The Underappreciated Gems of Gaming


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Sugarfluff said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
Christemo said:
Heroes of Might and magic 3-5. best turn-based strategy game of all time.

Titan Quest. Best RPG of all time (single player most of the time, but it has online play and a map editor).

Dawn of War: Soulstorm. Best of the DOW series, but it was not very well known and DOW2 has ruined the entire franchise.
Really? I liked Dark Crusade much more for the for the multiplayer and I liked Dawn of War 2 much more than the rest of them for the epic story driven csmpaign.
I agree, I would always opt for Dark Crusade whenever me and my friends would play LAN (do you other people say that too or is "LANing" just something we swedes say when we bring our computers to a friends place).
I haven't played the entire DOW2 campaign yet but the multiplayer sure beats the previous games, if with a bit of balancing issues.

As for a favorite neglected game Diablo 1 (I played this game far after its release so maybe I just missed the tide but it was an awesome game that next to none of my friends have played)
Hehe, I have Diablo 1 on ps1, good game that.

JayTee said:
Kula World, Klonoa 2, Tomba! and Ghost in the Shell.
Love Kula World, plus I have a demo of tomba I think. Is that the guy with the pink hair?


New member
Apr 18, 2009
Khazoth said:
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines

Khazoth said:
Septerra Core (The ONLY good turn based game in exsistance)

Khazoth said:
Planescape Torment
Underappreciated? Really? I have never met anyone who didn't say that they loved this game. Except for me, I just found it an annoying wall of text, of which said text only about 5% was interesting, totally bug-infested and full of more fetch quests than anyone in their right minds can stomach.

Khazoth said:
Mirror's Edge
Oh come on.

Khazoth said:
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division
Made me glad I bought a Voodoo 2, but was pretty shit as a game.

Khazoth said:
Neocron 2

Second Sight

Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner

Saints Row (The Original)

Star Wars: Bounty Hunter
Never played.

Khazoth said:
Sanitarium (I can't fucking stress how original and involving the story of this game is, its one of my top five of all times.)

Khazoth said:
The Original Unreal, before all that tournament nonsense
Best FPS of all time.


Ya Old Mate
May 3, 2009
apsycogerbil said:
has anyone ever played chromehounds it was a robot fighting game released at around the same time as the xbox360 but unlike most its more squad stratagy based than combat its very interesting
I borrowed it but wasn't impressed.

And the Neverwinter Night series, good games.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
TheDoctor455 said:
The entire Myst series. The entire Legacy of Kain series. (except for Defiance)
I liked the story line of defiance, but the scenery was so damn repedative and the end boss was to easy. I hate when game developers recycle the levels having only changed the background color (devil may cry 4 syndrome).


New member
Feb 8, 2009
The_Deleted said:
UtopiaV1 said:
We've had this thread so many times before, and remember people...

If a game is on this list, it is NO LONGER underrated! This thread is self-deprecating!!!

(Btw, everyone KNOWS ground control 1 is the most underrated game of all time, with fallout tactics a close second... actually, they don't, but i suppose that's the point...)
Don't be a tool.
Just 'cus a game gets mentioned doesn't elevate it to being appreciated. I value these threads. The more games I find through others recommendations, the more enjoyment I get from gaming.
Don't be ridiculous mate, if a game is mentioned more than twice in this thread, OF COURSE it's appreciated, because people have played it and enjoyed it enough to mention it here!


New member
Oct 23, 2008
UtopiaV1 said:
The_Deleted said:
UtopiaV1 said:
We've had this thread so many times before, and remember people...

If a game is on this list, it is NO LONGER underrated! This thread is self-deprecating!!!

(Btw, everyone KNOWS ground control 1 is the most underrated game of all time, with fallout tactics a close second... actually, they don't, but i suppose that's the point...)
Don't be a tool.
Just 'cus a game gets mentioned doesn't elevate it to being appreciated. I value these threads. The more games I find through others recommendations, the more enjoyment I get from gaming.
Don't be ridiculous mate, if a game is mentioned more than twice in this thread, OF COURSE it's appreciated, because people have played it and enjoyed it enough to mention it here!
its not about whether someone appreciates a game, its about whether or not it was underrated.



New member
Jun 15, 2008
Recently : Lost Odyssey, Infinite Undiscovery and The Last Remnant.

A while ago : Heart of Darkness and Ghost in the shell.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
UtopiaV1 said:
The_Deleted said:
UtopiaV1 said:
We've had this thread so many times before, and remember people...

If a game is on this list, it is NO LONGER underrated! This thread is self-deprecating!!!

