The Whole I Hate 'Jocks' Thing


New member
Dec 31, 2008
DraftPickle said:
Being a fellow jock, I can feel for you.

I think that people still have the '60s mentality, where you had giant differences between kids with cash and kids without, or cool kids and nerds. I grew up in a place that wasn't really like that, sure, we had some of "those kids" (The really weird psychopathic types that we made fun of), but never really had such a difference between kids that were cool, and just other kids. I was a jock and my best friend was not, we hung out in eachother's groups frequently.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
I am a jock. However, i am a geek. I am a nerd. I am popular. I am a loner. I am an onion.

Stereotypes dont define us, haters gonna hate blah blah, envy is an ugly thing.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
DraftPickle said:
Right I'm 6"1 bout 15 Stone, now because I have gym membership, I like a drink and loud things, I get accused of being brain dead, monstertard. It brought to my attention on this site, so many times people say "I totally cornered this stereotypical Jock type" What a fucking joke are yey not equally as shallow if you label people to a certain stereotype?
That or this sites full of insecure dicks (I know it aint true but for the point I'm making)

Whats your view on the Nerd/Jock/other stereotype thing thing?
The reason why jocks get such a bad wrap and may be prone to more severe negative stereotyping than most other groups (as you are experiencing) is because the typical "jock" causes harm and goes out of their way to make others feel like shit. The stereotypical "nerd", "emo", "geek" or whatever doesn't. That's why you are coping abuse.

But don't worry about it man. Just keep being yourself and everything will be fine! :)


New member
May 16, 2009
Furburt said:
There's a reason I hate these 'Jocks' as ye Americans call them. Because they used to beat the shit out of me, psychologically torture me, and I was nearly driven to both suicide and murder. That's the fucking reason.

I don't think that if you're a big guy who drinks, that makes you a jock, what makes a person a jock is a willing disposition to trade intelligence for group mentality and strength, and bully people smaller then themselves. That's what I define it as.

So no, I don't think you're a jock, and anyone who labels you as such is missing the picture. However, I do hate the whole 'jock' mentality.
You pretty much ninja'd exactly what I was going to say.

Just because you work out doesn't make you a jock. If you excessively play sports, have a dipshit hair cut, beat the shit out of people smaller than you because you're insecure of yourself and don't know anything past how to throw a football, then yeah, you're a jock.

And as to why we hate them, well Furburt described that pretty well. They're the reasons (along with many others) as to why I was driven to attempted suicide. Three times.

That was until I grew some balls and beat the living shit out of all those assholes. Turns out they can't fight unless they have the gay power of their little faggy friends with them and they sucker punch you.

They can't do shit when they're getting their teeth knocked out


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Agree with what's been said, the word "jock" pretty much implies that the person is an asshole.

Didn't have much problems of the sort in my country (Denmark), people aren't so stereotypical here as they may be in USA (I think their high schools are made in a way that breeds jock/cheerleader stereotypes). I'm kind of a nerd and wasn't particularily popular with girls, but I didn't have a problem with jocks, actually had pretty good relations with them, even though my closer friends were nerdy types. Besides, there were no cheerleaders, which is not a sport! I guess jocks are assholes because they want to impress dimwitted cheerleaders? :)


New member
Aug 19, 2009
I don't get the whole jock thing, but people do get surprised, or shocked, that I'm a pure blood gamer.
Just because I don't wear glasses, wear nice clothes and work out like once or twice a week, people get all shocked when I tell them I'm a gamer.
Why do people have such strong and ridiculous stereotypes when it comes to gaming?


New member
Apr 7, 2010
the whole jock/nerd thing is just a group association tool for me, i dont use it to insult any one induvidual or a group of similar people, i just use it to keep track of a persons most visable character traits.

If your big, strong, like sports, like other people that like sports, only dates cheerleaders (or the equivalent snobby cold hearted *****) and your an ass to everyone that you consider inferior to your own massive bulging steriod induced manboobs. Then your a jock. Though not all people apply. I have several friends that most people would consider jocks but they are as far off from being one as you can be and still like physical contact sports.

If your small, overweight, not built for sports, have no interest in sports, think that a bunch of big sweaty guys in tight pants manhandling each other is inapropriate, are allergic to the sun, or spend every waking second striving for that next lv up. Then your a nerd. but as with the jock designation not all apply, I know many people who spend large chunks of their lives pushing brightly colored buttons at 10 times the speed of holyshit, or sitting in a dark room in front of a monitor pushing twelve different buttons at once and talking in mmo code but they still have a very real life and by looking at them or talking to them you wouldnt think that they are gamers.

