things you can't stand to hear


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Flying-Emu said:
"I mean, really, they should just learn to speak American."

I mean, for the love of whatever Divine being you worship! It's English! It's an American dialect, it's not a separate freaking language!

Deadarm said:
anything about any religion being right or wrong (guess what god isn't real and the afterlife doesn't exist. hypocracy ftw)
Guess what, you're an ignorant fool who needs to learn the meaning of the word "grammar". I'll defend your right to say that "God isn't real" as long as you're respectful in saying it. On the other hand, on that same token, I get to call you a hypocritical pest for trying to push your beliefs on theists, just like your so-hated religion. Get over yourself.

Note that I bolded the "G" in God for a reason. If you don't know that reason, then you really should read the Bible before bashing it.
You should really learn to read a joke for what it is, though you did help me make my point.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
I can not stand it when an atheist is either an atheist for a stupid reason, such as just trying to rebel from their parents, or when an atheist is really defensive about not being religious. Such as when a teacher said something about Christianity to a class with only one atheist in it, and the atheist has to point out, "I'm not a Christian, I'm Atheist!" just because he likes to be different.
Also, I can not stand when people use chat speak in real life. Seriously? "WTF" has more syllables than what it abbreviates! Why must you say, "LOL," when if you think it's fun you'd be laughing?
I also hate it when people lose the game. I really did like the game a year and a half ago, when I was the only one I knew who played it outside of summer camp. Now, because every single person in my school plays it, there's probably someone losing the game every 20 seconds or something ridiculous. It's not nearly annoying as "No! I WIN the game! Take that!" No, you didn't win the game. I don't care if you stop playing or something, but you really didn't win the game.
I can't forget about "Your Mom" jokes. That's is pretty much the lowest form of comedy. How can you tell. No one laughs at your mom jokes. Seriously, no one really does, except maybe exceptionally stupid people. I have been known to freak out and yell at people when they say a your mom joke. And I'm not talking about "Yo mama's so fat..." type of jokes. Those can be funny in a cheesy, stupid way. I'm talking about "Do you remember what the homework was?" "Yeah, it was your mom." No, it really wasn't.
And of course, the thing that annoys me the most is when people say "gay." Why? Because ninety-eight percent of its usage is something along the lines of "My chair broke! This is so gay!" Is it? Is your chair really a homosexual? I really don't think it is! I don't think it's very merry either, you just freaking broke it!
The sad thing here is that this is less than half of what I could say, but I'm just tired of typing at this point.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Deadarm said:
Flying-Emu said:
"I mean, really, they should just learn to speak American."

I mean, for the love of whatever Divine being you worship! It's English! It's an American dialect, it's not a separate freaking language!

Deadarm said:
anything about any religion being right or wrong (guess what god isn't real and the afterlife doesn't exist. hypocracy ftw)
Guess what, you're an ignorant fool who needs to learn the meaning of the word "grammar". I'll defend your right to say that "God isn't real" as long as you're respectful in saying it. On the other hand, on that same token, I get to call you a hypocritical pest for trying to push your beliefs on theists, just like your so-hated religion. Get over yourself.

Note that I bolded the "G" in God for a reason. If you don't know that reason, then you really should read the Bible before bashing it.
You should really learn to read a joke for what it is, though you did help me make my point.
Hmm, because I can read sarcasm through a computer screen, huh? And guess what, my friend, never did I assault your beliefs, I simply said that if you get to say that, I get to say what I want as well.

I truly think we need to build a syntax for when someone's being a sarcastic son of a Gungan.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Let me see...
"Punishment won't bring the victim back"
"This is just my opinion....."
People who quote the bible as if it were a history textbook
"I'm an athiest because the bible X"
"Women are supierior because X"
"I'm not X but....."
"Isreal should just let X bomb them!"
"I bought a Che Guevara/Hammer and Sickle T-shirt from the gap"
Celebrity news
"That's offensive/I found that offensive/that offended me"
"Everyone is special"
"Why do serious?" for the octillionth time
High School Musical songs
Athiesm=free thought (it doesn't, they all think the same few things, and anyone who thinks differently is ignorant, I used to think that way, I'm cured now)
"OMG liek so kawaii"
As you can see I'm a fairly irritable person.


New member
Mar 5, 2009
Squeaky little three year-olds screaming and running around in my house. Alot like whats happening now.

Drake the Dragonheart

The All-American Dragon.
Aug 14, 2008
[Gavo said:
]I really hate when people say "Once my friend..."

You know they are either glorifying themselves or making complete bullshit up.
that or possibly trying to cover up that is was actually them who did the stupid thing there about to say their friend did.

most cliched expressions really.
I had a principle my sophomore year who just loved em. "Save your days" "It is just the right thing to do." coming from him it was somehow just irritating, and I really thought the guy was a stalker, I mean every where I went, there he was, right in my path.


New member
Jan 31, 2008
I'm not big on people making fun of bass players.

