They say this game sucks... but I LOVE IT!


New member
Mar 19, 2011
It seems that all anyone ever thinks about when someone talks about Metroid: Other M is how they "ruined the character of Samus" although the gameplay was top-notch. I just never got how people could say the game is bad just based off the main character's personality.


New member
Nov 3, 2009
The original Iron Man 360 game. I liked that game (on easy, mind you) a decent amount. I thought it was pretty cool, and not much else on the 360 was like it.

I've bought a lot of Poke-garbage that I liked a far too much considering its quality.


New member
Apr 19, 2011
The Harvest Moon series.

I have no idea why I like it so much, but I have like five HM games.
Mar 28, 2011
got the next dynasty warriors gundam on pre-order
eat lead was actually fun if a bit clunky
wet was just there so you could have a blast to a punk rock soundtrack while piloting eliza dushku
mirror's edge tried something different and was shunned for it (i loved it, just completed it again)
gundam; target in sight was this fanboy's wet dream
silent hill homecoming was rubbish but an enjoyable homage
prince of persia was great (the cel shaded one)
loved darksiders
star wars tfu was fun (and i *hate* the star wars franchise)
dante's inferno was interesting to me for it's interpretation of the divine comedy
tron legacy was fun if flawed
brutal legend is still funny despite hidden rts elements
saw was worth a tenner
avp had fun alien and marine campaigns but fell flat on predator bits
front mission for the mech-head in me
all the armored cores
medal of honor was a blast for me

that's all i can see in front of me right now but i've got a ton of underrated ps1/ps2 games in storage that i could list

though i'm usually the guy who loves the movie/book/character that everyone else hates

mgs's raiden was awesome! he was a child soldier who *literally* ate gunpowder for breakfast!

snake was a wheezing old man who couldn't even hold the gun straight (seriously replay mgs2. When Snake aims a gun he aims practically diagonally down where raiden is a literal straight shooter. Take that, Snake fanboys!)


New member
Sep 25, 2008
Star Wars Episode I for PSx.

It's got clunky controls, graphics that have aged horribly and a strange sense of following the movie with things like Obi-Wan destroying a tank with a rocket launcher and murdering half of the gungan city to free Jar Jar, but I loved that game when I first bought it and I'll still play it for some good old nostalgia tripping.


New member
Apr 17, 2011
Prototype was fun as hell. Dicking around has never been so gory or so much fun.

The new Medal of Honor had an actual tinge of realism as opposed to the false fantastical realism of CoD. The multiplayer was also a nice change of pace with the progression based on which class and equipment you used, a bit like BFBC. However, their idea to use points as the basis for bonuses makes the more objective minded players like myself, get rewarded for doing more than kill.

Two Worlds 2. The main character sounds like satan but that just makes things funnier when you do something nice. Also, the romance scene in the game is probably one of the most unintentionally hilarious I've ever seen.

Ulixes Dimon

New member
Jul 25, 2010
Iwata said:
plugav said:
Clive Barker's Jericho. Which really is as bad as they tell you. The gameplay is linear to the max, the graphics are all reddish brown, unique enemy types are few and far between, the story is pure nonsense, and the acting doesn't help either. But I loved every campy minute of it.
Oh yeah, left this one out. I share your love, brother.
Because it was bad or you just liked it? You were supposed to be able to switch characters but i never figured that out. Got it as a gift and played for about ten minutes.


New member
Dec 8, 2007
Well, I did like Far Cry 2, and Spore, but those aren't bad enough to count, amirite? Hmm.. whaddabout Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter? IIRC that game is pretty widely hated. I think it's swell. Oh yeah, and I had a bit of fun with YuGiOh: Duelists of the Roses, as well. What? You say I'm too old to like a YuGiOh game? You're probably right. Hey, at least I didn't care much for Dora Saves the Mermaids! (The story, themes and characters weren't very well thought-out, and the battle system was just too complex for me.)


Sep 22, 2009
FFX-2. I don't really understand the huge outrage about it; Final Fantasy has never taken itself that seriously, and has always had humorous, campy, silly elements. I don't think the games work terribly well when they do take themselves too seriously, as that just makes the silly aspects of the games all the more glaring. I like the fact that Final Fantasy basically parodied itself, among other things.

