This scare the shit out of anyone else?


New member
Feb 4, 2010
Harrowdown said:
spectrenihlus said:
Ok so what should have been done with Osama? Should the US just sat their and took what they got on 9/11 and let Osama get away with it?
Well to start with, they shouldn't be carrying out illegal military operations in other countries. Failing that, it would've been ideal to capture Osama and put him on trial. Given the recent details of the operation, which state that Bin Laden was in fact unarmed, that probably shouldn't have been too hard. As when Saddam Hussein was captured, a trial would erase any suspicions that America was bypassing the justice system, and would probably act as a far better message to the enemy than just killing people. I think perhaps you're looking at this whole thing the wrong way. You seem to think that America needed to prove a point by killing Osama, that it was a matter of petty revenge rather than an act of combat. Yes, Osama did undoubtedly need to be dealt with, but not like this, and not for such silly reasons. All of the anger and contempt is out of place in any war. It simply impedes progress towards a solution, which is always the indisputable goal during any conflict. Holding up peace to settle old debts and prove points is irrational and foolhardy.
There is no such thing as an illegal military operation. If a country doesn't want something to happen inside the country they stop it with force not with words Pakistan will not stop us because then they no longer will relieve the 2 billion dollars in aid they get from us. Secondly do you member the circus that the Sadam trial was, by giving Osama a trial you are giving a global platform to the man to spew whatever rhetoric he wants. Also we still have no idea what to do with KSM and Obama and his staff knew that so they decided that assassinating him was the best way to handle it. Also so what if he was unarmed 93% of the United States doesn't care and frankly neither should you. So what if it was just for revenge you earned it the second you turned our planes into weapons and crashed them into our buildings. Do you understand how cheap life is in these areas? A compromise between Al Qaeda and the United States is impossible. Either they are eliminated from this planet or we are and I'd rather stick with having them eliminated. Also are you saying that orchestrating the 9/11 attacks and all the attacks previous to 9/11 where "silly" reasons to go after him?


New member
Feb 4, 2010
AnAngryMoose said:
spectrenihlus said:
Harrowdown said:
spectrenihlus said:
Killing Bin Laden was a major and I mean absolute major success and it really hurt Al Qaeda. Yes Al Qaeda isn't a homogeneous organization but Bin Laden was still their spiritual leader and a great inspiration to them by killing him we have broken their spirit and showed the world what happens if you do these types of things to us, you will die no matter how long it takes and no matter where you hide there is nowhere on this planet where you can run and no one you can turn to. And concerning international law it is broken constantly because it is pretty much held up by the honor system. Unlike if you stole or murdered someone their is no enforcer of international law. BTW the united states tried every legal option before resorting to this. The united states had two opportunities prior to the one where we got him and each time we told Pakistan that we were coming in and getting him. Guess what the leadership in Pakistan does IT FUCKING WARNS BIN LADEN. So this time we go in under cover of darkness without warning Pakistan and we finally get the son of a *****. By the way , the reason this works is because only a few nations can pull off what the United States pulled off in terms of disregarding a nation's border. If someone tried to do what we did to Pakistan to us they would be shot down within minutes. I also am pretty sure that if a terrorist blew up One Canada Square in London and your government knew that he was hiding is say Albania your country would do the exact same thing. So would France and so would any other country that has the capability to pull it off.
No nation should have it's borders overrun like that. You can't just invade someone's country because one bastard, who isn't affiliated with the government, decided to fuck with you. That's like your neighbour's cousin from the other side of the world broke your window, so in return you break into their house and ransack it. I like how you mentioned that there is no enforcer of international law, because the US seems to act like it's the sole protector of the world.
Not it's more like the end of Lethal Weapon 2.



