This might need some context. See, my name is Ross. But when I introduce myself to people, well...Yeah. Moving on.
-"Do you dress for less?"
HA! Go fuck yourself!
In any context. I don't know why, I say "dude" and "man" all the time, but for whatever reason I hate "bro".
-"Gay" as a derogatory.
Grow the fuck up.
-"Who was born first?"/"You don't look alike at all!"/"I see it! You guys look just like each other!"/"So can you, like, hear each others thoughts?"
Again, some context is in order. I am a triplet, and my brother and I share all the same friends, so we hang out together.
-When people accuse something of being racist when it isn't. For example:
The robots from Transformers 2. They aren't black, so if you look at them and think of black people, then YOU'RE being racist by making that connection.
The movie "Crash". Just because there's a black guy in the movie who happens to be a criminal, that doesn't mean the movie is trying to say that ALL black people are criminals. Obviously, black criminals exist. That isn't racist, it's a fact.
That's all I've got for now, but I'm ignoring stuff I see on the internet all the time that bugs me. If I tried to list all the crap you people come up with, I'd be here all day.