Things That Become Creepy When You Think About Them

Jun 16, 2010
RedDeadFred said:
6th And Silver said:
WARNING: The following video may prevent you from sleeping tonight. Or ever again.

No questions. Just skip to about 3:24. Or watch the whole thing, it's pretty interesting stuff. My warning still stands, though.
Sweet mother of fuck.... I didn't actually believe you when you said I might not be able to sleep but I absolutely loath HATE spiders.
You can rest easy then, because that whole "you swallow spiders in your sleep" thing has always been an urban myth.
Here's an article about it. []
I think its inclusion in that video was just a joke.

So no need for any restless nights.

Besides, that's nowhere near as disturbing as the scientific fact that the average human body contains 2-5 pounds of living, squirming parasitic organisms[sup][1][/sup] [][sup][2][/sup] [].

Also, the FDA is actually very lenient on bugs getting ground into our food on the factory floor, resulting in the average person unknowingly consuming about 1 pound of mashed insect a year[sup][3][/sup] []

Hope this helps!

Sn1P3r M98

New member
May 30, 2010
Vhite said:
Some_weirdGuy said:
Not quite what you meant by this thread I should think, but:

A young girl is lying in bed, slowly nodding off to sleep. She hears her mother's voice calling from the kitchen, and begins to make her way down. Suddenly, something reaches out from the closet and drags her in, cupping a hand over her mouth to stifle any cries. In her ear a voice whispers,
"Don't go into the kitchen. I heard it too"
It is her mother.

Let it sink in. It grows creepier the more you mull over it.
Doppelgangers are creepy. Thats as far as I got. Could you maybe add something that would make it creepier?
That's all I got out of it as well, not sure if I'm missing something or that's all there is to it.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
MiracleOfSound said:

Think about it for a second. You're quite literally a piece of meat getting cooked.
What's even creepier is when you peel really badly and it sounds like tearing off a piece of cling-film. :I

Z of the Na'vi

Born with one kidney.
Apr 27, 2009
This may or may not count as "creepy" per-say, but Goten's conception in Dragon Ball Z.

Wasn't Goku dead at the time? Does that mean that Chi-Chi was seeing someone else?

Granted, it's not like Goku is the greatest father, what with letting Piccolo more or less raise Gohan for him, but it does make you think about where exactly Goten came from.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Strazdas said:
TheRightToArmBears said:
Strazdas said:
waj9876 said:
Strazdas said:
humanity existence. the more you think of how we managed to survive the sicker it becomes.
...Okay, I'll bite. How is it disturbing?

The reason we survived is because we're so fucking good at killing everything else...Not seeing the fridge horror here...
we come in guns blazing and destroy everything in our path, forcing our belifs onto the world and when there is nowhere else to stampede we slaughter eachother for "Breathing space" (and yes thats a hitler reference). Our existence is to destroy existence of others.
Just because we're better at it than other species doesn't make us 'creepy'. I don't really understand how that's considered creepy.

I guess if you think about organic oils are bit creepy. Ancient dead animals (and plants) as fuel.
i think we have a completely different definitions of creepy.
Care to elaborate? I can understand how you see it as a bad thing, but creepy?


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Sep 11, 2012
Naruto, a story about 12 year old kids being trained to kill and sent off on mercenary missions.


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Jul 28, 2012
Surpheal said:
Because there have been quite a few, another post about the Lion King.

By pretty much lion law, when Mufasa dies/ gets killed, and Simba runs away, Scar takes power at Pride rock. And when a new alpha male is chosen, they like to start their reign by starting a new generation of cubs with their genetics. However if a lioness already have a cub, they will not want another. So to fix that, they will kill ANY lion cub from the previous alpha male.

So when Scar took to the lion-throne, he would have killed every last cub that had been born when Mufasa was king.
Same thing with Simba actually, not quite as good now is he?


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Oct 1, 2009
katsabas said:
Also, the Joo Dee zombies from the Last Airbender.
Katsabas, the Earth King has invited you to Lake Loagai.

OT: Life. Just mull that shit over for awhile.


New member
May 30, 2008
Z of the Na said:
This may or may not count as "creepy" per-say, but Goten's conception in Dragon Ball Z.

Wasn't Goku dead at the time? Does that mean that Chi-Chi was seeing someone else?

Granted, it's not like Goku is the greatest father, what with letting Piccolo more or less raise Gohan for him, but it does make you think about where exactly Goten came from.
Goten was presumably conceived during the 9 days between Goku exiting the hyperbolic time chamber and his death in the Cell games.

Goku really is a horrible dad.
He totally had the option to come back with the dragonballs and help raise Gohan & Goten. Instead he spends 7 years hanging out in otherworld while Chi Chi does all the work. When he does come back for his one day on Earth, it's not to spend time with his family or meet his son for the first time, it's to fight in a tournament for his own entertainment.
During the fight with Buu he chooses to save Mr. Satan over his own sons. He also never expresses any kind of emotion over Chi Chi's death (even after Dende is thought to have been killed, preventing anyone from being revived). Then after Buu is defeated Goku has another shot at life, which he uses to abandon his family yet again to go train with Uub.

