Things you WANTED to tell people on Facebook, but didn't

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Colour-Scientist said:
I just generally block people who post to much from my wall, the ones who feel the need to update their status every time they take a shit.
Unless you have friends with IBS that's 2 times a day max. Which is something like 5 billion times less than everyone on my bloody friends list. Ugh.
Oh, it's worse than that. The girl I mentioned actually updated her status once telling the world she was about to have sex with her boyfriend.

How does she think people are going to react to that? Congratulate her?

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
There's this one dude who constantly puts down my town. It's like, jeez. If you hate how horrid this place is, why don't you move somewhere else? I mean, you whine so much about EVERYTHING....

DarkRyter said:
Jesus, I think I liked you better when you were a juggalo.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Attention-whoring girl on Facebook posts for the eighteenth time that month about how the house is free and she can, of course, be naked. Then followed by 'jokey jokey' comments from friends like "tits or gtfo, lol! jk jk" and part of me just wants to write "JUST FUCK ALREADY! CHRIST!"

I don't, though. The inevitable man-brigade wouldst fell me for assaulting such a vulnerable damsel. *Grumble grumble*

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
AngloDoom said:
Attention-whoring girl on Facebook posts for the eighteenth time that month about how the house is free and she can, of course, be naked. Then followed by 'jokey jokey' comments from friends like "tits or gtfo, lol! jk jk" and part of me just wants to write "JUST FUCK ALREADY! CHRIST!"

I don't, though. The inevitable man-brigade wouldst fell me for assaulting such a vulnerable damsel. *Grumble grumble*
There's a girl I'm friends with on Facebook and she's pretty hot. Every time she posts a status about ANYTHING, going to the shop say, there'll be 10 or 12 guys posting on it asking her if she'd like them to go with her or just telling her she's hot.

Every time she changes her relationship status, which isn't often, the amount of likes she gets is ridiculous. It's so funny because she doesn't really encourage it but some of the guys come across as so fucking desperate, they may as well be posting 'Please have sex with me, please!'.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
malestrithe said:
Mine would be, "quit being vague in your posts." I have a lot of facebook friends who reference things that I have no idea of.
Yeah this, except for with some of my 'people-I-used-to-hang-with-list' there is a person who posts like "I hate you for being so fuckin' edgy" or something and it was obviously aimed at someone on their list but here's the thing, I don't check everyone's facebook wall because thats a pain-in-the-ass so I always felt like being a snarky asshole and posting "So you hate me now don't you ya dick?"

SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Wait, I have one more.

Has this "Sharing" craze reached the US yet, or is it a Germany thing? Jesus Christ, it pisses me off so much. "Share this picture if you feel sorry for this little boy" - FUCK YOU. How fucking dare you use a picture of some poor kid to get attention for your stupid Facebook page. You are the fucking scum of the Earth and I hope someone stabs you in the eye with a needle, slowly. And if you share those pictures? Fuck you too. Or maybe I should thank you for your incredible contribution to the African hunger crisis. Sharing that picture to show you care actually fed a child for a week.

Wait - it didn't. So stop doing it. I mean seriously. Fuck. That's the one thing that pisses me off most on the entire vast plains of the internet. Just... How much of a fucking asshole can you be to upload a picture of someone less fortunate than you and pretend you care so much JUST to get attention for yourself? I hate that. Legitimately hate it. Actual hate. Not dislike, HATE.
Trust me bro, it has. It god damn has. But in a different way, I saw a picture once that said essentially "Since Atheists exists, this child didn't get fed" and I wanted to snap that pictures neck if it had one. The poster was like "Hey, do you think this is bullshit? If you say no then your incorrect." Another one was essentially the above but it was "Since Homosexuals exist then this child is starving." Just fuck whoever made those.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
It took me a very long time to realise you were the same girl I went to school with, because so much of you has changed. Mainly your boobs and your nose and your hair colour and I never remembered you being orange before.
And the first update of yours I got on my wall was about how you had shit yourself in a carpark `again`.


New member
Dec 27, 2010
Male desperation as a whole bugs me on Facebook.

I can come up with an in my opinion, brilliant post. Y'know, thought provoking, tongue in cheek, funny. (Shut up, I'm going somewhere with this). And I'll get one like.

A girl will just post something like "Teehee i luv fake tan"

And it'll get 50 gazillion likes and a bunch of losers commenting the most mundane things to try and relate. One person honest to god commented "Fake is like cake!"

