The worst game you have ever played.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Kibeth41 said:
Fox12 said:
Or maybe, you know, those games kinda suck.

I guess Superman 64 would technically be the absolute worst game I ever played, but I never bothered finishing the first level, so I wouldn't really count that. No ones acting edgy for disliking a game you like. They just, you know, actually dislike those games.
If the thread were "what games do you dislike?", then the choice would be rational. But talking about objective quality, you're honestly going to list Dragon Age Origins as the absolute worst game you've ever played in the entire history of your life?


I can think of about a dozen critically acclaimed games which I personally can't stand playing. But I'm not exactly going to say they're the worst, since I can understand the overall quality and appeal of them. But then there are a metric fuckton of shovelware games out there, and I've played at least a handful of them. Even if just accidentally.

But as I stated before. There's always the chance that you just haven't played all that many games. Or I should add that maybe by happenstance, you've just managed to avoid playing bad games.
Look at OP again.

"Not the worst game ever, but the worst one you've actually played. It need not be the least functional, but the one that is..just the worst."

This thread isn't about the objectively worst game, or the most broken. It's about the one you, personally, hate the most. For me it's Dragon Age, probably followed by Half Life 2. I hated playing those games with a burning passion. If you happen to love them then great. Your entitled to your opinion. But I'm not trying to be edgy when I say that I think they suck. I truly think that they are bad.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
stroopwafel said:
Maybe you're too much into a 'Resident Evil 4' mode when playing the game? Personally I really love Evil Within. Enjoyable gameplay that hits the sweet spot between RE4 and RE Remake, tense atmosphere, varied creature design, cool concept and an exceptionally well tweaked balance when it comes to defending against the creatures. I really enjoyed the story as well though it took me 2 playthroughs to get the gist of it. Evil Within I think had some real visionary qualities that are either misunderstood or really underappreciated. Also that the game ''looks like garbage'' isn't even making any sense. It's not a 200 million dollar production true but it still has pretty nice graphics.
If by 'Resident Evil 4 mode' you mean 'expecting a properly designed, well balanced (action) game', then yes.

And as for the 'garbage'... Even running on a PS4, it still looks like a previous gen game, only runs at 30fps, and has pop-in everywhere, even during cutscenes. And added to that we have completely unnecessary letterboxing that actively obstructs otherwise interactable button prompts. Christ, the camera is too close to the protagonist as it is, and then we have the letterboxing taking up even more of the screen.

If properly optimized we could gotten atleast a generic horror romp, but instead we got a completely uninspired, cluncky wreck.


New member
Jun 21, 2016
Dalisclock said:
Action 52. Boom.
I'll second this one. Absolutely terrible: ugly, repetitive, boring, glitchy, derivative... I 100% believe that this is the worst game ever made.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
mardocOz said:
Every asset flip on Steam Greenlight.
You've actually played every single one of those?

... you are either the bravest or most masochistic gamer I know.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Fox12 said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Fox12 said:
Probably Dragon Age Origins. That game was so fucking uninspired. It gave me cancer. It killed my family. It assassinated the arch duke Ferdinand. But worse of all? It was really, really boring.
Dragon Age Origins was the best game Bioware game they made since Baldur's Gate 2.

Because it had choices and concequences and multiple endings.

I just hate the fact that people call what is clearly technically good games and say "ITS THE WORSE GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED!!!!"

I mean I dislike The Last of Us (mostly because of that little shit Ellie) but even I recognize on a technical level its a good game.

Personally, I think pitifully mediocre is the worst thing you can be.
Well I find that unbelievably cruel, unfair, and wrong.

Let utter failure like Superman 64 and Birdemic be the worse thing you can be.

And Dragon Age: Origins does enough to distinguish itself.

Especially regarding the lore of Mages.


New member
Aug 5, 2016
I honestly haven?t played an objectively bad game. But I can think of some well-regarded games that are fundamentally broken in some ways.

Far Cry - Enemies that see you from miles away through foliage and buildings. Easy is more difficult than the hardest difficulty in most shooters. A final arena-type level that throws tens of enemies at you that you have to cheese to get through. Stealth is non-existent and shouldn?t even be mentioned as an option.

