Thief Steals Laptop, Returns Data on USB Stick


Your friendly Yandere
Jun 10, 2010
The dude stills committed a crime you know,this isn't making his crime any more justifiable,though the punishment might be lessen.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
That's mighty decent of him. Returning data that is perhaps once-in-a-lifetime is good. Stealing the laptop in the first place is douchebaggery.

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
o_O Wow, I'm impressed. I guess the thief only wanted the laptop for a gaming fix or something.
WAIT!!!!!! What if this thief is a master computer hacker and he just stole the laptop just to hack into the New York Stock Exchange and make the system crash?!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Hashbrick said:
The thief still has the laptop, gentleman my ass more like douchebag. It's more of a mockery than anything, the real thieves would skin this guy/gal alive for not following the rules of thieves club. That's like if a guy stole your taco out your hand and ate everything but one bite and gave it back to you. Oh what a good guy he didn't eat it all at least! No! He's a fuckin douchebag that taco is no longer in my stomach!
You really don't get it do you?

A laptop is worth maybe $4000 at most if it's really pricey. More likely no more than half that.

But the data on a computer can be incredibly important to the person that owns the computer.
It's one of those things that usually has $0 value of any kind to the thief, but is often priceless and totally irreplaceable to the victim.

You know why I hate losing computers above all else?
Because if my data is lost, it cannot be replaced. (Granted, I keep backups, which helps a little, but still.)

The computer is expensive, but one computer is much like any other.

The data on it is personal, and nobody else on the planet has my data. If a thief takes it, IT CANNOT BE REPLACED!

That is the significance of this gesture by the thief. He gave the guy back the thing that means nothing to the thief, but a huge amount to the victim.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
CrystalShadow said:
Hashbrick said:
The thief still has the laptop, gentleman my ass more like douchebag. It's more of a mockery than anything, the real thieves would skin this guy/gal alive for not following the rules of thieves club. That's like if a guy stole your taco out your hand and ate everything but one bite and gave it back to you. Oh what a good guy he didn't eat it all at least! No! He's a fuckin douchebag that taco is no longer in my stomach!
You really don't get it do you?

A laptop is worth maybe $4000 at most if it's really pricey. More likely no more than half that.

But the data on a computer can be incredibly important to the person that owns the computer.
It's one of those things that usually has $0 value of any kind to the thief, but is often priceless and totally irreplaceable to the victim.

You know why I hate losing computers above all else?
Because if my data is lost, it cannot be replaced. (Granted, I keep backups, which helps a little, but still.)

The computer is expensive, but one computer is much like any other.

The data on it is personal, and nobody else on the planet has my data. If a thief takes it, IT CANNOT BE REPLACED!

That is the significance of this gesture by the thief. He gave the guy back the thing that means nothing to the thief, but a huge amount to the victim.
No I get it, they are a douchebag no matter what way you want to spin it. There is no such thing as a nice thief, a thief is a thief end of story.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Hashbrick said:
CrystalShadow said:
Hashbrick said:
The thief still has the laptop, gentleman my ass more like douchebag. It's more of a mockery than anything, the real thieves would skin this guy/gal alive for not following the rules of thieves club. That's like if a guy stole your taco out your hand and ate everything but one bite and gave it back to you. Oh what a good guy he didn't eat it all at least! No! He's a fuckin douchebag that taco is no longer in my stomach!
You really don't get it do you?

A laptop is worth maybe $4000 at most if it's really pricey. More likely no more than half that.

But the data on a computer can be incredibly important to the person that owns the computer.
It's one of those things that usually has $0 value of any kind to the thief, but is often priceless and totally irreplaceable to the victim.

You know why I hate losing computers above all else?
Because if my data is lost, it cannot be replaced. (Granted, I keep backups, which helps a little, but still.)

The computer is expensive, but one computer is much like any other.

The data on it is personal, and nobody else on the planet has my data. If a thief takes it, IT CANNOT BE REPLACED!

That is the significance of this gesture by the thief. He gave the guy back the thing that means nothing to the thief, but a huge amount to the victim.
No I get it, they are a douchebag no matter what way you want to spin it. There is no such thing as a nice thief, a thief is a thief end of story.
Still missing the point though.

Yes, thieves are generally assholes. (and/or desperate), but if something was stolen, I'd much rather it be something replacable than something which I cannot get back. Ever.

That's really in a whole different league of annoying, even though it seems pretty similar.
As far as I'm concerned it's the difference between getting beaten up and getting murdered.

You don't want either happening, but one is much worse than the other.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2009
He sounds like quite a nice thief, makes me wish all criminals were this considerate.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Well, that's certainly an interesting turn of events. I'd still be pretty pissed that my stuff was stolen in the first place, but I can see how the Professor was happy to get most of his stuff back.

I have to wonder how our 'Gentleman Thief' thinks, but this is heartwarming. A little. Maybe.

Corpse XxX

New member
Jan 19, 2009
teh_Canape said:
my opinion on this matter is that the thief returned him all the data because he/she/it/you/we/they needed space for p0rnz
hahaha.. that made me giggle insanely.. And its probably true :p

The Hairminator

How about no?
Mar 17, 2009
A true gentleman thief. He had no interest in the data, and since he returned it, the professor will purchase a new laptop for him to steal.