The Spoony One has been ejected from That Guy With the Glasses.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Some people seem to ignore that while Noah has admitted to chronic depression he is still mostly in control of his actions and separate of any blame or anything in this event, people shouldn't use he's depressed to excuse any of his actions.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
JohnDoey said:
Some people seem to ignore that while Noah has admitted to chronic depression he is still mostly in control of his actions and separate of any blame or anything in this event, people shouldn't use he's depressed to excuse any of his actions.
not as an excuse, an excuse implies no blame. Most of us here agree that his actions were unacceptable.

A reason, on the other hand is the answer to that age old question "why". Be it right or wrong there is always a reason and having bipolar II is a much much better reason than "he's just a dick"

imagine being hungry. You CAN ignore it, but the longer you do the harder it becomes. That is basically like a mental affliction, You can ignore it in small amounts but eventually a situation comes along that defeats your defenses and you no longer have the capacity to resist those feelings/urges.

So "control" is not really the proper terminology. More easily influenced is more like it. But the kicker is a person suffering with this doesn't know ANYTHING IS WRONG, to him/her this is normal human behavior so they don't resist these urges because to them it's not something that needs to be resisted. Only after diagnosis and treatment do they realize hey "something is wrong here"


New member
Apr 1, 2012
renaissance_nerd said:
Imagine being hungry. You can ignore it, but the longer you do the harder it becomes. That is basically like a mental affliction.
Not a bad way of putting it, renaissance_nerd.


New member
Feb 4, 2011
And That said:
Well I think we all learned an important lesson here.

What is it?

Well, luckily I have here this handy-dandy Venn Diagram to ilustrate:

(37 pages distilled into 1 picture)
I think the red circle needs to be bigger. And there needs to be a black spot for Lordkat

Sep 9, 2010
And That said:
Well I think we all learned an important lesson here.

What is it?

Well, luckily I have here this handy-dandy Venn Diagram to ilustrate:

(37 pages distilled into 1 picture)
Brilliance. We need this as an Escapist T-Shirt. Now.


New member
Jun 29, 2012
Okay here is my two cents, having read the tweet I take away more of 'cereal killer' then a s&m joke or a rape joke, I dont know the context he was replying but to me that tweet is stupid, like most tweets are.

My biggest problem with this whole mess, is that people are finding the fact he make a joke toward a girl about rape and that is not cool.

WHY THE HELL IS IT? If this tweet had been lets say and film brain would people still been up in arms about it? I dont think so. They made a damn video series about him implying rape, to both boys and girls. So he made a stupid joke at some one he thought it would be okay to make a stupid joke at, you know what every one has been there at one point in there life , they regret it and move on. So he made a Rape joke at a girl. In the brilliant words of south park 'You can't make a distinction on what is okay to make fun of and whats not.' This time it just happened to be a gender thing, they only person who should care is the person the joke was aimed at, she didn't like it and he apologized, and the matter was dropped between the two.

My second issue is that Lupa from what I can gather, took up the white knight role to Defend either JO, or point out the Spoony needed to change the way he acts, here is my problem with this. First of it is common knowledge Spoony is sick, both mental and psychically he is not well. People with depression, can snap one, two, three. You really cant be surprised he didn't handle it well, (my father had a friend who was suffering and a bad depression and end up blowing his brains out, because a cop was fallowing him. The cop was trying to tell him he couldn't part some where.) People with depression don't think straight there is a chemical imbalance in their head. And if she honestly had a problem with him the best way In the world she could have handled what so ever, was privately. She didn't. Whatever bad blood between them could and should have had stayed between them so other jerk offs didn't get involved.

Third every one is saying 'he should have taken more time off.', you know what sometimes you just can't. People need to work, people need to pay rent, feed themselves, and pay for crazy thing like bills.How many people have long shitty periods in there lives, plenty, and most of them don't get to take a brake from their jobs. It sucks but that's the real world. fans complaining about wanting new stuff probably doesn't help. But not every one can take months and months off work to fix themselves.

All that being said im not jumping on the I hate lupa train- for the most part I like her stuff, personally I haven't liked some of the things she's done in the few months, she has been playing up the annoying cameo meta Lupa, that stinks of Phelous's stuff, but I still like the work she does, and will continue to watch her stuff until I no longer like it. And the Same for spoony I like his stuff, every time he puts something out im finding im liking him more and more and as long as I do I will continue to watch.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
Jesus fucking Christ, people. I left for a week, cone back, and see that the thread grew by 20+ pages.

