The Thousand Dollar Steampunk Memory Stick


New member
Dec 30, 2007
WillRockwell said:
Undercover said:
laserwulf said:
It looks amazing (as any Steampunk article should), but the designer's an idiot. I could go to Wal-Mart, buy a thumbdrive, some Krylon Fusion Matte Black and Hammered Bronze, Rub & Buff, and some extra bits, and make one for under $50 that would look just as good. With a competitor selling his at $1,000, me charging $50 for mine would look like a steal.

(Before anyone calls shenanigans, at you can see one of my current projects, with more to be posted.)
I totally agree, but I think in this case everything was hand crafted with actual metal, and the drive itself is a one-off.

People need to understand what makes things like this expensive, and it ISN'T the materials or even the time that went into it, its the fact that this is a one of a kind, hand made piece of functional ART. Edit: Lazerwulf, if you really wanted to you could sell your creations for a few hundred dollars, not just the cost of the materials, why? Because you are creating unique, one of a kind, functional ART, not just some crappy, mass produced plastic piece of junk.

Man, people are so quick to just shit all over things they don't understand. It must be nice to sit in their ivory towers looking down on everyone else because they're all so uber cooler than the rest of the world. So what kind of art have THEY created? Do they even know what art IS? Obviously not from a number of the comments here. You people can't see the forest for the trees, you think in too linear of terms. Too bad for you you can't see things for what they are, not for what you THINK they should be.

Unless you're like laserwulf and you actually CAN do better, keep your mouth shut about things you don't understand. GOD that irritates me...
Thank you, you have pretty much described my motive exactly right. I liked Lazerwulf's gun, but if he was to sell it, I'm sure he would want a lot for it. When you work on these things they become your babies, and you are offended by the idea of selling it cheap. That said, I have put this drive on Ebay with a starting price of $200. I hope it sells for more than that, but would feel cheated selling it for less.
The articles about this drive were written when it was only a few days old, and $1000 sounded like a fair price to me. Actually, these things seem to attract more attention and get written up more if they are priced high. And like Undercover said, it IS art, and art can be priced VERY high.
I actually am working on a duplicate of my chaingun just so I can sell one. When Kotaku and The Escapist feature posts about The $1,000,000 Gun, you'll know I've finished the second chaingun.


New member
Jan 10, 2010
Macksheath said:
Do Want! But not for 1000 bucks =/
If he reduced it to $10 I would have went after it.
It's 64 gigs.

laserwulf said:
I actually am working on a duplicate of my chaingun just so I can sell one. When Kotaku and The Escapist feature posts about The $1,000,000 Gun, you'll know I've finished the second chaingun.
Actually quite a good idea.
You could get a decent amount exposure just for that, drop the price to something more reasonable, sell it and win.