In terms of creepiness (while sticking with dragonball Z) I'd say Bulma and Vegeta's relationship is pretty messed up. I mean, an alien comes to your planet, orders the murder of your current boyfriend, attempts to kill your childhood friend, and tries to commit genocide on your species. At what point do you decide to overlook all that to pursue a relationship?


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Jun 24, 2012
Hero in a half shell said:
If you have a mid-November birthday that means you were conceived 9 months ago, in mid-February. In fact probably around about February 14th.

How is that creepy? I mean, I don't like the idea that I'm a byproduct of a arbitrary consumeristic day, but it's hardly creepy.


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Jun 24, 2012
soren7550 said:
Nannernade said:
The story of Adam and Eve, if you think about it really hard we'd all be inbred, making the taboo of incest irrelevant
What makes it creepier is that (if I remember right), Adam and Eve only had two kids, Cain and Able. Cain killed Able, so according to the Bible, we're all the spawn of a quite literal mother fucking murderer.

White Lightning said:
soren7550 said:
The Magic School Bus as a whole. Episode after episode that demented Miss Frizzle is putting those kids lives in danger! Getting baked into a pie (or was it a cake?), the ginger removing his helmet IN SPACE (probably got suicidal after suffering day after day of Miss Frizzle's child endangering ways), and then this!:


I'm tring to think of some of my own things to add... but I CAN'T BECAUSE THAT'S ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT.
Can't get that moment out of your head, can you?

Wouldn't it be a shame if something worse replaced it?
You sick, evil b*stard...
Absolutely brilliant!


New member
Jul 16, 2009
soren7550 said:
Nannernade said:
The story of Adam and Eve, if you think about it really hard we'd all be inbred, making the taboo of incest irrelevant
What makes it creepier is that (if I remember right), Adam and Eve only had two kids, Cain and Able. Cain killed Able, so according to the Bible, we're all the spawn of a quite literal mother fucking murderer.
I'm quite sure you don't have to track your family tree that far back in order to find both murder, and incest. Multiplicative reproduction is a lovely thing.

Personally I'll go with all the possessive declarations of love in songs. It really is creepy.


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Mar 10, 2008
Shoggoth2588 said:
The fact that Ghosts not only exist and are accepted in Pokemon Lore but that it's been documented and proven that humans can become ghosts under specific conditions. Living in a world where Pokemon can influence, manipulate and even eat your dreams is bad enough but as Pokemon's universe expands it seems to get darker and, darker...Also I'm having trouble finding my source link...dammit.
Every newer legendary pokémon seems to story-top the previous one too, like the latest one can control time and space which is just creepy, are the humans actually being used by pokémon instead? ._.


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Sep 30, 2010
Dfskelleton said:
Then again, a lot of old fairly tales were really messed up (see: Rumplestiltskin's fate in the original story *shudders*)
I just hit up wikipedia, and he originally just runs away forever. What's so bad about that? I assume you mean the one where he rips himself in half, but that's a change to the story that happened 45 years later.

Milk has a maximum allowable pus content. Just let that bit sink in. Also, peanut butter has a maximum allowable ratio of insect parts per jar.


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Nov 9, 2009
Terminate421 said:
How do pokemon reproduce?

Oh wait, they're animals so.......rule34 material.
By a funny coincidence the day-care center in Pokémon Gold/Silver is located on route 34


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Casual Shinji said:
Rapunzel from Tangled had no toilet in her tower. [sub]Or any plumbing whatsoever, for that matter.[/sub]

Yeah,... think about that.
Do you suggest she used her own faeces to her hair and this is the reason why her hair is so long?
I would buy a sack with her sh*t if this wasn't a beautiful fairy tale.

TheHorror.gif posted in 1,2....


New member
Jul 28, 2012
rhizhim said:
the whole twilight saga. especially jacobs "binding"....

yeah, thats a cheap one.
Casual Shinji said:
Rapunzel from Tangled had no toilet in her tower. [sub]Or any plumbing whatsoever, for that matter.[/sub]

Yeah,... think about that.
in the tudor times people had pots they used for their daily "bussiness".
some even leaned their butts out of the windows and shat on the streets below.

but she has hair she can, in emergency use as toilet paper.

but she doesnt have shampoo and cant cut her hair.

think about it.

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
TheOrb said:
Hero in a half shell said:
If you have a mid-November birthday that means you were conceived 9 months ago, in mid-February. In fact probably around about February 14th.

How is that creepy? I mean, I don't like the idea that I'm a byproduct of a arbitrary consumeristic day, but it's hardly creepy.
You were conceived from some kinky, lusty hot and sticky Valentines day 'special sex' your parents had to celebrate how attractive they still find each other.

I find that super creepy, but then my Birthday is November 10th...