Thief Steals Laptop, Returns Data on USB Stick

Aug 25, 2009
This is about the weirdest story I have ever read. I don't know whether to be impressed or depressed.

On an unrelated note, I have day to day (occasionally hour to hour) backups of all my files on my laptop. One set on a removable hard-drive, one on a 16GB memory stick, and the most important work or university related files on a 2GB memory. In addition to that I have backup files on my family computer at home, updated whenever I go home (every three months)

I'm a little bit paranoid after losing quite a bit of data of laptops in my life.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Lono Shrugged said:
I remember a guy who was mugged for his camera and asked for the SD card which the thief threw at him. whoopee.

I wonder if you could use some super sexy computer forensics to find out details about the thief because they may be able to link it to them through info on the stick.
Checking for print isn't done for any theft case. It cost way to much, take up to 6 month (more if the case isn't a priority) and often destroy the print in question. Beside, only a fifth of the people are in the police print database... and that just in USA where crime rate is through the roof.

Second, it's just a removable driver. You can use programs (even Windows has one inside the OS disk) to totally destroy the data. If he done this, there's no chance in hell that they'll find the guy. Or, if they are lucky, maybe they'll get a glimpse at his porn collection.

(Info: From many hours watching the Discovery Channel.)


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Ironic Pirate said:
SageRuffin said:
C95J said:
Doesn't give me any more hope for humanity though, he still stole his laptop... and his library card...

seriously who does that? :p
Agreed. Aren't library cards free?
Probably just lost it or something, because he'd have no reason to keep it.
I see only one: Unpaid late fee on a Arsene Lupin's book.

chaos order

New member
Jan 27, 2010
im feeling quite conflicted about this. on one hand the guy stole the laptop and his therefore a douche, but then he returns the information the the prof needed. ug head hurts


New member
Feb 25, 2010
SamuelT said:
Leemaster777 said:

I'd probably feel the same way if my PS3 was stolen, and the next week, the hard drive or something was returned. I'd say, "Damn, well, that's 300 bucks down the drain, but at least I've still got my game saves".

The PS3 is just hardware, but the data is all of the battles I've had, the challenges I've overcome, and the stories I've experienced. THAT'S what's really important.

Say what now?

You mean the data of easily replayed, identical and replacable games means more to you than spending yet another ?250.- on a console?
...well, yeah, I guess.

All the costumes I've unlocked in LBP, the shards I've picked up in inFamous, the content in Blazblue, the progress in Borderlands, all the things I've rolled up in Katamari Forever, that kind of stuff IS important to me.

That's hundreds of hours of time, that would go completely to waste if I lost the data. Sure, I'd still have the trophies on PSN, but that's not the same.

Sure, I'd still have the games... but then it just feels like I'm back to square one, like all that playing I did was pointless. Maybe it's just me. What would YOU do if all the content on your system of choice was wiped?


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Theif said:
Hmmm, Im going to steal this guy's laptop... but he might nd the data on it, so ill copy it on to a flash drive and send it back to him...
Hmmm, yeah, I can see that happning... maks me warm inside...


New member
Mar 16, 2010
esperandote said:
I would have used a DVD instead of a USB stick to reduce expenses.
Maybe he hadn't stolen any writable dvds yet. Have thieves not heard of uploading services?


New member
Nov 23, 2008
A thief with class? Dang. Now we're going to be really REALLY disappointed if he isn't wearing a Tophat, Monocle and a twirly mustache.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
The Disk Thrower said:
Xzi said:
The thief must have seen how much irreplaceable data the guy had on his laptop and felt bad. Good for him. I guess?

TimeLord said:
Thieves now wear top hats and monocles.

The age of the gentleman thief is born.
I think that might drop your stealth score a little bit.
but it does wonders for your charisma
not to mention increases your trapfinding.. damn what the hell do i do with a charismatic thief who can spot traps? time to classchange
Jan 23, 2009
Well the thief must know his way around computers, so I doubt it was the sort of thief you'd imagine over here - you know he ones you can't walk straight from all the drugs and would probably be more inclined to use a laptop as a coaster for beers than anything useful.


Aug 27, 2010
This is awesome! Makes me proud to be a Swede! There really is no reason to steal the data, and I'm happy that the thief realised that and was considerate enough to return it.

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
Wow! That's something you don't see everyday! But at least he got all of his important things back.