply followed "I will wait here for you of course."

"Yes... very well" he mumbled in return, reluctantly getting up. He wanted to argue that he wasn't finished with the wound's treatment, but he knew that it would just be stalling on his part, not to mention risking angering the Princess by disregarding her words. "I don't think it will take long. When I return I'll take a look at your wound again." he cracked a half-smile, the best he could muster, and started walking towards Lucy with slow steps. Another attempt at prolonging the inevitable.

How does one start a conversation after everything that happened, after witnessing... that? Should he be cold and professional? Could he even be like that at this point? Step by step he was getting closer and he had no idea what to say.

This wasn't looking very well.

He reached Lucy, having come up with a few sentences as to how to start the discussion. As she turned to look at him and their eyes met, though, he found himself forgetting what he was going to say. Unable to bare her stare, he turned to face the ground, and stepped closer.

"Thank you, for waiting..." he said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. Think, damn you, think! "Are you... feeling better? I... I caused you trouble again, I-I'm..." Yes, he was. He had said that sentence a dozen times now. He was getting rather repetivive, "I'm sorry" he sighed and hanged his head.

Having raised an eyebrow at Jonathan's inquiry about how she felt, Lucy reflexively crossed her arms, not wishing to delve into anything regarding her current mental state.

"I'm back on my feet, aren't I?", opening her mouth, she caught herself and sighed behind gritted teeth, "I don't why you're apologising. Or what you're apologising for. I don't know..."

She trailed off, opening her hands and raised them at her sides. Looking bewildered, her eyelid twitched under the stress that was rapidly developing. "I don't know with you, so tell me, what do you want from me?"

"Wha- What I want...?" Jonathan flinched, taken aback by Lucy's sudden hostility. He took a step back, looking stressed at the ground, desperate to find words to say. And if he took too long? Would that anger her more? No, no, that must be avoided. Think, old fool, think!

Did you really expect her to react any differently? 'Oh hello, Jon! I'm doing fine! Thanks for today! It's not often someone put the life of my boyfriend and I in jeopardy, or make me remember things I don't want to!' Seriously, Johnny-boy, you're dumber than bricks sometimes.

"I... I want your safety..." he said meekly as he raised his hands in front of his face, "And for that... I need to ask you questions... about this new Enclave." He took a step forward, and looked at her pleadingly, "L-look, I know you want to leave all that behind and that... that you don't want to think back to those times, but... I don't have much of a choice in the matter. If I thought there was another way... I wouldn't talk about this..."

Lucy would have taken a distrustful step backwards if it weren't for her already having her back to the wall. Hearing Jonathan's plea for information about the Enclave of all things had set her off.

"Why?", She responded flatly, ignoring the sentiment regarding her safety, "What could I possibly know that could help you and -- no, scratch that. First, what the hell is going on? Second, am I talking to Jonathan or someone coming out of retirement?"

Again, aggression. No, this wasn't going well at all. Jonathan had clearly lost his charm with women. He could feel his heart hammering on in his chest. The air was getting suffocating.

"It doesn't make much of a difference anymore..." he frowned, staring at the ground. He didn't want to tell her like this, it would only serve to her feel worse, "The reason you're here now... The reason Shifty is here, was because I had to make a deal with that numbered *****. I... had to agree to work for her. Me and... Ms. Kristin too. You two are off the hook now."

At least, if she intends to keep her end of the bargain.

He turned to look at her again, "Do you see why I ask, now? I'm walking into the deathclaw's den blind and unarmed. Give me something, anything! That's all I ask. And after that... You'll never have to worry about having to suffer my presence ever again."

Lucy brought a hand to her forehead, clearly cycling between emotions and connecting the dots as her frown dissipated from anger and entered into the realm of horror.

"L-Let me get this straight - ...", Holding her hand up, "You and Kristin took my place. I can't give you anything if I don't know the specifics...", trailing off once more, she let out a hollow laugh, "It never ends. It never fucking ends with them."

Sliding down the wall, Lucy placed her fingers to the side of her head, desperately searching for solutions where none could be found. "Then I'll take both of your places again. She approached me first -- this...this was originally a job for me. What has she got you doing?"

"You will be doing nothing of the sort!" Jonathan lashed out in a growl, surprising even himself as to his reaction. "I... I mean..." he rubbed his face, sighing, "Lucy, I'm done anyway. The moment they identified me I wasn't getting away. I was fortunate I was able to turn the situation around as I did, and got you off the hook... And, it's not like it's a job for you." He sit down beside her, biting his lip, "They want from me what they always wanted. Weapons. More of them. It's not like I'm good at anything else, anyway..."

"Lucy, don't burden yourself over what happened. I made the bargain knowing full well what it's got in store for me. So, please... let's have this talk and bury it. You're free now..." he extended his hand, intending to place it on her shoulder.

In a futile attempt to make herself smaller, Lucy brought her knees up to her chest. The burnt-out female would have matched Jonathan's anger and used it as fuel on any other day, but after everything, even she couldn't rise above the situation and burn everything around her. There was too much at stake and she had something to live for now.

"There's something that I don't like about this particular brand of 'freedom'. I did my fair share of sacrificing, so I'm not about to stop worrying about the people that stepped in for me.", sighing, Lucy looked directly at Kristin, who was uncharacteristically frowning at her. "That explains why she went off at me earlier. Seems like she's carrying a bigger burden than that sword, you know?"

Lucy paused as she rested her head against the wall, turning to look at Jonathan, her face was now crumpled in a conflict of emotions. "I am sorry. I'm still struggling to let people in, so that's I've been so -yeah, sorry.", atypical of the former-gauss-girl, she stumbled over her own words.

"So, I understand you - weapons development.", she gestured towards Jonathan and then to Kristin, "I don't get her though. What is a BlamCo Heiress going to do? Anyway, I'll help - what do you want to know about them?"

"Kristin?" He turned to look at the Princess, and her frown directed at Lucy. And Lucy mentioned something about going at her? He'd have to ask later. "Well, it's not often you find people skilled enough to take out two elite Enclave soldiers. I will be giving the gear, and she will be giving the training."

He sighed again. This one was more of a sigh of relief, as the situation seemed defused. He would have preferred that Lucy would just turn over a new leaf, but he respected her decision, and the reasoning for it. "As for what I wish to know, well, the more the better. But let's start with the basics. Number One. What can you tell me about him? Is his goal the same as the now-deceased President's? And what about the Fallout sector? Never in my years have I heard of it before."

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
"You think this is going to work because I've got doubts as to this thing working. I mean they've got a random self destruct button in an armory, they probably haven't mastered Gauss technology yet. Right... we should probably find some other way out of here or maybe just disarm that auto-destruct sequence. I mean we can do that right? Right? Right?"

Oh 'we' are going to disarm it? Trixie thought to herself in a sassed tone.

"So... well... what do you think? I'm not gonna fit in there... at least not all of me."

Trixie looked at 209, and back to the escape pod, then back to 209, then back to the escape pod, he wasn't going to fit in there, but she could...
He did carry my unconscious body away from a large group of armed guards however, perhaps I owe him that. Trixie contemplated, almost ignoring the fact that if she did try to escape by herself he could probably rip her arms off in that oversized suit.

"We don't have time for this." She told him, bringing up the console by the self-destruct sequence.
She turned back to #209 "I'll need absolute silence." She brought up, before beginning to tap away at the console with the speed of an anime fan responding to youtube comments.

Rip Van Rabbit

Apr 17, 2012
Note: Collab with @Neuromancer Part 2
Lucy Black & Jonathan McKenna || Megaton - Outside Megaton Gates
Part Two: Exposition Explanations
((Jonathan's perspective, hence Lucy's bolded text))

Lucy shrugged but started counting on her fingers as she mentally recalled the previous events during her brief time at the Enclave Vault.

"I met a few important people when I infiltrated the Vault.

#411: As a loyalty test, she made me put Thomas into cryogenic stasis. I didn't think that was even real, so I believed that I killed him. Regular Enclave soldier, no armor-highlights, that's how you can tell Fallout Sector from the regular soldiers.

Fallout Jack: Second-in-charge and head of the Fallout Sector, or at the very least, everyone in the Sector answered to him. He was my Father's student. When the Enclave caught wind of Isaac's betrayal, they sent Jack. Jack couldn't do that to his mentor, so the task was handed off to Fallout Bob. That - ...person was responsible for burning Springvale to the ground and killing Isaac.

Something interesting about the Fallout Sector; they are and I quote 'Elite members who don't even feel the weight of the suit while running and jumping, or can fight really well, or are fundamental geniuses beyond their scientists'. All of them seem to be specialists in different fields. The unstoppable Vanguards leading the teams.

Fallout Jack: Blue armor highlights. Level-headed, good-natured, has a daughter named Natsuki, good talker and excellent fighter. Gun specialist.

Fallout Bob: A pyromaniac soldier? Orange armor highlights, switches between flamers at range and a power claymore at close quarters. Brutish, violent, spanish, egotistical and he can't be reasoned with.

There's a sniper as well, who took my original eye by shooting the Gauss Rifle Plus' scope. And who knows how many others...

Number One, the Enclave Leader, red armor highlights on a more sleek armor design. He can't track down the thorn in their side: The Enclave Underground, a splinter group that believe in the old Enclave ideals. All the Vaults are monitored, so they aren't in any that have been investigated. Most likely where Isaac and my mother, Amy Kane, ended up though. I know nothing about him personally -- Jack is loyal to the new cause -- which is the total restoration of the Wasteland, if that's even possible.

The Enclave Vault is the source of their weapon's technology. Jack mentioned things like flying fortresses, new vertibirds, bombs, an 'MGB' much. Apparently it's hidden under one of the most secure places in old US. Whatever that means, my geography is sketchy.

When I was last there, Number One mentioned preparing for something big, really big. I don't know what...but that guy, there was no lying to him. No matter how good I thought I was, it felt like he was playing me the entire time.

That's off the top of my head -- is there anything more specific?"

Jonathan got up, and scratched his chin, staring onwards into the wilderness, "That's a lot to swallow." he finally said, turning back to look at Lucy.

"#411 is planning a coup." he said, dropping the bomb as casually as one can, "She wants to depose Number One and have FalloutJack take the helm. Though, with what you told me, I am beginning to wonder just what chances she actually has, or whether she's as smart about keeping it hidden as she likes to think. As for her soldiers, they all look like..." He turned to look at Lucy's party, and pointed at one of them, the blue-haired teenager.

"That girl. Back in your house, as you were unconcious, #411 showed us a whole lot of girls just like her through a feed. In other words, the original was cloned." he took a long, drawn-out sigh, "My wife... ex-wife spearheaded the cloning project. She was a genius at her field, way above the rest of the staff." he turned to look at Lucy again, bitter, "And a complete bat-shit crazy basket case. Funny thing, what grief does to a person..." he stared to the ground, thinking for a brief moment, before raising his head again, "Though I don't know if she survived or not, it's clear that her research has. And if this new Enclave has achieved even a 10th of what she theorised, they will be a very, very formidable force. So, I suppose I have three questions." He raised three fingers, "One, from your experience, how powerful is this new Enclave militarily? They have the superior tech and excellent commanding officers, what about their regular stuff? Numbers, training, anything you can come up with.

Two, what can you tell me of #411, and the Intelligence Sector? I know of her obsession with FalloutJack, what else can you tell me about her, and what do you think of the chances of her coup?

And lastly... What can you tell me of the blue-haired girl? She can't have been picked at random for cloning. No way #411 would have made her a central part of her plan if there wasn't something extraordinary about her."

Lucy was visibly distressed at the mention of Sylph being cloned. "This is insane."

After a long pause, Lucy held up three fingers to mirror Jonathan's, counting each as she answered the questions.


The new Enclave puts the current Brotherhood to shame. The regular soldiers? Well, think about it, if you put up a system where individual soldiers are rewarded with status, influence & power for their individual create an environment where everyone is striving to be the best. Just walking through a few corridors lead to enormous numbers - and this is coming from someone that stood on the walls of the Citadel amongst the Brotherhood army. The only point where I wasn't being watched were my private quarters.


#411 barely registered on my radar until I realised she was the same person at my house. She has a daughter named Constance. A catgirl, no I am not lying, young female, late teens/early twenties. Poses as a Brotherhood 'Scout'. Sorry, I can't help you with her.

Although I think her chances of success greatly hinge on whether she has FalloutJack's support or not. If not, the Enclave will suffer minor casualties. If Jack is in on it, then imagine the Fallout Sector with an army under their command and plausible deniability. Either way, this is bad.


Let's put it this way: The BlamCo Princess can take down two armed Enclave soldiers. One fully-trained Sylph can bring Kristin to a standstill. An army of Sylph's? Devastating. (There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's BlamCo-Card))

I think what was extraordinary was Sylph's combat ability and disregard for self-preservation. There's one massive problem though...two personalities exist in Sylph over there. With a choker: Sylphee - lovable childish maniac with a love for cheerfully hurling herself at anything and everything. She is the embodiment of 'ignorance is bliss'. Without a choker: Sylph is the one you should fear. Cold, uncommunicative, ruthlessly violent. She's the protector, something that emerges when Sylphee is under threat. This is also the most intelligent one, which makes me think that this is the original personality. You either have an army of chaos or ruthless efficiency.

I don't really want to go into her history. But if you're looking at a connection between #411 and Sylph, look no further than Henry McGee...the vile sadist that enslaved Sylph at a young age and shaped her into the monster that she can become. Yeah, Thomas' brother. Henry was an Undertaker, but he's dead now. How long ago, I don't know. But it was plenty of time to clone Sylph before I had spent most of my time with her during the course of last week."

Lucy sighed and got up to her feet. Staring at Sylph, the nervous biting of her lower lip had her worried over whether she was the original or not.

"She is the original, right? How can you tell?"


