things you can't stand to hear


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Things I can't stand to hear:
screaming childeren
teenagers complaining about how bad their life is (though it leaves alot of openings for me to make it worse)
women who talk like the stereotypes
wiggers talking
rap music
people in aouthority positions who try to talk like they know everything (hey guess what I can do it to, and better than most of them)
anything about any religion being right or wrong (guess what god isn't real and the afterlife doesn't exist. hypocracy ftw)
the sound of mice
rednecks yelling at other rednecks
the noise of the alerts/static/that high pitched no broadcast whine on tv
the sound of awkward silence/people staring at you (you all know this sound)
women freaking out over babies and small animals
most loud noises

and that pretty much covers it

this has been rantings of some bored guy feel free to look for me next time I get bored


New member
Oct 30, 2008
"I mean, really, they should just learn to speak American."

I mean, for the love of whatever Divine being you worship! It's English! It's an American dialect, it's not a separate freaking language!

Deadarm said:
anything about any religion being right or wrong (guess what god isn't real and the afterlife doesn't exist. hypocracy ftw)
Guess what, you're an ignorant fool who needs to learn the meaning of the word "grammar". I'll defend your right to say that "God isn't real" as long as you're respectful in saying it. On the other hand, on that same token, I get to call you a hypocritical pest for trying to push your beliefs on theists, just like your so-hated religion. Get over yourself.

Note that I bolded the "G" in God for a reason. If you don't know that reason, then you really should read the Bible before bashing it.

Hunde Des Krieg

New member
Sep 30, 2008
Glerken said:
Don't say my faith is wrong, it's my opinion.
Well it's my opinion that I can say No shut up! While you are preaching at me. I'm a proud Pastafarian and you can't convert me!
Well, that swung the exact opposite of the way I thought it was going to...

Hunde Des Krieg

New member
Sep 30, 2008
cookyt said:
Since I was a kid, 85% of what people tell me has been a lie or in some way fallacious; so it drives me to the brink of insanity whenever someone tells me that "it can't be done," or "that is impossible."

It CAN be done; there is ALWAYS another way of doing/thinking about it, and someday mankind WILL travel faster than the speed of light without any trouble. That day, Einstein will be rolling in his grave for sure.

got that out of my system
And will have gravity manipulation technology to create earth normal gravity in starships and to use as inertial dampeners to keep people from becoming mush during the intense acceleration.


New member
Dec 9, 2008
Games aren't for fun
Multiplayer is just a fad

I don't care

just about anything that tries to make anger a sign of inferiority.


New member
Sep 13, 2008
Anything with the word "Freedom" and anything bad about the police.
Also, improper pronunciation of words and quite a lot of other things
that I can't remember at this present moment.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
"Halo is the best FPS ever made."

"Blizzard is such an awesome company, I mean, they patched Starcraft not even a month ago!"


New member
Mar 27, 2008
Chatspeak used in oral conversation. If you actually say "lol" or "rofl" or "omg" to me, I will hit you. Hard.

Come to think of it, most chatspeak nowadays invokes my wrath. I'm usually ok with old school stuff, like the above mentioned, but...

Oh, and people who think that the letters "wut" in that order constitute a complete sentence should be sent to death row.

Valiance said:
"Blizzard is such an awesome company, I mean, they patched Starcraft not even a month ago!"
And speaking of irony...


New member
Nov 14, 2008
Oh hell yeah, when people say "Oh-em-jee", "el-oh-el", or "lawl", it annoys me to no end.


New member
Mar 31, 2008
Rush Limbaugh and Andrew Dice Clay (who fortunately isn't around anymore). Their voice and xenophobia makes me want to punch them through my tv.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
Pseudonym2 said:
Rush Limbaugh and Andrew Dice Clay (who fortunately isn't around anymore). Their voice and xenophobia makes me want to punch them through my tv.
Pretty sure Andrew Dice Clay has a reality TV show right now, as much as it pains me to say.

I can't stand when people in forums say, "No, just no". Or when people say whatever it is they feel they need to say and follow it with, "/thread". Both of them are really annoying for one reason or another.

EDIT: Yep, he does have one.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
"God helps those who help themselves."

...So basically he doesn't do shit.

That sound you get when you rub balloons.
I'm driven to kill small animals when I hear it.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
I hate the sound that my cat makes when it is hungry. Makes me want to feed it to shut it up, even if I've already given it food it has already eaten. My cat is fat.

I hate it when people say "THIS... IS... SPARTA!" when we are nowhere near Greece. No, you repressed schoolboy, this is not SPARTA! but Sydney.

I hate it when girls say "Thank you for your nice letter but no". Breaks my heart every time.

I also hate it when people make this noise: SQUEEEEEEE! followed by "Final Fantasy VII is the best game ever, Sepiroth is my bishie!". So you're into bad boys huh? Do you really want to end up like Aerith?

I hate it even more when girls say "I can't believe you like anime, I mean, those girls aren't even real. At least Edward is 3D" to defend their love of Edward Cullen. Sure, whatever sweetums, you have similar issues if you replace "anime" with "EDWARD! <3" and still think your fandom is real/better than mine.

Aesthetical Quietus

New member
Mar 4, 2009
I am sick of people trying to convert me to their religion. I have had 5 seperate attempts over the last 3 days.
I am sick of it.
I don't have a religion, and I'm fine with that until I see concrete proof for said religion. Showing me your bible and quoting IS NOT proof, fuck off. D;


New member
Feb 1, 2009
"At the end of the day"

Like it's some great encompassing phrase that allows you to care about one singular thing that matters the most when you go to bed.

Sane Man

New member
Feb 24, 2009
The phrase "Needless to say". Then don't say it.

I think there was a similar post, but when people say "Communism is perfect on paper".

Anything that comes out of the mouth of Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, or Harry Reid.

I can't stand to see or hear people text messaging.

Umm, I think that covers the main ones, oh! When people use the word "literally" incorrectly.

Oh, evangelical atheists. Guess what, you follow a religion too, shut your mouth.