Well, after reading everything...

Spoony needs help and needs to treat his newly diagnosed condition appropriately, but if he intends on continuing being Spoony, he needs help. Not medical help, mind you. He needs someone at the camera and the computer to make sure he's under control and to relieve him of some of the stress. The non-vlog vids have quite a bit of work in them; he probably could use someone to help pick up the slack. If he can't find someone, he should go on a year hiatus to take inventory and... just fucking relax.

Lupa is at fault in provoking Spoony, at least. I highly doubt there was some sort of conspiracy at work; she probably just wanted to antagonize Spoony and it went too far. It's her fault that this started... but I doubt she meant this to happen. Phelous, being Lupa's other, basically has to follow in her lead, and since I haven't ever heard of any type of great friendship between him and Spoony, it was easy for him to be lead by bias.

Holly just appears to have tried the best she could, but ultimately it spiralled out of control, regardless. I honestly applaud her and Welshy for coming out here and clearing stuff up. I doubt she had anything to do with any 'conspiracy.'

LordKaT's an ass, plain and simple, and he needs to drop the grudges and apologize to a guy whose life has been, for quite a while now, shit.

The Escapist community should probably just drop this and wait for Doug and CA to give some sort of official announcement, but given our wildly speculative and highly-debative selves, I see this thread hitting 50 pages.

Thank you for a most enjoyable read, guys. ^.^


New member
Jun 12, 2009
SaneAmongInsane said:
No no, it just perplexes me they could get in trouble BEFORE getting physical.

Everytime I've ever had to deal with authority figures it was always after a punch was thrown.
Keep in mind most of the campers were the children of caucasian middle class families who could and were willing to sue anything and everything if they thought they could get away with it.

You know, like public elementary schools in Connecticut, only outside and zero pension for faculty.


New member
Jun 30, 2012
Having read this whole thread,I thought I'd make an account and throw out my thoughts on the matter.

Now I don't claim to have intimate knowledge of the inner workings of any of the involved parties past knowing their work from the site,or of any events as they occurred,so I'll try to set any speculation aside here and concentrate on what I have actually concretely seen,to the best of my knowledge.

In my opinion,this a situation where everyone is at fault to some degree. What I'm seeing is unprofessional handling of the entire matter, combined with the easy access of social media and people acting purely from emotion,instead of taking the type to think about what they post. This caused a snowballing effect that made things quickly spiral into a high school drama like situation, then quickly go out of control.

When co-workers do things that upset us, we speak to them about their behavior in a private manner, be it face to face,pm's, skype or whatever; we don't run onto twitter and have an argument with them,or blog/vlog about it for the whole world to see.If comes to the point where management needs to be brought in,we go to them privately and discuss the matter,not blurt the entire thing out onto the net, again for whole world to see.

As it concerns the management, when an employee has an issue (as we did here); it is not appropriate to handle a matter like this on their own without first going through top level management (which if i understand correctly,would be the Walkers).To do otherwise gives the appearance of something untoward going on.

Never in any company that I have worked for have I seen punishments handed out by the HR department acting as top management, this was always handled be the appropriate member of management;even in cases where an HR member might be temporarily in charge, disciplinary actions of any great magnitude were always left for the appropriate management to determine upon their return.(assuming this is the correct version of events)

Furthermore,as it concerns this Kelly; as a member of management she should know better than to be fraternizing around with what is essentially an employee on social media (yet again for the whole world to see);if it is innocent and bears no involvement, which could be the case, the image it presents is very damaging,as we have seen. In this case it is even more so damaging, as it also seems she gives the appearance of friendship of another party who has an issue that would appear to provide a possible motive/connection (the ex-gf).

When it comes to other producers chiming in with their private thoughts on the matter on social media (yet again for the whole world to see), that is just poorly thought out and makes things seem very immature. It not the place of what are essentially employees to publicly "take sides", which can only end in causing a civil war of sorts. They ought to either be trying to calm things down(damage control), or remain silent on the matter, and let the official statement speak for itself,at least in public.If they wish to express disagreement with the situation,or maintain a friendship with either,or both parties, that should be done in private.