New member
Jan 11, 2010
spectrenihlus said:
Harrowdown said:
spectrenihlus said:
Ok so what should have been done with Osama? Should the US just sat their and took what they got on 9/11 and let Osama get away with it?
Well to start with, they shouldn't be carrying out illegal military operations in other countries. Failing that, it would've been ideal to capture Osama and put him on trial. Given the recent details of the operation, which state that Bin Laden was in fact unarmed, that probably shouldn't have been too hard. As when Saddam Hussein was captured, a trial would erase any suspicions that America was bypassing the justice system, and would probably act as a far better message to the enemy than just killing people. I think perhaps you're looking at this whole thing the wrong way. You seem to think that America needed to prove a point by killing Osama, that it was a matter of petty revenge rather than an act of combat. Yes, Osama did undoubtedly need to be dealt with, but not like this, and not for such silly reasons. All of the anger and contempt is out of place in any war. It simply impedes progress towards a solution, which is always the indisputable goal during any conflict. Holding up peace to settle old debts and prove points is irrational and foolhardy.
There is no such thing as an illegal military operation. If a country doesn't want something to happen inside the country they stop it with force not with words Pakistan will not stop us because then they no longer will relieve the 2 billion dollars in aid they get from us. Secondly do you member the circus that the Sadam trial was, by giving Osama a trial you are giving a global platform to the man to spew whatever rhetoric he wants. Also we still have no idea what to do with KSM and Obama and his staff knew that so they decided that assassinating him was the best way to handle it. Also so what if he was unarmed 93% of the United States doesn't care and frankly neither should you. So what if it was just for revenge you earned it the second you turned our planes into weapons and crashed them into our buildings. Do you understand how cheap life is in these areas? A compromise between Al Qaeda and the United States is impossible. Either they are eliminated from this planet or we are and I'd rather stick with having them eliminated. Also are you saying that orchestrating the 9/11 attacks and all the attacks previous to 9/11 where "silly" reasons to go after him?
What do you mean, "there's no such thing as an illegal military operation"? I'm sorry, but that's absolute bollocks. If that were the case, there'd be no reason to denounce war crimes, military oppression or political assasination. I say for the thousandth time, without once being rebutted by you, that Americas actions aren't justified by the fact that they can get away with them. So what if Pakistan can't stop America? So what if they choose not to. That doesn't change the fact that America has acted in complete contravention to the international legal system, one that they are obliged to abide by, being members of the U.N. I'm not sure that Saddam's trial was a circus, really. He was tried fairly by the legitimate governing body of his home nation, allowed to exercise his rights as a human being to free speech and to be judged fairly and equally, and then punished for his crimes. He was dealt with, and the democratic system was seen to prevail against the authoritarian dictatorship that they claimed to be fighting to eradicate. Exactly how is an assassination better? If the assassination was indeed just for revenge, then i'm rightfully very disturbed by the fact that the worlds most politically and militarily powerful nation allows base emotional responses to govern its foreign policy, as opposed to good logic. I mean, the cold war, the 20 odd year long international incident that threatened to bring about nuclear war, was motivated almost entirely by fear and arrogance. The battle against terror is not a matter of us or them. They're dangerous, undoubtedly, but they're not a league of evil supervillains. They're a ragtag band of angry islamic ideologists, and there is zero chance of them defeating America outside of their own countries. You go ahean and explain to me how terrorists are realistically going to conquer the allied western countries. I never actually suggested a compromise, although opening up lines of dialogue with the East rather than just continuing to bulldoze through the rest of the world like some self important lone ranger is surely the best option. If America continues to act with such short sighedness and self absorbtion, retaliation is only going to get worse. Don't go accusing me of calling 9/11 a 'silly reason' to fight. That is not what I said and you know it. The thing is, 9/11 happened, but blindly charging about shouting for revenge is no way to fight a war, especially not when you're fighting fundamentailsts.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
Ashcrexl said:
Harrowdown said:
Ashcrexl said:
best served cold.

and best enjoyed cold.
So it's a good thing that a world power can seek revenge against individuals for the pleasure of revenge?
yes. it is. in fact, i think he got off fairly easy, so karma is actually still balanced in his favor. lucky bastard.
Seriously, karma? The world doesn't work like that dude. You'll have to come up with something better than that.

Devon Dent

New member
Mar 17, 2010
My worry as an outsider to the USA is this; Who are they going to war at next? No one really seems to question them when they point the finger of war somewhere. How long did they spend fighting this war, a little under 10 years i think, 10 years with the focus of killing ONE guy as the main objective. !0 years in the span of which both sides lost a lot of people, and the US even managed to kill a few of their own side along the way. I also highly doubt that the death of this one guy is gonig to stop the fighting, the same way that someone going into work and killing their boss is not going to make their job any better.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
Agayek said:
AnAngryMoose said:
That's the main problem with America. It feels like it can do whatever the fuck it wants because it can and because no one will stop it. It's a typical schoolyard bully: it shits on other countries because it can and knows that no one would touch it.

