Things that left you baffled


New member
Nov 11, 2009
TheRightToArmBears said:
thaluikhain said:
TheRightToArmBears said:
I was reading a story about a older guy that had sex with a girl under 16, he was sentenced, but it wasn't as high as it could have been as apparently she acted and looked much older than she really was. Now, that makes sense to me. According to some children's rights campaigner, it's wrong because it's never the child's fault in any way. Ever.

What the utter fuck? How is that sane? I'm not saying we should be able to fuck any kid we like here and that they're all gagging for it (I agree with out age of consent), but the idea that there are no slutty people that know exactly what they're doing in the 13-16 age group is ridiculous.
You have to draw the line somewhere, though. Once you start saying having sex with kids is sometimes ok...yeah, leads us in a direction we don't want to go.
It's not saying having sex with kids is ok though. It's saying that it's possible for the younger party to take some part of the blame. The guy was still sentenced, but it was recognised that the girl took some fault. Isn't the point of a trial beyond just determining guilt so that we can treat these things on a case by case basis? If we're just going to say that the adult has to take all the blame all the time, why bother? Why not just label them all paedophiles?
The one in control of the situation bears the responsibility for what happens. That would be the adult. Trying to excuse him in any way is irresponsible and unacceptable.

It sets a very bad precedent. All 13 year olds will be impressionable, they haven't had a chance to understand their own responsibility, so what's to stop people like this guy taking advantage?

All that case does is make it seem ok to do that sometimes. That's what's unacceptable. This guy was barely even an actual pedophile really as by all accounts the girl looked and acted older. Which doesn't really matter anyway because being a pedophile isn't an actual crime until you begin to abuse children.

Which he did nonetheless.

Baffling case for sure.


New member
Oct 25, 2012
ProfMcStevie said:
My cat, he is very vocal being part Siamese, but I just watch him droop in, meowing and howling, sitting in his corner, still making noise as he sits down, then after a couple of seconds closes his eyes and rests.....WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU MAKE NOISE FOR?! ARE YOU TRYING TO ALERT ME THAT YOU ARE GOING TO SLEEP?! IS MY CAT OBNOXIOUS AND THINKS THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND HIM?! bugs the hell outta me, not just because it's confusing, but it's always loud and always in the morning when I don't have to get up.
On the note of pets, why do they always stare at the door until you let them out and then just stare at the door until you let them back in?? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PROVE? I AM YOUR SLAVE!

Facebook. Pretty much everyone on facebook but just for example Im going to go with those pages that ASK for likes and shares but even worse are the people who DO like and share it. same with the people who like pictures of dying people. Likes mean shit all, they mean that you like whatever that picture represents. I hate facebook. (but I NEED it)


New member
Dec 13, 2008
rasta111 said:
TheRightToArmBears said:
thaluikhain said:
TheRightToArmBears said:
I was reading a story about a older guy that had sex with a girl under 16, he was sentenced, but it wasn't as high as it could have been as apparently she acted and looked much older than she really was. Now, that makes sense to me. According to some children's rights campaigner, it's wrong because it's never the child's fault in any way. Ever.

What the utter fuck? How is that sane? I'm not saying we should be able to fuck any kid we like here and that they're all gagging for it (I agree with out age of consent), but the idea that there are no slutty people that know exactly what they're doing in the 13-16 age group is ridiculous.
You have to draw the line somewhere, though. Once you start saying having sex with kids is sometimes ok...yeah, leads us in a direction we don't want to go.
It's not saying having sex with kids is ok though. It's saying that it's possible for the younger party to take some part of the blame. The guy was still sentenced, but it was recognised that the girl took some fault. Isn't the point of a trial beyond just determining guilt so that we can treat these things on a case by case basis? If we're just going to say that the adult has to take all the blame all the time, why bother? Why not just label them all paedophiles?
The one in control of the situation bears the responsibility for what happens. That would be the adult. Trying to excuse him in any way is irresponsible and unacceptable.

It sets a very bad precedent. All 13 year olds will be impressionable, they haven't had a chance to understand their own responsibility, so what's to stop people like this guy taking advantage?

