Things a single person managed to ruin for everyone


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Studoku said:
The word 'Twilight'.

It was a good word before Stephanie Meyer used it.
Make that vampires as a whole. Or would that be an overstatement? next victim: werewolves (who are already more and more associated with furries). Whats next? Bella falls in love with a zombie?


New member
Aug 1, 2009
Yahtzee and all video game reviews.


Kanye West and being black. It's like he was trying to fit into every stereotype...

Desert Tiger

New member
Apr 25, 2009
Trivun said:
In b4 Stephenie Meyer ruining vampires. If ANYBODY DARES post that here I will be so pissed off. If you don't like Twilight then don't post about it, just ignore it. Nobody forced you to watch/read it or hate it.
Well... she did. I kinda thought putting our opinions here was the point of it being a forum. The thread's about stuff we feel ruined other stuff, so it's relevant.

Desert Tiger

New member
Apr 25, 2009
Biek said:
Studoku said:
The word 'Twilight'.

It was a good word before Stephanie Meyer used it.
Make that vampires as a whole. Or would that be an overstatement? next victim: werewolves (who are already more and more associated with furries). Whats next? Bella falls in love with a zombie?
I think she should do the Loch Ness Monster. That'd be hot.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Trivun said:
Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with Scotland being independant. That's fine. If Scotland don't want to be part of the UK any more then fine, as far as I can tell they never wanted to be part of the UK in the first place and they've fought in various ways for independance for 400 years. What gets me annoyed is that Gordon Brown piles millions, billions even, of pounds of taxpayers money into the Scottish economy, leading to deficits for English and Welsh projects. If Scotland want to be independant so much then why can't Brown simply let it happen and make Scotland a new country seperate to the rest of the UK. And then they can sustain themselves from their own taxes, recieving only small subsidies for a time from us while they set things up and then leave them to sustain themselves like any other country.

Brown is incompetent. There's no denying that. I vote Conservative, but even then I don't agree with all of the Tory policies and see that although things are moving forward there is still a degree of upper-clss elitism among the Tories. I vote for them because they're the lesser of two evils. Lib Dems would be a waste of a vote, I'll commit suicide before I ever vote for the BNP, I agree with the UKIP on their policies but they don't have a realistic chance of gaining a majority in the next few years, and any other party save for Labour would be a waste of a vote. So Conservative it is. But Brown is not a good leader. We may have seen worse, but he just isn't doing a good job in general, and the massive no confidence crisis a couple of years ago just confirmend this. And we didn't elect him either, which makes it even worse. When Blair stepped down a General Election should have been called straight away so the public could decide who they wanted to take power. Brown was a great Chancellor, but when he became PM things went downhill. Granted much of that was due to Blair, and Brown had to do the best he could in a bad situation, but he failed, and since then things have only gotten worse.

P.S. Sorry for the huge Wall'O'Text, but there was a lot I wanted to get into my post, not to mention the quotes.
Scotland is still part of the UK. And it's way more complicated than simply 'cut them loose they obviously want this'. Surely, some people do want scottish independence but a lot don't, still. Also; that would cause problems for the whole of the Uk economy, North sea oil? That's Scottish oil. Y'know it's a complicated issue, and even if there was a refurendum in favour of scottish independence it would be a looong, expensive process.

By the way I'm sorry about my rage here, but I'm sick of EVERYONE saying it. IN BRITAIN WE DO NOT ELECT A LEADER, WE VOTE FOR A PARTY. WE DIDN'T VOTE FOR GORDON BROWN PERSONALLY BECAUSE THAT'S NOT HOW OUR ELECTORIAL SYSTEM WORKS. AT ALL. OK? Riiiight calmed down now. The tories are ridiculous, their main aim has always been to get into power, but they've been flipfloping about for ages, and well Camerons a bit of a shady character himself, he's just vote whoring. I mean I'm not a huge fan of New Labour, but I'd vote for them, definitely. Gordon Brown, in terms of what he's done has been the most socialist leader for ages he certainly has not deserved the MASSIVELY negative press that he's been getting. That's why there's no confidence in him. I think he'd be a great leader if he didn't have to pander or worry about the media, he has experience and everything. But I suppose I'm just being idealistic. It's not the way it works now.

Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
Trivun said:
In b4 Stephenie Meyer ruining vampires. If ANYBODY DARES post that here I will be so pissed off. If you don't like Twilight then don't post about it, just ignore it. Nobody forced you to watch/read it or hate it.
I dare. I feel it is justified. I wouldn't care if it wasn't big or anything, but because it is so popular it has ruined the name of vampires for me. I run a roleplaying game where the PCs are Vampires. The association it has brought, is absolutely horrible.

It's being linked to something like that, that tarnishes the name, it's horrible.

I can't really think of anything else at the moment that has been ruined by a single thing. Vampires also haven't been ruined by Twilight, just tarnished like I said. If you like something, I find it hard for the effort and actions of one person to have that much of an effect.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Edward Cullen (Stephanie Meyer) for ruining the manliness of vampirism.
Freakin' sparkles.. The nerve..


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Jack Thompson ruining gamer reputation. I have been accused of being part of the columbine or at least planning another one because I am a gamer (the black trench coat doesn't help though, yeah, that is something to columbine kids ruined).

Studoku said:
The word 'Twilight'.

It was a good word before Stephanie Meyer used it.
That was an awesome word. I used 'twilight' all the time. Especially in guild and clan names "The Shadows of the Twilight" and now I can't use it! rawr!! Bill Cosby!! is angry! This is my out door voice!


New member
May 26, 2008
Trivun said:
In b4 Stephenie Meyer ruining vampires. If ANYBODY DARES post that here I will be so pissed off. If you don't like Twilight then don't post about it, just ignore it. Nobody forced you to watch/read it or hate it.
Very true, but that still doesn't stop the annoying fangirls from drooling over Edward Cullen, or Burger King portraying two gruff construction workers giving each other the evil eye because one is on "Team Edward" and the other is on "Team Other guy who I forget because I haven't seen the commercial enough times so that it's burned into my retinas".


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Trivun said:
Anyway, I'd say that Gordon Brown managed to ruin British politics for everyone. He gives massive amounts of power to the Scottish and pretty much lets them have independence all but officially, and he sells us all out to the EU. No wonder us students have such a reputation for being apathetic, when politicians like this make us all so disillusioned with the current system...
Seriously? Brown, not Blair and Mandelson? Blair wrecked politics here long before Brown. Brown wrecked the economy.


Kid makes a post...
Jun 1, 2009
Edward watched Bella sleep before she even liked him.

Now I can't break into random girls houses and watch them sleep without them falling in love with me... Bastard vampire.

El Poncho

Techno Hippy will eat your soul!
May 21, 2009
nativebelle said:
Trivun said:
Anyway, I'd say that Gordon Brown managed to ruin British politics for everyone. He gives massive amounts of power to the Scottish and pretty much lets them have independence all but officially, and he sells us all out to the EU. No wonder us students have such a reputation for being apathetic, when politicians like this make us all so disillusioned with the current system...
Most students don't give a toss about politics, not because GORDON BROWN IS RUININ THE COUNTRY OMGZZZ! or some other sensationalist Sun headline, but because they don't think it even affects them or are dissollusioned with the whole system. It isn't Gordon Browns fault, if you think about it he's just had some verrrry harsh press.
Gordon Brown giving power to the scottish? The idea for scottish devolution was certainly not his and frankly, I think it's fine for scottish people to rule themselves, especially since the SNP won the election there.
I wouldn't like Scotland to become independant, I think we're doing just fine the way we are(especially since I may have to move to England if it happens because of my dads job)

Uhm how every other season(except first one ofc) of the pokemon anime ruined pokemon?

AWC Viper

New member
Jun 12, 2008
canadamus_prime said:
AWC Viper said:
Teens and alcohol abuse ,No more underage Drinking for me.

Paris hilton and Reality Tv star's Credability
Reality TV stars ever had credibility?

they could have.....maybe?, once?....

yeah you're righ.


New member
Oct 1, 2008
Trolls, they ruin good threads.

Gangstas, when I think of gangsters, I really like thinking of people like Al Capone and Clyde, not the person who thinks he's the biggest mofo around. Then again, I think they did too.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Hi Moderators!
Can we please have a Twilight/Twilight Bashing board? Every second post being 'LOL TWILITE SUX' is getting too much for me.

I know I'm being a bit hypocritical here. Great.