Yeah, it's dumb, the humour is juvenile, and it's campy as all hell, but since when has that ever stopped me from enjoying something? I found it fun, and I enjoyed it more than FFX.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
commodore96 said:
Quazimofo said:
commodore96 said:
I really like Dawn of War 2 even though a lot of other fans of the Dawn of War series hated it
wait... there is hate for Dawn of war 2 by DOW fans? holy shit i find that hard to believe. i absolutely loved those games. all of them. beat the originals 3 times each (except soulstorm, just seemed like it was more of the same, so i didnt buy it). and Dawn of war 2 was just fantastic. nice and open, good chars, decent voicework, solid gameplay etc...
any idea why the old timers hated it? i would like to know

same with force unleashed. yeah the story sucked, but it was really damn fun.
A lot of people didn't like that they got away from base building, collecting requisition, and that you couldn't build your forces up. The multiplayer in the first DOW2 was also limited because of the microsoft live thing, so it was hard to find opponents to do the base building game play. Their final argument is that they hated being confined to just space marines and GW and Relic were shoving them down our throats to make a quick buck. Honestly I loved not base building and focusing more on tactics.
yeah, i enjoyed it too. i liked how retribution added non-hero units to the game though. but i miss having my squads instead of just heroes. also, i do dislike how the story focuses so much on space marines/chaos/orks/guardsmen. really, i find the eldar, tau, necrons etc. a good bit more interesting than the blood ravens. i wish they would expand the story into other races, especially tau (i like them much, and they seem to have a shortage of canon stories). or instead of a copy pasted campaign, actually have a few different ones for the different races.

so yeah, it has its flaws sure, and there is a Space Marine Overload going on with the stories of the games, but i enjoyed DOW2 nonetheless.


New member
Aug 31, 2010

A lot of people didn't like that they got away from base building, collecting requisition, and that you couldn't build your forces up. The multiplayer in the first DOW2 was also limited because of the microsoft live thing, so it was hard to find opponents to do the base building game play. Their final argument is that they hated being confined to just space marines and GW and Relic were shoving them down our throats to make a quick buck. Honestly I loved not base building and focusing more on tactics.[/quote]

yeah, i enjoyed it too. i liked how retribution added non-hero units to the game though. but i miss having my squads instead of just heroes. also, i do dislike how the story focuses so much on space marines/chaos/orks/guardsmen. really, i find the eldar, tau, necrons etc. a good bit more interesting than the blood ravens. i wish they would expand the story into other races, especially tau (i like them much, and they seem to have a shortage of canon stories). or instead of a copy pasted campaign, actually have a few different ones for the different races.

so yeah, it has its flaws sure, and there is a Space Marine Overload going on with the stories of the games, but i enjoyed DOW2 nonetheless.[/quote]

Necrons would be hard to do because of the lack of talking (but rumors are the new codex in the board game might fix that). I think Tau would be a great race for a game because they are the 'nicest' out of all the races in the 40k universe and would be appealing to players that never played before.


New member
Dec 2, 2010
Have to say The Saboteur and Borderlands in recent times.

Neither was well received, but both could spawn sequels, especially B/lands.
If they updated The Saboteur to a modern day time, historical uprisings, world events,
etc then it would be tempting idea


New member
Nov 12, 2010
Jericho, it wasn't favorably reviewed but I'm a fan of Clive Barker, and the game Undying was amazing in its time (Quake 3 engine, maybe?).

This one is the only other game that I've found that has that QUAKE aesthetic to not Strogg and railguns, I mean Nuub'Shiggarath, Vores, and Ogres, QUAKE 1.

It was a grimy, greasy, dirty, ancient, Lovecraftian, pagan, savage, weary world -- and you could switch between characters at anytime!


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Kiltguy said:
lobster1077 said:
Deadly Premonition. The greatest game ever created.

OT: Deadly Premonition spoke to my nostalgia nerve, and I thought that nerve was deaf.
Deadly Premonition is in my top 5 favorite games of this generation, when every game producer decided games need to zig Access Games decided to make a game that zags. It completely went the opposite way every other game this gen has been made and that is what made it such a classic in my eyes.

Another game I loved that seemed to be hated was Spider-Man Web of Shadows. It took all the best parts of Spider-Man 2 and got rid of the bullshit like saving a kids balloon and added a pretty cool story. Then Activision releases that horrible corridor platformer Shattered Dimensions that took all the Spider-Man type action that being Spider-Man should give you out of it and seemingly fit 4 unrelated games together just to make their yearly schedule. The worst part is that fans and critics ate it up and now it seems the old open world style Spidey games are gone in favor of making this their series staple.

Off topic: Iwata was suspended for a bullshit reason. His suspension should be overturned. I beg everyone to go to the original post of this thread to go to the link for the post he was suspended for, read it and if you disagree with their suspension of Iwata post your support of him.