Therapist Repeats "Gaming is Like Snorting Cocaine" Claim


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I've been gaming since I was 8. If you took it away right now It'd suck but i wouldn't care in the long run, I love gaming but its definitely NOT an addiction.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Given my consumption of games, shouldn't I be dead, according to this? Or at least some kind of complete and utter wreck? My health is fine and I still distinguish reality from fiction without issue. As for gaming before bed being an issue: I'm not sure I follow. I frequently pull out the DS for a bit of play before I fall asleep. I can't say it's really causing me any trouble.

Just last night I played Bulletstorm for a few hours, turned it off, went to bed, and fell asleep immediately at a fairly normal hour. Where's the issue here?

If your child explodes when you try to take the controller away, it's more likely because you're raising a damn brat than because of addiction. Learn to parent before you blame everything else for your snot-nosed pain in the ass offspring's behavior.

Thumper17 said:
If I was at a hockey game, and ran out onto the ice and took a players stick right as he was about to take a shot, I'm sure he'd be pretty pissed too.

OR if I took my dads golf club out of his hand on the backswing, or if I took someones pencil away in the middle of homework they needed to finish.
I wholeheartedly agree. You're directly interfering with somebody's accomplishment and entertainment. It's no different from somebody ejecting a DVD in the middle of a movie or turning your music off in the middle of a song. All it boils down to is the simple fact that you are fucking with somebody's activity without warning or provocation.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
to be honest... this is just another doctor who wants their 15 minutes... it happened with Mass effect and Bulletstorm. those people just wanted to plug their books...

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
I used to think that all games came with an addiction-quality to them based on my own actions/desires.
Now, I'm actually fairly certain that isn't the case; I was actually fairly athletic a child and played games because I was horribly BORED by my schooling. My sleep didn't really started becoming impacted until I started attending college, and that's hardly anything unusual.

Of course, I've seen people become addicted to just about any other non-narcotic activity:

-The internet
-Pumping iron (yes, these people do exist)

So all this therapist is proving is that video games are popular with children, and thus make it an easy target for criticism; He's pining for the public's attention (again) by stirring the shitpot so he can jockey for some more research grants.

He isn't the first, and he certainly won't be the last.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Hahahahahahahaha that's hilarious, "go upstairs to your kid's bedroom and try and take the game station controller out of their hands." They will react "in the same way as an alcoholic would if you tried to take their booze." yep, when someone just takes my game station away I start beating them jk anyway, people are idiots, as are captchas

Captain Bobbossa

New member
Jun 1, 2009
nooooo.... if someone took away my consol I would be pissed because it is mine and I enjoy having it. Same with alcohol, if someone took away my alcohol I would be pissed because I paid for it and it is mine. same with anything really.

Fucking Idiot


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
9_6 said:
It all makes sense now.


I didnt know egoraptor was still doing his awesome series

Musiclly enhanced

New member
Sep 8, 2010
take away a book that someone is reading. they be pissed off
Take away the TV from people watching TV from and they will get pissed
take away a ball from a game of football they will get pissed off
take away a gamers controller while in the middle of a game will make us pissed off
games are immersive media thers alot more behind a mindless game shooter like killzone (hell it could be a political thriller in the right settings)
hell even dead rising, a man on a mission doing to save his daughter to do whatever he can

so why is this twat looking at our games, our media and just pointing fingers and saying its corrupting our minds
gaming improves puzzle solving, hand eye coordination and even relex times.

just cs i get annoyed at someone taking away from me does not make me want to go murder or be violent. i just get pissed off and go WTF you do that for..


New member
Feb 14, 2009
First of all, take a controller off me, I wouldn't react unless I was actually playing the game. In fact, I probably wouldn't react if I were playing the game, because I'm like that. I would likely just go to bed. Or raid the fridge.

Remove my laptop, I probably would react, purely because my college work is on it, and I'll be damned if I'm doing it again.

My DS is now fucked because my cat broke it, so take that if you really must.

I would say that I play video games late at night because I can't sleep; I don't not sleep because I'm playing video games.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
This guy sounds like a man on a personal vendetta against his bad gaming skills. NBA Jams on SNES must have really fucked with his head.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
RelexCryo said:
Taking a controller out of my hands while I am trying to make progress would annoy me. It would also annoy me if someone took away a good book I was reading, because I would want to find out what would happen next.

For the same reason I would be annoyed if someone took a sandwich out of my hands if I'm trying to eat.
I'd fight you for my sandwich long before I would fight you for a video game controller!


Silly Deerthing
Feb 13, 2011
I can't remember the last time I was able to snort a game off a chicks ass, unlike the last time I used Cocaine


Theron Julius

New member
Nov 30, 2009
They have said the same exact thing about every single new medium of entertainment. If you really want to you can compare anything that momentarily excites you to cocaine using as general language as that. Watching a thrilling movie is like cocaine. Listening to metal is like cocaine. You could even say that playing D&D is like cocaine! It's all just a matter of perspective and level of douchebagness.

The Apothecarry

New member
Mar 6, 2011
That's a lie! Reach will not go through a straw into my nose!

I saw this before in the California game-ban incident. The entire platform from the Parents Television Council for the ban of violent games was about POSTAL, a game that cannot legally be purchased in the United States.

And he didn't even cite an example of a game killing sad.

"Computer game addiction can also spiral into violence as after playing violent games..." Sorry to rain on your parade, pal, but that is THE definition of game addiction. People who let this happen have only themselves to for not exercising self-control.

"Go upstairs to your kid's bedroom and try and take the game station controller out of their hands. They will react in the same way as an alcoholic would if you tried to take their booze. It's scary." You want scary? Take my controller in the middle of a Firefight game and I'll show you scary. That does not make me an addict; you are interrupting my free time, plain and simple. There's a massive difference between asking someone to stop playing a game and forcing them to. Ask an alchoholic to stop drinking and he eventually will (unless he's a douche). Ask a gamer to stop playing and it's the same thing.

Ever heard of the word "please?" It works like a fucking miracle.


New member
Dec 14, 2010
In other news, building elaborate deathtraps with Legos will result in your child becoming the next Jigsaw.

Also, taking a person's personal source of enjoyment results in anger and a desire to see it returned: no crap.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Mechsoap said:
What happened to all the awesome therapists?
They were declared insane by these new therapists. But when the cool therapists tried to prove them wrong the new guys said "Na-ah, you can't do that. I said it first!". And really, who are you going to trust, the guys who were declared crazy or the immature and moronic usurpers? ... Okay, I'm not even sure if that's a trick question.

OT: Ooh! As part of his 'experiments' he should go into a club, turn off the music and ask people how they feel in a really condescending tone, almost like he was talking to a bunch of drunk drug addicts.