Barbas ExQQxv1D1ns Oct 28, 2013 33,804 0 0 Aug 23, 2015 #13,301 ^ Thanks. I got lots more. < *Sniff*. v Does this cake smell like it's gone off?
Headsprouter Monster Befriender Legacy Nov 19, 2010 8,662 3 43 Aug 24, 2015 #13,302 ^ I don't even have a nose! < GRAAAAAAAAAHHHHH *space noises* [] v Has been that mad before.
^ I don't even have a nose! < GRAAAAAAAAAHHHHH *space noises* [] v Has been that mad before.
FPLOON Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn Jul 10, 2013 12,531 0 0 Aug 24, 2015 #13,303 ^ OF COURSE... < Missed a movie-viewing opportunity? v Get swifty!
Headsprouter Monster Befriender Legacy Nov 19, 2010 8,662 3 43 Aug 24, 2015 #13,304 ^ Speed pickup! Zooooooooom! < The best way to describe my style of playing games like Fallout and TES...a long, drawn-out character creation process. v Meep-meep!
^ Speed pickup! Zooooooooom! < The best way to describe my style of playing games like Fallout and TES...a long, drawn-out character creation process. v Meep-meep!
UltraDeth New member Nov 2, 2010 14,150 0 0 Aug 24, 2015 #13,305 *Nicks all of Rube Goldberg's ideas* < Why didn't Coyote just go to the nearest store for a roast chicken? V Razzle frazzle, perracotta, frambackit, gabalabber, hundedder, son of a gun!
*Nicks all of Rube Goldberg's ideas* < Why didn't Coyote just go to the nearest store for a roast chicken? V Razzle frazzle, perracotta, frambackit, gabalabber, hundedder, son of a gun!
FPLOON Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn Jul 10, 2013 12,531 0 0 Aug 24, 2015 #13,306 ^ "Language..." -Captain America < A misleading leading title? v Cut the rope!
Headsprouter Monster Befriender Legacy Nov 19, 2010 8,662 3 43 Aug 25, 2015 #13,307 ^ No, he's had enough candy. < Bunnies: They have weird heads. v I mean, really. Let's be serious, here.
^ No, he's had enough candy. < Bunnies: They have weird heads. v I mean, really. Let's be serious, here.
Barbas ExQQxv1D1ns Oct 28, 2013 33,804 0 0 Aug 25, 2015 #13,308 ^ Yes, their skulls are strange. < Not sure I trust that. v Doctor Frog?
Headsprouter Monster Befriender Legacy Nov 19, 2010 8,662 3 43 Aug 25, 2015 #13,309 ^ XE < XE v I don't have a face.
FPLOON Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn Jul 10, 2013 12,531 0 0 Aug 25, 2015 #13,310 ^ I stole your face! < I wanna get schwifty... v Party and Bullshit?
Drake the Dragonheart The All-American Dragon. Aug 14, 2008 4,607 0 0 Aug 26, 2015 #13,311 ^ Party? yes. Bullsh*t? no thanks < something something something Dark Side! V Is having mandatory fun!
^ Party? yes. Bullsh*t? no thanks < something something something Dark Side! V Is having mandatory fun!
FPLOON Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn Jul 10, 2013 12,531 0 0 Aug 26, 2015 #13,312 ^ Bored now! < Too much Baggage... v Big Pappa?
Headsprouter Monster Befriender Legacy Nov 19, 2010 8,662 3 43 Aug 26, 2015 #13,313 ^ Lil' Brudda. < Successfully made a perk to give the Bear Trap fist a boost. v Heh-heh. Got your arm!
^ Lil' Brudda. < Successfully made a perk to give the Bear Trap fist a boost. v Heh-heh. Got your arm!
UltraDeth New member Nov 2, 2010 14,150 0 0 Aug 26, 2015 #13,314 ^ I need that to throttle you with! < I'm afraid I was completely sober V Is it me or did everything just go all bullet time?
^ I need that to throttle you with! < I'm afraid I was completely sober V Is it me or did everything just go all bullet time?
Headsprouter Monster Befriender Legacy Nov 19, 2010 8,662 3 43 Aug 26, 2015 #13,315 ^ Payneful to watch. < Sock hunt. v Stop milling about.
Twintix New member Jun 28, 2014 1,023 0 0 Aug 26, 2015 #13,316 ^ Would you prefer it if I mealed about instead? < Emotionally drained, lacking motivation. V You should be ashamed of yourself! D<
^ Would you prefer it if I mealed about instead? < Emotionally drained, lacking motivation. V You should be ashamed of yourself! D<
Headsprouter Monster Befriender Legacy Nov 19, 2010 8,662 3 43 Aug 26, 2015 #13,317 ^ Your name sounds like Twix, eventually somebody's going to break your arm off. < Attractive female anime character. v *introductory breast bounce*
^ Your name sounds like Twix, eventually somebody's going to break your arm off. < Attractive female anime character. v *introductory breast bounce*
FPLOON Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn Jul 10, 2013 12,531 0 0 Aug 27, 2015 #13,318 ^ Ya-ne~! < Breast so big they're natural... v Senpai?
UltraDeth New member Nov 2, 2010 14,150 0 0 Aug 27, 2015 #13,319 ^ Echi kendo romaji M.Bison < Those dumb Chinese cartoons V I'd like to rule the world, but the world is not enough
^ Echi kendo romaji M.Bison < Those dumb Chinese cartoons V I'd like to rule the world, but the world is not enough
Headsprouter Monster Befriender Legacy Nov 19, 2010 8,662 3 43 Aug 27, 2015 #13,320 ^ U wee git. < Waiting for my stomach to have room. I hope this happens within 10 minutes. I have to be somewhere. v Public nose-blower.
^ U wee git. < Waiting for my stomach to have room. I hope this happens within 10 minutes. I have to be somewhere. v Public nose-blower.