Thief Steals Laptop, Returns Data on USB Stick


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Old Trailmix said:
That's like an Assassin sending roses to the victims loved ones.

Also, I have that same USB drive.
Stealing a computer is the same as stabbing someone in the throat and using their intestines as a noose?
What the hell man.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Either a thief who doesn't really steal too much or didn't want much, or a very very considerate thief. All my hope goes for the latter.
I don't support thievery, but I fully support how nice the thief was in returning most of the man's things. 'Course, it still would've been better if he hadn't stolen it in the first place...


New member
Jun 17, 2010
That's... too awesome for words. Yes, a guy got robbed, but in the circumstances it's awesome. /hat tip to the thief

Brownie101 said:
Either a thief who doesn't really steal too much or didn't want much, or a very very considerate thief. All my hope goes for the latter.
I don't support thievery, but I fully support how nice the thief was in returning most of the man's things. 'Course, it still would've been better if he hadn't stolen it in the first place...
Call it a lesson in not leaving a backpack unattended when its contents are worth thousands of dollars heh


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Well huzzah for good form. Hopefully the thief also deleted that data on the laptop after backing it up on the usb as I can imagine he stole the laptop to sell it for monies(If otherwise then no worries). Otherwise the purchaser would most likely be of a less savory type and use that info against the scientist.
I can see this happening in EVE: You blow up an important ship of someone you find just exploring in low-sec space, grab some nice items, and then send some of those back to the victim. "You put up a good fight sir, I salute you and return these in compensation for your loss."
Xzi said:
The thief must have seen how much irreplaceable data the guy had on his laptop and felt bad. Good for him. I guess?

TimeLord said:
Thieves now wear top hats and monocles.

The age of the gentleman thief is born.
I think that might drop your stealth score a little bit.
Are you kidding? This breaks the stereotype so much that you can be invisible in any environment. Though it probably amps up the citizenry's paranoia score a little bit.


New member
Aug 23, 2009
I'm thinking that the thief's friend found out and did this. Nothing points to the presumption that the thief handed it back.


New member
Oct 6, 2010
id be pretty happy if that was me, laptop insurance is easy to get. data insurance... well, should be easy if not for my utter laziness in backing up.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
I hope the thief didn't put a return address on the package he used to mail the USB stick...


New member
Sep 18, 2009
Must not have had a great deal on the laptop... high capacity memory sticks are still pricey enough that more than 8gbs would be seriously eating into his proceeds. Unless of course he nicked the USB off someone else ... wiped it ... and then put the prof's data on to send back, in a truly jerkass bit of fridge-logic trolling.

Wish the guy who nicked my bag with a couple of 1Tb hard disks in it had been nice enough to drop the contents of the "not yet burnt to DVD" folder on a flashdrive or small stack of discs (surely the faster and cheaper choice? You can fit 32gbs into the cost equivalent of a big mac). Though I had most of it backed up, there was still irreplacable data which hadn't managed to get far enough down the stack to have been burnt.
(not to mention the utter pain in the backside that is restoring everything from masses of DVDs ... but I've learnt my lesson about avoiding home-consumer grade tape decks)

Panda Mania

New member
Jul 1, 2009
That doesn't totally excuse his (her?) crime, but it's still a nice gesture. I would've emailed the thief back:

"You snatched my laptop. D: Not cool. But you did return my data. ^^ Have a 'courteous thief' cookie! *hugs* "

Azmael Silverlance

Pirate Warlord!
Oct 20, 2009
This story makes me feel hope for humanity."

How does that make you feel better? In the end you lost your laptop you dop SH** o_O
I think if all thieves pull stunts like this one they might get away with it...cuz the victims suddenly feel good about the crime o_O
It is a funny story but sheesh,....dont make it a good thing!
And to be honest i think the reason he got his stuff back was because the thief new the proffesor!


New member
Aug 6, 2010
I'm gonna say that the thief wanted to steal the laptop, but didn't care for the data, which the professor cared so much about.
The thief is still a dick, but at least he has moral consideration for the data he'd just delete anyways.


New member
May 27, 2010
voorhees123 said:
Still a thief. It is like having your car stolen but are happy they left you £20 to catch a cab home.
Not really. It's more like having your iPod stolen and being left a few hundred dollars for all the songs that were on it.