Things People Say That Piss You Off


New member
Jun 3, 2011
Stublore said:
This one I only notice with Americans:
Axe instead of ask!!
e.g. "So I wanted to axe him something", or "She axed me my name!
It's ASK, not fucking AXE you retard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I don't know why, but that last one really annoys me.
On that point, when Americans for some reason pronounce the word 'Herb' without an H. It annoys me immensely.



New member
Jul 18, 2009
Well, one of my friends told me that people who go for the objective in OBJECTIVE GAMES are try-hards and that objective games were made so people could get more kills. It took all of my self-control to not scream at the ignorance.


New member
Apr 12, 2011
xXxJessicaxXx said:
thewaever said:
Possibly straying into a sensitive topic...

I know this doesn't really fit in with the tone of the thread, but it's on topic: I find it really, really annoying, frustrating, & even sad when people misuse the word "gay" to mean "stupid," "annoying," or as a just plain bad word.

Nowadays, people use "gay" in the EXACT same ways that the racist bigots used to use the N word. There's nothing you can really do about it, either. If you call them out for it, they just get all defensive, "I would NEVER use the N word! But, I'll say things are gay all I want! I'm not a bigot. That's gay! Stop being a pussy."
Don't you think that 'gay' has a whole other meaning when used in that context. I'm not saying it's right but when someone says 'that's gay' when they mean 'that's stupid' Then they aren't really refrencing homosexual people at all. Gay can also mean 'happy and delightful' also in no relation to homosexuals.(Well unless they are happy and delightful...) I don't see why it is a problem when you look at it that way.
People who come up with dumb as hell excuses in order to pretend that pejorative use of the word "gay" is based on anything other than ignorance and bigotry piss me off.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
I don't like when someone's complaining about something annoying, but maybe a little trivial and someone else walks in with
"oh yeah, you had to wait 30 minutes to get fast food behind one person. That's sooooo baadd. Sure, there are people who are dying of starvation in Africa, but no you have a real problem."


New member
Jan 29, 2010
"I'm a *****. Deal with it" or anything that implies that someone takes pride in being rude or unpleasant.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
"I'm a lot smarter than people think!"

So are you pretending to be stupid? Because people judge your intelligence based on your actions. Or even worse, you're not even smart enough to know you're not smart, which makes you dangerous.


New member
Sep 6, 2005
No_Remainders said:
OneEyeX said:
To be fair, if you're at the southern most pole of Ireland, you are in Southern Ireland.

You are in "The Republic of Ireland", or perhaps "The Southern part of Ireland", but not "Southern Ireland".

To be in "Southern Ireland", such a place would have to technically exist by that name.

Step 1: Be in Ireland
Step 2: Go South.
Step 3: Because you are in Ireland and in the south of it, you are in Southern Ireland.

Just like Toronto is in Southern Ontario and the Greater Toronto Area is referred to as Southern Ontario.

Southern part of Ireland is just an enlongated way of saying you are in Southern Ireland. I'd be like using the above example to call it Southern part of Ontario; same thing different wording.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
CrazyCapnMorgan said:
"It's all good."


Have you looked at the recent state of the human fucking species? No, it is not all good. It's mostly shit.

You know what I say to people who say that? Go eat a blue waffle and then tell me "It's all good".
Sounds like there's some history to your comment. What exactly are you referring to?


New member
Dec 5, 2008
People who cut out "to be".

"This porch needs swept!"


It needs to be swept. It should be swept. I should sweep it. Somewhat informally, it needs sweeping. It "needs swept"? You need to be beaten with a broom.


New member
Sep 6, 2005
sageoftruth said:
"I'm a *****. Deal with it" or anything that implies that someone takes pride in being rude or unpleasant.
The proper response is "You're a ****, get fucked." and it works more often then note to deal with the ignorance of glorified rudeness.
Sep 14, 2009
Stublore said:
Things that annoy:
The N word, C word, B word, L word, H word etc., etc.
Ok, which of the many words which begin with N,C,B,L do you mean?
There are only 26 letters in the English alphabet, so I am pretty sure soon all of them will have to be The word.

People who use asterisks instead of letters:e.g
What's so bad about a clot?