Uncharted Drake?s Fortune - Odious jet ski sections. Platforming/puzzle sections that give you no idea as to where to go. People laugh at the brightly colored platformable ledges/pipes/etc. in Uncharted 2, but you really see why they?re needed after Uncharted 1. The pop-up to shoot in cover makes you an easy target. It just doesn?t work, especially on higher difficulties. However, standing behind cover and corner shooting makes it impossible for enemies to get a shot on you.

Mass Effect - As much as I love the world building and story in this game, it is such a great example of bad design in so many ways. The inventory system obfuscates what weapons you have and how to use them. The compartmentalization of armor, weapons and mods for each one of them and all of your squad members is such a hassle that you?d rather ignore it. The combat is janky, the assault rifle?s reticle covers the entire screen until you find an accurate one late in the game. Too many biotics for each character, each with their own cool down, and it always comes down to spamming all of them at the start of each encounter.

And then the moral system that ruins the choice in dialogue. You don?t choose dialogue based on what you would do, but how best to fill a fucking bar with blue or red. And paragon/renegade doesn?t even net you anything.

Resistance 2 - I think this might actually be a bad game. I can?t even remember anything about it.

Metal Gear Solid 4 - Where do you even start with this beast? You know what, I won?t.

Red Dead Redemption - This one feels wrong to put on here, regardless. Mission design becomes repetitive and the story isn?t good enough to keep me engaged. The world and atmosphere are fantastic, but damn if I wasn?t over the typical Rockstar mission structuring. It really isn?t a good game from a gameplay perspective. If a sequel ever arises, I?d love a more intimate tale where your choices affect the towns and people around you.

Gears of War 2 - After the fantastically structured/paced first game, this one has some horrible on-rails sections and is all over the place with setting. Also, really bad last boss.

Doom 2 - I think Doom 1 is the perfect package. Doom 2 is too big for its bridges. Really weird level design and gross aesthetic. Higher difficulties throw way too many enemies in and you?ll always run out of ammo.

Bioshock 2 - Look, the story?s limp but I don?t care about that. From a design perspective, this game is outstanding. Except for difficulty. Hard should be easy, and the abundance of ammo/supplies destroys your will to explore and scavenge.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Bawsto said:
Mass Effect - As much as I love the world building and story in this game, it is such a great example of bad design in so many ways. The inventory system obfuscates what weapons you have and how to use them. The compartmentalization of armor, weapons and mods for each one of them and all of your squad members is such a hassle that you?d rather ignore it. The combat is janky, the assault rifle?s reticle covers the entire screen until you find an accurate one late in the game. Too many biotics for each character, each with their own cool down, and it always comes down to spamming all of them at the start of each encounter.

And then the moral system that ruins the choice in dialogue. You don?t choose dialogue based on what you would do, but how best to fill a fucking bar with blue or red. And paragon/renegade doesn?t even net you anything.
There's one particular reason to fill up the bar(either one), and that's if you want to keep Wrex alive. I tried playing a "How I would do things" character so ended up with a non-maxed out bar....and then found out I had no way to keep Wrex alive and no way to go back. Yeah, there's the armor quest but that's arguably grindtastic.

I quit playing that particular save, because I was not going through the trilogy with Wrex dead on that beach.


New member
Dec 19, 2013
As a kid I had a habit of researching games before buying them (I had subscriptions to Playstation magazines for most of my childhood so I would read reviews and/or try demos) and would rarely impulse buy a game based on seeing it on the shelf. I honestly only recall two impulse purchases where I bought a game knowing nothing about it.

Bust a Groove 2 was a great surprise.

ODT: Escape Or Die Trying was a confusing and boring mess.


New member
Oct 28, 2014
FalloutJack said:
Spakko said:
prank call the enclave.
*Ring, Ring... Ring, Ring...*


Pretty sure he takes all of our calls, and so we don't get much flak down at the base.
Thihihi! That's what makes it fun! Those whiny "meh i'm trackin your butt and send a Vertibird Squad over to you" Privates are too easy to troll. But Mr. "you're going to lick the toilets clean for the next 500 years, maggot!" Sergeant makes it interesting.