New member
Apr 1, 2012
saintash said:
First of it is common knowledge Spoony is sick, both mental and psychically he is not well.
I hope I don't come off as a jerk for asking this, because I genuinely am curious to know: Is "psychically" the word you actually intended to use here?


New member
Jun 29, 2012
JimB said:
saintash said:
First of it is common knowledge Spoony is sick, both mental and psychically he is not well.
I hope I don't come off as a jerk for asking this, because I genuinely am curious to know: Is "psychically" the word you actually intended to use here?
im like the world shittiest speller, and have the worse grasp on grammar ever, physically is what i meant to say, if i have no idea how to spell a word and it looks right on my spellcheck i go with it... but its not always right


New member
Jun 30, 2012
I started an account so I could point something out in all this mess that is annoying the crap out of me. I keep seeing these posts where people are talking like Spoony is a man on the verge of suicide and talking like he is this man with a glass brain that is going to break at the slightest provocation. No one that isn't close to him has any idea what his condition is mentally, but I see no reason to assume he is on the verge of some kind of suicidal episode.

The impression I got from his responses to people on twitter was that he was pissed that a bunch of strangers were telling him that he needed to take time off and get help, when they don't know anything about him aside from what they see on the internet. I'd react the same way if a bunch of strangers were treating me like I should be on suicide watch.

I apologize if this has already been said, but I read about 15-20 of the 37 pages here and didn't see it.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
And That said:
Still, don't hate Lordkat after all of this. He's honestly the funnier man after all of this.
I find nothing funny about LordKat, just a sad, pathetic, hateful little man who thinks he is way more important than he is.If his little dark corner of the internet dissapeared tomorrow the game industry would not even notice. He's a nobody who thinks he should be treated the same as IGN, Gamespot ect.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
And That said:
Yeah, humor is subjective, and I find Jason isn't even in Noah's league in regards to good quality comedy. Hell, even when they're both unchained by format in their vlogs and podcasts, I still find myself snickering more with Noah's brand of humor over anything LordKat has ever had a hand in.

Also, Jason is a spiteful shell of a human being who can go straight to hell. Forgiveness is never a rare commodity in my eyes, but it is not freely given either.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
I'm glad to see that with this whole debacle that Noah sees who his friends truly are there at TGWTG. He can now see who has his back and who has a knife for his back.


New member
Apr 1, 2012
saintash said:
"Physically" is what i meant to say.
I figured, but I thought I should check to be sure, because if "psychically" is what you actually meant, I was going to be really excited to hear you explain that. Thanks for clarifying your point, and again, I hope I didn't come off as picking on you for your spelling.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
And That said:
TheDrunkNinja said:
Yeah, humor is subjective, and I find Jason isn't even in Noah's league in regards to good quality comedy. Hell, even when they're both unchained by format in their vlogs and podcasts, I still find myself snickering more with Noah's brand of humor over anything LordKat has ever had a hand in.

Also, Jason is a spiteful shell of a human being who can go straight to hell. Forgiveness is never a rare commodity in my eyes, but it is not freely given either.
Spoony was at his funniest on He had a massive rant that went a little something like: "

If you disagree with me you're FUCKING WRONG , and a FUCKING IDIOT". The fact that he said it straight-faced, and the fact that it came from a 28 year old man in a whiny, high pitched voice made for some comedy gold.

Lordkat is funny because he's so bottom of the barrel, he's gone straight through the barrel, and in a quantum singularity of poorly barreled standards. Watching a guy like that make 2-3 hour "talks" about gaming that nobody is going to watch is so sad it loops around and start being hilarious. Also, the fact that he gave up his most popular show, Until we Win, cause he was too lazy to edit it (said so multiple times), and then called spoony a pussy for not working hard enough. GOOLLLD!!!
Why yes, actually that is quite funny. Though I doubt his shear hypocrisy was intentional considering his egotistical track record, not that I've kept up with him after his Until We Win series.

Noah, on the other hand, has always been overly opinionated, but he's generally acknowledged that he's a deranged raving hypocrite.

This is one of the reason's why MovieBob annoys me so much, because he has no taste for self-parody of any sort since he wants so badly for everyone to take what he says seriously.