The Wonderful 101 is officially coming to multiple platforms


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Yoshi178 said:
Kinda like how the majority of gamers also didn't even buy a Wii U and then suddenly fully fund a Switch port of the TW101 in only 20 minutes
You're moving goalposts now...

Also, Shenmue 3 made money faster than TW101 and that's a shit game...

Yoshi178 said:
Dalisclock said:
Yoshi178 said:
Kinda like how the majority of gamers also didn't even buy a Wii U and then suddenly fully fund A Switch port of the TW101 in only 20 minutes
Sounds like they like the idea of the game, just on a better platform(PC/Switch/etc).

I know I had/have no interest in the Wii or Wii U because of the motion control gimmick but I'm continually tempted to pick up a Switch.
oh please the entire 4 years Wii U was around people on internet forums including this one loved to pretend that the Wii U had no games and now these days you literally have people begging for ports of Wii U games.

and FYI you didn't even have to use the touch screen "gimmick" to play the Wonderful 101 on the Wii U. there was thing called a Pro Controller you could play it with.
Nobody's asking for a Star Fox port...

Why wouldn't people ask for the few games that interest them on a system no one bought to be put on a system(s) people did buy?

But the problem is you have to PAY $$$ for that gimmick as 1) you can't just buy the Wii U console itself as you need the jankass tablet for basic functionality and 2) you have to PAY MORE $$$ for a real fucking controller. I seriously would've bought a Wii U if I could just buy the console box itself and use a normal controller, but you can't. That's the same reason I don't have a Switch, I have to PAY $$$ for a screen/tablet and JoyCons I don't want, then PAY MORE $$$ for a real fucking controller whose MSRP is higher than any other system's official controller. It's the exact reason people bitched over being forced to buy a Kinect with the Xbone.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Yoshi178 said:
Elvis Starburst said:
Yoshi178 said:
and FYI you didn't even have to use the touch screen "gimmick" to play the Wonderful 101 on the Wii U. there was thing called a Pro Controller you could play it with.
Yes, the choice people would've wanted for a game of that kind. Or one that we were just talking about. Maybe a series/gameplay style that always had traditional control schemes. Ya know, like Star Fox Zero? Cough
by your logic we should still be using NES type of controllers because "trying new things is bad"

you also have the choice to just not buy it if you don't like it. problem solved.
Analog stick is literally just a better d-pad that gives you 360 degrees of movement instead of 8 directions. Nobody complained about analog sticks because they're objectively better.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
Phoenixmgs said:
That's the same reason I don't have a Switch, I have to PAY $$$ for a screen/tablet and JoyCons I don't want
1st world problems much?

Phoenixmgs said:
I don't have a Switch
why are you even whining about the Switch and the Wii U then? oh right. Nintendo = bad. Sony and board games = good. now i remember.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Yoshi178 said:
Phoenixmgs said:
That's the same reason I don't have a Switch, I have to PAY $$$ for a screen/tablet and JoyCons I don't want
1st world problems much?

Phoenixmgs said:
I don't have a Switch
why are you even whining about the Switch and the Wii U then? oh right. Nintendo = bad. Sony and board games = good. now i remember.
Paying $200 more than needed for a system with a handful of games is something a responsible adult doesn't do. Plus, Nintendo is very anti-consumer if you haven't been paying attention to the skeletons in their closet. Sony, M$, and PC >>>>>> Nintendo. All the most interesting video games currently are coming from indie/mid-tier devs, and their favored platform is PC so I just basically have console to play the "pretty" games that actually look interesting instead of spending that money on an overpriced video card (which isn't even required to play the best games on PC). The "alternate way" of playing Switch games is literally a better product than Nintendo's offering, which is really sad.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Phoenixmgs said:
Nobody's asking for a Star Fox port...
I'm asking for a Star Fox port. I'd like to play it, but I don't enjoy motion controls so I didn't get it the first time it came out. I'd love to be able to play a modern Star Fox with an ordinary control scheme.

Now, according to Yoshi, this would apparently miss the "point" of Star Fox Zero. Silly me, I thought the point was flying around in starships and shooting things.

Phoenixmgs said:
Paying $200 more than needed for a system with a handful of games is something a responsible adult doesn't do.
If spending money on stuff you enjoy isn't "responsible" or "adult", then none of us are responsible adults.

And I wouldn't want to be one, because it sounds like a dreary existence.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
whining 24/7 for 3 years straight about how you don't want to (or probably just can't afford to lol) spend $300 is definitely something an adult would do i'm sure.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
Silvanus said:
I'm asking for a Star Fox port. I'd like to play it, but I don't enjoy motion controls so I didn't get it the first time it came out. I'd love to be able to play a modern Star Fox with an ordinary control scheme.