Hm, i wish he would have called the developers of "Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel" and talked some sense in them. Come on guys, a "Dark Alliance" clone? Okay it wasn't "the worst game of all time" or something like that, but honestly!
Well, at least i could unlock and play as a Hobo. ...Wait. This Hobo is supposed t be... The Vault Dweller?! Oh, Son of a-

I need something to cheer me up. Ooh, i got it! I'm gonna prank call the Enclave and remind them that i am THE CHOSEN ONE! ...the one who's chosen to repair the comm-units.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Samtemdo8 said:
Fox12 said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Fox12 said:
Probably Dragon Age Origins. That game was so fucking uninspired. It gave me cancer. It killed my family. It assassinated the arch duke Ferdinand. But worse of all? It was really, really boring.
Dragon Age Origins was the best game Bioware game they made since Baldur's Gate 2.

Because it had choices and concequences and multiple endings.

I just hate the fact that people call what is clearly technically good games and say "ITS THE WORSE GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED!!!!"

I mean I dislike The Last of Us (mostly because of that little shit Ellie) but even I recognize on a technical level its a good game.

Personally, I think pitifully mediocre is the worst thing you can be.
Well I find that unbelievably cruel, unfair, and wrong.

Let utter failure like Superman 64 and Birdemic be the worse thing you can be.

And Dragon Age: Origins does enough to distinguish itself.

Especially regarding the lore of Mages.
Is there a bad story you won't defend? You're like the stalwart defender of mediocrity. There was nothing redeemable about Dragon Age, and the bit with the mages was the worst slog in the game.

In any case, there's no need to be melodramatic. Cruel and wrong? Why? Because someone worked hard on the product? The creators of Birdemic and The Room worked hard too. That doesn't make them good film makers. As it stand, I derive far greater joy from train wrecks like The Room then I do from mediocre films. I'd rather watch that then give another second to dragon age. Besides, I'm not sure why you're acting like you have the high ground. Aren't you the one who lied about liking Warcraft in order to sell enough tickets to get a sequel?

Darth Rosenberg

New member
Oct 25, 2011
Mine's probably David 'emosiuns' Cage's Fahrenheit. Less of a game to play, more of an interactive torture program with a 'story' bolted onto it which may've been written by a particularly dense 13-year-old boy who'd stumbled, drunkenly, into a bookstore and started rifling through the philosophy section before collapsing amidst a pile of conspiracy theory tomes.

A passing gin-soaked tramp - possibly some kind of hallucination or vision - may've muttered the word 'existentialism' and exclaimed 'totally incongruous and awkward sex scenes equal mature art'...

Fahrenheit was the unholy creation willed into being as that kid sobered up.

I'd rather Cage was still knocking around, though, making his non-/anti-games for the sake of diversity even if I feel he's fumbling around in the wrong medium.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Darth Rosenberg said:
Mine's probably David 'emosiuns' Cage's Fahrenheit. Less of a game to play, more of an interactive torture program with a 'story' bolted onto it which may've been written by a particularly dense 13-year-old boy who'd stumbled, drunkenly, into a bookstore and started rifling through the philosophy section before collapsing amidst a pile of conspiracy theory tomes.

A passing gin-soaked tramp - possibly some kind of hallucination or vision - may've muttered the word 'existentialism' and exclaimed 'totally incongruous and awkward sex scenes equal mature art'...

Fahrenheit was the unholy creation willed into being as that kid sobered up.

I'd rather Cage was still knocking around, though, making his non-/anti-games for the sake of diversity even if I feel he's fumbling around in the wrong medium.
It's sad because Farenheit, when starting out, looks like it could be start of something amazing. Instead, it turns into something both cliche, broken and incomprehensible.

Beyond: Two Souls might be worse, just because of how disturbing it is. The whole thing feels like Ellen Page torture porn.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Fox12 said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Fox12 said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Fox12 said:
Probably Dragon Age Origins. That game was so fucking uninspired. It gave me cancer. It killed my family. It assassinated the arch duke Ferdinand. But worse of all? It was really, really boring.
Dragon Age Origins was the best game Bioware game they made since Baldur's Gate 2.

Because it had choices and concequences and multiple endings.

I just hate the fact that people call what is clearly technically good games and say "ITS THE WORSE GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED!!!!"

I mean I dislike The Last of Us (mostly because of that little shit Ellie) but even I recognize on a technical level its a good game.

Personally, I think pitifully mediocre is the worst thing you can be.
Well I find that unbelievably cruel, unfair, and wrong.

Let utter failure like Superman 64 and Birdemic be the worse thing you can be.