I'm not agreeing with Al Qaeda, but America's attitude of being able to do whatever it wants whenever it wants is beyond fucked up for a developed country and self-entitled "saviour of the world".
That's just it though. No one will stop the US. Thus, there's no reason to stop. You're incredibly naive if you think the world is in any way, shape or form "fair". Those with power will abuse that power and take advantage of those they have power over. That's human nature (well, nature in general really), and it's not going to change any time soon.

If there were any other nation in a similar position as the US after WWII, you'd bet your ass they'd have done the exact same thing (hell, the British did it quite well for centuries, and Italy did it even better, for even longer, before them).

The fact of the matter is, regardless of what should be, we need to deal with what is. And the way the world works is that those with power will use it, and in the process, most of the time, abuse it.

Everyone in the world does what they want, as long as they have the power to do it. Even you. It's just how humanity works. If you were suddenly granted omnipotency, I can practically guarantee you will have murdered, maimed, or otherwise harmed someone, somewhere, for no reason beyond that they annoyed you. Unfortunately, such a test is impossible to conduct, but I can be reasonably confident it would back up that conclusion in the vast majority of humanity (and yes, that more than likely includes you).

Edit: For clarity's sake, I'd like to point out that this argument is also one of the primary reasons I'm against government in general, but yea whatever.

Also, it's not really much in the way of "Go in and tell people how to run their country" when all we do is sneak in, kill the target and walk out again. I actually happen to agree with you about the whole debacle in Iraq and possibly Afghanistan (I don't know enough about the Afghani situation to say).
So you agree that your country is a tyrant, and you deem this acceptable. Congratulations on being a social detriment. The reason that agents shouldn't behave like America isn't because it's immoral or whatever. It's because more people benefit from cooperation, thus cooperation is the optimum method of survival. You might be getting away with it now, but the parts that don't contribute to the whole soon atrophy.


New member
Aug 24, 2008
GameNeo said:
Really? Considering your source of information is a fictional story made during the 9/11 craze to grab all the money from idiots like you who will believe anything they see, I strongly suggest you look up the word fictional before you make yourself look even more stupid.

A lie is a false claim or statement. Think about that for a minute...
I asked you to stop making false accusations but I see you're going to continue lying anyway, I know what a lie is and since you are lying by saying something that's quite clearly not true you're the only idiot here. Just because you're too stupid to look at anything from a different perspective doesn't mean that everyone else is. If you want to believe everything that you hear from the media or from the government then fine, don't think for yourself but don't take it out on other people when you can't comprehend that things may not be as they seem. The same goes for you "The Incredible Bulk", i'm not an idiot, you're just a small close minded fool.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Agayek said:
AnAngryMoose said:
That's the main problem with America. It feels like it can do whatever the fuck it wants because it can and because no one will stop it. It's a typical schoolyard bully: it shits on other countries because it can and knows that no one would touch it.

I'm not agreeing with Al Qaeda, but America's attitude of being able to do whatever it wants whenever it wants is beyond fucked up for a developed country and self-entitled "saviour of the world".
That's just it though. No one will stop the US. Thus, there's no reason to stop. You're incredibly naive if you think the world is in any way, shape or form "fair". Those with power will abuse that power and take advantage of those they have power over. That's human nature (well, nature in general really), and it's not going to change any time soon.

If there were any other nation in a similar position as the US after WWII, you'd bet your ass they'd have done the exact same thing (hell, the British did it quite well for centuries, and Italy did it even better, for even longer, before them).

The fact of the matter is, regardless of what should be, we need to deal with what is. And the way the world works is that those with power will use it, and in the process, most of the time, abuse it.

Everyone in the world does what they want, as long as they have the power to do it. Even you. It's just how humanity works. If you were suddenly granted omnipotency, I can practically guarantee you will have murdered, maimed, or otherwise harmed someone, somewhere, for no reason beyond that they annoyed you. Unfortunately, such a test is impossible to conduct, but I can be reasonably confident it would back up that conclusion in the vast majority of humanity (and yes, that more than likely includes you).

Edit: For clarity's sake, I'd like to point out that this argument is also one of the primary reasons I'm against government in general, but yea whatever.