All that case does is make it seem ok to do that sometimes. That's what's unacceptable. This guy was barely even an actual pedophile really as by all accounts the girl looked and acted older. Which doesn't really matter anyway because being a pedophile isn't an actual crime until you begin to abuse children.

Which he did nonetheless.

Baffling case for sure.
Responsibility doesn't always fall solely on one person's shoulders. I'm not saying what this guy did was ok (neither did the judge), but saying that everyone under 16 is utterly incapable of taking any responsibility ever seems wrong to me. These cases can be very complex and can vary wildly, they need to be treated with discretion rather than a one-size-fits-all attitude.


Dec 1, 2011
That would be [a href=""]this[/a]. This weapon broke my brain for about an hour after I found it. Literally all I could think of in response was "what?" a lot, kind of like this.


New member
May 16, 2013
ProfMcStevie said:
My cat, he is very vocal being part Siamese, but I just watch him droop in, meowing and howling, sitting in his corner, still making noise as he sits down, then after a couple of seconds closes his eyes and rests.....WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU MAKE NOISE FOR?! ARE YOU TRYING TO ALERT ME THAT YOU ARE GOING TO SLEEP?! IS MY CAT OBNOXIOUS AND THINKS THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND HIM?! bugs the hell outta me, not just because it's confusing, but it's always loud and always in the morning when I don't have to get up.
Cats are assholes. Mine gives me a wake up call around 4am every night. If I close the bedroom door he will scratch at it and meow and yowl until he makes himself throw up. So I get up, stumble downstairs, give him a spoonful of food and he leaves us alone until 7ish when the alarm goes off.

And every time I sit down at my computer to get some writing done, he's at my feet yowling for attention. But he doesn't want to go out. He's not hungry. He doesn't want to play with the feather on a strong, nor the laser pointer, not the catnip ball. He just wants me to touch him and stare at him.

Cats are just assholes. Especially dominant males.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Life leaves me baffled on a regular basis. Here's a few recent ones.

People who look at me on public transport: I do not understand your intent. Is there something on my face? Stop looking at me. I want to be invisible.
Music snobs: `Stop liking those sounds!` or `You only like that song cause it was on a TV show!`
People who irrationally hate anything marketed towards teenage girls: Just stop.
People who love scantily clad video game characters and then call the women who cosplay as them `attention whores`: Just stop breathing.
Americans who are obsessed with Britain: Just why? I don't get it.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
The whole Mass Effect 3 ending fiasco left me pretty baffled. Seriously people, it's a fucking video game!! Ok it was a shit ending. Ok it was a shit ending to a trilogy, ok Bioware blatantly lied about what the ending was going to be; but did that warrant riots and whole internet moments in protest esp. ones by the name of "Retake Mass Effect" which BTW you can't retake something that isn't yours to begin with, no it did not.


New member
Nov 29, 2010
TheRightToArmBears said:
Responsibility doesn't always fall solely on one person's shoulders. I'm not saying what this guy did was ok (neither did the judge), but saying that everyone under 16 is utterly incapable of taking any responsibility ever seems wrong to me. These cases can be very complex and can vary wildly, they need to be treated with discretion rather than a one-size-fits-all attitude.
You're playing a dangerous game; trying to apply logic to a situation ruled only by fear and mass paranoia. Scientists even attempted to study the effects of child-adult sexual relationships, and when they found that it was possible for such a relationship to not be damaging (namely, when the younger party initiated and adult did not coerce them) the US congress jumped up and down to have the results of the study silenced/purged. Why? Because it would interfere with their fear and paranoia campaign. The knowledge that not every adult that has sex with a 16 year old completely ruins their lives undermines quite a bit of their fear-mongering.

Obviously a line has to be drawn, but the failure comes in actually policing the cases. If it's the younger party's fault, the case should be studied thoroughly to determine damage done. Assuming that the younger party was just instantly and irrevocably mentally damaged is literally insane, and that's how the current courts deal with these situations. 16 year old + older party? Instant assumption of guilt, sex offender label for the rest of that person's life, and it's very possible he did nothing wrong morally or conscientiously.