And Dragon Age: Origins does enough to distinguish itself.

Especially regarding the lore of Mages.
Is there a bad story you won't defend? You're like the stalwart defender of mediocrity. There was nothing redeemable about Dragon Age, and the bit with the mages was the worst slog in the game.

In any case, there's no need to be melodramatic. Cruel and wrong? Why? Because someone worked hard on the product? The creators of Birdemic and The Room worked hard too. That doesn't make them good film makers. As it stand, I derive far greater joy from train wrecks like The Room then I do from mediocre films. I'd rather watch that then give another second to dragon age. Besides, I'm not sure why you're acting like you have the high ground. Aren't you the one who lied about liking Warcraft in order to sell enough tickets to get a sequel?
The broder picture is that I hate this era of negativity we live in in the internet.

I blame the likes of Yatzhee and AVGN fostering it now we live in an era where evertything is so overly critical, so nitpicky, so unfair that I am sick and tired of it.

Back in the day we pick apart games like Superman 64, CDI zelda, because they were broken and awful.

Now we are picking apart geniuenly and technically good games like DA:O and FarCry Primal and Mass Effect 3 (Yes the game as of now is a great game) because appearently to use an example just being "Average" is now worse than being Outright Awful which is some weird fucked up topsy-turvy way of thinking imo.

When I see threads like this I get pissed because I know people are not gonna refer to actual bad games or actual bad movies.

And I HATE HATE HATE the whole "its so bad its good" excuse.

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
AccursedTheory said:
B-Cell said:

Its a game that i couldnot find a single good thing about. it made uncharted feel like Deus Ex 1. it has terrible one button platforming, terrible combat and shooting, worst protagonist in the history of video games.

its just really really that bad.
You wouldn't find a good thing about it because you didn't play past the 1 hour mark.
It's B-Cell. Master of hyperboling.

Honestly? While I wont nescecarely call it the worst, but Bioshock 1 is a rare case of a game that I bought and letting me down severely.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Samtemdo8 said:
Fox12 said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Fox12 said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Fox12 said:
Probably Dragon Age Origins. That game was so fucking uninspired. It gave me cancer. It killed my family. It assassinated the arch duke Ferdinand. But worse of all? It was really, really boring.
Dragon Age Origins was the best game Bioware game they made since Baldur's Gate 2.

Because it had choices and concequences and multiple endings.

I just hate the fact that people call what is clearly technically good games and say "ITS THE WORSE GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED!!!!"

I mean I dislike The Last of Us (mostly because of that little shit Ellie) but even I recognize on a technical level its a good game.

Personally, I think pitifully mediocre is the worst thing you can be.
Well I find that unbelievably cruel, unfair, and wrong.

Let utter failure like Superman 64 and Birdemic be the worse thing you can be.

And Dragon Age: Origins does enough to distinguish itself.

Especially regarding the lore of Mages.
Is there a bad story you won't defend? You're like the stalwart defender of mediocrity. There was nothing redeemable about Dragon Age, and the bit with the mages was the worst slog in the game.

In any case, there's no need to be melodramatic. Cruel and wrong? Why? Because someone worked hard on the product? The creators of Birdemic and The Room worked hard too. That doesn't make them good film makers. As it stand, I derive far greater joy from train wrecks like The Room then I do from mediocre films. I'd rather watch that then give another second to dragon age. Besides, I'm not sure why you're acting like you have the high ground. Aren't you the one who lied about liking Warcraft in order to sell enough tickets to get a sequel?
The broder picture is that I hate this era of negativity we live in in the internet.

I blame the likes of Yatzhee and AVGN fostering it now we live in an era where evertything is so overly critical, so nitpicky, so unfair that I am sick and tired of it.

Back in the day we pick apart games like Superman 64, CDI zelda, because they were broken and awful.

Now we are picking apart geniuenly and technically good games like DA:O and FarCry Primal and Mass Effect 3 (Yes the game as of now is a great game) because appearently to use an example just being "Average" is now worse than being Outright Awful which is some weird fucked up topsy-turvy way of thinking imo.

When I see threads like this I get pissed because I know people are not gonna refer to actual bad games or actual bad movies.

And I HATE HATE HATE the whole "its so bad its good" excuse.
I can sympathize with this point.