Also, it's not really much in the way of "Go in and tell people how to run their country" when all we do is sneak in, kill the target and walk out again. I actually happen to agree with you about the whole debacle in Iraq and possibly Afghanistan (I don't know enough about the Afghani situation to say).
I never said that I believed the world was fair, I'm just completely against the way powerful countries act, and have acted throughout history. Coming from a small nation (Ireland) which was bullied by England for years because they could. It had no real value, apart from farmland. That's it. They were just afraid of other people taking over Ireland and using that to attack them very easily. Instead of making some deal, the fucking took us over. So you can probably see why I'm against powerful nations doing this kind of thing.


New member
Oct 21, 2010
Its funny how the world is a cruel and unfair place where people openly admit that the men in power are supposed to be corrupted and businesses have a duty to manipulate the masses to their favor.

Yet there are no conspiracies. heh.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
Harrowdown said:
spectrenihlus said:
Harrowdown said:
spectrenihlus said:
Ok so what should have been done with Osama? Should the US just sat their and took what they got on 9/11 and let Osama get away with it?
Well to start with, they shouldn't be carrying out illegal military operations in other countries. Failing that, it would've been ideal to capture Osama and put him on trial. Given the recent details of the operation, which state that Bin Laden was in fact unarmed, that probably shouldn't have been too hard. As when Saddam Hussein was captured, a trial would erase any suspicions that America was bypassing the justice system, and would probably act as a far better message to the enemy than just killing people. I think perhaps you're looking at this whole thing the wrong way. You seem to think that America needed to prove a point by killing Osama, that it was a matter of petty revenge rather than an act of combat. Yes, Osama did undoubtedly need to be dealt with, but not like this, and not for such silly reasons. All of the anger and contempt is out of place in any war. It simply impedes progress towards a solution, which is always the indisputable goal during any conflict. Holding up peace to settle old debts and prove points is irrational and foolhardy.
There is no such thing as an illegal military operation. If a country doesn't want something to happen inside the country they stop it with force not with words Pakistan will not stop us because then they no longer will relieve the 2 billion dollars in aid they get from us. Secondly do you member the circus that the Sadam trial was, by giving Osama a trial you are giving a global platform to the man to spew whatever rhetoric he wants. Also we still have no idea what to do with KSM and Obama and his staff knew that so they decided that assassinating him was the best way to handle it. Also so what if he was unarmed 93% of the United States doesn't care and frankly neither should you. So what if it was just for revenge you earned it the second you turned our planes into weapons and crashed them into our buildings. Do you understand how cheap life is in these areas? A compromise between Al Qaeda and the United States is impossible. Either they are eliminated from this planet or we are and I'd rather stick with having them eliminated. Also are you saying that orchestrating the 9/11 attacks and all the attacks previous to 9/11 where "silly" reasons to go after him?
What do you mean, "there's no such thing as an illegal military operation"? I'm sorry, but that's absolute bollocks. If that were the case, there'd be no reason to denounce war crimes, military oppression or political assasination. I say for the thousandth time, without once being rebutted by you, that Americas actions aren't justified by the fact that they can get away with them. So what if Pakistan can't stop America? So what if they choose not to. That doesn't change the fact that America has acted in complete contravention to the international legal system, one that they are obliged to abide by, being members of the U.N. I'm not sure that Saddam's trial was a circus, really. He was tried fairly by the legitimate governing body of his home nation, allowed to exercise his rights as a human being to free speech and to be judged fairly and equally, and then punished for his crimes. He was dealt with, and the democratic system was seen to prevail against the authoritarian dictatorship that they claimed to be fighting to eradicate. Exactly how is an assassination better? If the assassination was indeed just for revenge, then i'm rightfully very disturbed by the fact that the worlds most politically and militarily powerful nation allows base emotional responses to govern its foreign policy, as opposed to good logic. I mean, the cold war, the 20 odd year long international incident that threatened to bring about nuclear war, was motivated almost entirely by fear and arrogance. The battle against terror is not a matter of us or them. They're dangerous, undoubtedly, but they're not a league of evil supervillains. They're a ragtag band of angry islamic ideologists, and there is zero chance of them defeating America outside of their own countries. You go ahean and explain to me how terrorists are realistically going to conquer the allied western countries. I never actually suggested a compromise, although opening up lines of dialogue with the East rather than just continuing to bulldoze through the rest of the world like some self important lone ranger is surely the best option. If America continues to act with such short sighedness and self absorbtion, retaliation is only going to get worse. Don't go accusing me of calling 9/11 a 'silly reason' to fight. That is not what I said and you know it. The thing is, 9/11 happened, but blindly charging about shouting for revenge is no way to fight a war, especially not when you're fighting fundamentailsts.
It's only a war crime if you lose. If Germany in WW 2 won do you think that their would be any Nuremberg trials? No because who would enforce them, Germany? Yes we assassinated the guy and would do so again I don't care if he was in the middle of writing his terms of surrender. Why exactly are you scared did you attack the United States unprovoked? No therefore you have absolutely no reason to be afraid. Also I highly doubt Obama and his staff used anything but logic when dealing with Osama, they weighed what they could and could not do and came out that the best way to deal with this is just to kill him, he was going to be executed anyway this just saves us the media circus and giving him a global platform to spew his filth from. No terrorists are not going to conquer the western nations they are still dangerous and will not rest until we or they are neutralized. Btw who would we open lines of dialogues to? Terrorists are not state leaders and any treaty we would create with them cannot be upheld.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
AnAngryMoose said:
believer258 said:
AnAngryMoose said:
Agayek said:
AnAngryMoose said:
No nation should have it's borders overrun like that. You can't just invade someone's country because one bastard, who isn't affiliated with the government, decided to fuck with you. That's like your neighbour's cousin from the other side of the world broke your window, so in return you break into their house and ransack it. I like how you mentioned that there is no enforcer of international law, because the US seems to act like it's the sole protector of the world.
See, that's where you're wrong.

