They are trying to cancel Dave Chappell

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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
*Current state of thread*
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Can not every thread devolve into the same covid/vaccine argument?
I was going to link this article since it is a great observation article on Chappell and cancel culture in general but it would seem that current events pulled a current events so I'll just leave this here for the grandparents that started it.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Harvey Weinstein? Can we at least agree that canceling that monster is the right thing to do?
Id argue that capturing a criminal isnt technically cancelling. Simply because crimes should be punished regardless of status. While dave didnt molest on anyone on stage as far as i know.

But yeah otherwise it makes sense.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Id argue that capturing a criminal isnt technically cancelling. Simply because crimes should be punished regardless of status. While dave didnt molest on anyone on stage as far as i know.

But yeah otherwise it makes sense.
You asked for a movement that went after someone in a position of power, after all. High-profile targets are difficult to take down. And to get specific on your examples of Ubisoft and Activision, it partly comes down to the fact that not enough gamers care. Too many are assholes who don't give a shit who gets hurt as long as they get their games. Too many just aren't engaged with industry news and are completely ignorant of the wrongdoing of these people in power. I hate to say it, but that's why they'll probably get away with it.


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
Id argue that capturing a criminal isnt technically cancelling. Simply because crimes should be punished regardless of status. While dave didnt molest on anyone on stage as far as i know.

But yeah otherwise it makes sense.
While it's true that the ultimate goal is for someone who has brutalized many people for his own pleasure should face justice, do also realize that this was an open secret forever.

Actors and Actresses knew it. Script Writers knew it. Those close to the movie industry knew it.

To excuse the potential joke, Weinstein had too much money and power that he was too big to fail. The 'cancelling' (or boycott or bringing reality to the forefront as it was called in the past) stripped him of protect.

And, let's be fair. Fuck Hollywood for all the movies they are producing on this. I get one or two, but it seems like everyone wants to strike while the iron is hot. Simply to cash in on what should be an embarrassing and horrible thing that people allowed to happen to keep their careers. And now they are using it again to advance their careers. I think a tell-all documentary is more fitting for this situation than fictionized depictions, but that's just me.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Though I do think that if Crowder had suspected it was going to happen then he should have been prepped to debate whomever Ethan had ready. Or at very least call it out as bullshit.
Missed this earlier but worth mentioning: Sam Seder has offered to debate Crowder on multiple occasions and the little punk-ass wusses out every time. Allegedly, Crowder's manager, who is also his father, won't let him debate Seder. I saw that clip of Crowder bailing on Seder the day it happened and honestly? It was a fucking laugh. Mr. "Change My Mind" is a paper tiger who can't stand up to real intellectuals.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
If you can't imagine a situation where you might defend Steven Crowder, your only principle is hatred.
Within the context of what this thread is about, no I can't, absolutely zero.

Some small part of me might imagine that Tim Pool could one day wake up to his own bullshit. Heck, an even smaller part might imagine Ben Shapiro could. Though I still would never forgive them for the hatred they've spewed and capitalized on. But Crowder... he's a fucking human stain through and through who in the last 10 years at least has not uttered one word that is worth defending.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
While it's true that the ultimate goal is for someone who has brutalized many people for his own pleasure should face justice, do also realize that this was an open secret forever.

Actors and Actresses knew it. Script Writers knew it. Those close to the movie industry knew it.

To excuse the potential joke, Weinstein had too much money and power that he was too big to fail. The 'cancelling' (or boycott or bringing reality to the forefront as it was called in the past) stripped him of protect.

And, let's be fair. Fuck Hollywood for all the movies they are producing on this. I get one or two, but it seems like everyone wants to strike while the iron is hot. Simply to cash in on what should be an embarrassing and horrible thing that people allowed to happen to keep their careers. And now they are using it again to advance their careers. I think a tell-all documentary is more fitting for this situation than fictionized depictions, but that's just me.
The thing is until he was literally in jail he was still being defended. There was some story of an actress who went to some Hollywood club or something and there was Weinstein surrounded by other celebs as though nothing and happened and when she tried to kick up a fuss she was the one ejected.

I think it's covered in part here

Missed this earlier but worth mentioning: Sam Seder has offered to debate Crowder on multiple occasions and the little punk-ass wusses out every time. Allegedly, Crowder's manager, who is also his father, won't let him debate Seder. I saw that clip of Crowder bailing on Seder the day it happened and honestly? It was a fucking laugh. Mr. "Change My Mind" is a paper tiger who can't stand up to real intellectuals.
Sam Seeder is an ankle biter in youtube. You might as well be debating Vaush while Vaush is drunk off his ass and deliberately trolling to try and make piss off his opponent than debate Sam Seeder. It would be like debating with Kevin Hovind (for those unlucky enough to know who that is) or I dunno the Internet Blood Sports lot like The Internet Aristocrat (whatever he's going by this time). Actual intellectual my arse lol
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020

If you cant get dave off. Might as well file a lawsuit.
Man some of the stuff in there is pretty hilarious
They got away with more than some companies ever allow. Like badmouthing the company on social media in some cases even privately if they find out can be enough but at least one of the people in the suit was doing it for over a week and was only suspended over crashing the executive meeting in the end.

"......speaking up about Netflix’s products and the impact of its product choices on the LGBTQ+ community, and providing support for employees whom Netflix has treated in an unlawful and disparate manner"
ROFL they're trying to claim they were treated illegally because the special was even released. They're literally trying to claim releasing the special was some violation of their rights as employees. This Lawsuit looks like a huge joke.

Pagels-Minor denied on the record that anything was leaked
See if they'd denied they leaked it they'd have a leg to stand on but they're trying to deny the leak ever happened which is a whole nother level of dumb.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
No, it's actually really easy to get banned for saying what actual scientific studies say. Saying people with natural immunity don't need to get vaccinated will get you banned. Instagram literally banned the #naturalimmunity hashtag. Guess what happened with the measles vaccine 50 or so years back, those that had measles (literally everyone born before 1957) didn't get the measles vaccine cuz natural immunity. The current head US vaccine expert, Dr. Paul Offit, never got the measles vaccine in fact.

Removing Chappelle's special would be accommodating those that didn't like it. Nobody has to watch or listen to Chappelle, he's not going all Clockwork Orange and forcing you to watch his content. I believe that quote/paraphrase was about pronouns mainly like "don't be fucking up my pronoun game" I believe came right after said quote. I'm totally with Chappelle on that, you can't be offended when someone refers to you as he or she when that's the social norm forever. One woman at my friend's work, Target, got mad at him for calling her by her name Stephanie instead of using "they", I guess names are offensive now. I'm not calling anyone they either because it's a plural term and like the only time I will call someone they is if they got like an alien symbiotic suit attached to them like Venom, I would call Venom they. And I don't give two shits what pronoun you use to refer to me like when an older waitress calls all guys sweetheart and nobody cares because there is no intent to be mean or anything.
Im pretty sure you mistaking banned for refuted. I sure as shit hope university don't teach about miasma anymore.

One thing I've noticed is that they are too loose with what can be turned into a study. Far too many times the methodology was flawed and how it got past and into the literature baffles me. Like, how do you let a paper go through when a bunch of co-author say that the data is made up? Was it a prevelant provlem and is it only an issue because antivaxxers picked it up?
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