The TF2 Spy & Sniper Update, your thoughts


New member
Sep 3, 2008
The random weapons that you get and the fact that you can get a weapon that you have is what experts call a Dickmove extrodinare.


New member
Nov 9, 2008
This update seems to have made the game a lot more buggy. It has been getting quite choppy at times and now I've encountered a problem wherein I can play for a couple of minutes and then it boots me from the game citing some connection problem with VAC. Anyone else had any similar problems?


New member
Aug 27, 2008
T said:
This update seems to have made the game a lot more buggy. It has been getting quite choppy at times and now I've encountered a problem wherein I can play for a couple of minutes and then it boots me from the game citing some connection problem with VAC. Anyone else had any similar problems?
I have - i've seen numerous cheaters not being stopped for a while now.

Lord George

New member
Aug 25, 2008
Anarchemitis said:
stormcaller said:
Obviously this is to counteract achievement servers.
That's arguably the point.
Except now your just going to get 24/7 AFK non kick servers appearing where people will just keep running in the background so they can unlock all the weapons. Big improvement there then.


New member
May 5, 2009
I hated random drops WoW and now I hate random drops in TF2. After playing for about 4-5 hours I recieved an Axetinguisher, a Natascha, a Natascha, an Axetinguisher, a Jarate, a Natascha and an Axetinguisher...

At least I got one new item which I suppose is better than nothing. On the other hand I watched one person log in and almost immediatly get the Huntsman, followed by the Atomic Punch 10 minutes later and then the Cloak and Dagger.

The achievment system Valve used before wasn't perfect but at least it guaranteed that eventually, even if it took me months, I would recieve a reward for my efforts. The new system is simply frustrating. I do not want to play for hours on end only to be rewarded with something I already have. It's like it's your birthday but all your presents are the same crappy action figure.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
DrWilhelm said:
I hated random drops WoW and now I hate random drops in TF2. After playing for about 4-5 hours I recieved an Axetinguisher, a Natascha, a Natascha, an Axetinguisher, a Jarate, a Natascha and an Axetinguisher...

At least I got one new item which I suppose is better than nothing. On the other hand I watched one person log in and almost immediatly get the Huntsman, followed by the Atomic Punch 10 minutes later and then the Cloak and Dagger.

The achievment system Valve used before wasn't perfect but at least it guaranteed that eventually, even if it took me months, I would recieve a reward for my efforts. The new system is simply frustrating. I do not want to play for hours on end only to be rewarded with something I already have. It's like it's your birthday but all your presents are the same crappy action figure.
I recommend leaving TF on for the night and see how many sandviches you'll have in the morning


New member
Mar 4, 2009
DrWilhelm said:
It's like it's your birthday but all your presents are the same crappy action figure.
Actually, it's more like you get nothing for your birthday, but randomly receive presents throughout the year, occasionally the same ones.

Internet Kraken

Animalia Mollusca Cephalopada
Mar 18, 2009
I don't like it.

Before you had to actually work to get the items. It caused you to become with familiar with the class. That way when you finally got items you where skilled as the class. You might not just ditch the old items for the new ones because you spent time using them.

Now you just get them randomly, for doing absolutely nothing. It leads to players who have no idea how to play the class running around with weapons like the Ambassador. It leads to players never even trying the old weapons because they have access to the new ones without even playing the class. So the old weapons become obsolete among the new players. Plus the fact that the system is completley random bothers me. If I did good enough as the Spy, eventually I would get the Cloak and Dagger watch. Now no matter what I do it is completley random if I get it or not. I could end up never getting it.

So Valve, if your going to make unlocking the weapons involve no skill whatsoever, fine. It gives more freedom (in theory) to the new players. But don't make them unlocked at random. Just have them unlocked right away. If you've thrown skill out the window then there is no reason not to do so.

Also this hasn't done anything to stop players from spamming the updated class. I have seen tons of Snipers. Way to many Snipers. In fact, none of them had any of the unlocks. They all had standard Sniper gear. People are still going to spam the updated class no matter what system Valve uses.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
You would think that the purpose of releasing two class updates was to prevent wave of spies or snipers but valve could reduce the number of achievements, again, needed to get new weapons. overall the achievement failed to do that since I still see high numbers of Spies and snipers.


New member
Nov 9, 2008
T said:
This update seems to have made the game a lot more buggy. It has been getting quite choppy at times and now I've encountered a problem wherein I can play for a couple of minutes and then it boots me from the game citing some connection problem with VAC. Anyone else had any similar problems?
Never mind; I reset Steam and it's working fine now.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
It's still easy to get into servers, there's loads of TF2 servers.
I like the unlock idea, not at first but now i realize it's a good idea. The reason being that this way the servers aren't full of the same classes on update release day, people actually have to play the game somewhat before they unlock something (unlike achievement servers) and i don't have to do those ridicuous scout achievements to unlock a weapon I may only use once.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
oliveira8 said:
I stopped playing shortly after the Scout update which broke the game into a thousand tiny pieces then shat on them from the empire state building.They also had rancid meat the day before explaining the stench. In more recent light this looks interesting and probably worth the re-install which I am doing right now. The game was already broken before this update so I can't see how much more damage it can do.


That kinda says that the game got so bad that its almost unplayable and no matter how much updates it gets, it will stay the same broken crappy game.
That kinda says that the game got so bad that its almost unplayable

Imagine that. That's what I pretty much said there. Not broken beyond repair. You see the scout ball had broken the way of the game. It rendered the Soldier, Heavy, Pyro, and Medic all almost useless against scouts.

and no matter how much updates it gets, it will stay the same broken crappy game.
Your reading from another post. At no time did I say that or imply that.

red ant

New member
May 18, 2009
I think a trade system should be implemented in addition to the random drops. For instance the first item could by traded with 1 unwanted item, the 2nd 2 unwanted items, and the 3rd 3 unwanted items. In addition any class hats should be tradable by trading one unwanted weapon this partially evens out the unlocking by making it easier to get the item you want by trading for it.

For demo I want mines that automatically go off when tripped and the thrown dynamite in the video they showed for the demo.
For engi I want a wall that you can shoot behind of and the option of eletrifying dispensers take that spies.
The soldier could a med kit and possibly a motion sensor map.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
I have almost all of the spy and sniper achievements, and yet not a single unlock. The only thing I 'found' was the KGB, which I already had. I simply can't see the logic.

Further, Jarate really annoys me. It just does.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
This also screws over the people who were doing it legit before. I was 2 achievements from axe tinguisher, and 5 from kritzkrieg. Now I have to just sit and wait while people are geting the weapons I want, and I can't do anything about it.