While choking puppies and drinking the blood of infants.believer258 said:I heard that he hid behind one of his wives as he was shot.
While choking puppies and drinking the blood of infants.believer258 said:I heard that he hid behind one of his wives as he was shot.
spectrenihlus said:No nation should have it's borders overrun like that. You can't just invade someone's country because one bastard, who isn't affiliated with the government, decided to fuck with you. That's like your neighbour's cousin from the other side of the world broke your window, so in return you break into their house and ransack it. I like how you mentioned that there is no enforcer of international law, because the US seems to act like it's the sole protector of the world.Harrowdown said:Killing Bin Laden was a major and I mean absolute major success and it really hurt Al Qaeda. Yes Al Qaeda isn't a homogeneous organization but Bin Laden was still their spiritual leader and a great inspiration to them by killing him we have broken their spirit and showed the world what happens if you do these types of things to us, you will die no matter how long it takes and no matter where you hide there is nowhere on this planet where you can run and no one you can turn to. And concerning international law it is broken constantly because it is pretty much held up by the honor system. Unlike if you stole or murdered someone their is no enforcer of international law. BTW the united states tried every legal option before resorting to this. The united states had two opportunities prior to the one where we got him and each time we told Pakistan that we were coming in and getting him. Guess what the leadership in Pakistan does IT FUCKING WARNS BIN LADEN. So this time we go in under cover of darkness without warning Pakistan and we finally get the son of a *****. By the way , the reason this works is because only a few nations can pull off what the United States pulled off in terms of disregarding a nation's border. If someone tried to do what we did to Pakistan to us they would be shot down within minutes. I also am pretty sure that if a terrorist blew up One Canada Square in London and your government knew that he was hiding is say Albania your country would do the exact same thing. So would France and so would any other country that has the capability to pull it off.spectrenihlus said:snip
Neither should be it a cause for respect. Everyone dies. Not everyone deserves respect. See where I'm going with this?Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:First of all, a disclaimer: I'm American, and I really hate these people celebrating in the streets. All my (American) friends agree that it's kind of sick.
The event of a death should always be met with dignity and respect, no matter who died. Death should never be a cause for celebration.
See, that's where you're wrong.AnAngryMoose said:No nation should have it's borders overrun like that. You can't just invade someone's country because one bastard, who isn't affiliated with the government, decided to fuck with you. That's like your neighbour's cousin from the other side of the world broke your window, so in return you break into their house and ransack it. I like how you mentioned that there is no enforcer of international law, because the US seems to act like it's the sole protector of the world.
That's the main problem with America. It feels like it can do whatever the fuck it wants because it can and because no one will stop it. It's a typical schoolyard bully: it shits on other countries because it can and knows that no one would touch it.Agayek said:See, that's where you're wrong.AnAngryMoose said:No nation should have it's borders overrun like that. You can't just invade someone's country because one bastard, who isn't affiliated with the government, decided to fuck with you. That's like your neighbour's cousin from the other side of the world broke your window, so in return you break into their house and ransack it. I like how you mentioned that there is no enforcer of international law, because the US seems to act like it's the sole protector of the world.
Want to know how I know that? Because we fucking did it. We could, can and did invade another country solely to find and kill one man.
Also, your metaphor is a bit backwards. This would be like if someone from the other side of the world ransacked your house and you went over and threw a brick through their window(s).
I suppose you're right, it is some form of victory and a morale boost. It's not your fault or even your countries, from what I've heard it was your President who ordered him dead, I was just annoyed that he would go ahead and do something as stupid as that. And he was watching it all happen live as well.Bringing some form of retribution to the guy who did 9/11, so he's no longer a threat is a victory in my book.
It would be better if he was alive, so we could get information but dead is still nice as well.
And I don't know enough to judge what happened. They said he resisted and I can't blame the guy if he shot him in self defense.
Out of curiosity what country do you live in.