Endless Struggle
Mar 16, 2012
a homeless squat
Note: Final part of collab with @RipVanTinkle
Outside Megaton
Part Three: Future Plans and itsy bitsy bit of drama

"I can't say," Jonathan shrugged, reluctantly, "Depends on much progress was done with the cloning project. Or, if there were any alterations to her formula..." he scratched chin, and stared at this Sylph, trying to think back on the feed #411 showed them. Were the clones wearing chokers or not? "I suppose the best way about it would be to find a clone and compare the two." he sighed, "I'm sorry, Lucy, I can't help with that. Most of my ex's more... brilliant ideas came after the divorce. Even with my rank, most of her research was classified."

He patted her on the back, "You really care about her, don't you?"

Pausing to consider the entire situation, Lucy resumed a more relaxed composure, thoroghly lost in productive thoughts, instead of dwelling over the negatives. She was exhausted, emotionallly, and it showed. Yet there was a sense of passion in her eyes, the same sense of passion that motivated her to fight against all odds. Carefully, she weighed her words and responded. Devoid of anger, a grim determination underlined her words. A rapid, yet positive departure from her earlier state of mind.

"This is a big mess. Fow what it's worth though, if you need help down the line...I'll be available. I've had my family and life stolen by them, I'm going to draw the line at friends."

Running a hand through her hair, Lucy's lip curled into a half-smile for the first time in their conversation. A smile undercut somewhat by the absent-minded biting of her lower lip.

"More than words can desribe. She saved me.", Lucy admitted while she stared at the now-chipper Sylphee, "She arrived at just the right time and pulled me out of a very dark place. Her safety was the primary reason why I didn't risk everything and put a Gauss round in Number One's skull. I wouldn't be here right now without her."

Pausing a little to nudge Jonathan in the ribs, Lucy's eye darted to Kristin and back to meet Jonathan's gaze. "Seems like you really care about her, don't you?"

Jonathan's face turned sour, "It's nothing like that." he stated, almost bitterly, "Kristin got involved in this whole mess because I had to use her as a bargaining chip with that harlot. I am thus responsible for whatever happens to her. And besides..." he thought back to the fight, the whirlwind of blood, that crazed smile, and the rose, "...I know when I'm out of my league."

"Really?", Lucy tilted her head in a curious manner, "Because she hasn't stopped looking at you while we've been talking. And for just a 'partner', she's willing to put everything at risk for you and fight for your honour." For a moment, her tone dipped into bitter wariness, "Of course, she ended up fighting for herself by targeting Sylph.", Lucy perked up a little more as she carried on, "I think the sentiment still stands. She seems to care greatly."

Fumbling with the thigh-holster, Lucy unclipped one of the laser pistols and held it up to Jonathan's chest. "Take it. You'll need it more than I do."

"I appreciate the gesture..." he said as he showed her the the holstered pistols at his back, "But I'm packed. And besides, you already gave me that hunting rifle, remember?" he pulled out the plasma pistol, "So, I think I will be returning the favour. Take this. It's another one of my works. Where you're going you'll need more firepower than laser." He waved it around, and highlighted a button at the upper part of the grip, "hold on to that, and it'll charge the next shot. You can see how charged it is here," he showed her a small gauge next to it, "The more you hold the bigger the bang. Just... don't let the gauge get to red. Red probably means the pistol blows up. After firing a hypercharged shot, it needs around 10 seconds to cooldown, similar to..." his voice trailed off, and he sighed before continued disgruntled, "...Gauss Rifle Plus." He suddenly felt his chest tightening.

"Mini beast mode!", Lucy exclaimed excitedly while cradling her new plasma pistol, a particular weapon that was difficult to find in stores due the association with the Brotherhood or Enclave soldiers. "It's not a rifle, but I think this will suit me much better. I love it..."

After miming a quickdraw and measuring the weight in her hands, Lucy replaced one laser pistol with plasma instead. She intended to give the remaining weapon to someone else.

"Uhh, thank you Jonathan, really...for a lot more than just this weapon...", Lucy scratched the back of her head awkwardly, "Like I said, if you need help down the line. Seriously, don't it or not, you've involved me by telling me, especially if Sylph is involved. Might be handy to have someone on the outside at some point, just saying.", sheepishly, she nodded, clearly in something of a better mood.

"Oh? Eh, yeah, uh... you're welcome..." Jonathan stumbled his words, as he started looking around awkwardly. He hadn't been used to being thanked. "I suppose I can't keep you from involving yourself, since your friend is involved..." His head darted upwards, as though he had an epiphany, "Actually, since you want to help, I have just the job. #411 has given me a 6 month time limit before I start working for her. In those months, I plan to get us allies in the war, to even the odds." His voice almost sounded excited, "Help me get allies. Any individual is good, but I'm hoping to get at least some of the major powers of the Capital Wasteland involved. Like it or not, this war will affect everyone, and I'm sure they would prefer to be on the winning side. So, if there's one thing you can do for me, is help me with that. Especially with the Brotherhood. I expect having a hard time with them given my background."

Lucy mulled it over, scrunching her face slightly at the logistical nightmare.
"Sure, I can try. Where do I send them and what are they fighting for exactly? Knowing my luck, I'll be visiting the Brotherhood again, but I know a guy, bit of an ass...but he can help or get the support you might need. So yeah, I'll see what I can do."

It was Lucy's turn to pat Jonathan on the back. "Good luck, Jonathan.", Lucy pointed over her shoulder, "I've got people waiting on me, is there anything else?"

"Yes. Shifty." he turned to look at the tall young undertaker, and turned to look at Lucy, "I don't mean to poke around in your relationship, but..." he scratched the back of his head, "I worry about him. When I visited your room, he was drinking. And when I talked about you, he stared at me as though we were having an affair behind his back. I worry about him. And, in all honesty... He reminds me of myself in my youth. And, if I'm right, right now you're what's keeping him sane. Unfortunately, that means he'll likely be obsessive and..." he stopped, not wanting to go on, "Bottom line is, be careful, for both of your sakes."

A shadow of a glare had started to form, one which had gradually faded over the course of Jonathan's expression. "Never knew that you two talked, hmm...", Glancing over at Shifty with a look of puzzlement and curiousity, Lucy turned back to Jonathan. "I'll keep that in mind while I figure out, whatever-it-is we're doing. We have a lot to discuss - in time."

After a brief pursing of her lips, Lucy looked at Kristin. "I should say something to her before I leave. She is...full of surprises. Not really sure what to make of her, but there's more than meets the eye. So be careful okay?"

"I will try. Though I think I have the better end the deal. Whatever's happening in Dunwich... that's fucked up. Anyhow, let's-"

Not far from the gates of Megaton, the lone Ghoul-for-hire had been watching both Lucy and Jon arguing from a distance, all the while trying to ignore Thomas and Sylphee behind her. So, when Lucy had finally turned away, calmer now, she decided to take that as her opportunity.

She strode over, and when she reached the two of them, she turned to Jonathan and put her hands on her hips.

"Glad to see you two have mostly worked things out. Now, all that's left is a matter of payment." she said simply, holding out her good hand while she stared at Jon with her one eye.

"Uuuuh..." stared Jonathan blankly, taken aback, turning to Lucy for support.

Lucy face cracked into a smile and soon a burst of laughter occured after seeing Jonathan's expression.

"Oh no, don't look at me!", she smiled and held up her hands, apparently absolving her of all responsibility. "Good luck!"

Turning and walking over to Arizona's side, Lucy placed a hand on her shoulder, still struggling to stifle a giggle at the absurd notion of payment after everything that had happened. "Thanks for waiting, I'll be with Sylphee after you get some compensation for our merry band of mercenaries."

Waving over her shoulder, Lucy collected her things and made her way over to Kristin.

Seeing the young woman break into a smile and start to giggle made the Old Ghoul's face soften a bit with a small smile of her own, especially when she placed a hand on her shoulder and thanked her for waiting.

"Well you seem to be in a better mood. Good. I'll meet you there." she said, before turning back to Jon.

Jonathan met the ghoul's gaze with a mixture of confusion and horror; an LMG wielding one-eyed ghoul was pretty high on the list of things not to fuck with, "Ehm..." he said, hesitantly, "Payment? What... for?"

"Saving your ass when that fake Irish fuck decided to set his goons on you, and by extension me and my group. The least you can do is compensate us for the ammo we used to cover you." she said firmly, giving him a very pointed stare.

"Uuuh..." he muttered as he took a step back, "No, you, uh, definately don't look like a charity, hehe" a nervous laugh. That joke wasn't funny, Jon, you're making your situation worse. "But, uhm, unfortunately... I am broke" he showed his empty pockets, shrugged and nervously smiled, the kind that say 'please don't fill me with bullet holes'.

A variety of emotions passed over the Ghoul's face at that moment. Namely, irritation, then disappointment, and finally resignation.

"I should've figured. You don't look the type to have much in the way of caps on you. Fine. Don't get your ass killed then, or else the ammo we used was for nothin', and I'll make a point to dig you up and piss on your corpse." she told him with a glare, before turning to walk away.

Part of her had had the feeling that asking for compensation was pointless, she thought as she went to rejoin Thomas and Sylphee. The rest of her, however, knew she had a reputation to uphold. You start saving people for free, you got a reputation for being a goody-two-shoes hero, and an easy mark. And she was determined to stay a freelancer without a better nature, because you couldn't eat off of gratitude and fuzzy feelings. Still... The others deserved some compensation for their own work. Glancing at her pack, she remembered the caps that she stole from Moriarty's Saloon.

If she couldn't be a freelancer without a better nature, then at least she could keep that better nature hidden.

* * *

Sighing with relief that he dodged that bullet, Jonathan turned to look at Lucy's group. This had been a long day, a very long day indeed. But it seemed to be ending on a high note; he somehow managed to patch up his relationship with Lucy and had gotten a good deal of useful information. This Fallout Sector was as mysterious as it was dangerous, it seemed, and Jonathan felt Lucy was just scratching the surface with them. As for where this Enclave Vault was, and given that is was in a 'secure old world' place, only one location sprung to mind.

Fort Knox.

He always wondered what the deal was with the Fort Knox Vault and all the secrecy surrounding it, but he guessed now he got his answer. The plot thickened, and suddenly wondered what their chances actually were.

But that was only for a few seconds. He was tired and hungry, and these thoughts were best reserved for a clear mind. Turning to face Kristin, he started walking towards her, smiling.

It was the first genuine smile he had in some time.

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
The Wild Wastelands | The Road To Dunwich | Outside Megaton Gates
"Where's my caps, bit--Oh, wait."

It wasn't much more than about 225 caps in all, as it turned out. After rifling through her pack for every last loose cap that she had dumped in there from the cash register in Moriarty's, she figured that that meant one of two things: Either Moriarty didn't get much business, or he was more shrewd than she had first thought, and cleared out the register regularly. Still, it split three ways well enough.

So by the time she made her way back to the other three in her little motley crew of mercenaries, she had divided the caps evenly enough and handed each of them around 75 caps each.

"There. You all get a cut, courtesy of the dipshit Moriarty and his goons were after in the first place." she lied smoothly, jabbing a thumb back in the direction of Jon, "If nothing else, it should be enough to cover the cost of ammo if you used anyway. Otherwise, it's cheap pay."

Really, as far as she was concerned, 75 caps may as well have been chump change, and depending on whatever the job was, that wouldn't have been nearly enough to be worth her while. Still, it was better than nothing, and if anyone was going to be working with her, she insisted that they'd get paid too.

Still, it'd just figure that the moron at the center of all the trouble earlier would've been broke. And was Lucy's friend. Otherwise she probably would've shot the bastard in the foot. Or at least slugged him in the jaw.

Turning to the trio of misfits, she put her hands on her hips and blew a stray lock of red hair out of her face.

"So, are we finally ready to get this shitshow on the road or what? I ain't getting any younger." she announced.


[ dr. sorenson ]
The Wild Wastelands | Following The Post-Apocalypse | Springvale School
"Angry face."

There were times that Jenna was exceedingly glad for the confines of her Science Suit, and now was precisely one of those times. Even if Constance wasn't blind, she wouldn't have seen the tinge of blush on Jenna's cheeks behind her helmet.

"No. It's quite alright, Miss Jenna. It smells absolutely divine. I think the waiting part, while taxing, is going to make it all the more delicious."

"Oh, stop. It's nothing! I just want to help, that's all." she said with a soft giggle.

One of the Sylphy's, however, wasn't nearly so happy about her attempt to help with cooking, presumably the Sylphy who used to do all the cooking judging by the bloodied clothes. As she grumbled, Jenna turned to look at her, frowny face projected across her helmet.

"Sylphy Sylphy!"

Before Jenna could say anything, or even begin to translate what the Sylphy supposedly said, Constance was already replying in her stead.

"It's quite alright. I'm sure Miss Jenna doesn't need your help. You should just relax."

Even Jenna could hear the tinge of relief in her voice. The Sylphy, however, didn't take so kindly to Constance's words, and huffed before leaning against a nearby pipe, and the valve responsible for the gas flow into the ovens. The sudden FWOOOOSH!!! was enough to make Jenna panic, and quickly slipping on the tattered oven mitts that she had found earlier, she opened each oven and practically dove into the infernos inside to save the food.

As it turned out, the Smothered Deathclaw Steaks were only a little overdone. That was enough to make Jenna sigh in relief as she turned each oven off and slipped her hands out of the now lightly-charred mitts. But when she turned to the Sylphy responsible for the enthusiastic gas flow, her hands were clenched into fists at her sides and a red, angry face was projected over her helmet.

Her Pip-Boy chose that moment to be on the fritz as she slowly strode over to the Sylphy, the angry expression over her helmet dissolving into jagged red static. She finally stopped less than a foot away, towering over the clone.

"Don't. Do that." she said firmly but quietly.


Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
Some Garage... Somewhere Somewhere 112...

Grendel halted its assault, and studied the ghoul in front of him. It grunted several times, gesturing with its knives for Eddie to back off a little as it circled around him, sniffing the air the ghoul had just been standing in before turning to face him again.