Want to know how I know that? Because we fucking did it. We could, can and did invade another country solely to find and kill one man.

Also, your metaphor is a bit backwards. This would be like if someone from the other side of the world ransacked your house and you went over and threw a brick through their window(s).
That's the main problem with America. It feels like it can do whatever the fuck it wants because it can and because no one will stop it. It's a typical schoolyard bully: it shits on other countries because it can and knows that no one would touch it.

I'm not agreeing with Al Qaeda, but America's attitude of being able to do whatever it wants whenever it wants is beyond fucked up for a developed country and self-entitled "saviour of the world".

Bin Laden planned an attack on the Twin Towers, and executed it. If he did that, who knows what else he could have done to America if he went unchecked? Did you expect Americans to sit back while he laughs with his terrorist buddies and pokes jokes at Lady Liberty? No country as powerful as America in their right mind would do that, it would seal the fate of the country as a cowardly apologetic. As it is, it's already looked down upon as that too much.

However, this does feel more like Obama's "get elected next time" move. Luckily more people see through it than he thought would, but it's still not right. They should have taken Bin Laden out ages ago, proceeded to get rid of as much of Al Qaeda and whoever else as possible, then left. Shouldn't have taken more than a few years, and it should have ended with Bush. This whole war was a political maneuver, not a quick "kill the bad guys, come home" thing like it should have been.
Look, I know how I'm coming off, and I understand why it was justified and sensible. It's just because of my own nationalism that I'm anti-imperialistic. I'm Irish, so naturally having another country march into yours and attempt to call the shots doesn't go down to well.
We are giving them 2 billion dollars in aid money. You better believe we have a right to call shots in the country, and as I said before we tried going in their legally in warning the government that we where going after Osama.Elements in the government then repeatedly wars Osama that we where coming after them. IF anything that is an act of war on their part and they really should be thankful that all we did was go in quietly and kill Osama.
Harrowdown said:
Agayek said:
AnAngryMoose said:
That's the main problem with America. It feels like it can do whatever the fuck it wants because it can and because no one will stop it. It's a typical schoolyard bully: it shits on other countries because it can and knows that no one would touch it.

I'm not agreeing with Al Qaeda, but America's attitude of being able to do whatever it wants whenever it wants is beyond fucked up for a developed country and self-entitled "saviour of the world".
That's just it though. No one will stop the US. Thus, there's no reason to stop. You're incredibly naive if you think the world is in any way, shape or form "fair". Those with power will abuse that power and take advantage of those they have power over. That's human nature (well, nature in general really), and it's not going to change any time soon.

If there were any other nation in a similar position as the US after WWII, you'd bet your ass they'd have done the exact same thing (hell, the British did it quite well for centuries, and Italy did it even better, for even longer, before them).

The fact of the matter is, regardless of what should be, we need to deal with what is. And the way the world works is that those with power will use it, and in the process, most of the time, abuse it.