What the hell does that even mean? Am I just getting old? -Shakes cane-


New member
Aug 30, 2010
I usually speak my mind on Facebook, especially if it's a racist or prejudiced post because that just makes me fucking enraged. However, I remember a friend of a friend was posting about how she was going out with guy after guy and how everyone wants her and so on. This girl was ten. TEN YEARS OLD! I didn't say anything, but that was the day I decided periodic friend list clean-ups are required.

Going back to racism, apparently sticking up for Muslims in Australia is frowned upon heavily by every non-Muslim. A person I met last year was, this year, posting something about how Muslim women are submissive to their abusive husbands and worship a pedophile names Mohammad and so on. No idea what happened to spark such a ridiculous (and factually poor) rant, but when I tried telling her how judging everyone by one experience and giving her proper information on Islam, I was slammed by her and every non-Muslim friend she had.
That required another friend list clean-up.

Broady Brio

New member
Jun 28, 2009
*Posts picture of either Government-related posters, "E-cards" or feminist statements.

My response should be:
"If you're really concerned about [said subject], don't just post shit. Fucking do something about it that will actually impact that cause."

Lunatic High

New member
Apr 14, 2012
well there are alot of people who I feel need to use facebook ALOT less but its the invites to shitty games that get one my nerves especially when you get more than 10 I used to check my facebook and see like 23 notifacations all of which were for games designed to squeeze yet more personal information from users or whatever so I just started deleting people from my friends list when for 133 to 81 in like 3 weeks.

As for comments its the ones who belch their personal problems for sympathetic placations from anyone and everyone including strangers in some case. Someone would type out their issue or whatever and I type LOL just to piss them off.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
Sexy Devil said:
I'm 17 so my news feed is invariably filled with angst every damn day and it's pretty fun to stir the pot.
This is why I actually deleted my Facebook account, I'm 17 too, and all anybody could seem to post is relationship drama, ***** and moan, argue with people and talk about how friday/saturday's party was "FUCKING BEAST".

It just depressed me to no end knowing that's what a lot of my generation in my area felt like talking about, so I just gave up using that site.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
CODE-D said:
"I can't believe I still find myself, trying to let go....

It's over I know, but the memories still remain."

"is it so bad, that I ask questions?, that I'm curious?, that I don't wanna be made a fool, or be hurt..

one day, you'll understand"

.....just....fuck you....
Oh, those people are hilarious. I had three of those until I deleted my Facebook account (best decision of my life so far).

I also have one guy on my Skype list that literally filled my Skype home page with his "deep poems" about relationship issues and depression, because he was so emo and emo is cool.


Dec 1, 2011
Eddie the head said:
"I don't know how I am posting, because I don't have a facebook." In the end I didn't say it because I don't have a facebook.
Same here. Although I'd probably say something like "I have a Facebook account. Are you happy now?" because I've sworn to never use Facebook or Twitter unless unless it becomes absolutely necessary.


New member
Jun 16, 2012
The only thing that rubs me the wrong way is a status that sais "share this to help him over come cancer" or anything in that direction.

YES liking a post on FACEBOOK cures cancer people.

EDIT: something that just came to mind. Some woman posted some stupid picture which basically said you shouldn't single out handicapped people and they just want to be accepted and treated like anyone else.

Had to restrain myself from saying you DO know that by posting a picture like this you ARE singling them out and treating them special right?


New member
Jul 7, 2011
I stopped checking my facebook regularly about two years ago because about 75% of all posts were about god damn Farmville. I don't care if your virtual crops need watering or if you need 50 bags of virtual cow shit. Also everytime I see people posting random song lyrics to try in convey how much their life sucks I want to say "Wow your life must be pretty horrible if you can't even think of somthing original to describe it."


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Colour-Scientist said:
I just generally block people who post to much from my wall, the ones who feel the need to update their status every time they take a shit.
Yeah...I've got a few friends like that aside from the aforementioned "inspirational" image friend.. Oddly enough the worst offenders all live together. There's the one who checks into every single god damn place she goes and put all of her twitter onto her facebook. She got blocked.

Then there's the guy who does vlogs. Oddly he's only started doing them the past year or so as though he'd just discovered them and he posts in about 6 seperate pages whenever he's uploaded a new video that nobody would care about if he didn't tell them. For some reason all 6 of these updates appear on my wall. He got blocked.

And then there's the one to takes photos of......everything, which then goes to facebook through instagram. I mean everything. Breakfast? Gotta take a photo of it and put it on facebook! Lunch? Gotta take a photo of it and put it on facebook! Dinner? Gotta take a photo of it and put it on facebook! Having a beer? You'd better photograph that beer boy!!!

What's most annoying is that I genuinely like these people but I have to fight the urge to just scream "NOBODY FUCKING CARES!!!!!! SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP! but then somehow I'd look like the asshole. Crazy eh?