But, again, you'll be hard pressed to get any support on that front. It's one of the government's trump cards; people are naturally protective of children, and are very easily emotionally compromised when the subject comes up. At that point all logic goes out the window, and "won't you think of the children!?" becomes the only talking point, at which point the government/courts can do whatever the fuck they want with no chance of backlash... because if someone DOES speak up, all they have to say is "Oh, are you a pedophile? Why else would you be questioning this?" and *blam* argument closed. No logic involved (in fact, it's a logical fallacy) but it's very effective for shutting down any honest conversation on the topic.

If you've given it any thought at all it will piss you off immensely, especially the hilarious irony of the situation (even in prisons, sex offenders are often attacked/beaten/raped/killed because other prisoners - ones in jail for murder, rape, etc - see a sex offender as a lesser being, despite many being either wrongfully prosecuted or the cases not being nearly thoroughly investigated enough). In some states, pissing in public is enough for a sex offender label - the same label that gets applied to *actual* sex offenders, rapists and child molesters and the like. But the legal system does not distinguish, and neither do the prisoners intent on beating someone to death to vent some frustration.

Edit: Link to wikipedia article about that series of studies I mentioned []. From the first paragraph: "The debate resulted in the unprecedented condemnation of the paper by both Houses of the United States Congress. The social science research community was concerned that the condemnation by government legislatures might have a chilling effect on the future publication of controversial research results." AKA, fuck science, fuck research, if you try to discredit our fear propaganda, we're going to shut your ass down.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Minecraft. I don't understand how this game became popular. I really don't. I found it to be a very boring game, with no over all goal. In short, regardless of how long you play nothing is really accomplished. I just don't get it.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Saltyk said:
And in that video, literally no one even seemed to know the song. Which I'm pretty sure is a crime in some countries.
Considering the fact that Weird Al's parody of the song is based around the concept that you can't understand a word of it, I'm pretty sure that even Kurt Cobain didn't know the lyrics. :p

OT: Reality TV.......just....just why?


New member
May 5, 2012
Zhukov said:
Stasisesque said:
Zhukov said:
I once encountered a person who did not believe that fish were animals.

She would not be convinced otherwise, come hell or high water.

"A fish is not an animal, it's a fish!"

I mean, how does someone like that survive to reach adulthood? It's like denying that leaves grow on trees.
Are you sure she didn't just mean a fish is not a mammal?

Although, according to QI she's on the right lines. There's no such thing as a fish, they do not have a common ancestor.
No, she meant animal.

I asked her if birds were not animals as well.

"Of course not, they're birds."

Apparently something is only an animal if it lives on the ground. I asked her where flightless birds fit in this plan and she got offended and accused me of trying to embarrass her. Which, to be fair, I kind of was.
You poor bastard. I never have to deal with people like that and I'm thankful for it.

OT: Conspiracy Theorists, the mental acrobatics they got through are remarkable. I saw one ask (paraphrasing) "If the Sandy Hook Massacre was real then why weren't there any photos of the bodies!" He seriously could grasp why the authorities wouldn't release photos of dead children.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Saltyk said:
So I just watched some recent stuff over at TGWTG. Namely, Nostalgia Critic's review of Sailor Moon and Sage's Top 20 Worst Number One Songs. Now, something caught my attention in Sage's video. He mentioned something in passing. Something with a caption assuring me it was real. So, I looked it up.

Okay, I couldn't care less about Miley Cyrus. But... Why? Just why? Smells Like Teen Spirit is one of Nirvana's most famous songs. I love the song. It leaves me baffled. I seriously don't know what to say to this. I couldn't believe it before, and now, I don't even know what to think. I think this overshadowed the rest of Sage's video for me.

And in that video, literally no one even seemed to know the song. Which I'm pretty sure is a crime in some countries.

So, that left me completely baffled today. What about you? Got anything that left you in shock? Or maybe that video I just posted left you in shock.

I think I'm gonna go listen to the real song, now.
Eh, having grown up listening to grunge, and being there when Kurt killed himself, I can say now, that Nirvana was pretty overrated IMO. So the fact that someone doesn't know the song 20 years later isn't that big of a surprise. And the fact that a pop star did a cover of a song? Not a surprise at all.

