The world is going to end on May 21, 2011


New member
Sep 9, 2009
1: not a chance
2: probably do the 18 things i can think of off the top of my head ive wanted to do for a very long time (several involve beer and a shotgun)

Breaker deGodot

New member
Apr 14, 2009
008Zulu said:
Which calendar is the bible calculating this end of the world date on?

Breaker deGodot said:
No, because it's Harold Camping. That guy is considered an embarrassment even among other Christians.
Isn't he the one who invented his own mathematical system to prove his calculations regarding the end of the world are true?
Yep, that's him all right.


New member
Jan 27, 2011
Maybe. It is may and the Royals are above .500 and also brought up Eric Hosmer before June making him a "Super 2" which will cost the team 10-15 million down the road if he pans out (he will) and they keep him (they will) If on the 21st they bring up Duffy I think the world might end.

Might aw well spend it at the K, I wonder if the 21st is buck night.


New member
May 1, 2010
1. No. Ignore it like all the other prophets and worry about other things like the broken AC in my dorm.

2. Spend the rest of my days like all the other ones: Playing video games and logging on to The Escapist.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Silly OP, everyone knows that Judgement Day is August 29th, 1997. Skynet becomes self-aware 2:15pm Eastern Time after all B-2 bombers have become fully unmanned, and launches its missiles against the targets in Russia.


New member
May 21, 2009
Wait, what? When did this come up? I honestly haven't heard about it until now. It fucking better not end - I'm going to a baseball game that day, dammit!

1. No.
2. Snap my fingers and go, "Damn! I was wrong." Also, have sex with my boyfriend a lot.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
CM156 said:
According to the source below, the world is going to end on May 21, 2011.

The Holy Bible gives several additional astounding proofs that May 21, 2011 is very accurate as the time for the Day of Judgment. For more information on this subject, you may request a copy of We Are Almost There, available free of charge from Family Radio.
Fellow Escapists, I have two questions for you:

1: Do you think this is really going to happen?

2: If it were, how would you spend your last days?

Personally? I firstly don?t think it was going to happen, but if it were, I would buy a DeLorean. I?ve always wanted one of those cars.

EDIT: If it were true, I would try to dig a fallout shelter. That may be hard, considering I live in an area of Missouri where we have about 8-14 inches of dirt above rock and clay.

EDIT 2: Matthew 24:36 has been cited several times, just so you know.
I honestly don't care if I offend any Christians by saying this, because I really just don't, but the Bible is fucking stupid. It was just written by a few random dudes from ages ago. Why we still follow something that fucking outdated, especially something outdated that has absolutely NO ACTUAL PROOF just word of mouth, when we've moved on from tons of other outdated ancient ideas is a fucking mystery to me. It's been and still is wrong about tons of things and it needs to be forgotten and so does the religion it preaches so that society can fucking move on and stop killing, persecuting, attacking, acting stupidly, etc. all in the name of it and the fucked up God it preaches. Seriously, there have been more deaths in the name of God than any other cause. If anything is going to end the world it's going to be FUCKING CHRISTIANITY, and all other twisted religions like it (i.e. Islam & Judaism).


New member
Sep 28, 2009
1. no, it was created by a crazy preacher or something.
2. It its god-created apocalypse, then pray, if its Terminator type then kill kill kill!


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Nah, I refuse to believe that I only have eleven days to live. Of course, only time will tell, but unless there's bonafide proof, I wash my hands of the whole matter.

That said, if it were, I'd rush to lose my virginity, and keep losing it until the world does finally end.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Wasnt it supposed to 2012 now it got pushed forward geez god is worse than game devs.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
1) FUCK No!

2) But if it were I'd be doing that Evil Dead pose on a pile of corpses while my wife stands behind me with a chainsaw!


New member
Jun 14, 2008
CM156 said:
If it were true, I would try to dig a fallout shelter. That may be hard, considering I live in an area of Missouri where we have about 8-14 inches of dirt above rock and clay.
I wouldn't bother, if God actually existed and he came down to judge the world, something tells me a bomb shelter wouldn't stop him from getting to you. Unless he's really, really lazy.


New member
Apr 18, 2010
Thats the "popular" thought, and frankly here's hoping LOL
SaneAmongInsane said:
michiehoward said:
Also I would like to say that this ahhh for lack of a better word sect of believers in The Rapture Doctrine are the real hardcore nuts. And its the reason I don't like them.

If you check out their "To Those Who Are Left Behind" video, its about 10 mins of
Ha ha ha your fucked...

They differ completely in their interpretation of what happens after the Rapture, the main difference being that those who are left behind have no choice of repentance and cannot be forgiven, aka no hope for the rest of us. To me that sound very un-Christ like the opposite of what a true Christian is. So to sound very un-Christ like myself I hope the little fuckers don't get their wish.
I actually think we get at least 7 years post rapture for us non-believers to get our act together, if I'm not mistaken
Thats the "popular" thought, and frankly here's hoping. LOL