This one I only notice with Americans:
Axe instead of ask!!
e.g. "So I wanted to axe him something", or "She axed me my name!
It's ASK, not fucking AXE you retard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I don't know why, but that last one really annoys me.
the "axe" one, is a ghetto thing, not an american specific thing, I notice you aren't from the US so I'm just assuming you either hear that from the media, or some other misuse of the language with the near infinite amount of slang that goes around in the english language.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
JYzer said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
thewaever said:
Possibly straying into a sensitive topic...

I know this doesn't really fit in with the tone of the thread, but it's on topic: I find it really, really annoying, frustrating, & even sad when people misuse the word "gay" to mean "stupid," "annoying," or as a just plain bad word.

Nowadays, people use "gay" in the EXACT same ways that the racist bigots used to use the N word. There's nothing you can really do about it, either. If you call them out for it, they just get all defensive, "I would NEVER use the N word! But, I'll say things are gay all I want! I'm not a bigot. That's gay! Stop being a pussy."
Don't you think that 'gay' has a whole other meaning when used in that context. I'm not saying it's right but when someone says 'that's gay' when they mean 'that's stupid' Then they aren't really refrencing homosexual people at all. Gay can also mean 'happy and delightful' also in no relation to homosexuals.(Well unless they are happy and delightful...) I don't see why it is a problem when you look at it that way.
People who come up with dumb as hell excuses in order to pretend that pejorative use of the word "gay" is based on anything other than ignorance and bigotry piss me off.
I thought I explained it quite well and didn't use a 'dumb as hell' excuse. Words, language and their usage change, it's a fact.

For example Chris Moyles a radio 1 DJ in the UK got into trouble for using it on air and didn't use it in a homophobic manner at all. Here is an excerpt from wikipedia;

''Moyles was accused of homophobia in May 2006, when he rejected a ringtone by saying "I don't want that one, it's gay", live on air. This led to a number of complaints to the BBC. They argued that the use of the word gay in this context was homophobic. The BBC governors said that Moyles was simply keeping up with developments in English usage.

The programme complaints committee said that, "The word 'gay', in addition to being used to mean 'homosexual' or 'carefree', was often now used to mean 'lame' or 'rubbish'. In describing a ringtone as gay, the DJ was conveying that he thought it was 'rubbish' rather than 'homosexual'. Moyles was not being homophobic." The panel acknowledged, however, that this use of the word 'gay' in a derogatory sense could cause offence to some listeners and counselled caution on its use.''


New member
Dec 31, 2008
OneEyeX said:
No_Remainders said:
OneEyeX said:
To be fair, if you're at the southern most pole of Ireland, you are in Southern Ireland.

You are in "The Republic of Ireland", or perhaps "The Southern part of Ireland", but not "Southern Ireland".

To be in "Southern Ireland", such a place would have to technically exist by that name.

Step 1: Be in Ireland
Step 2: Go South.
Step 3: Because you are in Ireland and in the south of it, you are in Southern Ireland.

Just like Toronto is in Southern Ontario and the Greater Toronto Area is referred to as Southern Ontario.

Southern part of Ireland is just an enlongated way of saying you are in Southern Ireland. I'd be like using the above example to call it Southern part of Ontario; same thing different wording.
I think it's more that the name 'Southern Ireland' has connotations with British rule.

Though to be genuinely offended over that seems excessively nationalistic.

Sir Prize

New member
Dec 29, 2009
"Shut up, you can't do any better,", or "you can't judge since you don't draw/whatever else".
This is probably one of the most annoying things I've heard, mainly because people can judge something without actually doing it. If they couldn't, we wouldn't have many reviewers, critics and such.

No-one cares, just because were born female doesn't make special in the gaming world. Now kindly do us all a favour and shut up.

Saying things like 'LOL'. I know you're laughing, no need to say you are!


New member
Jun 12, 2011
If someones complaining about something they've had to go through, and someone replies with "Yeah, I'm sure all those starving children in Africa weep for you." or something along the lines of that.

Dude, next time just effing say "Your problem is insignificant to me, and I can't be fucked trying to help you with it."

Don't make me feel like a ***** just because you have to beat around the bush.


New member
Sep 6, 2005
xXxJessicaxXx said:
thewaever said:
Possibly straying into a sensitive topic...

I know this doesn't really fit in with the tone of the thread, but it's on topic: I find it really, really annoying, frustrating, & even sad when people misuse the word "gay" to mean "stupid," "annoying," or as a just plain bad word.