Everyone in the world does what they want, as long as they have the power to do it. Even you. It's just how humanity works. If you were suddenly granted omnipotency, I can practically guarantee you will have murdered, maimed, or otherwise harmed someone, somewhere, for no reason beyond that they annoyed you. Unfortunately, such a test is impossible to conduct, but I can be reasonably confident it would back up that conclusion in the vast majority of humanity (and yes, that more than likely includes you).

Edit: For clarity's sake, I'd like to point out that this argument is also one of the primary reasons I'm against government in general, but yea whatever.

Also, it's not really much in the way of "Go in and tell people how to run their country" when all we do is sneak in, kill the target and walk out again. I actually happen to agree with you about the whole debacle in Iraq and possibly Afghanistan (I don't know enough about the Afghani situation to say).
So you agree that your country is a tyrant, and you deem this acceptable. Congratulations on being a social detriment. The reason that agents shouldn't behave like America isn't because it's immoral or whatever. It's because more people benefit from cooperation, thus cooperation is the optimum method of survival. You might be getting away with it now, but the parts that don't contribute to the whole soon atrophy.
We are dealing with people and countries THAT AREN'T COOPERATING WITH US ANYWAY. How many times do I have to post that Pakistan subverted our attempts at getting Osama every step of the way and we were only able to get him when we didn't tell Pakistan what we were doing.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
Phoenixlight said:
GameNeo said:
Really? Considering your source of information is a fictional story made during the 9/11 craze to grab all the money from idiots like you who will believe anything they see, I strongly suggest you look up the word fictional before you make yourself look even more stupid.

A lie is a false claim or statement. Think about that for a minute...
I asked you to stop making false accusations but I see you're going to continue lying anyway, I know what a lie is and since you are lying by saying something that's quite clearly not true you're the only idiot here. Just because you're too stupid to look at anything from a different perspective doesn't mean that everyone else is. If you want to believe everything that you hear from the media or from the government then fine, don't think for yourself but don't take it out on other people when you can't comprehend that things may not be as they seem. The same goes for you "The Incredible Bulk", i'm not an idiot, you're just a small close minded fool.
Explain what the false accusation was before you make yourself look like even more of an idiot. I never once said I believed anything from the media or government, in fact you were the one who used the media as your base of your argument so you really need to get your story straight. Also, if one or more people label you as something wrong, then there is obviously something wrong with you.
This is why you are considered an idiot. You say you know what a lie is but you completely contradict yourself with the previous statement and lie about me saying I believe everything the government or media tells me. But then again, judging from your avatar I assume you can't put two and two together without someone shoving it in your face.

Spade Lead

New member
Nov 9, 2009
Phoenixlight said:
GameNeo said:
Are you seriously basing your argument off a film designed to be controversial to make money? You are a the biggest idiot I have seen in a few weeks.
Please don't lie like that, I'm obviously not an idiot and suggesting that from a comment I made linked to a documentary to provide an insight and another perspective just makes you look stupid.
No, he is right. If you think Micheal Moore makes Documentaries you are an idiot. A gullible idiot who doesn't know how documentaries actually work.


New member
Aug 24, 2008
GameNeo said:
Explain what the false accusation was before you make yourself look like even more of an idiot. I never once said I believed anything from the media or government, in fact you were the one who used the media as your base of your argument so you really need to get your story straight. Also, if one or more people label you as something wrong, then there is obviously something wrong with you.
This is why you are considered an idiot. You say you know what a lie is but you completely contradict yourself with the previous statement and lie about me saying I believe everything the government or media tells me. But then again, judging from your avatar I assume you can't put two and two together without someone shoving it in your face.
You calling me an idiot is a false accusation when I never said anything to suggest that. It's pretty easy to see that you do take things at face value from the government and media when you won't even consider an alternative side to a story which means that I didn't contradict myself. If there were 60 people in a room and 59 of them believed that the world was flat and called the other person an idiot for thinking about the possibility of a round world then they would all be wrong. Having more people make false accusations doesn't prove anything apart from people love to jump onto bandwagons and hate what they don't understand. My avatar shows that I like Anime, your avatar suggests you like fighting games; neither make any difference over what is being said.

Spade Lead said:
No, he is right. If you think Micheal Moore makes Documentaries you are an idiot. A gullible idiot who doesn't know how documentaries actually work.
If you look at wikipedia, IMDb or a variety of other reliable websites they all say that he makes documentaries and since his films as classed as them it doesn't make me an idiot especially since they appear to be documentaries; they may only present one side of a story but that doesn't invalidate them. If you believe that they're comedy films or belong in a differnt genre then provide some evidence to support your claim.


