Chimpzy said:
Also, both Zontar and Saelune are gone now
Zontar is a thing I guess, but when did Saelune ditch? I thought they were the type to very firmly and forever fight for their want to be around here and have their political rants, and the Current Event forum filled that role? The recent posts don't show anything specific, so, got any idea what changed?
Yoshi178 said:
oh please Phoenix for example is in basically every single Nintendo related thread shitting on Nintendo consoles and/or games.
I went back in this thread just to be sure, and Phoenix didn't show up until
after you started getting highly defensive about Star Fox Zero's control scheme and motion controls as a thing. Now, if they showed up first and said something about not liking them, it'd be a bit different here. However, they came in after the whole thing started and added their 2 cents. Can't speak to previous threads, however.
why the hell do escapist members such as him in particular need to harp on about that fact every single time Nintendo is mentioned?
The irony in this is incredibly thick and kinda tragic. You get mad at everyone else saying bad things about Nintendo, and yet every time someone says something about them that might upset you you're instantly there to defend their honour?
Yoshi178 said:
translation: you guys are just as bad as me but when you have a go me apparently it's "baiting" but when i have a go at you guys it's "whiteknighting"
Complete hypocrisy at it's finest.
I should note I'm not trying to bait you myself, personally. I'm trying to help you realize that others can have opinions and say things you don't like, and that you don't have to come flying in every time to defend the Big N when it happens. You're approaching this all wrong, Yoshi. I don't think people are crucifying you for speaking your mind, it's how you've been going about it when you do.
This comes back to what I said before. Just like you can state your opinions, others can too. The
key difference between you and everyone else is that you take their criticisms like a
personal attack. You "call them out on it" as if they've directly insulted you. Any time anyone says anything bad about Nintendo you feel the seething, burning need to defend a company that doesn't need it, nor even see/care about you defending them. You're defending a corporation that doesn't know you exist.
Why do it? The only reason why I that I can think of is that you've built some sort of identity with yourself with them, and so whenever anyone ever says anything bad about them, you feel like you're being personally criticized.
It's unnecessary. It's why people think you're a fanboy. It's why people call you a white knight. And it's why people can say 1 bad thing about Nintendo, set a clock, and wait for you to show up, just like Bluegate said. And no matter how many times people try to tell you this you
refuse to see it. Whatever you think of me personally, I'm trying to help you, by showing you that it's ok to criticize a gaming company's decisions, take it as a learning experience, and discuss it, like normal functioning adults.
It's ok to do that, Yoshi.
It's ok