Nowadays, people use "gay" in the EXACT same ways that the racist bigots used to use the N word. There's nothing you can really do about it, either. If you call them out for it, they just get all defensive, "I would NEVER use the N word! But, I'll say things are gay all I want! I'm not a bigot. That's gay! Stop being a pussy."
Don't you think that 'gay' has a whole other meaning when used in that context. I'm not saying it's right but when someone says 'that's gay' when they mean 'that's stupid' Then they aren't really refrencing homosexual people at all. Gay can also mean 'happy and delightful' also in no relation to homosexuals.(Well unless they are happy and delightful...) I don't see why it is a problem when you look at it that way.

OT: It may sound like nitpicking but what annoys me is when people type 'Heh' instead of hehe.

It just sounds trite and like you are boring them. I find it really rude. If they don't like my joke or whatever, why don't they just say 'I don't think that's funny'.
I think of 'Heh' as a chuckle over 'Hehe' which is a chimed giggle.

On the 'gay-as-stupid' topic, I find it's mostly used by teenagers and people who haven't quite clued into the social stigma around insulting homosexuals. Most grow out of it.

What I do get a bit angry about is people who use the word 'gay' like that and then bash me for using the word '******'. Which to me, is a far different because it's only applied to homosexuals, not referencing them. Calling someone a '******' just means you're insulting their flamboyance and selfishness; as South Park said it best "So you don't need to be gay to be a ******?" "Yes, that's what we're saying."

Dalek Caan

Pro-Dalek, Anti-You
Feb 12, 2011
hazabaza1 said:
Seriously, why can't we all get along?
My train of thought to. I also hate how every game over 2 sequels is considered "Milked". There has been over over 20 Final Fantasy's and no one seems to care about that, but if another Assassin Creed was to come out then the word would be thrown around more than grenade in an average multiplayer game. It should only matter if the game is good.
Sep 14, 2009
JYzer said:
xXxJessicaxXx said:
thewaever said:
Possibly straying into a sensitive topic...

I know this doesn't really fit in with the tone of the thread, but it's on topic: I find it really, really annoying, frustrating, & even sad when people misuse the word "gay" to mean "stupid," "annoying," or as a just plain bad word.

Nowadays, people use "gay" in the EXACT same ways that the racist bigots used to use the N word. There's nothing you can really do about it, either. If you call them out for it, they just get all defensive, "I would NEVER use the N word! But, I'll say things are gay all I want! I'm not a bigot. That's gay! Stop being a pussy."
Don't you think that 'gay' has a whole other meaning when used in that context. I'm not saying it's right but when someone says 'that's gay' when they mean 'that's stupid' Then they aren't really refrencing homosexual people at all. Gay can also mean 'happy and delightful' also in no relation to homosexuals.(Well unless they are happy and delightful...) I don't see why it is a problem when you look at it that way.
People who come up with dumb as hell excuses in order to pretend that pejorative use of the word "gay" is based on anything other than ignorance and bigotry piss me off.
"gay" is a word that has changed meaning many times, how is it not fair to say "that's gay" when in fact the person referencing it might not be referencing homosexuality at all?

I never understood that argument, language is a constant changing thing, it should be about the intent of whatever the person was referencing.

I could say something along the lines of "Wow this is the most fucking gay thing I've done in a while!" but in actuality what I really meant was "wow this is the most delightful thing I've done in a while!"

did it not mean "delightful, happy" long before it meant anything referring homosexual? so how is it not fair to use it's intent for something other than homosexual references?
Sep 14, 2009
OneEyeX said:
No_Remainders said:
OneEyeX said:
To be fair, if you're at the southern most pole of Ireland, you are in Southern Ireland.

You are in "The Republic of Ireland", or perhaps "The Southern part of Ireland", but not "Southern Ireland".

To be in "Southern Ireland", such a place would have to technically exist by that name.

Step 1: Be in Ireland
Step 2: Go South.
Step 3: Because you are in Ireland and in the south of it, you are in Southern Ireland.

Just like Toronto is in Southern Ontario and the Greater Toronto Area is referred to as Southern Ontario.

Southern part of Ireland is just an enlongated way of saying you are in Southern Ireland. I'd be like using the above example to call it Southern part of Ontario; same thing different wording.
+1 win for you good sir, and I do agree with you on it.