As for something that left me in shock? I was at work long ago, heading outside to the break patio to smoke a cigarette. I saw a young woman heading down the walkway towards the door, obviously about the enter the plant I was exiting. She was maybe 20 yards away, maybe only 10 yards at that, so I stopped for a few seconds to hold the door for her. It was like 10 seconds out of my day, which I made use of to get a smoke ready and find my lighter, so it's not like I was really "going out of my way" or anything. But she gets to the door, stops, looks at me with this eat-shit-and-die look and says "Ugh, I could've gotten that MYSELF!" then storms in. I was so stunned at her rudeness over a simple act of manners, that I totally forgot to slam the door in her face and tell the ***** to fuck off.

Simple Bluff

New member
Dec 30, 2009
Sometimes I look at my smartphone, and all the stuff it can do, and I'm stunned speechless by it.

Also, the [a href=""]Banach-Tarski paradox[/a].


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
thaluikhain said:
Akichi Daikashima said:
Why people enjoy Transformers.

Why people at my school were suprised that I don't like Transformers, that I don't Megan Fox is that hot and why I use reviews from *FUCKING* MOVIE CRITICS to determine if I should go see a movie.
Megan Fox was the best thing in that movie. Admittedly, it was about Shia LeBouf, and a bunch of identical looking robots, so all she had to do was not be them. Also, she got rather unfairly smeared afterwards.
I actually thought Megan did pretty good in that movie, all things considered. She wasn't just a 2 dimensional piece of ass for the camera (though that was certainly a big part of her character). When confronted with a threat (the little robot attacking her and Sam, she doesn't scream like a girl and freak out helplessly (Sam did that). No, she runs over, grabs a power tool, and cuts the freaking robot in half! She also didn't put up with the overtly sexist behaviour of the jock guy she was introduced with. As far as female protagonists go, she was a lot better than most you get in summer action movies.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Zachary Amaranth said:
Stasisesque said:
Although, according to QI she's on the right lines. There's no such thing as a fish, they do not have a common ancestor.
Having no common ancestor doesn't mean there's no such thing as a fish.
According to QI it does!


Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Stasisesque said:
According to QI it does!

And that was entertaining, but not strictly correct.

"Fish" is not a monophyletic grouping, but that doesn't mean it's there's no such thing as a fish.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Zachary Amaranth said:
Stasisesque said:
According to QI it does!

And that was entertaining, but not strictly correct.

"Fish" is not a monophyletic grouping, but that doesn't mean it's there's no such thing as a fish.
I said "according to QI", and I only mentioned it because I found the episode funny. I do not have a background in marine biology so in no way could I make a statement of fact, just an observation I found on a fun TV show.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
I was walking past the Customer Service Desk at my local Wal-Mart and heard this exchange.

Employee: Would you like a refund or to exc-- (Cut off by the customer)
Customer: I don't want a refund, I want my fucking money back.

Or an exchange I had with customers who had an issue with a price. They thought it was on clearance for $3, but it was ringing up for ~$20. So I went back to check, they followed me. I checked the shelf label and it said $19.77. One person looks at the item and turns to the other and says "Well, what the hell is this thing anyways?"

They were going to buy something that they didn't even know what it was. Spoilers: They were string lights for inside a car.

Or anytime someone asks me: "Do you work here?" at work. No, I'm standing here in uniform ordering cashiers around. No, I don't work here.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
piinyouri said:
(Majority of)Borderlands 2 forum posters.

The game is already about to snap in two from the immense strain increased numbers is putting on it, and people asked for MORE levels.

Apathetic people.

Westoboro Baptist Church

Cicadas. Get the fuck off my porch you clickety clackety shits.
But without cicadas how would you know if it was Summer time in an anime?

Things that baffle me are people that genuinely have a hostility towards someone based on sexuality or


New member
Apr 24, 2012
Catbus from Totoro... I fisrt saw it at 4:15AM after going out, getting pissed and contracting hypothermia in a tent one weekend and my addled brain could not handle it.
It's feline.
It's a vehicle...
It's a cat...
...It's a mode of public transport...
What... is... this?
What is... Anything!?