All it does is makes you look fooshing and cements the fact that you know nothing about music past "omg solo bi-atch! Woo"

forever saturday

New member
Nov 6, 2008
I hate when people tell me that I need to be more patriotic because "people died for that flag". Well even though I am American I have a mainly British mindset, so I think that having flags everywhere comes off as being nationalistic at best and self righteous "my country is better than yours" type of stuff at worst. I just know that some day I will have a conversation like this:

some guy: "people died for that flag".
Me: "so I should respect any flag that someone died for?"
some guy: "yeah, dying for your country deserves respect".
Me: "ok then, lets start over. *ahem* Heil Hitler!"

Come to think of it, anything patriotic sends me into internal rage mode. Maybe its because I don't like this country.

Chuck Norris jokes, yo momma jokes, and about 90% of other memes.

The neighbour kids.

Any and all rap and hip hop "music".

The sound of rocks scraping against concrete.

my natural accent. I sound like an ungodly combination of Texas, Brooklyn, and Eric Cartman, but it is still horribly inconsistent. Ive never even been to Texas or New York.

People asking me where I am from because of said accent. Because of this, I dont talk unless i have to, and i have given serious thought into just intentionally developing a foreign accent (probably british or australian =D). Only thing holding me back is that people would think it was wierd.

People asking me if i am jewish, because APPARENTLY i look jewish.

People saying my last name wrong.

My dog barking at nothing in the middle of the night.

All I can think of right now.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
People who ask questions just to get noticed and for the sake of wasting everyone elses time.

I noticed behaviour like that in school, I never seemed to get much independant class time, which was fine because it meant less attention on me while I doodled but I don't know how people can ask such obvious and stupid questions and come out of the classroom with their dignity intact. If you want to know why you can't shit on the paper instead of writing on it princess, ask the teacher independantly after school instead of wasting class time. (I'm exaggerating, but some days I felt like asking just to mock the rest of the brainless nitheads, I was seated amongst... then I swiftly remembered that that kind of humor is miles beyond them also. School sucked. I passed without even trying a day in my life and some of those I knew cared and needed to pass well got held back because of some eff up's with Exams.)

Anyway back to the topic at hand, it's definately unessissary questioning. I don't mind smart ones, or even funny ones. It's ones that are so obvious it could walk naked past you.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
"It's only a game, isn't it?"

Therein lies the battle cry of the obsessive who is always the most competitive, who can't bear to lose under any circumstances, who will cheat if necessary, who will cry foul if fairly beaten, and who will have a tantrum if nothing else works. NEVER trust anybody who uses this phrase during a game of anything, be it Snakes and Ladders, Snap, or Team Fortress 2.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Well it does annoy so much as it kills my ears. When a knife (such as kitchen knife) is being sharpened. It makes my brain... ring


New member
Dec 5, 2008
TheMadDoctorsCat said:
"It's only a game, isn't it?"

Therein lies the battle cry of the obsessive who is always the most competitive, who can't bear to lose under any circumstances, who will cheat if necessary, who will cry foul if fairly beaten, and who will have a tantrum if nothing else works. NEVER trust anybody who uses this phrase during a game of anything, be it Snakes and Ladders, Snap, or Team Fortress 2.
I only say that when people are like HOLY $H1T!! WHAT THE F@CK!! Such as yesterday when we were playing badminton this idiot was screaming, ITS NOT OUT!!! THATS OUR SERVE!! so on so on


New member
Dec 16, 2008
When people say "you're just jealous" when you dont like what everybody else likes.

Also, when people use words in the wrong context/definition, and when I point it out, they say "well it's my definition for the word." NO, you cannot make up your own defintion for a word (unless you're writing your own story and you made the word completely up for for the sake of your fiction aplot, but that's neither here nor there).

I have another problem too, like when I get into arguments over solid facts with my extended family. They oush a point that it totally wrong. I debate by backing it up with more facts, and use real logic. they get pissed and say "you just have to be right about everything don't you..." Well, yes I do if I can prove that I'm right and you're wrong. You're an idiot, I am not. I am also educated past high school, you are not. So yeah, that makes me right to begin with in most cases, you just don't know when to quit.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
forever saturday said:
People asking me if i am jewish, because APPARENTLY i look jewish.
Same thing with me actually, most people at my high school just know me as 'jew'

People who think they're the shit
Nails on a chalk board
Most Mainstream music
99% of celebrities
Overly religious people...
Republicans who bad mouth democrats... (who screwed up the country again? i forgot)
The rare odd crunching noise that my teeth make when they rub together
People who think Mac's are the best computers ever

Ohh the list goes on...


New member
Dec 5, 2008
When the teacher talks and nothing comes out of his/her mouth. "You guys probably can't see that from the back uhh.. I'll just move it up some more" WE CAN SEE WHAT YOU ARE DOING STOP TALKING YOU ARE DISTURBING US FROM OUR WORK/NOTES