The world is going to end on May 21, 2011


New member
Nov 9, 2009
timeadept said:
Theres a fundamental flaw in claiming that the Bible has proof in predicting judgement day. And that is that the bible its self says that we will not know the day of judgement before it comes.
how about 'there's a fundamental flaw in claiming the bible as proof of ANYTHING'. a book isn't proof. except proof of the fact that someone wrote the damn thing.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
1. Nope

2. Well, seeing as I actually am scheduled to cause an apocalypse of never before seen scale by humans but instead I am tasked with doing mortal activities, I guess I'll do the mortal activities instead. There is no "if" in this case.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
The person who wrote that Conspiracy logic is flawed the way he came up with conclusions was just wrong because somehow 7 days means 7000 years when will people relise that the Bible was written by men who heard legends and wanted to write it down
OT: 1.No
2. I would force bethesda to give me skyrim
Jim From Accounting said:
Sigh no one gives a damm about this any more apart from skeptics and idiots
Skeptics?? the meaning of the word Skeptics means They don't think something is real like Global Warming Skeptics

Small Dragon

New member
Sep 30, 2010
For all you know, the world will end today. I would have to agree with NeutralDrow who posted up on the first page the real answer to this end of the world nonsense. No point worrying about it. I suggest you find what is best for you. Not to seem like a bible basher but I would probably pray followed by a drink with some mates and probably go to the beach again and have fun and enjoy my last day on earth. Who wouldn't? :)

Patrick Young said:
The person who wrote that Conspiracy logic is flawed the way he came up with conclusions was just wrong because somehow 7 days means 7000 years when will people relise that the Bible was written by men who heard legends and wanted to write it down
It is a choice to disregard faith, the bible, religion, and I wouldn't think any less of you if you are also someone who disregards the bible etc. There are many documents recording the life of Jesus the Messiah, the King of the Jews etc. Now me being only a 17 year old, I can't give you a list of these documents but that is kind of the point of christianity, and most other religions. Faith. Faith that God will lead you in the right way and you will always come out for better. I'm going to stop there because I don't want you angry at me because I seem like I'm "shoving it down your throat". But I suppose my real reason for quoting you and having a response to your quite blunt statement, is that Jesus did exist and the people who wrote about him were people who knew him. On a personal level. And as for the old testament, a lot of that is from God directly speaking to people and also giving people visions and making them prophets and stuff.
Sorry if this is a bit much. I just feel strongly about this.

Boy I hope this thread doesn't get too religiously based. That isn't exactly the point of it xD


New member
Apr 16, 2008
0's been 2000 years of "any day now". I seriously pity those who buy into these things and organize their only lives around such nonsense.


"Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.'' (Matthew 24:34)

"Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.'' (Mark 13:30)

"Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.'' (Luke 21:32)

That was 2000 years far as I know, that generation is quite deadish by now. If the big guy didn't even know what he was talking about, how on earth could I take a fundamentalist nutcase seriously.


New member
Nov 4, 2008
Know what's great about this particular doomsday predication? It's coming up so soon that we don't have to hear about it for too long before it's proven just as moronic as the rest.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
1. Nope, it'd pretty cool, but its not like its the first time it'll of happened
2. Get drunk and go hangliding


New member
Aug 20, 2009
this guy is probably a troll (or a guy with a tin foil hat) he says that the bible never changed but with every translation people had to interpret certain lines and words.

2. stuff loses consequence so I might as well loot stuff
also I,m convinced the world is going to en tomorrow around tea time.
also I,m atheist and as far as I know the world MIGHT end in a few million years (or any moment due to a giant asteroid impact)


New member
Aug 18, 2010
It is at this I laugh, there is no way that this is happening so soon.

However, I will say that were it ending, I would immediately begin exacting my revenge on all the holier than though people I can think of, and enacting my dream of killing a missionary in front of a minister and laughing psychotically...
Plus I'd find and eat a crumpet, just to see what they're like.

Aphex Demon

New member
Aug 23, 2010
Does it not embarrass them when the world doesn't end? If I convinced every fucker it was gonna' end and then it just didn't, you would look like a twat, which is what this guy is gonna look like.

2. Hang out with my family and friends. Probably smoke lots of bud with my friends too.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
1: I've always been of the mind that if my Maker wanted me to know when they were wiping the slate, they'd flat out tell me.

2: I'd make the girls their favorite foods for breakfast, play Borderlands with my brother, put some beautiful flowers on Momma's grave, and learn to forgive my father. I'd go out smiling.


New member
Feb 7, 2011
1. No. How would the world end? The earth consumes itself? The sun explodes? It will not and cannot happen when according to a book that is "old"

2. sleep... yup, i would sleep...

Bob the frantic

New member
Sep 5, 2009
1. What? God's gonna just wake up and go 'You know what... I feel like bringing on the Apocalypse today.' Of course not!

2. Actions without consequence, huh? I'd probably think up some great ideas, but never get around to them, then just jump straight in and get it over with


New member
Sep 10, 2008
1) Nah. Nobody in the history of the earth has got this date right yet, so I stopped paying attention
2) I would spend my last days converting as many people as I can to atheism, so I can have a party in hell when the day comes.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
1. No, because that's my birthday and that would be a shit present
2. I would be partying like a mofo because as previously mentioned it is in fact my birthday