Grendel nodded to Eddie and then showed him the picture of himself and Slyphee riding their horse. Grendel cocked his head quizzically as he did so.

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
Wild Wastelands | Doctor Evil's Vault of Evil
"(Oooo) Sail away for that seifuku..."
Enclave Heavy Weapons Specialist #209​

"We don't have time for this." The pretty lady told him, bringing up the console by the self-destruct sequence, "I'll need absolute silence."

Now, it should be noted that the phrase 'absolute silence' was a phrase that the Enclave Heavy Weapons Specialist was unfamiliar with. Perhaps it was due to the fact that he was a Heavy Weapons Specialist, versed in the art of throwing down as much plasma down range as humanly possible as loud as humanly possible. To him, the two words used in conjunction was reserved for Steers, Enclave Scout Sniper Specialists (the natural enemy of the Enclave Heavy Weapons Specialist) and Communists. Trixie did not look like an Enclave Scout Sniper Specialist nor did she look like a Steer. He had yet to ascertain as to whether or not she was a communist but if there was one thing that you never spoke about on a first date, it was politics... and what caliber ammunition you've got.

As the lady began typing with the combined speed of one thousand monkeys manning one thousand type writers, E.D. #209 found himself rather amazed at the woman's display of dexterity... and made it known.

"Holy... fucking... shit." You could practically hear the Grunt's eye popping out of his head, "Can I be next with those hands of yours?"

It probably didn't take any stretch of the imagination as to what the Giant Grenade Chucker was implying and if you, my dear reader, don't get what it is that the Enclave Dominator was getting at, just remember, #209 only has two groups of categorization. Shootable and ... Sexable. Obviously Trixie was not yet in the Shootable category so it left the other group.

It was taking a while to disarm that self destruct mechanism. With 15 minutes left until total destruction of the Vault of Evil, E.D. #209 took it upon himself to take matters into his own hands.

"C'mon lady. Lets just get the hell out of here." He stated as he wrapped a phone pole sized arm around the woman and pushed her into the nearby escape pod before wedging himself into the hatch.


The warning sirens blared before the magnets hurled the car sized pod through its launch tube and out into the skies over the Wild Wastelands... and beyond.

Using a magnetic accelerator, as a general rule, is a good idea for a weapon but it's a rather bad idea when using it as a mechanism for propulsion for an escape pod. The Pod was able to clear the Vault in a little under 2 seconds and was able to clear the atmosphere in a little less than 2 minutes before gravity started overtaking the momentum of the escape pod. In those brief few moments, Enclave Heavy Weapons Specialist #209 found himself in the near weightless vacuum of space. It was probably a good thing that he was encased in his Power Armor since the survival rate of someone buck ass naked in space was pretty close to 0%. But as he and Trixie floated in space for a few moments, the Enclave Dominator saw the little blue marble known as Earth. The wretched Wasteland that spanned the entire planet. Despite the depressing brownness of the planet, there was also something rather peaceful about the view and for the next few moments, he wasn't obsessed with shooting something or having sex with something. He just stared at the planet.

And then gravity took over...


Wild Wastelands | Outside Smith Casey's Garage
"Coming in Hot!"
Enclave Heavy Weapons Specialist #209​

If you throw a cylinder in the middle of a room at random and then move to a random spot in the room, the chances of your throwing another cylinder on top the first without aiming are fairly minuscule. If you can imagine expanding the room to the size of the D.C. Wastelands, it would be a miracle if you got it in the same neighborhood. Still, that's exactly what appeared to happen.

Cutting through the atmosphere at terminal velocity, an escape pod closed in on the building formerly known as Smith Casey's Garage. Were it not for the fact that the area was already occupied with a number of beings (one of which was a man in loin cloth and frilly bonnet, another was a Rock and Roll Ghoul and another was simply... Grendel... no one knew exactly what Grendel was) the landing of the Evil Escape Pod might have gone unnoticed.

A loud explosion signaled the ignition of retro rockets, slowing the descent of the Escape Pod to a few miles an hour before the parachute deployed, slowing down the rate of descent from bone breaking to headache inducing due to the loudness of the retro rockets and the fact that the Escape Hatch to the Escape Pod had been wedged upon by a mammoth suit of Power Armor... whose ass happened to be glowing red.

"Fffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuck!!!" Enclave Heavy Weapons Specialist #209 screamed loudly as he felt his ass on the verge of sizzling like bacon on a hot pan.

Not bothering to wait for the Escape Pod to land, the mammoth of a man jumped off of the Escape Pod, looking for the nearest source of water.

"PSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH!!!!" The man's ass went as he jumped into a drinking trough that had been set up for many a brahmin caravan that passed through.

THUD! Went the Evil Escape Pod as it landed directly on top of the Alien Escape Pod.

"What the fuck is that?!" E.D. #209 went when he spotted Charlie Cannon... clearly the more bizarre looking of the trio of oddities clustered in front of the Garage.

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
"Can I be next with those hands of yours?"
Trixie looked back at #209 for a moment with a blank expression.
"Absolute, silence..." She mentioned once again.

Not long was left, Trixie had to move fast if she wanted to save this place, she knew there wasn't too much she would have to go through before... "C'mon lady. Lets just get the hell out of here."

"Hey! What do think you're doing! Can't you see I'm trying to get us out of here!" She continued to ramble in frustration, kicking her legs and arms around after suddenly being grabbed and pushed into one of the escape pods.

"Can't you see I..." Her words were cut short by #209 jamming himself into the pod with her, squeezing any remaining breath she had out of her lungs.

Continuing to bang on #209's armor with as little room as her arms allowed her, they were suddenly shot into the great void of space, she stopped her assault as she noticed #209 came to a long pause, observing the planet in such a way caused her to do the same, before she finally came to a realisation.
How are we going to get down from here? And how have I not died yet?

One of her questions however was quickly answered, as the earth began to pull her and the clad enclave powertrooper toward it's loving embrace.
"You idiot!" She shouted as they both began to plummet toward the ground at a terminal velocity.

Suddenly however, she felt the retro rockets beginning to kick it, and let out a long sigh of relief, almost as if she was going to feint.

Her relief was quickly cut short however as she watched #209 leap from the pod, followed by a heavy THUD as it smashed into what Trixie thought must be the ground.

As the door remained open Trixie began to stumble out feeling somewhat dizzy, more of a surprise was that she managed to encounter such an event without being wrapped in some massive spacesuit.
Holding her head as she left the pod she looked below at a strange trio of wasteland enhabitants.

"I think I've a severe concussion..." She mentioned, holding her hand over her head as she finally escaped... The escape pod.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
[HEADING=2]Well, What Do We Have Here?[/HEADING]​
It's a collab from Jack and Rip!

Lucy would hear the sounds of motorcycles on approach. It was a bit dusty to see who it was, at first, but then there would be this moment of shock, an image that she would not be able to blink away or shake from her head. Once the cycles came to a stop, she would see a man disembark from them - along with William Knight, Dudley Sullivan, and Scribe Ramsey of the BoS - who was the very spitting image of her father on the day he died. The look on his face was shocked as well, and yet somehow...relieved. Isaac Black had been gone - dead - for years, and now he was able to see his baby girl all grown up. He finally found his voice.

Isaac: IS you, isn't it?

Isn't that what she should be asking? For a girl that was struggling with her grip on reality, this particular scene was going to be rather difficult. Turning to face the sounds of motorcycles, undeniably loud and attention-worthy, a trio of riders were fast approaching Megaton. Perhaps it was the sunlight that obscured her vision or maybe her intrusive memories had now become full-blown hallucinations, because she could have sworn that the most heavily-armored of men had resembled her father, Isaac Black.

"I can see him now.", The eyepatched & scarred female murmured, a hint to anyone nearby about why she was in such a dismal place emotionally, repeating the phrase with every step she had unconsciously taken towards the figure that was now exclusively approaching her. "This can't be real. This is all in my head..." Then he spoke. Or more accurately, he spoke, Isaac Black. His daughter's remaining eye widened in disbelief, her mouth slightly agape in shock. She recognised that voice. Oh how she missed that voice. For a few moments she had brought a hand up to reach out to him, pulling away instead and bringing the hand to her mouth when he blinked.

Biting her lip in a vain attempt to quell the welling up of tears, Lucy finally answered her Father, "I should be asking you the same thing.", her voice cracked slightly, "T-this isn't all in my head, is it?"

Reaching out to lay a hand on the very real shoulder of her previously known to be dead Father, the daughter who had seen hell had dropped all pretenses of aggressive authority or cold cunning. No, right now, a simple daughter had wrapped her arms around her much missed father's waist and buried her head in his chest.

"...Hi Dad..."

The moments of disbelief and shock slowly melted away into confusion and questioning of one's own sanity, and then that finally ebbed away. For Isaac, it was a question of 'How long have I been away?' and 'What happened to her?'. When she moved to hug him, he followed suit, holding her tight against his chest as he was overcome with emotion.

Isaac: I'm so sorry I left you, Lucy... I'm sorry for everything. I know it was my fault. I'm sorry...

Time had moved faster for Isaac than Lucy during the years he was dead. He was not aware of anything between his death and his renewed life, so seeing all of this was a shock to his system, without a doubt.

[HEADING=1]Ladies and gentlemen, we are back in black![/HEADING]​
[HEADING=1]It's the wild wasteland third anniversary special![/HEADING]​

Lucy pawed at her face, wiping the tears of shock and greater happiness away, "You're here now, that's all that matters!", she smiled happily, truly happy, before her head tilted in confusion when she had spotted William as one of the trio of newcomers, "How - how are you here? And why is William with you? What is going on? How many strings has #411 attached to you?"

Confusion, in Lucy's case, was a breeding ground for paranoia and subsequent aggression that followed as a response. Lately, one could describe Lucy as exhausted and dispassionate, yet as of this moment she was ready to launch herself headfirst into any opposition for the safekeeping of her father. And if these were the machinations of the Enclave, she was feeling ready to correct her previous mistake in the following Round 2.

"Point me in the right direction and we will tear them apart!", stated what was once a sweet girl.

Isaac put his hands on her shoulders to get her to pay attention to him for a moment.

Isaac: Lucy, calm down. They're not with the Enclave. In fact, I know for a fact that the one on the end with the glasses is a Scribe from the Brotherhood. This isn't a plot, except perhaps of the BoS to give me my life back. Let me explain what I know.

He told her the moment he became alive again, and what he knew from that, in that it seemed to involve a radioactive coffin and a bunch of armored ghouls, somehow. He didn't understand the process or reasoning of it himself, but he was alive because of this and had some sort of mutation that gave him an affinity for radiation.

Isaac: Really hoping I don't go ghoul because of it, but at least that would be better than dying again.

He continued, explaining how he had to beat the last ghoul standing to death because he wasn't - for whatever reason - Frank Rose. Frank was a Brotherhood man. He'd heard of the Roses before he died, so if he was switched with this man Frank, then they had wanted him alive instead of Frank. While he was explaining this, someone took William and company quietly around the wall perimeter of Megaton. Isaac finished his tale and asked her...

Isaac: Now look, what've the Enclave been doing? I've heard some strange things, some worrying things, and I found a helmet and alot of blood at the house. I'd thought for sure something had happened. In fact, judging from your eye, I guess something did happen. Tell me, Lucy, please...

There were few people that could effectively calm Lucy down when she was about to fly off the handle, then again, there was only one of Isaac Black. Tapping his arms to let him know she was okay, a hand ran through her hair while she took everything in.

"So it's safe to assume that Frank Rose is dead? That's surprising. Can't say I'll miss him, but still, surprising."

Lucy paused to touch on her eyepatch, something which she was growing accustomed to. How was she possibly going to explain this? Might as well start from the beginning. "Look, Dad, the Gauss Rifle Plus..."

Lucy glossed over the details of how she attempted to start a new life in Megaton for a few years before meeting Frank Rose and Vikki the mini-mutant on a small excursion one day. Mentioning her battles alongside the Brotherhood, Lucy revealed the nature of Brotherhood's current standing and the subsequent force of the Enclave attacks headed by two members of the Fallout Sector. What followed was Lucy's short-sighted descent into cunning manipulation and opportunistic goals: Using her standing as unwilling Enclave Asset to accompany FalloutBob to the Vault, the truth revealed with FalloutJack and the final test by Number One. The military might of the current Enclave. Lucy's betrayal to save others over that of her vendetta. The final confrontation with FalloutJack and surrendering of the Gauss Rifle Plus in exchange for a fresh start.

"Things seemed to be looking up from there...I met Kristin, Kristin Blamco, Princess to New Vegas BlamCo itself. She helped me get back home. Not long after that, a longtime friend of yours arrived to find you: Jonathan McKenna."

Lucy then delved into the explanation of the events that followed his arrival. The untimely interruption of #411, her plan to unsuccessfully goad Lucy into another betrayal and ultimately the plan to blackmail her with further deception and use of a presumed-dead Thomas McGee as leverage. Suicidally intent on protecting someone else from getting stuck under the Enclave's thumb, Lucy tried in vain to use personal harm to frame and blackmail #411, hence the loss of an eye, even after the initial replacement. Failing to protect Jonathan's cover identity and causing a mess in the process: Jonathan McKenna & Kristin BlamCo had stepped in to fight against #411's leverage.

"But I think someone else can explain that last part more clearly. Still trying to wrap my head around all of it -- and this.", Lucy nodded over to a shocked Jonathan McKenna not too far off. And again to the Valkyrie that killed armored soldiers with her unique blade. "Jonathan has been waiting a long time to see you as well. He needs some good news - today has been hell for a lot of people."

The mere mention of Jonathan had set Isaac looking around, trying to spot him. When he did...yeah, the man looked like he'd been through what he himself had woken up from: Death. Isaac patted the shoulder of his little girl and stepped on over to Jonathan MCKenna, his old friend.