(Btw, everyone KNOWS ground control 1 is the most underrated game of all time, with fallout tactics a close second... actually, they don't, but i suppose that's the point...)
Don't be a tool.
Just 'cus a game gets mentioned doesn't elevate it to being appreciated. I value these threads. The more games I find through others recommendations, the more enjoyment I get from gaming.
Don't be ridiculous mate, if a game is mentioned more than twice in this thread, OF COURSE it's appreciated, because people have played it and enjoyed it enough to mention it here!
Appreciated by two or three people is the definition of UNDER appreciated.
As I say, just cus it's mentioned by a few doesn't mean it has had all the attention it deserves. These threads give those of us who missed out a chance to play catch up.
PS: Sorry about calling you a tool. I was probably knackered. I don't make it a habit to insult people usually.


New member
Feb 8, 2009
Lullabye said:
UtopiaV1 said:
The_Deleted said:
UtopiaV1 said:
We've had this thread so many times before, and remember people...

If a game is on this list, it is NO LONGER underrated! This thread is self-deprecating!!!

(Btw, everyone KNOWS ground control 1 is the most underrated game of all time, with fallout tactics a close second... actually, they don't, but i suppose that's the point...)
Don't be a tool.
Just 'cus a game gets mentioned doesn't elevate it to being appreciated. I value these threads. The more games I find through others recommendations, the more enjoyment I get from gaming.
Don't be ridiculous mate, if a game is mentioned more than twice in this thread, OF COURSE it's appreciated, because people have played it and enjoyed it enough to mention it here!
its not about whether someone appreciates a game, its about whether or not it was underrated.

Oh christ, why am i still in this thread? Anyway, i think the title of this thread is The Under -appreciated- Gems of Gaming, not under -rated-, clue's in the name pal.

The_Deleted said:
UtopiaV1 said:
The_Deleted said:
UtopiaV1 said:
We've had this thread so many times before, and remember people...

If a game is on this list, it is NO LONGER underrated! This thread is self-deprecating!!!

(Btw, everyone KNOWS ground control 1 is the most underrated game of all time, with fallout tactics a close second... actually, they don't, but i suppose that's the point...)
Don't be a tool.
Just 'cus a game gets mentioned doesn't elevate it to being appreciated. I value these threads. The more games I find through others recommendations, the more enjoyment I get from gaming.
Don't be ridiculous mate, if a game is mentioned more than twice in this thread, OF COURSE it's appreciated, because people have played it and enjoyed it enough to mention it here!
Appreciated by two or three people is the definition of UNDER appreciated.
As I say, just cus it's mentioned by a few doesn't mean it has had all the attention it deserves. These threads give those of us who missed out a chance to play catch up.
PS: Sorry about calling you a tool. I was probably knackered. I don't make it a habit to insult people usually.
That's alright friend, I took no offense. I like it when gamers can discuss things in a civilized way, makes me feel like part of a culture instead of a gaggle of hooting dick-holes, to quote a Yhatzee.

And btw, not every gamer in the world is on this thread, so I'm just playing by the laws of averages here. If only one or two people mention it here, times it by, say, 1000, and you'll probably get a rough estimate on how many people have actually played it.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Beyond Good and Evil, Psychonauts, Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath and anything else that pushes the boundaries in terms of creativity. While we're on the subject, I'll add Brutal Legend to the list since I doubt that it'll make a dent in the mainstream wolrd of gaming.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Doug said:
The Bloodlines: Masquerade - underrated because at launch it had a hell of alot of bugs! Community patches seem to have fixed nearly everything now.
Err no, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

Get your titles right next time :)

Harley Duke

New member
Apr 20, 2009
I liked the Megaman Legends series...even if nobody else did. I can't remember whether or not it actually sold, but I certainly bought copies. Ha ha, punting Reaverbots' own grenades back at them was like a hobby for me.

>_> Also, more people should play King of Fighters. Street Fighter can bite me; I've always thought SNK could do it better, especially since KOF '98.

Ultimate Match is out now, by the way. You all should go buy two copies: one to play, and one to slather over your ribs and make sketchy noises with.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Khazoth said:
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines

Septerra Core (The ONLY good turn based game in exsistance)The fact that most of you have never even fucking heard of Sanitarium/Septerra Core/Shogo makes me more comfortable in my position as a misanthrope.
Septerra Core gets my vote as well. This game got me into turn based games and I still have it to this day.


New member
Jan 29, 2008
croxeye said:
All Right I'll bight

Ico (I LOVED this game, still not sure why people don't like it that much)

Wing Commander II: Wrath of the Kilrathi

The movies (and the expansion :D)

Xenogears (sadly underbudgeted, If it had the budget it deserved to have, It would have been such a huge hit)

Both Disgea's (still not sure how to pronounce it LOL)

Ogre Battle
I liked Wing Commander Prophecy better.