The worst game of this generation.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Darkest of Days. I bought it thinking "This seems like a great game, I get to go back in time and mow people down with my feature weapons...."

...I want that $60 and 3 hours of my life back please.


New member
Dec 7, 2008
As far as I can tell, we're talking about competent games that you just didn't like for some reason, in which case I'll proly say Far Cry 2 for being such a boring slough.

Now, for an actually pathetically incompetent game, I'd proly say that game where Germany invades the US, forget what it was called and only played it with friends but it was terrible.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Discrodia said:
As far as I can tell, we're talking about competent games that you just didn't like for some reason, in which case I'll proly say Far Cry 2 for being such a boring slough.

Now, for an actually pathetically incompetent game, I'd proly say that game where Germany invades the US, forget what it was called and only played it with friends but it was terrible.
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty


New member
Dec 23, 2009
Prince of Persia. The entire game consists of a 1 minute platforming section, a 10 second QTE combat section and a puzzle. Try playing that over and over for hours without it getting the slighest bit more difficult the entire time.

Borderlands gets an honourable mention too. That game has some incredibly stupid design choices, it felt like I was playing one of those fan mods that you get for free. However I can kind of see how some people would find it fun for people who like multiplayer.

Kayne and Lynch 2 gets my vote as the worst game that I haven't played. Just looking at screen shots is enough to make my eyes bleed, seriously what were they thinking with that design choice? And on top of that I hear the gameplay is below average too, sounds brilliant.
Could probably scroll through ED's offended page and have the same experience for free.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
IamSofaKingRaw said:
Runner up is Mercenaries 2
What!! That game was crazy fun! It was like GTA -- the Fun a light-hearted version. You must have been playing it wrong something awful.


New member
Apr 19, 2008
Yomandude said:
Sorry to all BioWare fans, but it'd have to be Dragon Age Origins for a very simple reason: IT IS LONG AND SOMEWHAT BORING. The combat system wasn't really engaging or fluid, but the game did make it fun to kill things. The game is just SO SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWly-paced. I finished 3 endings and did ~20 hours total before the boredom struck. Also, the combined price of all the DLC is enough to pay for a Lamborghini (sp.?). If you don't agree, feel free to respond.
It was slow but definitely not boring, thats a very engaging game for me.

Worst game I've played from this generation of consoles would have to be MW2. I'm not quite sure what it was about the game, but it was probably that it was just unending hordes of guys you needed to mow down, and attrition doesn't make for a fun game. Multiplayer was average so I'm not gonna play that game again.

Second place would have to be Front Mission Evolved. The singleplayer was fairly good, but the forced use of certain leg modules kinda wrecked a lot of it for me. Multiplayer didn't seem to work at all which made me really sad cause it had LOTS of potential.


New member
May 21, 2009
LWS666 said:
i was going to say kane and lynch 2, but that's too obvious.

probably resident evil 5, simply because i hated everyhting about it. the slow movement and the akward aiming and melleing. i should point out this was the first resy game i played so i'm not sure if this is a staple of the series but it was just annoying. i played for 10 minutes and then said frigg it and traded it back in.
Don't worry about it, you're right to assume it was bad.

It was such a regression from its predecesor that it hurt, and was advertised to be a much better game than it actually was. It basically was just a let down, and the Demo was more fun than the actual game.

OT: Borderlands.

Don't ask me why, I just hated it. Original trailers had me me thinking it was gonna be a Sci Fi Epic, and then it turned out to be a ironically shallow shooter with really nothing to it (yes, gun randomization was cool).

Maybe it was the fact that the game I wanted turned out to be the exact opposite of what I thought it would be, maybe it was just it wasn't up my alley. But damn was I dissapointed.

Did you honestly expect a whacky comedy gun jerk off?


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Sonic Freeriders made me physically sick, something I thought a game couldn't do. So it is the shittiest game to me.


New member
Jul 30, 2008
Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust. You know a game is bad when you can't stand looking at the box.

Tdc2182 said:
OT: Borderlands.
Did you honestly expect a whacky comedy gun jerk off?
Yes, actually. "You're going to need guns. A hell of a lot of guns." ...yeah. Was going in that direction. Maybe the mood wasn't pointing that way. But, still. Did you read the Game Informer spread about it? It was most likely going in that direction, with the super-generic design. Now? It has its own style, its own claim to fame. It's not following in the footsteps of Mass Effect.

Teh Ty

New member
Sep 10, 2008
Call of duty.
Boring gameplay and all you have to do is hide, camp, shoot. Nothing special about it. And it's legion of dull flamer fanboys.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
I'm not sure. I don't play many bad games. I guess perhaps Borderlands, but only in the sense that its just not my kind of game.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
my worst one has to be a tie between fable 3 , dantes inferno, and too human i borrowed all three of them form friends and still felt i overpaid


New member
Aug 30, 2009
Already said, but Borderlands. Why:
-Despite there being billions of guns, I could only ever find 7. 7 guns, with a billion varieties on said guns. I do not consider a +2 damage out put on my rifle a new gun. I consider it an attachment at best.
-The level system was broken. If you were two levels under recommended, the tiny rat monster was impossible to kill. If you were two levels over, two swift punches to the face could bring down the biggest beast.
-Dull, repetitive levels. I liked the art style. It is not every day you see them switch it up. And what did they do with this art? More dull brown. Exciting.
-The humor began to disappear after a while. I remember busting a nut the first time I met nine-toes, and getting a good laugh out of Clap trap at the beginning of the game. What happened to that stuff? At the end it was all shoot and kill, no jokes. Complete tone shift
-The end of the game really pissed me off.
I have no problem with boss fights. However, I was promised loot, and instead of loot, I got nothing. No reward. The end cut scene didn't even make me feel accomplished, more like I got played by some *****.