Things a single person managed to ruin for everyone

Aug 25, 2009
Ok simple thread, name something that has been ruined by one single person so that none of us can every use it in any acceptable way every again.

Example: The name Judas or a square moustache (although that always looked stupid anyway)

Edit: Erm sorry this seemed to spontaneously combust into a twilight hate thread, it was never my intention to bring any more attention to it than was already there.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Either my five year old little brother or my three year old little brother, either one the outcome is the same.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
In b4 Stephenie Meyer ruining vampires. If ANYBODY DARES post that here I will be so pissed off. If you don't like Twilight then don't post about it, just ignore it. Nobody forced you to watch/read it or hate it.

Anyway, I'd say that Gordon Brown managed to ruin British politics for everyone. He gives massive amounts of power to the Scottish and pretty much lets them have independence all but officially, and he sells us all out to the EU. No wonder us students have such a reputation for being apathetic, when politicians like this make us all so disillusioned with the current system...

EDIT: Dammit, ninja'd by a few seconds...


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Damn Double Ninja'd with twilight vampires
Need to pick a new one...hmm she wrote about werewolves too right? Ok, She ruined werewolves too
Aug 25, 2009
Kuchinawa212 said:
Damn Double Ninja'd with twilight vampires
Need to pick a new one...hmm she wrote about werewolves too right? Ok, She ruined werewolves too
I think I'll get in on this and just say she ruined the entire art of literature...*****


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
whiskey rock n said:
Kuchinawa212 said:
Damn Double Ninja'd with twilight vampires
Need to pick a new one...hmm she wrote about werewolves too right? Ok, She ruined werewolves too
I think I'll get in on this and just say she ruined the entire art of literature...*****
I truly, truly hope you're being facetious.


Nov 1, 2009
Stephanie Meyer's and literature (or rather, certain genre's of it if you decide to care).

Atkinson and gaming in Australia.

And many more I'd be redundant to name.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Furburt said:
Trivun said:
Anyway, I'd say that Gordon Brown managed to ruin British politics for everyone. He gives massive amounts of power to the Scottish and pretty much lets them have independence all but officially, and he sells us all out to the EU. No wonder us students have such a reputation for being apathetic, when politicians like this make us all so disillusioned with the current system...
Do I smell a conservative?

-Orgasmatron- said:
That bloke who shot up a primary school in the 90s ruined guns for us Brits.
Yes, nobody called them shooty funsticks after that.
Oh yes indeed, I'm a Tory and proud. My house is occasionally pretty full of politics though, as one of my housemates is (I think) vice president of the university Labour Society and is very political with regards to New Labour, and another housemate writes for the student newspaper so is naturally clued up on politics. Our landlord is also a Tory who apparently invited Margaret Thatcher to his wedding (she didn't go but her office allegedly sent a nice letter of apology back which she signed).

And I still call guns shooty funsticks, they are after all :D


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Trivun said:
In b4 Stephenie Meyer ruining vampires. If ANYBODY DARES post that here I will be so pissed off. If you don't like Twilight then don't post about it, just ignore it. Nobody forced you to watch/read it or hate it.
Burying your head in the sand doesn't make something that's as major an insult to literature as calling someone's deceased mother a cheap street walker go away. Most people hate Twilight for one very, incredibly simple reason. It's bad. It's a horrifically terrible piece of work that doesn't deserve a shred of the popularity it got because the individual who crapped it out has a tenuous-at-best grasp of fiction writing and her writing is choked to the gills with blatant Mary/Gary Sues and deus ex machina that becomes so commonplace you never really need to bother becoming emotionally invested in Helpless Jane, who seems hell bent on setting back the feminist movement a century, or her verbally- and mentally-abusive stalker undead special-snowflake boyfriend.

So I'd say Meyer sure did ruin vampires and werewolves for me with that horrendous, steaming pile of text so many emotionally-damaged 10-year-old girls think is the be-all end-all of fiction literature.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Trivun said:
In b4 Stephenie Meyer ruining vampires. If ANYBODY DARES post that here I will be so pissed off. If you don't like Twilight then don't post about it, just ignore it. Nobody forced you to watch/read it or hate it.

Anyway, I'd say that Gordon Brown managed to ruin British politics for everyone. He gives massive amounts of power to the Scottish and pretty much lets them have independence all but officially, and he sells us all out to the EU. No wonder us students have such a reputation for being apathetic, when politicians like this make us all so disillusioned with the current system...

EDIT: Dammit, ninja'd by a few seconds...
But Meyer DID ruin vampires. Now whenever anyone mentions a vampire book, the instant comparison is to Twilight. Hence, ruining the genre.

Scottish having independence? Haha no.

Even if they did, what would be so bad about that? If they want to be independent, let them.

Sure Gordon Brown may not be the best PM ever but he's a long shot from the worst. If his policies don't fit in with your ideology, it doesn't make him a bad Prime Minister.

You aren't disillusioned. You're just playing the blame game.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Trivun said:
Anyway, I'd say that Gordon Brown managed to ruin British politics for everyone. He gives massive amounts of power to the Scottish and pretty much lets them have independence all but officially, and he sells us all out to the EU. No wonder us students have such a reputation for being apathetic, when politicians like this make us all so disillusioned with the current system...
Most students don't give a toss about politics, not because GORDON BROWN IS RUININ THE COUNTRY OMGZZZ! or some other sensationalist Sun headline, but because they don't think it even affects them or are dissollusioned with the whole system. It isn't Gordon Browns fault, if you think about it he's just had some verrrry harsh press.
Gordon Brown giving power to the scottish? The idea for scottish devolution was certainly not his and frankly, I think it's fine for scottish people to rule themselves, especially since the SNP won the election there.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
People who are allergic to peanut butter, like me, no more bringing in reeses to share with the class ^_^