The stupidest way you have hurt yourself.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
I gave myself an inch long scar in the fourth grade... when I missed my mouth with the fork and jabbed my cheek instead


New member
May 21, 2010
I was heading inside once through the back porch. It was a small padio, a padio set covering half of it and a bbq on the other side, with utensils hanging off the side, and my dog was sleeping between the two. So I step over my dog to get inside... and stab my foot on a bbq knife. I didn't feel anything, but we could see veins so we decided to go to the hospital, where I learned how slow those fuckers are (I was twelve, but I'd never really hurt myself before except for a concussion, and I didn't remember that). We moved that knife and I had stitches for a few weeks and a scar to this day.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Minor cut, but I managed to actually cut myself not only on a piece of ice while getting it out of the freezer, but also on the Tin-Foil in a gum package after getting the gum out. (You know, the kind of package where you press in on the gum to make it pop out)


New member
Jan 23, 2010
i tried to j hop on a bike across a 6 ft deep ditch.

well i hopped too early and fell in the ditch, my knee got twisted majorly on the bike and it resulted in an unhappy triad injury and major surgery.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I threw my old computer into a furnace and then after a while, I swung at it with a crowbar. My right hand has permanent scars were the molten metal and plastic hit.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Carrying a set of lego wheels. They were on a metal axle, I tripped, the axle and plastic shards went through and into my hand. I got up, slighlty confused as to why the wheels would not fall off of my hand when I turned it over...SAM, CALL MOM!
The worst part were the wheel puns I had to endure in the waiting room: "it must wheelie hurt....(shudder).


New member
Apr 23, 2010
The stupidest way to hurt yourself would be on purpose. And I've actually attempted to break my wrist before, by punching a brick wall. It hurt like hell but I didn't break my wrist. I once sliced my finger open quite badly (there was this flap of skin...flesh hanging off) because I was trying to open a packet of pepper with a cheese grater. Needless to say, I fail in the kitchen.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I stabbed myself in the hand with a pocketknife on a bet once. have a nice scar and 100$ to prove it.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Dating a girl I had a massive insanely huge incredible crush on, knowing it wouldn't work out.
We broke up like 10, 11 hours after MW2's midnight release...

Ah... sleep deprivation makes you say stupid stuff.

Physically, I have decided a couple of times that "sounds fun" at diving practice.
It was incredibly painful every time.

Also, never go from practicing 5 or more reverse doubles to reverse 1 1/2s.
That was the worse bruises I have ever gotten. It looked like I had tiger stripes from my chest to my toes. And I finally got the swim coach to admit we're more hardcore/manly/better/deal with more pain. :D


New member
May 6, 2010
The list I could post would be WAY TOO LONG, so I'll just share the most recent.

I was making gnocchi for the first (and last time, too starchy) and I was preparing marinara sauce. Anywho, I opened a tin of tomatoes and something went 'wrong'. The lid of the tin went right into my middle finger, and got stuck in the bone. I rather gingerly removed it to find the flesh of my middle finger hanging off the bone. Of course I had no first aide supplies, despite my history of injury, and had to go out...

To give you an idea of the profuse bleeding, it took three hours and an entire roll of kitchen toweling to absorb it. I had to wander through the streets of Leeds trying to find adequate medical supplies because people kept trying to sell me dinky little bandages, which would not suffice. I ended up in a local Boots, standing behind two women arguing over who would pay for maxi pads, while the wad of toweling around my hand soaked in blood. The till worker, gave me a sheepish grin and was like, oh well, what can you do, until I waved the bloody wad of toweling at him. He shoved them out of the way so I could pay for my stuff. He even offered me medical assistance, and suggested I go to the A & E, but dammit, I'm a pro, I've done this sort of idiocy before, I could easily fix it myself.

I got home, and attempted to use steri-strips, but there was substantial blood and the first couple fell off. Long story short, I should have gone to the A & E, my flat was covered in blood, and gnocchi, as I mentioned, is too starchy. However, marinara sauce is unaffected by bleeding into it profusely. And if you cut yourself severely, even if it's a finger wound, if you hit bone, see a professional.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
I took three steps outside in football boots and slid over on some ice. I fell HARD and for some reason the impact point became a burn and left a massive scar three inches accross by two inches high in a weird oval shape. I look like a piece of abstract art on my thigh. Funny story though.


New member
May 11, 2010
i was opening a toy packet you get in cereal boxes with a big 10inch letter opener....
i was 16 at the time. and lets say i pushed to hard and the knife forcfully penetrated through my hand out the other side. i now have 2 scars from one accident...


New member
Jun 1, 2009
When I was about six I pretended to be a dog and ran around the house on all fours. I charged into my parents bedroom, was unable to stop myself and crashed my head right into the corner of the cabinet. That was painful, very painful.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Had an airsoft gun tucked into the front of my pants which discharged while I was drawing it... I was commando that day :eek:(


New member
May 16, 2010
When I was very young (2 or 3, I believe) I ran into the coffee table. The top was rectangular and very sharp at the edges. It actually cut my head open a little and I had to get stitches! Obviously running into something isn't as embarassing as a toddler, but still ridiculous. So when people ask if I was dropped on my head as a child I tell them "No, I ran into a coffee table!"