Isaac: Jon? I'm sorry for being dead. I didn't plan it that way, but I'm here now. What I can do for you?

Given the wayJon's been going, probably a while lot, but would he be able to accept this situation as well as Lucy has? We shall see!


A collab between Jack and Harkinator now!

Let us take this over to the perspective of those good-deed-doers off to the side now... The three of them - Evan Ramsey, Dudley Sullivan, and William Knight - witnessed a heartwarming moment: A father re-united with his daughter after spending years...well...dead. It brings a tingle to one's own heart. Wait... Hearts don't tingle like that, but all three of their own most certainly are. A Mysterious Stranger in a wide-brimmed hat with a sniper rifle on her back walks by, speaking low.

"If you gentlemen do anything other than follow me, I'll crush them where you stand."

She starts walking around the Megaton perimeter wall. William recognizes the voice. It was FalloutJack's girl, Natsuki Manriki!

Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap.

The Three Musketeers knew at once if they didn't want to turn the touching little scene they'd just witnessed into a tragedy they'd follow Natsuki. At least to distract her for the time being. They turned almost in unison and began to follow. William looked at Evan and Dudley, mouthing "Hang back" at both of them and motioning for them to slow down. He was sure it was him Natsuki had singled out. They'd encountered one another before at the Enclave base, though William had been disguised as an Enclave trooper at the time. It wasn't impossible that she'd found out who he was afterwards. William's hands brushed his weapons, seeking reassurance from their presence. This could get nasty. Dudley and Evan did as they were told, dropping back a little so they could make a break for it if they had to, but couldn't be accused of disappearing. By this time the little gathering at the gates was out of their sight as the Three Musketeers made their way round the Megaton wall. Each tensed up with apprehension, something about Natsuki told them she was one of the most dangerous people they'd ever encountered. The other two had indeed hung back, but they could not do so that far. A tingle in their chests got a bit intense for a second and they knew that something was wrong. That something was Natsuki. They were now around the side of the walled city, far enough away that the gates were out of earshot.

Natsuki: I didn't want to spoil that scene back there. I honestly like the Blacks, despite the whole 'trying to betray us to the outside world' thing. And Isaac is alive... I don't even know how to react to that. Seeing you three here, though... That's a no-brainer.

She turned and pulled off her hat, revealing to them the pink-haired young lady with the horns that William, at least, had seen. The other two didn't really know much of anything about her. She looked angry with them, a thus-far controlled military kind of anger that the breaking of discipline from that would surely end in a dangerous situation.

Natsuki: Let me be blunt. We found George's body, we joined the dots, and we know that you - Mr. Knight - infiltrated our base by cutting down a good man. Soldiers may die in battle, but he wasn't even in uniform or armed! You killed him during his coffee break and stuffed him into a vent shaft like he was garbage. Let me tell you something, Knight. I liked George. Good friend, family man, trying really hard to make it into the Fallout Sector. We could've had a FalloutGeorge. I'm not simply pissed because you killed one of our men. I'm within an inch of imploding your heart because of how it happened...!

And before either of the other two could say anything, she gave them a sharp look.

Natsuki: Incidentally, Enclave Asset #1 ratted you two out. We know who you are and we saw what you did. I could probably see my way to killing you as well.

"The other two have done nothing against you, it's me you-" William tried to say before being interrupted by Dudley, who slapped William's arm with the back of his hand.

"Y'aint pulling that one William. No way do we leave ya alone on this. One fer all an' all fer one." He said, puffing out his chest before addressing Natsuki, "Listen Miss Pink Power Ranger, ya gotta problem with one of us, ya mess with all of us."

William and Evan both rolled their eyes at the "Miss Pink Power Ranger" bit. Tact never was Dudley's strong suit.

"I know there's no point trying to make excuses or justify me killing your friend. It was him or me in that moment, and I'm sure he was as nice as you say." Said William, resting his hands on his waist, next to but not quite on his weapons.

"You might think you know everything about us, but you underestimate how dangerous we are. It's three against one, you're outnumbered."

None of the Musketeers could see a clean way out of this. If they ran Natsuki would kill the recently reunited Black family. If they tried to hide they'd spend the rest of their lives on the run from the Enclave. What could they do but fight? Something in their chests tingled, this entire situation felt wrong.

Natsuki: I don't think you understand what's going on here, so let me make them more visible.

A little bit of concentration and that tingle got a bit more obvious...because it was partially based in a sonic vibration that was going on. There were these transparent limbs that...oh. William had seen these before, thanks to the powersuit that he'd been in back at the base. Alice had warned him that Natsuki was dangerous. Evan was shocked, as he had noticed that three of these things were leading into their chests.

Evan: That was you? Who are you? No, what are you? I thought the Enclave didn't like mutants.

Natsuki: I'm a Diclonius, a divergent form human being. And my name is Lieutenant Natsuki Manriki, Enclave army, and I literally hold your lives in my hand. You three have most-definitely taken wanton action against the Enclave, my personal feelings aside. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you all.

Neither William nor Evan could think of a reason. Natsuki literally held their lives in her hands, and they couldn't think of a good reason for her to let them live. She had every reason to kill Willam, and she might as well kill Evan and Dudley while she was at it. To their surprise, it was Dudley who spoke.

"Because I'm holdin' a live grenade here missy."



Dudley extended his arm forwards to show he was indeed holding a grenade tightly in his hand, the pin was at his feet.

"I've taken the pin outta this, and if ya kill me or any of the others this goes off with ya in the blast radius. You kill us, we kill you." For once in his life Dudley looked deadly serious. He was seriously pissed off, and when he got pissed of he got dangerous.

"Ya might be thinkin' ya'll survive the blast, but that merry band out by the gates'll hear it an' come runnin' ta find ya stumblin' around with half a body worth of shrapnel. They'll finish you off good." Dudley's arm shook slightly, and he could almost feel the pressure around his heart tighten.

"We all leave now, go our separate ways. Nobody shoots nobody as they's walkin' away and we all make it outta this alive."

Something Natsuki and the others did not know that Dudley did: The grenade was a dud. There was no real way for any of them to put that to the test without chancing the explosion. Only Dudley knew that it would never come, but he put on an excellent act like he was worried too. Actually, he was worried, but of being discovered maybe... Natsuki blinked at this act of his, but then smirked.

Natsuki: Blowing yourselves up to save yourselves? Hmmm, guess I should've restrained you.

Evan: Well, what's it going to be? I don't like the idea of blowing up either, but if we have to die...

Yes, the Brotherhood may not have been comfortable with self-sacrifice, but they were willing to... She appeared to give this some thought.

Natsuki: I have a counter proposal. The truth is, I could probably reduce you all to giblets and indeed survive the explosion, but I'm gonna take a page from dad's handbook and anty-up. If you walk away from me now, I'm gonna make the Brotherhood hurt. If you want to prevent that from happening, I suggest you go west and look after the Blacks. Those are your conditions now. Go west or test your luck now.

"Then we go west, and we all make it out of this alive." Said Evan, stepping back while keeping his eyes on Natsuki. There was no way he would do anything to endanger the Brotherhood of Steel.

"Yeah, an' you get outta here now too." Said Dudley, taking a step back himself and waving the grenade as if it were a lit torch he was using to fend off the encroaching darkness.

All Three Musketeers backed off, edging their way around the walls of Megaton. In unison they breathed a sigh of relief once they could not see Natsuki, though they did not simply turn around and walk normally. Was that it? Were they in the clear? No. The Enclave knew who they were, recognised them by appearance. That would never be the end of it. For now they'd have to bide their time, look after the Blacks as they'd agreed to do. Another opportunity to strike at the Enclave would present itself in time. Natsuki, meanwhile, headed around the back of Megaton, and made use of the radio in her Pip-Boy.

Natsuki: Dad, are you there? Listen, I have something to tell you, something important...


On the other end, FalloutJack had heard the news. He was shocked - Shocked! - to hear that gambling was going on in this establishment to hear that Isaac was somehow alive!. He had to tell Number One about this. And...maybe NOT Bob. Jack operated a secret control in his suit and activated the Secret Inter-Vault Transportational Tube...which only he and Number One ever used. Slipping down, he set it for the secret corridor leading to the secret back door into Number One's room. Once down, Jack exited the tube and walked down the hallway.

He stopped, seeing another guy pop in from yet another doorway!

FalloutJack: #86, what are you doing here? This is an unlisted hall.

#86: I just wanted to pop in and see the Chief about my mission.

FalloutJack: What mission?

#86: Well, that's just it. I haven't got one.

FalloutJack: Well look, not now, alright? I have to talk to him over some serious matters. Say, how are you and #99 doing?

#86: Pretty good, apart from the headaches.

FalloutJack: I told you not to boobytrap your quarters.

#86: Just maintaining the element of surprise.

FalloutJack: Well look, I'll get you a mission and it'll be just brimming with danger. You'll be surrounded by enemies trying to kill you every moment of the day.

#86: And...loving it.

FalloutJack: Now, get out of here. Nobody's suppose to know about this thing.

#86: Are you kidding? The Maintenance Brothers - and the Maintenance Sister - know about this! And if they know...everyone knows.

FalloutJack: Except Bob.

#86: Except Bob.

FalloutJack: See ya, #86.

Jack moved on and entered the domicile of Number One. #86 eventually found the secret panel again and let himself out.


Meanwhile, at a collab between Jack and Eagle...

Questions? Well... After a few moments of silence from Talion as they walked, he said "A few, Soldier. What is your Name? your Rank? and your Serial Number?" Through his helmet it would come off as practiced and forceful, like the tone of an officer. David stopped and looked at him for a moment.

FalloutDavid: Oh, that's wonderful. We're on my base and I'm the one being interrogated.

He sighed, shrugging as he walked along and other soldiers came in a little closer.

FalloutDavid: Alright... We do things a little differently now. I'm David Davidson, Fallout Sector, and I don't have a number anymore. You see, everyone else is a number and I'm one of the exceptionals. It's just that my armor is currently in the shop and I'm doing the casual bit for a while.

He smirked now.

FalloutDavid: How about you, then? It's only fair.

Talion continued walking as he replied "Vague responses for vague responses. Talion Richardson, Marine, and it's been some time since I've bothered to remember my number." He coughed through his helmet before continuing "And you asked if I had questions, I wouldn't have the gall to interrogate you in front of that thing behind us."

FalloutDavid: Too true.

Metal Gear BOX had mysteriously come up north, for reasons he did not know at this time. It was handy, of course. No man in his right mind - which just proves how crazy Frank Rose was - would attack such a machine alone. Just then, one of the Enclave soldiers came over, hefting his plasma rifle. It was a newer design to what Talion was use to seeing.

FalloutDavid: Yes, #337, what is it?

#337: Enclave Asset #1 just reported in. They have FalloutScott.

David blinked, staring at him a moment.

FalloutDavid: Well, how did that happen?

#337: One of the Scribes devised a stun weapon to immobilize powersuits. It must've been pretty good to drop him.

FalloutDavid: Yeah, Scott may spend alot of time drunk, but he's an utter genius.

#337: They have him drunk NOW. They're trying to make him talk.

David snerked.

FalloutDavid: Those poor bastards. Is my replacement suit here?

#337: It's been delivered, yes. Uhh...what do you want done with the prisoner?

FalloutDavid: Him? No idea. He's too strong to chain down. Reminds me of a nicer Horrigan. Although...we could just make it a straight trade, the super cyborg for the super genius. I think we'll wait a while, though, so that Scott has a chance to start singing lymrics.

Talion chuckled slightly "Taking me prisoner and planning to trade me now? I could lie and claim otherwise, but I know nothing of their operations and they know as much about me as you do. I have little value as a prisoner and they have little reason to trade for me."

David chuckled.

FalloutDavid: I think if they've at least met you, they'll help you. And not simply because they're a bunch of nice guys. You're clearly a very-capable person. I'm weighing their ability to recognize that against the fact that Scott will eventually make their lives a living hell. The drunken behavior is only the start. Anyway, I'm sure the Brotherhood will make the right decision. The things we've been leaking to them about situations developing lately should make them far more amicable.

#337: Maybe, maybe not, sir. Scott killed Frank Rose with the MGB. Base came to us with a recording and everything. His own fault, really, but they may not like it.

FalloutDavid: Ah well, we'll just have to see. Ah, you don't mind sitting in view of the MGB, do you, Talion? He's not exactly built for indoors.

"I suppose," Talion replied. "Though if I have to have a gun pointed at my head may I clean my equipment while I wait?"

FalloutDavid: Considering whose guns are doing the pointing? Yeah, sure. Just don't go anywhere. I'm gonna go settle into metal.

He headed off with #337. The MGB continued its eternal stare at the cyborg. It looked somewhat battered, but it was fully-functional and could not be taken down by a single person. They knew this, not only because of common sense, but on the point regarding the death of Frank Rose. Unbeknownst to Talion or anyone else, though, a certain small-scale version of Liberty Prime was traveling north and would find this area soon...


At the Citadel, they were having a bit of a problem. Scott had begun singing alright, and it was about the Chinese planning to cover the world in their Red Glow. They had to listen, horrible though his carrying on was. And then, suddenly, he had taken the whiskey bottle jumped into a vent!

FalloutScott: Aye, there's nar'ly a beast which kin outrun a greased Scotsman! Well, maybe that Deathclaw lass, but she's a horse of a different color.

They heard him jabbering on throughout the vents, following him until they reached a locked storeroom In calling for the key, they had the unfortunate problem of having having left him alone in there for a time... They had heard sounds, building sounds! Soon, they opened the door and looked... Scott had jumped back into the vent, and the shelves had nothing on them but little toy RC cars...with grenades!

Toy cars streamed out of there, forcing soldiers to run after them and shoot before they hit something sensitive!