Like i said its not so much an insult as it is an organizational tool i use to keep track of my fellow oxygen breathers. Although i dont use the terms "Jock" and "Nerd" because if someone called me a either id have to check a calender to see if i was thrown back to the 80's and didnt notice.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Don't really have "jocks" as you'd call them here in the UK, we do have the large sporty guys though who I will admit can get on my nerves a bit when they're on nights out and bashing into people or pouring drinks over each other and anyone else who happens to be in their immediate vicinity because, quote "Its a laugh", while touching up other guys girlfriends. The problem here at Durham is that this is the behaviour expected of you if you're in one of the sporty societies like rugby or rowing and so many (definitely not all) guys who are members of such societies will end up acting that way or be ostracised by the rest and not get to play games, which obviously helps to further the stereotype. I feel that I ought to point out here that although this behaviour is fairly common it is not by any means entirely the case and I've met some really nice guys in some of these societies, who, although I don't really have much in common with (generally not enjoying sport and all) have been perfectly amiable.

For the record I'm a fairly geeky guy when it comes to video games and all, but I'm not a member of any of the geeky societies here as I don't fit their stereotypes, to be in those societies and fit in you generally have to be free Friday or Saturday nights and I'd rather be out in a club than having a LAN party. Just shows that one of the reasons stereotypes stick is that to be a member of a group in many cases you have to change to fit into what the group wants you to be.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Denamic said:
I don't get the whole jock thing, but people do get surprised, or shocked, that I'm a pure blood gamer.
Just because I don't wear glasses, wear nice clothes and work out like once or twice a week, people get all shocked when I tell them I'm a gamer.
Why do people have such strong and ridiculous stereotypes when it comes to gaming?
because everyone thinks gamers are insecure shut-ins...i have the same problem as you, i enjoy going out now and then and also a nice long gaming session. But when im like hey, im a gamer. everyone is like NERD


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
No one is free from being stereotyped sadly.

and people that force this on you are not worth thinking about.


New member
Jun 11, 2009
Furburt said:
Marq said:
He's actually a machine. Like in Terminator. But with a keyboard instead of a minigun.
I mean, what on earth are you talking about? I'm just lovable old Furburt!


AAARGH! You used the Grocer's Apostraphe! Damn you!

(I'm not a Gram-Nazi, but I really hate that damn, useless apostraphe)

OT: We don't really get jocks around here. The sporty people are a bit up themselves, but no bullying or anything

The people I label and hate are the wasters. Not drug-users (they're usually quite chilled people). I mean people who waste their lives.

I'll use Sam as an example

Sam does nothing, he has never achieved anything, and the height of his conversational capabilities is dicussing what is and what isn't "Soooo embarrasing", by which he means he or a mate did something backward-ass-stupid, which is basically everything they do.

He has no drive, no talents, no dreams, no goals, no personality. In art (which is the only class we share (thank god)) he sits there and does nothing, and when miss tells him to do something, he'll say "I CAN'T DO THAT" or "AAAWWW, MISS! THAT'S HAAAARD"

He left the Sixth Form last week because it was too hard and 'crap'. Now he's going to college, which is, as everyone knows, a walk in the park. Sam lacks the cerebral functions nessecary to work out that college means he'll have to ACTUALLY DO SOME F*CKING WORK...moreso than sixth form

I hope I never see him again. What a feckless, worthless waste of oxygen, food and water.

Go on

New member
Mar 11, 2009
I play soccer in a team and go to the gym. Just as the OT guy I love a cold beer now and then and I admit I have bullied. But thats long behind me now. So I wanna ask you guys am I a jock. And by the way I live in sweden
Denamic said:
I don't get the whole jock thing, but people do get surprised, or shocked, that I'm a pure blood gamer.
Just because I don't wear glasses, wear nice clothes and work out like once or twice a week, people get all shocked when I tell them I'm a gamer.
Why do people have such strong and ridiculous stereotypes when it comes to gaming?
This is my situation. My parents often ask me why I play games when I have friends, because aparently they think only lonely nerds play games.