Now, according to Yoshi, this would apparently miss the "point" of Star Fox Zero. Silly me, I thought the point was flying around in starships and shooting things.
the Wii U gamepad screen was meant to give you a close up "cockpit" view from your arwing and was also used for things like puzzles where you have your ship on the main screen and solve a puzzle with a different robot on the bottom screen.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Yoshi178 said:
the Wii U gamepad screen was meant to give you a close up "cockpit" view from your arwing and was also used for things like puzzles where you have your ship on the main screen and solve a puzzle with a different robot on the bottom screen.
I'm aware of how it's supposed to work, but none of this requires motion controls in order to pull it off.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
it still requires a second screen though. Something that other consoles don't have


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Yoshi178 said:
it still requires a second screen though. Something that other consoles don't have
You believe this makes a port impossible? I'm pretty sure that with just a teeny bit of inventiveness we can overcome that hurdle.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Yoshi178 said:
by your logic we should still be using NES type of controllers because "trying new things is bad"
I'm sorry, WHAT?

I didn't say anything about a new control scheme being bad, I just said it's not what a lot of people wanted for the game. Don't sit there and act like you don't know what I mean.

Yoshi178 said:
it still requires a second screen though. Something that other consoles don't have
You mean a second screen similar to the one the Wonderful 101 port is gonna make for the sections that "needed" 2 screens?

Also, why do you just selectively choose to not quote another user?

Yoshi178 said:
why are you even whining about the Switch and the Wii U then? oh right. Nintendo = bad. Sony and board games = good. now i remember.
Dude, just... quit being such an argument skirting dink. You are intentionally trying to push the discussion against everyone else when they voice their annoyances, problems, and issues with a product. It happens every single time and you know you do it.

Not every product matches what everyone's wants, and nobody is forced into buying them. I don't think anyone is arguing that. But people are still able to express their disappointments regarding certain game design decisions, or air their grievances when a series takes a direction they're not a fan of. It's called having a discussion. It's called voicing an opinion. And yet every single time you take it as a personal attack, calling others entitled, or saying their issues with a product are a 1st world problem.

It's called expressing an opinion, don't take it so hard to the point you drive the whole discussion into a whirlwind. You know this is why so many people give you shit in nearly every thread you enter, right? Because you keep inviting it for yourself by being so insanely defensive about every little thing that someone says you don't like


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Silvanus said:
If spending money on stuff you enjoy isn't "responsible" or "adult", then none of us are responsible adults.

And I wouldn't want to be one, because it sounds like a dreary existence.
What's really the point of buying a $300 gaming device for a small handful of games when I still have a backlog on the other gaming systems I currently have?

Yoshi178 said:
whining 24/7 for 3 years straight about how you don't want to (or probably just can't afford to lol) spend $300 is definitely something an adult would do i'm sure.
I don't really care what Nintendo does in its own little world, all I do is give practical reasons for why they make a rather poor gaming device. There's probably only like 5 games that I actually really want to play that's on the Wii/Wii U/Switch and you can take 1 of those games away as W101 is coming to the other systems. Also, I'm always thinking big picture with everything, and for me, unneeded money spent now = time wasted in the future; and time is the most important resource to us all. The more money I don't spend now is time in the future that I don't have to work (aka retire sooner). Saving $300 on not buying a Switch, saving $700 not buying some flagship phone I don't need, saving $1,000s on not buying a new car, and many other things like that adds up to tons of money over 10s of years. I can easily afford a Switch as I literally can buy a house using straight cash like I fully paid for my car the day I bought it. I'm not rich by any means, I just only buy stuff I need or that I really really want. Why am I going to buy a new gaming system for a few games when I have several games that I still need to play on the systems I own? If I was all out of games to play and the only way to play more games that interest me was buying a new system, then I'd buy a new system (like I've done pretty much every generation) but until that point, why would I? And, maybe the games I wanna play end up on a system I already have like W101.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
Elvis Starburst said:
It's called having a discussion. It's called voicing an opinion.
this is voicing an opinion is it?

Johnny Novgorod said:
If controls are "the entire point" of a game, the game can't be that good.
no that's that just a blanket statement based on prejudice made because "wah someone made a game with controls i didn't like!"

just because he doesn't like the idea of motion controls doesn't mean everyone else will think like him

Elvis Starburst said:
It's called expressing an opinion, don't take it so hard to the point you drive the whole discussion into a whirlwind. You know this is why so many people give you shit in nearly every thread you enter, right?
maybe if you guys spent less time moaning about things like motion controls then i wouldn't call you guys on it so much.

it takes 2 to tango.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
Elvis Starburst said:
Yoshi178 said:
it still requires a second screen though. Something that other consoles don't have
You mean a second screen similar to the one the Wonderful 101 port is gonna make for the sections that "needed" 2 screens?
TW101 required a second screen even for the few small sections that required a view of the Wii U gamepad even when using a Wii U Pro Controller when playing the original game

a bunch of people have complained about this Kickstarter saying "why does Platinum need all that money just to port a Wii U game. surely they have $50k lying around" sure they do, but this kickstarter money isn't just publishing costs, it's also help platinum cover the monetary costs they spent on completely re-working those few dual screen sections of the game and also to fund the development of stuff like future DLC.

and with Star Fox Zero, they wouldn't have to rework just 2 or 3 tiny sections of the game, no, they'd have to basically rework the ENTIRE game unlike TW101 as the Star Fox Zero Gameplay focused heavily on the use of the gamepad.

crying for analogue stick controls? you may as well just cry for a completely different star fox game because that's what reworking the dual scree feature of the game would make it become, an entirely different game.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
Phoenixmgs said:
Yoshi178 said:
whining 24/7 for 3 years straight about how you don't want to (or probably just can't afford to lol) spend $300 is definitely something an adult would do i'm sure.
I don't really care what Nintendo does in its own little world, all I do is
whine about them pretty much 24/7? yes i know

for someone that doesn't care about them, you sure do complain about them alot.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Phoenixmgs said:
What's really the point of buying a $300 gaming device for a small handful of games when I still have a backlog on the other gaming systems I currently have?
I don't really have any reason or inclination to tell you how to spend your money. If it's not worth it for you, don't.