There comes a time in a man's life where, frankly, he has had enough. First, it was Grendel they had to deal with, then Eddie the bizarre concert-maker, then a frigging ALIEN ESCAPE POD or something flew out of the sky and crashed into the ground! Then another DIFFERENT escape pod crashed into IT! And what do we have now? Grendel, Eddie the Dead, a guy in a pretty bonnet, a naked man, a strange girl, that a little hovering drone nearby?

Joe Slayer: That's it! I'm out! Let's go.

Jonesy: You don't want to figure this out?

Joe Slayer: Does it look like my problem? Let's go find the way out of this world.

Coyote: Good call.

Speck: Hear, hear.

The Shadowrunners are leaving you to your own devices. Number Six, however, remains watchful...


Meanwhile...closer to the Springvale area, overlooking it from the hill in which Vault 101 sat...a nose sniffed the air in disgust.

"I smell...deathclaw meat."

Malkos of the Goris Clan looked among his fellow Deathclaws, the only one of any true intelligence thus far. They were slow to pick things up, but they had at least taken to his lead. What was the right action here? There was an army in that school...and they were eating his kind. This could not be allowed, to handle it?

"Tonight, I will go alone."

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
The Wild Wastelands | Outside of Megaton
Introductions and Reunions of the Dead
Thomas "Shifty" McGee and Sylphee Smithford

If this was someone's idea of a joke, it was of rather poor taste but looking at the Former One Eyed Gauss Girl, Thomas could only stand there with his mouth slightly open in disbelief. The dead were supposed to stay dead. That was how it had always been and that how it always should have been and yet, despite hearing of his demise from the very lips that the Former Undertaker had been kissing the previous night, Thomas was witness to a walking, talking and breathing Isaac Black. Strangely enough, Sylphee had stopped moving as well, she knew better than to interrupt a family reunion (for at least five minutes before making herself known).

Was the resurrection of Isaac Black proof of the existence of a high power? Was the fact that he happened to arrive just as Thomas, Lucy, Arizona and Sylphee were about to leave Megaton proof that this higher power directed his Children to be where they were needed most at exactly the time they were needed most? As Thomas pondered these things, Sylphee began moving again after her pea-sized brain finished identifying the relationship that this new person named Isaac Black had with her.

"GAMPA IMAX!!!!" The Blue Haired Air Head exclaimed loudly as she started struggling against her Daddy to get to her newly found "Grandfather."

"No. Stop. Wait. Sylphee. Stop." The Former Undertaker turned Insta-Daddy tried to say as he pressed his hand against the aggressively affectionate Crimson Menace. Sighing internally, Thomas realized that it was once again time for him to sacrifice himself for the greater good. In this case, the reunion between Isaac Black and Jonathan Aristotle McKenna, "Stop it, I want a hug Sylphee."


That was the sound of Thomas' spine being forcefully realigned by his Crimson Chiropractor. The world started to tilt a bit as the Straight Spined, Top Hatted Young Man found his center of gravity moved upwards by a foot or two. Wrapping his arms around the pint sized pain, Thomas gave his Delinquent "Daughter" a hug before looking around and spotting Lucy as she retreated from the conversation between Jonathan and Isaac.

Walking over to the One Eyed Formerly Fatherless Former Gauss Girl, Thomas managed to inhale enough air into his lungs to ask Lucy a question.

"Are you alright?" Thomas asked in the gentlest tone possible, feeling more than slightly self conscious as he addressed the woman that he had and would again sacrifice himself for. Between the fact that he had a fully grown woman latched onto him like a child latching onto her father and the fact that he still had no idea what was going on between Lucy and himself, he felt rather ill at ease.

The Top Hatted Former Undertaker felt his body acclimating to Sylphee's Squeeze of Doom and found that he could talk normally once again.

"I'm glad to see that your Father's alive, Lucy. I'm happy for you. I'm sure that you two have more things to discuss and more to get caught up on." Thomas said in a more relaxed tone, "You know... seeing you and your father together makes me miss my own parents. It's been quite some time since I've sent them a letter. Actually, truth be told, I haven't sent them a letter since I arrived here in D.C..." Pause, Sigh, "Ever since I ran into Frank, it's been a rather busy life filled with misfortune in some parts."

Despite the fact that Frank Rose was an asshole, a cheat, a thief and destroyer of vehicles, he was still a living human being... it was rumored. Thomas kicked at some rocks...

"Although my life hasn't been very fortunate until now, I'm glad if I caught your eye because of that misfortune..." He would have said were it not for the fact that Sylphee had decided to tackle Lucy in a rather dramatic fashion.

"MOMMY LUCY CABOOSY!!!" Sylphee squee'd as she tackled the One Eyed Gauss Girl to the ground squeezing her with all her might like a cursed python squeezing the body of a young unliked girl.


The Wild Wastelands | Springvale Elementary School
Food of the Dead
Constance Sorrowfeld and the Sylphys​

"Don't. Do that." Miss Jenna said firmly but quietly to the offending Sylphy that had set the smothered Deathclaw steaks on fire "accidentally on purpose." The effect was instant on the offending Sylphy who decided to duck behind the Unwillingly Chosen Queen of the Syphys, Constance Sorrowfeld.

"Sylphy Sylphy Sylphy!" The Offending Sylphy exclaimed from behind Constance's right leg.

"She said she's sorry." Constance said as she petted the cowering Sylphy, "Besides, it looks like you were able to save the food. It still smells wonderful."

This was partially the truth. Despite the fact that the smothered part of the smother Deathclaw steaks smelled quite delicious, Constance's sensitive nose was still able to detect the subtly foul smell of Deathclaw meat. No matter what how much Deathclaw meat was seasoned, stewed, simmered, saute'd, sauced or steamed it was still Deathclaw meat and inherently tasted like FEV laced Chicken that decided to eat everything in sight.

There were some days that Constance wished for the dry rations that the American Enclave Scouts of America issued their scouts as a snack. Sure they tasted like cardboard and they left an oily residue in your mouth and left you extremely thirsty, but at least they didn't taste like a bird that someone had decided to wear as a shoe before slogging through a manure field.

"I guess it's time to eat." Constance said as she signaled one of the Assistant Sylphys to signal the dinner bell.


A mass of jabbering and chattering soon followed as the Sylphy horde that had been stationed at Springvale elementary converged and waited for chow. All around her, Constance could hear the murmurs of that day's rumors, specifically about a rather large Deathclaw that was rather clever in avoiding the Sylphy hunting parties. Some even said that it was able to talk. Remembering some of the bed time stories the Scout leaders used to tell about Intelligent Deathclaws, Constance wondered if this was one of their number. If what the Sylphys were yammering about was true, the Deathclaw in question was probably not pleased that the Sylphys had taken to hunting Deathclaws.

"Hey... ummm... Sylphy? Double up on guards tonight." Constance ordered. Not that it would do any good of course. Despite the amount of training that she'd invested in the Sylphys, in the end, they were all still idiots.


The Wild Wastelands | The Enclave Vault
Regrets to the Formerly Dead
Enclave Intelligence Officer #411​

The Enclave Maintenance Brothers ... and the Enclave Maintenance sister were busy replacing a monitor inside Intelligence Sector of the Enclave Vault. If there was one thing that never mixed well with electronics, it was the introduction of liquids via a fine mist after being spat out. But this is exactly what had happened when Enclave Intelligence Officer #411 saw the latest Eyebot footage relayed back from Megaton's gates. The return of Isaac Black was something she'd never anticipated.

"Helloooooo Nurse!" Enclave Maintenance Brother #888 called out to the Intelligence Officer.

"I'm not a Nurse." Charlotte Sorrowfeld stated bluntly as she waited for more information to come in about the resurrection and reappearance of Isaac Black. As she waited for the Enclave Maintenance Brothers and their Enclave Maintenance Sister to attempt to replace the monitor for the 3rd time, Enclave Intelligence Officer #209 turned to her companion, Enclave Medical Officer #46.

"What do you make of this? How does someone resurrect a traitor that was confirmed as bring killed years ago?" #411 asked as she picked up a clipboard and reviewed the information attached to it.

Joseph Marlow, the survivor that had been brought in by a Enclave Patrol, was sailing through his training with flying colors. It seemed that when given the opportunity to learn how to kill proficiently, the man had no qualms. Having passed basic power armor courses, they had moved him up to small plasma weapons usage and maintenance.

The other message was less pleasant in nature. It seemed that someone else had been brought in by the Enclave Patrols, one that was known to the Enclave quite well. Given the nature of her crimes, #411 was quite surprised when she'd received a pardon and been assigned to the Intelligence department. It looked like the levels of Bitchiness would be increasing quite a fair amount within a few days time.

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
The Wild Wastelands | The Road To Dunwich | Outside Megaton Gates
"I get to heart of matter, and always interruptions!"

As things turned out, her little band of wasteland misfits weren't ready. Due in no small part thanks to a several new arrivals on motorcycles. The old Ghoul turned at the sound of engines and could scarcely believe what she was seeing and hearing. You hardly ever saw someone get even one of those things working after 200 years of rust, decay and fallout, but here there was trio, driving up and dropping off the three riders and the single passenger. She could recognize one of them having been part of the Brotherhood of Steel at least at some point. Their emblem was too distinctive to be otherwise. One of the other three, however, looked vaguely familiar.

She frowned as she tried to place why, when she saw Lucy turn to look over out of the corner of her eye, and the one-eyed young woman looked like she was seeing a ghost.

"I can see him now."

"See who?" she mouthed as she watched the two move closer to one another.

It looked like they were each shocked to see the other there, and from what she was murmuring, it was clear Lucy didn't know whether or not this was even real. But by the time she captured the man in a hug and buried her face into his chest, Arizona realized why he looked so familiar.

"...Hi Dad..."

She blinked, and looked him over a little more closely, but she didn't make any moves to step into their little moment. It wasn't her place, not then. But she could see the resemblance between the two, and it was pretty clear that this was Black Senior, though his clothes looked tattered and, quite frankly, he looked like a fresh corpse on its feet.


Arizona's eye widened as she remembered that Sylphee was still present, and started to make a move to stop her from interrupting them. Thankfully, Thomas was already doing the same thing, and was desperately trying to pull her away before subjecting himself to one of her bone crushing hugs to save both Lucy and Isaac. She had to admire the fact that he didn't want anything getting in the way of their reunion. But the sounds his back made still made her wince in sympathy.

As she watched father and daughter reunite and explain everything that had happened to the two of them since the last time they saw one another, she tuned out whatever she could hear. It wasn't her business, and for the most part, she didn't really want to know anyway. However, she did notice the three that rode up with Isaac in tow were being lead away by the very girl that helped defuse the situation in Megaton. She quirked up her brow at that, but otherwise shrugged it off.

By the time the two largely finished catching up, she watched as Thomas, still being slowly squeezed to death by Sylphee, made his way to them.

"I'm glad to see that your Father's alive, Lucy. I'm happy for you. I'm sure that you two have more things to discuss and more to get caught up on. You know... seeing you and your father together makes me miss my own parents. It's been quite some time since I've sent them a letter. Actually, truth be told, I haven't sent them a letter since I arrived here in D.C.. Ever since I ran into Frank, it's been a rather busy life filled with misfortune in some parts."

Arizona stepped up at that point and had to give them both a crooked smile.

"And after meeting me, it looks like that might not be changing too much." she quipped, before offering her good hand to Isaac black, "I'm Arizona. You must be Black Senior, given the reunion between you and Lucy."


"We're going to want to save her from that." she said quickly before turning to try and peel Sylphee off of her.


[ dr. sorenson ]
The Wild Wastelands | Following The Post-Apocalypse | Springvale School
"The taste is fascinating in just how bad it is."

The offending Sylphy quickly cowered behind Constance's leg at the sight of Jenna's angry form, if not her angry visage. When she gabbled back, what she meant was pretty clear even without the translation.

"She said she's sorry. Besides, it looks like you were able to save the food. It still smells wonderful."

There was a moment before Jenna nodded and clapped her hands cheerfully.

"Alright then! Let's get the tables set up!"

It was clear that the young blind woman had the same idea as she got one of the other girls to get everything set up. As the dinner bell rang, Jenna watched in wonder as the horde of clones rushed in for food, and she immediately got to work at getting everyone served with a helping of Smothered Deathclaw. As she did so, she couldn't help but wonder if it would end up turning out. After all, she had never eaten Deathclaw before, much less served it. The optimist in her wondered if it really would be much different from brahmin. The scientist in her, however, knew that it probably tasted very different, and probably should have been prepared differently.

When everyone was seated, Jenna included, the entirety of the Sylphy horde were treated with a unique sight whenever they glanced over at her. After all, given Jenna's attachment to her suit, she was one of the few people in the wasteland who learned the secret of eating through one's helmet. It was a mysterious process, and not many people could pull it off, and if anyone could see the technique to doing it, it was Constance. To everyone else, however, all they saw was Jenna loading up a fork, bringing the bite to where her mouth would have been, and the food... Disappeared without so much as smearing on the dome.

The moment she took the first bite however, she was supremely glad for her helmet. Otherwise, everyone would have been able to see the look of utter revulsion on her face.

It was clear enough then that Deathclaw meat was very different from Brahmin, or even Bighorner. It was a little closer to Bloatfly, but one would argue that Bloatfly meat made for a reasonably decent slider. Deathclaw meat wouldn't. Still, she swallowed valiantly and made a face behind her helmets visor when she overheard Constance.

"Hey... ummm... Sylphy? Double up on guards tonight."

"Is something wrong? Should I be worried?" she asked, looking around and wishing she had her AER9.6 right about then.