Mr. Mike

New member
Mar 24, 2010
In my high school we don't really have "jocks" per se. Living in Australia, and being near the beach, we have a group of sporty, surfy, tanned kids.

There is also a group of guys in my year that my group fondly refer to as the "frick-tards" (don't ask). They share the same mentality of jocks without the hyper sporty aspect. They're generally annoying as crap, but if you get one of them on their own they're generally decent guys. They only get bad once they are in a group; it's the whole "pack mentality" thing.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
High school was... interesting for me.

The 'Jocks' (have to air quote that because when I was growing up Jocks were Scots... or your underwear) pretty much didn't mess with me after one stabbed me with a pencil and got beaten unconscious with a bin (see: trashcan) for his efforts. Once or twice 4 or so of them got it into their heads to try and jump me but at least 2 of them would end up much worse than I did. By the time I was in year 10 they'd just written of messing with me in any way as a bad idea.

The Geeks/Nerds were okay most of the time but sometimes got mouthy and occasionally got reminded that no matter how 'intellectually' you couch your insults, if the other person understands what you just said some apologising is appropriate. There's banter and then there's being a passive-aggressive little prick. On the other hand no one bullied them when I was around because I'd give them a shit ripping for starting on kids who they could beat up without breaking a sweat. If that didn't stop them, I'd collar them and put them into a wall.

The teachers were fuckheads. They were fuckheads because I always got stuck 'helping' the angriest, stupidest footy player in the class. Their reasoning was that I didn't let myself get bullied into doing their work for them and I had a knack for breaking down the work in a way that even the most brain dead pigskin-molestor could understand. I'll never forgive them for that. I could have used the time to sketch instead.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Honestly you don't sound like a 'jock'. I fact you sound remarkably similar to many of my friends, big guys who drink shitloads and play sport, they just also happen to be huge nerds (cant say if you are though).

On a side note one of them did cop a LOT of physical and mental bullying for many of his school years, then he hit puberty and grey to 6'4. he beat the absolute shit out of every person who said a wrong word to him, and then when he got to high school one of them bumped into him so he threw him down some stairs, he has never been bullied since. He also happens to be a very nice guy.


Game Developer
Jul 31, 2009
I had issues with bullying, but the worst of them weren't actually "jocks" so to speak. Most of them were just miserable because they had a screwed up home situation. It didn't make it any better that I myself had a pretty damn terrible home life and could actually function and even excel in school. Those assholes nearly drove me to suicide in the 8th grade.

Lemon Of Life

New member
Jul 8, 2009
I thought jocks were just people who are good at sport, and I see nothing wrong with that at all.

But, by your descriptions, yeah, those guys are dicks.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
ottenni said:
On a side note one of them did cop a LOT of physical and mental bullying for many of his school years, then he hit puberty and grey to 6'4. he beat the absolute shit out of every person who said a wrong word to him, and then when he got to high school one of them bumped into him so he threw him down some stairs, he has never been bullied since. He also happens to be a very nice guy.
This is the sort of thing I've always had major problems with, I'm a pacifist at heart and was badly bullied at school, but it taught me lots of tricks that can be used to diffuse situations where violence might ensue, but I've never once used violence to get me out of a situation or to deal with those threatening violence upon me. Forcing someone to back down due to the damage that you could do to their social status is ultimately a far better solution than resorting to violence yourself, otherwise what makes you better than those who are trying to hurt you?


New member
Aug 13, 2009
d319tm said:
ottenni said:
On a side note one of them did cop a LOT of physical and mental bullying for many of his school years, then he hit puberty and grey to 6'4. he beat the absolute shit out of every person who said a wrong word to him, and then when he got to high school one of them bumped into him so he threw him down some stairs, he has never been bullied since. He also happens to be a very nice guy.
This is the sort of thing I've always had major problems with, I'm a pacifist at heart and was badly bullied at school, but it taught me lots of tricks that can be used to diffuse situations where violence might ensue, but I've never once used violence to get me out of a situation or to deal with those threatening violence upon me. Forcing someone to back down due to the damage that you could do to their social status is ultimately a far better solution than resorting to violence yourself, otherwise what makes you better than those who are trying to hurt you?
Well i'm glad you are willing to do it that way, unfortunately for my friend he had an older brother who dealt with these problems with violence so thats what he learnt to do. He has since matured allot. Personally I've always just ignored them but its good to hear you can resolve things passively.