New member
Oct 16, 2007
ScoopMeister said:
believer258 said:
I heard that he hid behind one of his wives as he was shot. It's hard not to hate such a man, a coward who would ask others to commit suicide for his cause. Is it right to celebrate his death? No. But neither were the bastard's actions in life. This man got what was coming to him, and the celebrating afterward is more humiliation of a man that deserves it, whether it was right of us to dish it out or not.

Medieval? Yes, a bit. But it appears we haven't evolved our base instincts much over time, especially the one that controls our thirst for vengeance. I can't say I blame the Americans that did this, and frankly that's one less evil bastard in the world to deal with.
Seriously? You 'heard'? Mate, try not to believe in everything you hear. For all his shortcomings, Bin Laden was a polite, quietly-spoken man. He wasn't the 'evil bastard' or the coward that you perceive him to be. He was just a man who believed in a cause. While I don't condone his kind of extremism (no one should), you reaction is more than a little over the top.
And for the record, the Americans are being overly patriotic and just a little bit silly if they are celebrating a man's death. Not only is this fairly disgusting in principle, but they are jubilant when this 'war on terror' is nowhere near from over. It will never be won, it can't be. And I think you should all save your relief for after any seriously repercussions that could quite possibly occur following Osama Bin Laden's death.
Even if he was polite and quietly-spoken he spent 21 years of his life planning and carrying out violent acts for the purpose of spreading fear which resulted in the deaths of thousands of people and led to a war. I'm sorry, but that's about as close as anybody has gotten in a long while to being the human personification of an ogre, even if he was a polite ogre.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
Phoenixlight said:
GameNeo said:
Explain what the false accusation was before you make yourself look like even more of an idiot. I never once said I believed anything from the media or government, in fact you were the one who used the media as your base of your argument so you really need to get your story straight. Also, if one or more people label you as something wrong, then there is obviously something wrong with you.
This is why you are considered an idiot. You say you know what a lie is but you completely contradict yourself with the previous statement and lie about me saying I believe everything the government or media tells me. But then again, judging from your avatar I assume you can't put two and two together without someone shoving it in your face.
You calling me an idiot is a false accusation when I never said anything to suggest that. It's pretty easy to see that you do take things at face value from the government and media when you won't even consider an alternative side to a story which means that I didn't contradict myself. If there were 60 people in a room and 59 of them believed that the world was flat and called the other person an idiot for thinking about the possibility of a round world then they would all be wrong. Having more people make false accusations doesn't prove anything apart from people love to jump onto bandwagons and hate what they don't understand. My avatar shows that I like Anime, your avatar suggests you like fighting games; neither make any difference over what is being said.

Spade Lead said:
No, he is right. If you think Micheal Moore makes Documentaries you are an idiot. A gullible idiot who doesn't know how documentaries actually work.
If you look at wikipedia, IMDb or a variety of other reliable websites they all say that he makes documentaries and since his films as classed as them it doesn't make me an idiot especially since they appear to be documentaries; they may only present one side of a story but that doesn't invalidate them. If you believe that they're comedy films or belong in a differnt genre then provide some evidence to support your claim.
Christ your stupidity knows no bounds does it? Do you honestly believe everything the internet tells you? Do you even know that Wikipedia is the worst source of reliable info out there?
If you take anything Michael Moore makes seriously and believe anything Wikipedia writes, then you are indeed an idiot. 3 people have shown this so far.
I swear to god no one can be this stupid. It is just not feasible. You have to be a troll.

Edit: Ya actually your avatar can reflect your intelligence and subject on the matter at hand. Obviously this is situational but considering naruto is infamous for being so simple minded, having everything shown out to the watcher without the watcher needing any kind of brain to figure anything out, and generally know to be only for the lower common folk of anime fans, it makes you wonder if you can really think for yourself or if you need everything handed to you on a silver plate.