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
The Wild Wastelands | Outside Megaton
"Lovely Lecherous Leech or Kuro Richi"
Sylphee and Thomas "Shifty" McGee​

If Missy Arizona Not Old One Not Leather Faced Lady Not Ghoul Whore With The Gun was planning on prying the Blue Eyed, Blue Haired Cherub from Mommy Lucy Caboosy, Missy Arizona Not Old One Not Leather Faced Lady Not Ghoul Whore With The Gun would have to try harder... much much harder. Missy Arizona Not Old One Not Leather Faced Lady Not Ghoul Whore With The Gun might have wanted to try wedging a hydraulic jack between Sylphee and Mommy Lucy Caboosy or surgically removing Sylphee's arms using the jaws of life. Even when Daddy attempted to help Missy Arizona Not Old One Not Leather Faced Lady Not Ghoul Whore With The Gun keep Sylphee from merging with Mommy Lucy Caboosy at the subatomic level both found it impossible to even stick a playing card between Mommy Lucy Casboosy and her Assailant the two hugging women.

"Sylphee, would you please let go of... um... Sissy Mommy Lucy Caboosy... please?" Daddy asked nicely as he pulled on Sylphee's legs but found himself dragging both Mommy Lucy Caboosy and Sylphee instead of just Sylphee. Dropping the Red Menace's legs, Daddy sighed in a rather frustrated manner, as if he didn't like the fact that Sylphee was bonding with her Mommy Lucy Caboosy. This was how mothers and daughters bonded... well one of the ways. Sylphee was much too old for the other way which would have involved stripping off some of Mommy Lucy Caboosy's c...

"Sylphee, you're going to hurt your Sissy Mommy Lucy Caboosy very badly if you don't stop hugging the air out of her." Daddy pleaded once again as he managed to wiggle his fingers between Mommy Lucy Caboosy and Sylphee's chests in an area that caused the Crimson Catastrophe to turn rather... crimson in the face.


That sound was the sound of Daddy flying after one of Sylphee's fists went rogue and backhanded him across the face. Sylphee was rather oblivious of what she had done, of course. Given that she hadn't seen who it was that had fondled her small but developing chest, she had lashed out blindly.

"HEY! HEY! HEY! NO TOUCHY!" The Infringed Upon Red Menace exclaimed loudly as she looked around for the infringer.

"[small]ow.[/small]" Daddy ow'd as he found himself several feet from where he'd been standing and attempting to pull Sylphee from Mommy Lucy Caboosy. Laying there, Daddy rubbed the side of his face before wondering why it was that his head hurt but not his butt or the back of his head... that's when he realized that he'd landed on something sorta soft.

"Squishy Squishy"

Looking behind him, Daddy realized that he hadn't landed on the ground but rather on top of Missy Arizona Not Old One Not Leather Faced Lady Not Ghoul Whore With The Gun.

"Squishy Squishy"

"Daddy! NO TOUCHY!!" Sylphee exclaimed loudly as she pointed at her Daddy-turned-Random-Groper-of-Girl-Chests.


The Wild Wastelands | Springvale Elementary
"Double the Guards? Try a Triple!"
Constance Sorrowfeld​

"Is something wrong? Should I be worried?" Miss Jenna asked as she made more food disappear through her mask. The was a slight amount of worry in her voice that Constance could detect.

"No. Nothing to worry about, Miss Jenna." The Cat Eared American Enclave Scout of America shook her head emphatically as not to worry their guest. As of right now it was just a rumor that was being spread among the members of the hunter Sylphys there was no reason to give it any credit. From what Constance had heard from the American Enclave Scouts of America Troop Leaders, the Intelligent Deathclaws were no longer around. They'd been wiped out. Extinct. Gone the way of the Hippo and Whales.

But if there was an Intelligent Deathclaw out there, Constance hoped that she'd be the one to find it and capture it and talk to it. If anything they could get the Deathclaw's assistance on finding something more palatable than Deathclaw meat. If the thing did try to attack the camp, Constance would defend her troopers with everything she had.

"Just a few strange rumors is all. These Sylphys get spooked pretty easily." Constance added, "Next thing you know they'll be talking about how there's a White Land Whale out there that needs to be killed. I just doubled the guards just in case. You never know if there could be some truth to the rumors. Besides, if we don't give them something to do, next thing you know they'll be invading Megaton."

"SYLPHY! SYLPHY! SYLPHY!" The Sylphys exclaimed loudly as they started to grab their weapons.

"NO NO NO NO NO! We're not invading Megaton!" The Queen of the Sylphys screamed loudly.

"SYLPHYYYYY!" The Sylphys responded in a rather disappointed tone as they got back into their seats and continued eating rather enthusiastically.

Unable to continue her meal, Constance pushed her plate forward and pulled out a pouch from her pack. Opening it, there was a sizzling sound as the air hit a heating element and started warming up the Brahmin Stew inside.

"So, Miss Jenna, we'll give you access to the library but I don't know what you'll expect to find. From what I see, the last bunch of Raider Scum that lived here decided to use the books as toilet wipes. No to mention the fact that there was a Giant Ant nest underneath the building that needed to be collapsed."

This was sort of a hint that Miss Jenna should probably abandon the thought of looking through the books and getting on her way. If the books were destroyed, there would be no reason for her to stay, right? The Cat Ears on top of Constance's head twisted as to give the Cat Eared Shotgun Wielding Acrobat a view of Miss Jenna's "face."


The Wild Wastelands | Outside Smith Casey's Garage
"Lost Again..."
Enclave Heavy Weapons Specialist #209​

In another world (called Pandora) what was occurring in front of the ruins of Smith Casey's Garage would have been called a Truxican Standoff, a really really REALLY weird Truxican Standoff. We had a semi-naked Charlie Cannon, a fully clothed Eddie the Dead, a semi-conscious Trixie and a fully naked Enclave Heavy Weapons Specialist #209. You might be wondering why the Enclave Heavy Weapons Specialist was naked and I, my dear reader would call you a pervert for wondering such things. Lets just say a giant Magnetic Acceleration Ring is not too friendly when it comes to Metal Power Armor. It's like being shoved into an MRI while wearing Tin-Foil underpants. Fortunately for the Enclave Dominator, his armor was scattered about the interior of the Escape Pod. Unfortunately for the Enclave Dominator, the Escape Pod was resting on top of another more alien looking escape pod.

The way he saw it, E.D. #209 needed to arm himself with something, anything. Letting his gaze wander about, resting on Trixie's butt for a moment before wandering around some more, his eyes finally came to rest on a Rusty Wrench. It wasn't the wrench that would have made a good weapon however, wrenches were women weapons in the world of tools for weapons. It was the car bumper that the rusty wrench was resting on that caught the Enclave Dominator's attention. The Heavily modified Chryslus had once been black with red flames but was now a rusty brown color. Reaching down, the giant wrapped his muscular fingers around the bumper. Grunting, the Enclave Heavy Weapons Specialist pulled on the bumper with all his might... which might have been too much since the bumper was only barely held onto the car by the thinnest of corroded metals.

With his balance lost, the Enclave Soldier found himself falling backwards into the Alien Looking Escape Pod, jostling it and causing the extraterrestrial metal to groan as the Evil Escape Pod shifted a bit. Staying absolutely still, E.D. #209 waited to see if the Evil Escape Pod was going to fall on him. It did not. Instead something broke off of the Evil Escape Pod and landed on hit head.


"[small]ow.[/small]" E.D. #209 ow'd as he rubbed the top of his head, his eyes looking at the little robotic looking ball that rolled around on ground at Trixie's feet.

The Harkinator

Did something happen?
Jun 2, 2010
The Three (relieved) Musketeers.

After their close encounter with Natsuki the Three Musketeers made their way back to Megaton's gates where the group was still gathered. As they rounded the last corner it appeared that Sylph was giving Lucy Black the hug of her life while Shifty tried to separate them, he wasn't succeeding. William couldn't help but smile at Sylph, he'd become quite fond of her in the short time they'd known each other.

Dudley's attention was taken by someone else though. Standing away from the commotion and nearer to Isaac was the most... perfect ghoulette he'd ever laid eyes on. While Evan and William had stopped walking once they'd got back to the gates Dudley kept right on walking. As he did, he licked his lips and slicked his blonde hair back before selecting his chatup line of choice. The other two Musketeers noticed what was happening far too late...

"Hey there little missy, yah just about the cutest ghoulette I ever seen in this whole wasteland. What say you tell me ya name?" She reminded him of his Ghoul sweetheart back home, though all ghoul women reminded him of his sweetheart.

Watching this unfold, William put on his best David Attenborough voice, "And here we see the Biggus Blonus Dudlinium in it's natural habitat, embarrassing itself in social situations. Watch as it approaches a Ghoulius Feminius, full of swagger. The Dudlinium makes the first moves of the mating process, but all it will take is one rejection from this Ghoul to prove the wasteland a harsh and unforgiving place..."

"Why are you doing that voice, where did you even learn that?" Asked Evan, who was intending to do his own "Sports Commentator" narration depending if Dudley succeeded or failed.

"Dunno, it just felt appropriate."

Rip Van Rabbit

Apr 17, 2012
Keira "Shield-maiden" Blamco|| Travelling from New Vegas to Megaton
"Feathered Gifts From Fellow Ravens"

Keira Blamco's identity was not something that she could successfully hide, not with the notorious departure of her eldest sister, Kristin Blamco, following her unhappiness with New Vegas. In glorious hindsight it was perhaps not the smartest idea to hijack and blackmail an unsuspecting caravan driver if she, her sisters and the BlamCo legacy was so often in the public eye.

Impatient times called for reckless measures and regarding Keira, one thing will always remain certain: there is much more than meets the eye.

The caravan driver's revolver was resting in Keira's lap while she tapped away at the Pip-Boy on her wrist.

"Tell me, Mister...?", Keira inquired without lifting her head.

"Olivier. James Olivier.", the caravan driver sputtered nervously, "Please -- "

"Oh please. You are certainly not in any danger if you merely cooperate.", Peering over the rim of her glasses, an annoyed look was directed towards James, "Now tell me, this is your family, correct?"

Eyes wide with panic, James clenched his jaw and turned to face the Pip-Boy screen that was being shoved into his face. Sure enough, a short video clip of his wife and daughter was presented, smiling and waving at the camera. The family appeared to overjoyed at something. Their words were silent since the video was muted, but their bedtime clothing and the timestamp on the video was consistent with what the man had seen mere hours before he had decided to leave for work.

"Where are they!? Wh-what have you done!?"

"They are safe for the time being, provided that you simply do as you were told -- and that is to drive the caravan to my destination at an acceptable rate. No questions, no fuss."

"Please -- please leave them out of this!"

"Your family's collective future is in your hands now. I realise that this must seem difficult.", laying a hand on his shoulder, Keira attempted to convey her own version of heartfelt sympathy. Trouble was, her expression had remained unconvincingly critical. "Now don't attempt to rush either, you are carrying explosives as cargo."

"You did not tell me that!"

"I didn't? Oh dear, my mind must be elsewhe --- "


A few continuous beeps on her Pip-Boy had signalled a video transmission. Tapping the screen and upping the dial on the volume, Keira answered the call from a fellow female. "Any news?"

"Everything is a-okay on this end! Do you need to switch soon?"

"No no, that won't be necessary. Seems like we have a winner. Is the new family settling in alright?"

"Ehh, they're rightfully confused and they have a lot of questions for the man you're sitting next to. But no complaints.", a small giggle could be heard, "Did you tell him at least?"

"And compromise the results of the test? Come now, you know me better than that."

Another giggle could be heard, "You're cruel, you know that? Any changes to the plan from here?"

"You may proceed. You have 15 minutes or else you're excluded from the trip."


Tapping at the Pip-Boy to end the call, a bead of sweat cascaded down the caravan driver's forehead, Keira had remained silent while she continued tapping at the screen.

"James Olivier...", Keira started, reciting the influx of text being displayed on her wrist. "Small family. Recently left the Follower's of The Apocalypse. Eight years of honest service. Worked exclusively with phobias and rehabilitation regarding victims of animal attacks in the wasteland. what made you choose a career in travel and trade, hmm?"

"What is this?! A job interview?, James demanded.

Smirking behind her hood, Keira replied with a casual pointing of the finger towards the approach of a small stampede.

Twenty-seven horses, or "Nightmares" as they have come to be known, were fast approaching the caravan. Complete with a formation and a leader clad in silver-dyed combat armor and a deep blue cloak. A deadly-looking Power Spear was raised and pointed forward when a few stragglers had suddenly broken off from the formation. Skin of snow was revealed when the female warrior ripped off her hood to address those that remained.

[HEADING=1]"You cowards! Reform your ranks at once!"[/HEADING]​

The leader's skeletal mount came to a rest alongside the caravan. Keira tugged at her own hood and unclipped the emerald green cloak to stand up and extend a hand of greetings to the leader. Beneath the cloak had revealed the symbolic silver-dyed combat armor with decorative plate reinforcements, long golden hair and a fair-skinned complexion. Unlike Kristin's loose and free-flowing hairstyle, Keira wore her hair tied-up into a stict bun, meanwhile the woman on the horse had worn hers in a single over-the-shoulder braid.

"How very Valkyrian of you, dear sister.", the smirking Keira remarked, "Still training to the last minute, I see?"

"Ha! You flatter me, you must be in a rare good mood.", the spear-bearing Swan-Maiden replied, "And of course, they need regular exercise. We will be travelling for awhile after all."

"Indeed, but do not forget -- we are travelling for a variety of reasons. This won't be just a simple delivery. We find our sister and retrieve the Grand BlamCo Family Recipe Book...with force --"

" -- or persuasion.", Swan-Maiden dismissively finished the sentence. She was not in favour of endangering the eldest sister's life any further. "She must have had a good reason for why she left."

"I KNOW YOU TWO!", the forgotten caravan driver shouted as her pointed at the two sisters.

The Swan-Maiden nodded respectfully and gracefully rested her power spear on her shoulder, "Sable Blamco -- Swan-Maiden of the BlamCo family."