However, I honestly wonder if we live in an age of criticism or an age of mediocrity. Everything is focus tested to hit as many demographics as possible. Everything is sanitized to be inoffensive. Everything is dumbed down so that everyone can easily understand it. Studios want everything to be safe, and familiar. Movies are shot for convenience instead of impact. Scripts are written based on formulas and graphs, and are designed to spawn infinite sequels. Companies are more concerned with spectacle then story. The fact is that most companies aren't interested in producing art, their interested in producing products. Most of the films being produced today are the entertainment equivalent of toothpaste. Mediocrity isn't the byproduct of normal people doing the best they can. It's the targeted goal. Films are made to be mediocre be nature, because a film that has to be exceptional in order to succeed is too much of a risk. I'm personally sick of the cowardly, risk averse nature of most films, games, and books. I hate the way executives fit us into categories like cattle. They treat storytelling like a formula, and now they treat us like one. So now every time we choose to celebrate a soulless cash grab we reinforce an extremely negative trend in entertainment. A trend forever exemplified by the words of one top studio executive: "we don't tell stories anymore."

Darth Rosenberg

New member
Oct 25, 2011
Dalisclock said:
It's sad because Farenheit, when starting out, looks like it could be start of something amazing. Instead, it turns into something both cliche, broken and incomprehensible.
Yeah, one of the reasons I was so disappointed/annoyed/confused was because after the demo I'd been looking forward to seeing it play out. I suppose the warning signs were all there, but back then it felt quite fresh and at least stood out from the crowd.

I think the guitar playing and 'work out' sessions in the main character's apartment were when the penny dropped; sitting there dumbly obeying prompts to a scene/direction I couldn't pay proper attention to. It wasn't a game I was playing, nor was it a film I was watching - it was something worse and less than either.

Beyond: Two Souls might be worse, just because of how disturbing it is. The whole thing feels like Ellen Page torture porn.
Heh, that might be my favourite least-disliked Cage product, at least that I've seen all the way through; perhaps as I just consumed it as an LP it felt more in its element. Plus I sorta have a weak spot for Ellen Page, so her performance - which is mostly quite good, script/story/direction aside - at least made it novel.

It's wildly misjudged, sure. I don't, for example, see any sense or dramatic benefit to its non-linear structure, regardless of how the final few reels try to give it some forced greater meaning. But at least they dialed back on the stream of prompts, so in a sense even less interactivity helped it.


New member
Jul 28, 2016
Seriously, some posts here are beyond hyperbolic... Tomb Raider 2013, Dragon Age Origins?
Worst recently...well let's see, Raven's Cry, I was rolling on the floor laughing half the time.
Outside of that, I only "hate" two games: Dead Space III and Mass Effect III. Both overall mediocre in their own right, but made me wish I stayed away from the series.
Oh, and Motherhip Zeta dlc for Fallout III. How in oblivion, Bethesda pulled that one is almost admirable.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Hawki said:
Probably Body Harvest, though I didn't play it long enough to give it a fair assessment. Similar 'prizes' go to Sonic and the Secret Rings and Hugo (a GBC game).
Man body harvest was awesome! I mean it control like crap and looked worse than that, it was incredibly unclear what you were supposed to do and you'd constantly die for random reason and vehicle were almost useless since they couldn't be driven properly, what a great game :)

Worse is hard to answer, I mean the real answer is probably some random flash game I played at some point and since forgotten. I will say FF13 is a tempting choice, its not really the worse game I ever played, but if you take into account the budget and time spend on it, the fact that it was the best they could come up with is pretty insulting.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Meiam said:
Worse is hard to answer, I mean the real answer is probably some random flash game I played at some point and since forgotten. I will say FF13 is a tempting choice, its not really the worse game I ever played, but if you take into account the budget and time spend on it, the fact that it was the best they could come up with is pretty insulting.
It's wierd. I haven't even played the game, but I ended up watching a LP with all the cutscenes edited together.....and at the end wished I had those 10 hours of my life back. The whole thing would have been far better as an anime series, preferably one season. Then they'd actually have to focus on telling a story instead of meandering around for hours on end.

Granted, it still wouldn't solve the problem of most of the characters being bland and annoying. It's one of those "games" that pretty much needed a complete script rewrite to fix a lot of it's major problems.

It's really sad, because on paper, the plot and setting sound awesome. It's just they couldn't find anything interesting to do with either.