Look, I know how I'm coming off, and I understand why it was justified and sensible. It's just because of my own nationalism that I'm anti-imperialistic. I'm Irish, so naturally having another country march into yours and attempt to call the shots doesn't go down to well.believer258 said:AnAngryMoose said:That's the main problem with America. It feels like it can do whatever the fuck it wants because it can and because no one will stop it. It's a typical schoolyard bully: it shits on other countries because it can and knows that no one would touch it.Agayek said:See, that's where you're wrong.AnAngryMoose said:No nation should have it's borders overrun like that. You can't just invade someone's country because one bastard, who isn't affiliated with the government, decided to fuck with you. That's like your neighbour's cousin from the other side of the world broke your window, so in return you break into their house and ransack it. I like how you mentioned that there is no enforcer of international law, because the US seems to act like it's the sole protector of the world.
Want to know how I know that? Because we fucking did it. We could, can and did invade another country solely to find and kill one man.
Also, your metaphor is a bit backwards. This would be like if someone from the other side of the world ransacked your house and you went over and threw a brick through their window(s).
I'm not agreeing with Al Qaeda, but America's attitude of being able to do whatever it wants whenever it wants is beyond fucked up for a developed country and self-entitled "saviour of the world".
Bin Laden planned an attack on the Twin Towers, and executed it. If he did that, who knows what else he could have done to America if he went unchecked? Did you expect Americans to sit back while he laughs with his terrorist buddies and pokes jokes at Lady Liberty? No country as powerful as America in their right mind would do that, it would seal the fate of the country as a cowardly apologetic. As it is, it's already looked down upon as that too much.
However, this does feel more like Obama's "get elected next time" move. Luckily more people see through it than he thought would, but it's still not right. They should have taken Bin Laden out ages ago, proceeded to get rid of as much of Al Qaeda and whoever else as possible, then left. Shouldn't have taken more than a few years, and it should have ended with Bush. This whole war was a political maneuver, not a quick "kill the bad guys, come home" thing like it should have been.
I agree with you on a 100%!!Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:First of all, a disclaimer: I'm American, and I really hate these people celebrating in the streets. All my (American) friends agree that it's kind of sick.
The event of a death should always be met with dignity and respect, no matter who died. Death should never be a cause for celebration.
That's just it though. No one will stop the US. Thus, there's no reason to stop. You're incredibly naive if you think the world is in any way, shape or form "fair". Those with power will abuse that power and take advantage of those they have power over. That's human nature (well, nature in general really), and it's not going to change any time soon.AnAngryMoose said:That's the main problem with America. It feels like it can do whatever the fuck it wants because it can and because no one will stop it. It's a typical schoolyard bully: it shits on other countries because it can and knows that no one would touch it.
I'm not agreeing with Al Qaeda, but America's attitude of being able to do whatever it wants whenever it wants is beyond fucked up for a developed country and self-entitled "saviour of the world".
Please don't lie like that, I'm obviously not an idiot and suggesting that from a comment I made linked to a documentary to provide an insight and another perspective just makes you look stupid.GameNeo said:Are you seriously basing your argument off a film designed to be controversial to make money? You are a the biggest idiot I have seen in a few weeks.
Really? Considering your source of information is a fictional story made during the 9/11 craze to grab all the money from idiots like you who will believe anything they see, I strongly suggest you look up the word fictional before you make yourself look even more stupid.Phoenixlight said:Please don't lie like that, I'm obviously not an idiot and suggesting that from a comment I made linked to a documentary to provide an insight and another perspective just makes you look stupid.GameNeo said:Are you seriously basing your argument off a film designed to be controversial to make money? You are a the biggest idiot I have seen in a few weeks.
Glad to see I am not the only one who sees through this guy's BSThe Incredible Bulk said:I second the motion, Mr. Neo...the rest of this goes to the guy you replied to, not you haha: Michael Moore isn't a documentary filmmaker. He makes fictional films, just like Chris Nolan or David Fincher. He's a film director; he makes drama/conspiracy theorist films, didn't you know? And you are indeed a damn big idiot, like Mr. Neo here said.
yes. it is. in fact, i think he got off fairly easy, so karma is actually still balanced in his favor. lucky bastard.Harrowdown said:So it's a good thing that a world power can seek revenge against individuals for the pleasure of revenge?Ashcrexl said:best served cold.
and best enjoyed cold.