Keira turned, "Yes, Keira Blamco -- Shield-Maiden of the BlamCo family.", and smiled devilishly, "My most sincere apologies for the cloak-and-dagger routine, Mr Olivier.", something about the grin indicated that she was enjoying this on some level, "We had to be absolutely sure that you were a man not only of your word, but deserving as well. In light of your past dedication to our friends, The Followers, we don't think that a man with your particular set of talents should go waste as a mere caravan driver. So what does this all mean? We hear from your family, in your new home by the way, that you always wanted to own a farm. How does the local New Vegas BlamCo farm manager sound to you?"

"I - "

"Of course, a sign-on bonus of ten thousand caps is all yours. Not to mention a dental plan and paid schooling for your younger daughter."

"This...really was a job interview? Are you serious?"

"We take employment very seriously, Mr Olivier.", Keira extended her hand and was met with a vigorous handshake followed by some relieved weeping, "Welcome to BlamCo."

Sable made a few gestures to the remaining horseman upon witnessing the successful hire of a new employee. Time passed and the caravan was emptied of all belongings that did not belong to the sisters. With enough space for a Nightmare to sleep in the back and take the majority of the space, Sable sat alongside her sister and seized control of the Nightmare-driven caravan.

After watching the group of riders safely depart, Sable turned to the second eldest of her sisters, Keira Blamco. "Our sister is vulnerable without her plumage. Shall we see to our delivery?"

Keira simply nodded and went back to tapping away on her Pip-Boy.

"I am tracking the book as we speak..."


Kristin "Battle-maiden" Blamco || Outside Megaton
"Squeaky Clean"

In the midst of all these miraculous revelations and further developments, where would one find Kristin Blamco? Why in the middle of it all, taking a shower no less. Yes, that's correct! The Proud Princess had stripped down to her most basic of undergarments, wetted a hand cloth and had started to give herself something of a sponge bath with the small reservoir of bottled water that she carried.

Now don't get the wrong idea about the Heiress of Dairy, for it was becoming increasingly clear that she was quite possibly the most rational person of those around her! Ask yourself: What would you do after a glorious battle?
Stand around and mope? Haggle for payment? Hit your head and regress to a child-like state to deal with the horrible trauma wrought by your mere existence? Wish upon a star for the resurrection of a loved one?

You would tend to your wounds, get yourself cleaned up, and finally celebrate over a hearty meal and a horn of mead! That's what you should be doing!

So while it was true that Kristin was surrounded by people that were not paying attention, it could also be considered a matter of perspective that she was also equally alone as well. With lengthy conversations drowned out by the soap in her ear, the battle-ready beauty doused her body in slow-motion in water and proceeded to towel-dry her hair.

Still feeling worn out from the physical exertion, at least the scent of exotic fruit now followed the BlamCo Princess while she sprinkled baby powder inside her armour, allowing it to breath while she tapped her foot for a minute before getting back into her usual attire.

Allowing her hair to dry naturally, Kristin looked around to see if she had gotten any odd looks, none that she was aware of at least. Her Pugilist was still standing some distance away, engaged in a conversation with a newcomer, she wondered who he was. Even further away, a group of more newcomers had arrived, one of the men being rather handsome even if he did carry such a small blade, she wondered if he would have a sparring session with her. Finally, her dearest Huntress had lazily wrestled Miss Black into submission while a tall fellow and a lactose-intolerant had started star-gazing a little too early.

With a blade on her back, Kristin proceeded to step towards the odd-behaving Huntress before stopping in her tracks to listen to the fractured english and child-like demeanour. What in the world had become of her rival, the ferocious berserker!?

Truly a tower of a woman, the Gouda Goddess grabbed Thomas & Arizona by the collar and lifted them off the ground in each hand before placing them on their feet. Without missing a beat, the BlamCo Heiress looked between the two servants to the Crimson Queen, unnervingly bewildered and a touch concerned at her very first witness of Sylph's dramatic change.

"Did I perhaps hit her in the head too hard?"

It should be amusingly noted that Thomas was one of very few men that had matched her height at eye level.


Lucy Black || Outside Megaton
"Dear Diary: Dad came back from the dead today. Kay. #NeedTherapy."

Lucy wanted to say many things to many different people. Off the top of her head, she wanted to thank Arizona for being so patient and understanding despite only having something of a 5 minute conversation. She wanted to apologise to and thank Kristin after hearing how she had stepped in to see to the future care of an army of cloned Sylph's. She wanted to respond to Thomas with tact and nuance, perhaps finding a way to express how she was feeling at the moment. Hell, with the reappearance of Sylphee, even Lucy was happy to see the chaotic side of the Crimson Catastrophe once more. Lucy even had a hug prepared and everything!

So where do we go from here?
How do we start this new chapter in Lucy Black's life where things were finally looking up for her?

With a few words and a humble beginning:

"Mmmmpphhffff! Syymmmphhheeee!", Lucy's muffled mumbled grew louder when Sylph decided to wrap her legs around the Lucy's upper body, "Syyymmppphhhheeee! Yoooooffff! Kifffffingggg! Meeeee!!!"

A few mumbled words.
And a humble beginning buried in Sylph's bosom.

It could be worse, Lucy's neck would have snapped in Kristin's...large tracts of land.

Apologies for the delay everyone, I was deprived of bandwidth...but I'm all fresh and full of juicy bandwidth now!

Generic NPC 22

The Most Generic of NPCs
Jul 12, 2012
The Wild Wastelands | Megaton Gates
"Ghoulish Gazongas, BlamCo Berserkers and Explanations"
Thomas "Shifty" McGee​

Terror filled. Violent. Painful. Embarrassing. Confusing. Five of the most prevalent adjectives that could be used to describe the day that Thomas "Shifty" McGee and company had chosen to leave the Wasteland metropolis known as Megaton. All this and they had only made it as far as the Town Gates. Between a violent and murderous mob, a pained face and a confusing reunion with a man that could only be identified as Lucy Black's supposedly long dead father, Thomas was in the throws of having a steaming pile of embarrassment heaped upon him.

*Squishy Squishy*

The Overly Friendly Former Undertaker hadn't quite identified what it was that his hand had been squeezing. To him, it felt something like an over ripe punga fruit that had been filled with sand and left out in the sun to dry for a time. To him, it felt like a mole rat had died and sat unmolested in the Wasteland sun, its body bloating as gasses filled the corpse. To him, it felt like a Super Mutant had taken one of its gore bags and filled it with Mirelurk eggs. It felt like a ghoul's breast.

*Squishy ... Squishy?*

Turning around, the Dapperly Dressed Former Grave Digger was hit full in the face by a steaming, stinking, filthy shovel load of embarrassment. Now, were he Dudley or the as of yet unmet Eddie the Dead, Thomas might have made a rather lewd remark about continuing this little party over yonder but he was neither of these two. He was Thomas, Thomas the man who had once called Arizona not by her name but by the monikers "Old One" and "Ancient One." He was Thomas, Thomas the man whose family thought that Ghouls were to be revered as they carried with them the fragments of Pre-War knowledge that would one day help end the calamity the world found itself in.

"I... I... I... Ummmm... It was... I..." The normally Well Mannered Former Mortician managed to stammer as he went into full retreat from Arizona's menacing grin that was plastered upon her visage, "It was... it was... I... didn't mean..."

Whether it was through sheer luck, an act of Holiest Walt or just well timed choreography, Thomas managed to worm his way out of the situation through the unlikely assistance of the other religious nutjob not named Thomas, Kristin Blamco. Though truth be told, assistance might have been giving the Bumper Sword Brandisher too much credit. Were Thomas not already in a stunned state, Kristin's act of hauling Thomas and Arizona to their feet might have resulted in whiplash. Instead, it only resulted in the Friendly Former Undertaker feeling rather light headed from being made to stand too quickly. The edges of the world threatened to collapse upon Thomas for a moment before the blood rushed back into the man's brain.

"Did I perhaps hit her in the head too hard?" The Blamco Berserker asked as she tilted her head in the direction of Sylphee who was still attempting to squeeze the last ounces of life from the body of Lucy Black, Sylphee's "mother" and Thomas' lover (?).

"What?" The Tall and Pale Former Assassin blurted out in a moment of confusion before realizing that this was the Macaroni Martyr's first encounter with Sylphee, "Oh... no. You didn't do anything to her. She's already a little ... off in the head. Short version of the story: My-brother-Henry-created-Sylph-to-be-both-a-companion-and-a-bodyguard. To-do-this-he-implanted-a-pair-of-personalities-into-one-body. One-is-the-murderous-half-that-you-met-back-inside-the-Gates, Sylph. The-other-is-the-one-currently-attempting-to-murder-the-love-of-my-life."

Thomas ceased the machine gun salvo of words that he'd unleashed on the Guardian of Gouda. Did he just really say that? Why did he just admit that to a woman that he had only met less than an hour ago? It's not he was some sort of tour guide responsible for telling her the ins and outs of living in the D.C. Wastelands...

"Now. If you'll excuse me. I've gotta go... yeah... gotta go." Thomas said as he rushed to assist Lucy.


The Wild Wastelands | Megaton Gates
"Reunions... of sorts."

The reunion was long and heartfelt. Sylphee pressed Mommy Lucy Caboosy's face into her chest with the intention to never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever let her go. Even Daddy's impromptu chest grabbing couldn't ruin the moment for the Blue Haired Bad Luck Charm. To the best of Sylphee's recollections, she'd never had a Mommy before... well... she had to have had a mommy, that's where Baby Sylphee came from, right? But to finally have one was something that made the Red Menace practically squee for joy.

As the joyful meeting continued, Mommy Lucy Caboosy tried to say something through Sylphee's sternum.

"Mmmmpphhffff! Syymmmphhheeee!", Mommy Lucy Caboody's muffled mumbled grew louder when Sylphee decided to wrap her legs around her Mommy's upper body, "Syyymmppphhhheeee! Yoooooffff! Kifffffingggg! Meeeee!!!"

Now it could be that Mommy Lucy Caboosy was attempting to say: "Mmmmmmm! Sylphee! Sylphee! You're killing me!"

But... That's not exactly how Sylphee heard it.

"I love you too, Mommy Lucy Caboosy!" Sylphee said enthusiastically as she squeezed Mommy Lucy Caboosy's skull even tighter... was that even possible? At a certain pressure they should have fused and started some sort of fusion process that generated a new star right in front of the Megatonian Gates. Fortunately for Mommy Lucy Caboosy, Daddy stepped in.

"Sylphee!" Daddy Hentai-Chan's stern voice came from behind her, as he moved in slow and deliberately loud steps to ensure that the Love Killer was aware of his position at all times. He sounded rather nervous, like he was dealing with some sort of venomous insect, which he was.

Enter our hero, Mister Pinchy, the Stingerless Rad Scorpion and pet to both Sylphee and Sylph. Mister Pinchy didn't exactly like being held aloft by his stump of a tail. It made him feel inadequate, sort of like what happens when you go to the bathroom and the urinal next to you happens to be Ghouly Peter North. That's how Mister Pinchy felt. If he was human he'd probably drive around in a large lifted monster truck with a gun rack. Unfortunately for him, he was simply a Rad Scorpion and would have to content himself with attempting to remove Daddy's nose from his face with his pinchers.

"Sylphee. Mister Pinchy needs to eat!" Daddy said sternly once again, reminding Sylphee that even if she was just an overgrown child, she still had responsibilities.

"Okay, Daddy!" Sylphee said with a groan as she released Mommy Lucy Caboosy from her fleshy tomb. Skipping over to where Daddy stood, Sylphee plucked Mister Pinchy from daddy's grasp and went to look for bugs, mole rats or baby mirelurks to feed Mister Pinchy.

Watching Sylphee skip from spot to spot to spot to spot to spot to spot to spot to spot to spot to spot to spot... you get the idea... Daddy helped Mommy Lucy Caboosy up to her feet and gave her a moment to remember how to breathe.

"You okay, Lucy?" Daddy asked, his voice filled with concern.

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
The Wild Wastelands | The Road To Dunwich | Outside Megaton Gates
"A good menacing grin takes practice. After a century or two, I can safely say I've got a good one."

The last time Arizona had tried to pry Sylphee off of someone while she was in the middle of one of her bone-crushing hugs, it had taken two, very determined people. This time, however, she simply wasn't letting go. And really, it made no logical sense to the Old Ghoul. The girl was practically a stick figure, and barely an adult as far as she was concerned. And yet, she had more strength than ten other girls her size when it came to bear hugs.

So, while she tried to pull apart the Red Menace's arms from Lucy's neck, Thomas tried to go for a different approach. Arizona spared a glance before pulling back to see whether or not it would work with an amused smirk. For a moment, she even thought it had, since Sylphee had practically leaped away from the other one-eyed member of their group, only to backhand Thomas. Right into Arizona herself.


As the two of them sprawled on the ground, Arizona groaned softly as she reached up to rub the back of her head, but a subtle but insistent pressure on her chest made her freeze. Slowly, deliberately, she look the time to look down at Thomas as one of his hands squeezed one of her breasts.

A variety of different emotions ran through her in an instant as she tried to decide which to go with: From vague embarrassment, to minor arousal before finally settling on moderate irritation. After all, it was the the most familiar to her out of the three. The result was the Ghoulish Freelancer baring her teeth in what some would have loosely called a smile, even though there was nothing friendly about it.

"I... I... I... Ummmm... It was... I... It was... it was... I... didn't mean..."

"Get. Off. Of me." she ground out between clenched teeth.

But before he could, the two of them were hoisted to their feet by the helpful Tits McHugeKnockers. As the two of them spoke regarding Sylphee, Arizona stepped away as she brushed the wasteland dirt off of herself. She would have been perfectly content to leave it at that and simply rejoin Lucy and her father, only to be interrupted by who she recognized as one of his companions.

"Hey there little missy, yah just about the cutest ghoulette I ever seen in this whole wasteland. What say you tell me ya name?"

Under other circumstances, she probably would have laughed the pick-up line off. But given the day that she had, she wasn't having any of it. Turning to face the man properly, she leveled an intense death glare at him. Much like her menacing grin, she had cultivated a good glare over the years, and some people had a theory as to why it was so potent: Due to the fact that she only had the one eye left, it ended up intensifying the hate energy into a single, powerful glare beam.