But I object to the nonsense judgementalism of imagining that it's not a "responsible adult" choice to make to buy a certain gaming console. As if some are more "responsible adult" choices than others. Bollocks.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Yoshi178 said:
Phoenixmgs said:
Yoshi178 said:
whining 24/7 for 3 years straight about how you don't want to (or probably just can't afford to lol) spend $300 is definitely something an adult would do i'm sure.
I don't really care what Nintendo does in its own little world, all I do is
whine about them pretty much 24/7? yes i know

for someone that doesn't care about them, you sure do complain about them alot.
Again, I don't really care what Nintendo does. I can play their games without their hardware if I want. You whine 24/7 to anyone that has issues with anything Nintendo.

Silvanus said:
Phoenixmgs said:
What's really the point of buying a $300 gaming device for a small handful of games when I still have a backlog on the other gaming systems I currently have?
I don't really have any reason or inclination to tell you how to spend your money. If it's not worth it for you, don't.

But I object to the nonsense judgementalism of imagining that it's not a "responsible adult" choice to make to buy a certain gaming console. As if some are more "responsible adult" choices than others. Bollocks.
If there's only like 5 games you want to play on any system, I'd say it's at least bordering on irresponsible paying $300 for it. There's more digital board games on the my $80 phone that are great games than the handful of Switch games I want to play. And all those board games were free thanks to Google Opinion Rewards. My phone is a far better mobile gaming device than the Switch could ever be for me. In my situation/preferences, it would be irresponsible to buy a Switch IMO.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Yoshi178 said:
maybe if you guys spent less time moaning about things like motion controls then i wouldn't call you guys on it so much.

it takes 2 to tango.
See, that's the thing. As I said in my post, one can express an opinion, just as you have towards everyone else, and that in of itself is fine. But what this little quote of information tells me is that you have made it a mission to tell people off for not appreciating a game design decision. And at that point you're personally making an effort to give others shit for their opinions and what they are unhappy with for a product/title/whatever else.

In simple terms, you're intentionally trying to downplay everyone else' opinions because you feel yours are personally (and possibly objectively) better. You are suggesting that you wouldn't have to take the "call to action" to talk everyone else down if they just stopped saying things you didn't like hearing, completely ignoring anyone else' problems as if they're not worth talking about.

In even simpler terms... "You guys are wrong and I don't like what you have to say, so shut up"


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Yoshi178 said:
Dalisclock said:
Yoshi178 said:
Kinda like how the majority of gamers also didn't even buy a Wii U and then suddenly fully fund A Switch port of the TW101 in only 20 minutes
Sounds like they like the idea of the game, just on a better platform(PC/Switch/etc).

I know I had/have no interest in the Wii or Wii U because of the motion control gimmick but I'm continually tempted to pick up a Switch.
oh please the entire 4 years Wii U was around people on internet forums including this one loved to pretend that the Wii U had no games and now these days you literally have people begging for ports of Wii U games.

and FYI you didn't even have to use the touch screen "gimmick" to play the Wonderful 101 on the Wii U. there was thing called a Pro Controller you could play it with.
Or I could just not buy a Wii U, which you suggested to someone else.

Which I didn't. And I feel fine about my decision because there was like 2 games for the Wii U I had any interest in despite the crappy control scheme and I have plenty of other games to play.

I doubt anyone was saying there were "NO GAMES" but rather "No Games I'm that interested in considering the limitations of the Wii U". Not everyone is as enamoured with Nintendo as you are. Deal with it.


New member
Aug 15, 2014
Dalisclock said:
Yoshi178 said:
Dalisclock said:
Yoshi178 said:
Kinda like how the majority of gamers also didn't even buy a Wii U and then suddenly fully fund A Switch port of the TW101 in only 20 minutes
Sounds like they like the idea of the game, just on a better platform(PC/Switch/etc).

I know I had/have no interest in the Wii or Wii U because of the motion control gimmick but I'm continually tempted to pick up a Switch.
oh please the entire 4 years Wii U was around people on internet forums including this one loved to pretend that the Wii U had no games and now these days you literally have people begging for ports of Wii U games.

and FYI you didn't even have to use the touch screen "gimmick" to play the Wonderful 101 on the Wii U. there was thing called a Pro Controller you could play it with.
Or I could just not buy a Wii U, which you suggested to someone else.

Which I didn't.
cool. so why the need to harp on about it then?