Thief Steals Laptop, Returns Data on USB Stick

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
SageRuffin said:
C95J said:
Doesn't give me any more hope for humanity though, he still stole his laptop... and his library card...

seriously who does that? :p
Agreed. Aren't library cards free?
Probably just lost it or something, because he'd have no reason to keep it.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
Nin9Worlds said:
DayDark said:
You have rolled...

The thief must be Unlawfully Good, He's still a thief, but that he went out of his way to get the data back, not even a neutral thief would have done that, too much energy and risk.

Couldn't resist...
LOL! He just needs the laptop :D


New member
Sep 19, 2010
My, how very considerate. I'll have to consider this technique if I ever go a-thieving some evening.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Eh, I would be pissed if it was a custom laptop. But if not...then I suppose even if I caught the guy, I could let it slide. I mean, dick move is a dick move, but consideration is still consideration.
Guy is still less of a dick than alot of people I know to.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
In reading this, it sounds like there is more to the story than we are hearing.

My first thought upon reading this is that some universities provide benefits to professors like laptops and the like out of their budget. However you can't get a replacement if your Laptop is still working and does the job it's supposed to. If the guy wanted a new Laptop and didn't want to pay for it, his being stolen would be an excuse for not having it and getting the University to cover a replacement (which will be a newer model).

I'm guessing the guy didn't want to lose all of his work, and the "thief sends me a USB stick" was a way of him justifying the fact that he backed up his system when he wasn't prone to doing such a thing right before the theft.

It sounds to me like we have his word about the bag and other stuff and little else.

So I'm guessing the guy figured reporting his cards stolen and getting replacements sent was a small price to pay for getting a new Laptop. Someone questioned how he managed to have all of his data to put on the new laptop, and why he for example still a lot of things that were in his allgedly stolen bag that people knew he was carrying around. Hence this story.

Now it's impossible to prove one way or another, but if I was security investigating such an unlikely story (or at least filing the reports) after receiving the report, such would be my thoughts.

There ARE other possibilities of course, but that's what occurs to me as the most likely scenario.

It's also noteworthy that the guy might also have given his Laptop away if the university has those kind of policies. Poor student needs a laptop for class or whatever, professor gives his away after removing data, reports it stolen with security, and then gets a new one from the school.

If the school is being cheap they might be paying attention more when such things are typically rubber stamped, which is why we have such an unlikely sequence of events.


New member
Nov 28, 2008
A small, arbitrary act in a world that's increasingly deteriorating.. I suppose for the moment it's a nice gesture, but this isn't one of the guys from Ocean's Eleven..


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Trivun said:
Hmmmm, a nice gesture, but what would have been nicer would be to, you know, not steal the laptop or anything else in the first place... :p
Well, you know what they say:

Anyway, it's hard to say "Good job!" when there's theft involved, but still...good job!

For some odd reason I don't have much against thieving when it's done like this, I don't know why, something about looking out for own stuff and not leaving important things like that unattended. But of course that doesn't mean that you have to be an asshole about it. And don't get me wrong though, if the thief's caught I won't get "Awww..." or something.

That prof sure learned his lesson, that's for sure.
halo3rulzer said:
U no... My friend stole a laptop bout a month ago... He would have gotten away with it too. But he forgot the power cord. So he went back in to get it and guess what happened... He got his ass caught. XD This made me think of that.
Powercords are oh-so easy and cheap to buy. Silly person.


New member
Feb 10, 2010
Zyxx said:
In the words of Roger Smith, "I believe criminals should behave professionally."
Damn it. I wanted to do that, then when I Googled the quote to make sure I had it right, your post was the first response. I guess I lose this time.


New member
Apr 15, 2009

Well while I certainly don't agree with stealing in any way or shape, it at least shows something that he would put in the effort to do that, and even the risk to return it. After all, the material ON the laptop was what seemed to matter to the professor, I guess there's always a little light left in people.
Except Thatcher.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2009
Leemaster777 said:

I'd probably feel the same way if my PS3 was stolen, and the next week, the hard drive or something was returned. I'd say, "Damn, well, that's 300 bucks down the drain, but at least I've still got my game saves".

The PS3 is just hardware, but the data is all of the battles I've had, the challenges I've overcome, and the stories I've experienced. THAT'S what's really important.

Say what now?

You mean the data of easily replayed, identical and replacable games means more to you than spending yet another ?250.- on a console?