Whether that theory had any weight or not, she paired her death glare with a twisted snarl.

"You want my name? Alright then. It's 'Fuck You'. That's Eff-You-See-Kay, capital Why-Oh-You. Fuck you. That's my name." she spelled out before barking, "Now I'm not in the mood, shitbird, so hit the fucking road!"


[ dr. sorenson ]
The Wild Wastelands | Following The Post-Apocalypse | Springvale School
"There wasn't a single part of what you said that made me worry any less."

Constance mentioning that the Sylphy guard ought to be doubled was enough to make Jenna's budding senses for danger to prickle. In fact, it was a combination of that, and the Smothered Deathclaw Steak that threatened to come back up on her that made her swallow audibly.

"No. Nothing to worry about, Miss Jenna."

The blind young woman shook her head vigorously in an attempt to reassure the tall Followers Doctor.

"Just a few strange rumors is all. These Sylphys get spooked pretty easily. Next thing you know they'll be talking about how there's a White Land Whale out there that needs to be killed. I just doubled the guards just in case. You never know if there could be some truth to the rumors. Besides, if we don't give them something to do, next thing you know they'll be invading Megaton."

At the mention of an invasion, the Sylphy's sitting at the cafeteria tables were suddenly brandishing their weapons, and it was abrupt enough to make the Doctor flinch. She could only exhale a sigh of relief when Constance told them firmly that no, Megaton wasn't going to be invaded anytime soon. The clones were clearly disappointed at that, but nonetheless went back to eating. Satisfied with that, Constance turned back to her, all the while pulling out what she recognized as a ration packet. Jenna couldn't blame her, really. Deathclaw meat simply tasted wretched, and she was pretty sure that even buzzards wouldn't have Deathclaw as one of their first choices for a carcass to pick at.

"So, Miss Jenna, we'll give you access to the library but I don't know what you'll expect to find. From what I see, the last bunch of Raider Scum that lived here decided to use the books as toilet wipes. No to mention the fact that there was a Giant Ant nest underneath the building that needed to be collapsed."

The Follower in her immediately felt an intense stab of despair at the mention of books being used for toilet tissue. Those books were the remnants of the Old World before the War! Any intact book was priceless for the knowledge and history that they preserved! Even fiction had value if only for the escape it offered from the bleak and unforgiving wastelands.

Shaking her head, she groaned. It was to be expected of Raiders though. They didn't care about the preservation of history or knowledge. They only cared about taking everything they could, and screw everyone else.

"What a terrible waste." she said finally, "Still, I'd like to do what I can to help before moving onto Megaton."

There was a moment before she teased, "Besides, I'd rather not be there just yet if you change your mind about that invasion."

The Harkinator

Did something happen?
Jun 2, 2010
The Three Musketeers: A shoulder to cry on.

"AWWW NO! Our boy has struck out!" Cried Evan upon seeing Dudley's swift and brutal rejection.

"Thus rejected by his potential mate, The Dudlinium makes an exit, heart crushed." Narrated William as Dudley looked down at his feet and shuffled away from Arizona. There would be other opportunities for him to try again, but right now he felt crushed. Dudley shuffled over to them and buried his head on Evan's shoulder, letting out a single mournful sob as he did so.

"Do you even wash Dudley? Ugh."

"She doesn't mean it mate, just having a bad day. It's not every day you witness a heartfelt reunion, several fights, stressful conflicts, and getting knocked over and having your boobs squeezed by... that guy." William would have to learn a few new names at this rate, "Actually, that's happened a lot more in the past week or two than it ever has in my life. There might be a correlation."

"What, you've had your boobs squeezed a lot in the past couple of weeks?" Said Evan, voice slightly muffled behind Dudley. He dropped his shoulder a little and lowered Dudley to the ground, who sat cross legged like a child on the naughty step.

"No, I was referring to weird shit in general. You might notice a major increase in weird shit happening when you're around this lot. Some people are a magnet for that kind of thing and I'm looking at a whole collection right now."

"You've got a point. Like why are her breasts so big? Why has that one only got one eye? What's with the crazy blue haired girl? What's with the crazy PINK haired girl? Why do they have a radscorpion? Why does that guy look like an undertaker? Why did we meet somebody who came back from the dead like it was a completely normal thing to do?" Asked Evan in quick succession, it suddenly dawning on him just how weird things had become.

"After a while, you just stop asking these questions. Go with it, you'll either have the time of your life or end up dead in a really stupid way. Whatever happens, it won't be boring." Said William matter-of-factly. He patted Evan on the arm, "Come on, let's introduce ourselves."

"Wait fer me guys!"

Rip Van Rabbit

Apr 17, 2012
Lucy Black || Outside Megaton Gates
"The Girl With Passion Scorched Wings Must Finally Walk Away"

("Where does I even go from here? How do I proceed? Why have I fought? Can I make this choice?")

Lucy Black, the formerly flawed gauss rifle gunslinger, was fraught with worry and not jubilation as one would come to expect from someone reunited with a previously-deceased relative. Now it would be unfair to peg herself as ungrateful, no, the return of her father had complicated matters, to say the least. Matters pertaining to the heart to be exact, for upon discovering that the Brotherhood was tied to her father's resurrection, the former sniper had to say goodbye to Thomas, Sylph & Arizona.

"You okay, Lucy?", Thomas 'Shifty' McGee spoke nearby.

With a heavy heart, Lucy picked herself off of the ground and with her back turned to Thomas, she ran a hand through her hair and sighed. "Not entirely", she replied, sounding disheartened, "The Brotherhood has something to do with Isaac's return. I need to be with him and get some answers. You know how I can get when I want to know something.", a brief smirk emerged, betrayed by a downcast look, it quickly vanished. "This puts a dent in our plans -- together", Lucy regretfully admitted.

Taking a few steps forward, Lucy laid her hands flat on Thomas' chest and stood on her toes to kiss him tenderly. Breaking away and hugging him around the waist, Lucy looked up at Thomas with intensified determination in her eye, "For now. This time it willonly be temporary! You hear me? No dying this time, fake or otherwise, I forbid you.", Lucy attempted to mockingly deride him in spite of her growing reluctance to leave him, "You do your thing. I have to go mend a few fences at the Brotherhood, find out why they kept my dad from me, or burn the place to the ground -- depending on my mood."

After another kiss, longer this time, Lucy broke away while still clasping his hands, "Rivet City, Megaton, Springvale and the Citadel. Places where I'd most likely be.", one hand fell to her side, "Take care of my Sylphy. And look out for Arizona while I'm gone."

Lucy released her remaining hand from his grip and looked him in the eye, without batting an eye, she simply stated in her own fearless Lucy-like way, "I love you, Thomas Shifty McGee.", hurriedly stepping forward to kiss him once more, she broke away for good, winked (as best as a one-eyed girl could) and smiled, "In no uncertain terms."

Turning on her heel, Lucy regarded Sylphy for a moment. Getting on her knees, Lucy wrapped her arms around the Crimson Menace. This version of Sylph seemed to have a greater recollection of Lucy and wasn't fighting every impulse to slaughter the former 'sister'.

"Believe it or not, Sylphy. But I can't be your Mommy, y'know why? Because we're sisters of sorts. The bestest of friends that fight and laugh and love. Can I see your backpack, please? I won't take anything, I have a present for you actually. Now turn around...", Oddly obedient, Sylph turned around to expose the open backpack full oddities and miscellaneous items. Depositing a significant amount of energy cells and her laser pistol into the backpack, Lucy closed it up and informed Sylph to turn around. "No matter what anyone says, that's yours. Sometimes you can't take everything down with a blade or your fists, so start practicing with that."

Lucy smiled, trying to hide the inclination to cry at having to say goodbye to her sister for the second time. "I'll let you in on a little secret. When we were at the vault, I wasn't planning on getting out there alive. I wanted to die while trying to take someone I hated with me. Then you showed up. You made me think: 'Hey, if I'm gone, nobody will be there for Sylph'. So thank you, Sylphy, for giving me many reasons to live.", Kissing Sylph on the top of her head, Lucy embraced her tightly before getting up on her feet, "I have to go on a little trip with my dad. You stay with yours, okay? We'll find each other again. We always do."

Walking over to Arizona, Lucy extended a hand to kind ghoulish leader of the group. "Sorry that my drama held up your trip so much. Here -- my payment. You'll need it more than I do.", Lucy handed over the caps she had only recently received. "Something urgent popped up, I hope you understand. In the meantime, good luck with everything."

Smiling and nodding respectfully, Lucy started to walk away from the group. Brushing past Thomas, she hurriedly kissed him again, lingering in his arms before whispering to him, "Soon. I promise." Reluctantly, she turned her back and proceeded to walk towards Isaac & Jonathan in the distance. Careful not to look back, she struggled with the urge to run back to the group of loved ones.

*chik clak -- chik clak -- chik clak -- chi---*

"Miss Black.", a familiar voice inquired from behind. It appeared that Kristin Blamco was following her. "A moment?"

Crossing her arms, Lucy turned around and looked upwards at the armored amazonian tower of a woman, "What?", she stated flatly, "If this is another bitching session then I don't want to hear it."

Shifting uncomfortably, the tall knight did something beyond Lucy's immediate expectations. Kristin had sunk her sword blade-first in the ground and proceeded to take a knee. "On the honour of my Knighthood. On my dignity as a BlamCo Princess. Finally, on the might of my Valkyrian blood -- I must ask you to overlook my childish actions from earlier. I-it was most unlike me."

Lucy blinked in surprise, she taken aback. She figured that the Proud Princess was the type to hold a grudge, let alone apologise in the first place. Then again, after her most recent chat with Jonathan, it was revealed that Kristin had also taken the fall for Lucy. Much like Lucy, Kristin wished to see to the protection of the Sylph Clone Army.

"You're not used to these, are you? Apologies I mean.", Lucy remarked before waving her off, "I get it, okay? Jonathan told me everything about what happened with #411. You want to protect something that I care about as well, Sylph --- or more of them to be exact."

Kristin stood up and nodded wordlessly, quite unlike her usual behaviour. Honour and responsibility must be a really big deal to her.

"I should be thanking you for covering for me. So, y'know, thank you.", Lucy extended a hand which was met an armored vice-grip of a return handshake, "It -- ow -- mustn't be easy. Carrying all that weight on your shoulders, dealing with everything while still finding time to smile --- ", Kristin quickly averted her gaze, Lucy had touched on a nerve apparently. "It's not my business, so for what it's worth -- don't hold it all in. Talk to Jonathan, let him in, it doesn't make you any less of the most amazing warrior I have ever seen. Two -- TWO Enclave Heavy Soldiers with just a sword?! I've seen badass, and then I met you.", Lucy stopped gushing for a moment, coughed, and composed herself. "Take it from someone that tried to shoulder everything -- you'll burn out. And, well, the way he looks at you when he talks about you -- you have someone that cares."

With a nod, Lucy started to walk away.

*chik clak -- chik clak -- chik clak -- chi---*

"All the best, Miss Black.", the BlamCo Princess remarked with a gauntlet on her shoulder, "May the Dairy Moonlight guide your path, let your erect nipples point you towards success and fight with relentless passion."

With a confused look, Lucy couldn't help but smile as she stood not-too-far-away from her father's position. She would be joining him in his travels to the Brotherhood of Steel.

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
The Wild Wastelands | The Road To Dunwich | Outside Megaton Gates

If anyone was expecting for the Old Ghoul's heartstrings to be tugged by the forlorn retreat Dudley made, they were doomed to disappointment. She merely glared after him until finally letting out a disgusted sigh. When she turned back to the others, it was just in time to catch the last part of what Lucy had said.

"This puts a dent in our plans -- together."

That was enough to almost put a complete stop to her ill temper, pushing it to the back of her mind in favor of a sense of confused concern. As she got onto her tiptoes to kiss Thomas, it was clear that she was giving him a farewell.

"For now. This time it willingly be temporary! You hear me? No dying this time, fake or otherwise, I forbid you. You do your thing. I have to go mend a few fences at the Brotherhood, find out why they kept my dad from me, or burn the place to the ground -- depending on my mood."

Then she promptly turned to Sylph give her not only a farewell but a present: A laser pistol. And she explained that she couldn't be her mommy, because they were already sisters, of a sort at least. So when it was Arizona's turn, she wasn't surprised to be handed back the caps she had given as 'payment'.

"Sorry that my drama held up your trip so much. Here -- my payment. You'll need it more than I do. Something urgent popped up, I hope you understand. In the meantime, good luck with everything."

"I don't think so." Arizona said curtly, before forcefully shoving the caps back into Lucy's hand.

"I don't take away payment from a partner, or a friend. Besides, you never know when you might need a few caps for something or other." she added with a small smile.

Patting her shoulder, she nodded.

"You go take care of whatever it is you need to with the Brotherhood. And you keep yourself alive too. Whatever's out there? Remember that you're tougher and meaner. And if you die, I promise I'll find your grave and piss on it." she promised, before turning to Isaac.

"As for you, Isaac Black, if we ever meet again, remind me to buy you a drink. I'm sure by that point we'll both have plenty of fucked-up shit to talk about." the Ghoulish Freelancer offered, before watching Lucy get pulled away by Tits McHugeKnockers.

As the two ladies spoke, Arizona gave Thomas a sidelong glance.

"You know... It's not like we've left Megaton yet," she started, "I'm sure I can find someone in this shithole that knows the way to Dunwich. If you want to go with her, now will probably be your last chance before I finish this job."

After all, she knew what Lucy meant to Thomas. They had only managed to get reunited the night before, and already she was being swept off by what seemed to be personal demons that she had to take care of herself. She couldn't blame him if Thomas wanted to go with her. If anything, it would probably end up being for the best for her too, if Arizona thought about it. That way, she wouldn't risk getting too attached to anyone.