Things a single person managed to ruin for everyone


New member
Aug 14, 2009
nezroy said:
Aerodyamic said:
No, the one before him... the one that came up with Suvivor and all that garbage. I'm drawing a blank on the bastards' name, but the guy that literally invented the genre, and is executive produer on most of the 'bigger' ones.
Probably thinking of Bunim/Murray Productions, which was actually two people: Jonathan Murray and Mary-Ellis Bunim. We could just blame MTV too. EDIT: Or maybe you mean Charlie Parsons. All equally evil.
I'm thinking of all the idiots involved in creating reality TV, and propagating it. They all need to die in hobo fights.

Americow said:
Hot Topic ruined punk.
Punk ruined itself.

And East Bay Ray ruined the Dead Kennedys for everyone else. Well, him and that douchebag lawyer that now (ironically) owns the rights, instead of him. IT WAS A FUCKING LEVI'S COMMERCIAL, YOU DOLT!


New member
Aug 26, 2009
Aerodyamic said:
nezroy said:
Aerodyamic said:
No, the one before him... the one that came up with Suvivor and all that garbage. I'm drawing a blank on the bastards' name, but the guy that literally invented the genre, and is executive produer on most of the 'bigger' ones.
Probably thinking of Bunim/Murray Productions, which was actually two people: Jonathan Murray and Mary-Ellis Bunim. We could just blame MTV too. EDIT: Or maybe you mean Charlie Parsons. All equally evil.
I'm thinking of all the idiots involved in creating reality TV, and propagating it. They all need to die in hobo fights.

Americow said:
Hot Topic ruined punk.
Punk ruined itself.

And East Bay Ray ruined the Dead Kennedys for everyone else. Well, him and that douchebag lawyer that now (ironically) owns the rights, instead of him. IT WAS A FUCKING LEVI'S COMMERCIAL, YOU DOLT!
I just meant that now everyone thinks punk is a style of clothes, and you're a real god damn punk if you listen to Green Day and Avril Lavigne. Totally agree on the DK's though.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
Stephenie Meyer ruined my name...

You would not believe how many girls compare me to a sparkling ******. Worst part is the usually thing he's "dreamy" and I'm just using HIS name to hit them. WTF.

Edit: This is coming from a 17 year old who prefers to stay within a 1-year age limit.

General Ken8

New member
May 18, 2009
Probably disney channel
They got totally corrupted with all the crappy sitcoms (or, as i call them, shitcoms), trend obsessions, and music "stars" like Hannah Montana, The Jonas Brothers, and that Justin Beaber kid who sounds like a hyena in a woodchipper
My sister is into all of that, and ever since that channel went to shit, sitcoms just haven't been quite as funny as before :(


New member
May 30, 2009
the mario brothers movie ruined the idea of video game movies forever you all know the gears, halo and mgs films will be terrible because that movie laid down the foundation of the movies.

Also starcraft for ruining sci fi, i know i may get flamed for this but god damn im so sick of sodding 12 year olds saying every sci-fi rts is copying off sc especially when they see 40k is a copy of sc in which i just face palm and punch said person through their monitor.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
whiskey rock n said:
canadamus_prime said:
Do you guys really think a single person has the power to ruin something for everyone else? Really?
Well would you call your son Adolf, even if you thought it was a really good name.
No, but Hitler didn't work alone. He had the support of a great number of people.
Aug 25, 2009
canadamus_prime said:
whiskey rock n said:
canadamus_prime said:
Do you guys really think a single person has the power to ruin something for everyone else? Really?
Well would you call your son Adolf, even if you thought it was a really good name.
No, but Hitler didn't work alone. He had the support of a great number of people.
Thats a bit of a cop out, ok then how about...the name Judas. He may have worked with the Romans but ultimatley it was his decision alone. Thats the only one I can think of.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
whiskey rock n said:
canadamus_prime said:
whiskey rock n said:
canadamus_prime said:
Do you guys really think a single person has the power to ruin something for everyone else? Really?
Well would you call your son Adolf, even if you thought it was a really good name.
No, but Hitler didn't work alone. He had the support of a great number of people.
Thats a bit of a cop out, ok then how about...the name Judas. He may have worked with the Romans but ultimatley it was his decision alone. Thats the only one I can think of.
And what did he destroy? It could be argued that he did more good then harm, but that's beside the point. Alright I'll concede the point, but for the vast majority of the stuff people are listing in this thread, one person couldn't destroy it unless you let them destroy it.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Amnestic said:
Yes. Two authors managed to ruin over 2000 years of literature.

I'm astounded by the intelligence of your statements. Now I'm going to go over here and bang my head against a wall.

I almost want to like Twilight just to annoy you persistent wankers. Almost.
To be fair, what does it take to "ruin" something? Is it not just the perception of the masses? I'm pretty sure if I changed my name to Hitler the universe itself won't condem me for example. While Dan Brown and Stephani Meyer likely have not done nearly enough damage to adversely affect a significant portion of the worlds population, to say it hasn't had any impact would be far enough from the truth to be called a lie.

Of course, by liking something, not because of it's own merit, but because of the way you'll impact other people, you prove that you are just as bad as the people who will rail against a book they have never read and a movie they have never watched.

Spudgun Man

New member
Oct 29, 2008
Trivun said:
Anyway, I'd say that Gordon Brown managed to ruin British politics for everyone. He gives massive amounts of power to the Scottish and pretty much lets them have independence all but officially, and he sells us all out to the EU. No wonder us students have such a reputation for being apathetic, when politicians like this make us all so disillusioned with the current system...

EDIT: Dammit, ninja'd by a few seconds...
And British politics hasn't been ruined before?

I agree that Brown is no hot potato but he didn't exactly steal the glamour did he.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
The Name Jonas. It was an awesome name... Now it just bears a terrible connotation thanks to those hacks.