I am the storm.
Mar 29, 2011
GameNeo said:
Phoenixlight said:
GameNeo said:
Explain what the false accusation was before you make yourself look like even more of an idiot. I never once said I believed anything from the media or government, in fact you were the one who used the media as your base of your argument so you really need to get your story straight. Also, if one or more people label you as something wrong, then there is obviously something wrong with you.
This is why you are considered an idiot. You say you know what a lie is but you completely contradict yourself with the previous statement and lie about me saying I believe everything the government or media tells me. But then again, judging from your avatar I assume you can't put two and two together without someone shoving it in your face.
You calling me an idiot is a false accusation when I never said anything to suggest that. It's pretty easy to see that you do take things at face value from the government and media when you won't even consider an alternative side to a story which means that I didn't contradict myself. If there were 60 people in a room and 59 of them believed that the world was flat and called the other person an idiot for thinking about the possibility of a round world then they would all be wrong. Having more people make false accusations doesn't prove anything apart from people love to jump onto bandwagons and hate what they don't understand. My avatar shows that I like Anime, your avatar suggests you like fighting games; neither make any difference over what is being said.

Spade Lead said:
No, he is right. If you think Micheal Moore makes Documentaries you are an idiot. A gullible idiot who doesn't know how documentaries actually work.
If you look at wikipedia, IMDb or a variety of other reliable websites they all say that he makes documentaries and since his films as classed as them it doesn't make me an idiot especially since they appear to be documentaries; they may only present one side of a story but that doesn't invalidate them. If you believe that they're comedy films or belong in a differnt genre then provide some evidence to support your claim.
Christ your stupidity knows no bounds does it? Do you honestly believe everything the internet tells you? Do you even know that Wikipedia is the worst source of reliable info out there?
If you take anything Michael Moore makes seriously and believe anything Wikipedia writes, then you are indeed an idiot. 3 people have shown this so far.
I swear to god no one can be this stupid. It is just not feasible. You have to be a troll.

Edit: Ya actually your avatar can reflect your intelligence and subject on the matter at hand. Obviously this is situational but considering naruto is infamous for being so simple minded, having everything shown out to the watcher without the watcher needing any kind of brain to figure anything out, and generally know to be only for the lower common folk of anime fans, it makes you wonder if you can really think for yourself or if you need everything handed to you on a silver plate.
I really should snip all of this, but I digress.

This has little relevance to the original topic, the two of you are vehemently opposed to each other's point of view, and it's escalating to insults and mud-slinging. Agree to disagree; arguing is getting neither of you anywhere, and is only stirring a pot that needn't be touched.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
I was actually a bit confused that people care that much.
I mean, I thought people would be happy. I thought people would feel a little more at peace...
But drunken partying? That was unexpected.
Then again, I know how easy it is to make people look bad in the news. Fox News did a piece on a city in my country a while back, and made it look like there was a war in the streets between immigrants and Swedes...
This might just be a case of sensationalism, an attempt to cash in on peoples fear of "those crazy Americans."


New member
Aug 24, 2008
GameNeo said:
Christ your stupidity knows no bounds does it? Do you honestly believe everything the internet tells you? Do you even know that Wikipedia is the worst source of reliable info out there?
If you take anything Michael Moore makes seriously and believe anything Wikipedia writes, then you are indeed an idiot. 3 people have shown this so far.
I swear to god no one can be this stupid. It is just not feasible. You have to be a troll.

Edit: Ya actually your avatar can reflect your intelligence and subject on the matter at hand. Obviously this is situational but considering naruto is infamous for being so simple minded, having everything shown out to the watcher without the watcher needing any kind of brain to figure anything out, and generally know to be only for the lower common folk of anime fans, it makes you wonder if you can really think for yourself or if you need everything handed to you on a silver plate.
Oh now this just proves you're the only idiot here, wikipedia is not the worst source of information on the internet; saying that is completely stupid. Sure people can edit it but edits are moderated and it provides a vast amount of useful information on a variety of differet topics. You're the only stupid one here, you haven't disproved that Michael Moore's films are not documentaries so please just go back to school and stop labelling other people with your own defaults.

And please just shut the fuck up about Naruto, it has a lot more intelligent story lines running throughout the series than mindless fighting games. I like other Anime as well, it makes no difference on a site like this since there are many other Anime fans.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
rmb1983 said:
GameNeo said:
Phoenixlight said:
GameNeo said:
Explain what the false accusation was before you make yourself look like even more of an idiot. I never once said I believed anything from the media or government, in fact you were the one who used the media as your base of your argument so you really need to get your story straight. Also, if one or more people label you as something wrong, then there is obviously something wrong with you.
This is why you are considered an idiot. You say you know what a lie is but you completely contradict yourself with the previous statement and lie about me saying I believe everything the government or media tells me. But then again, judging from your avatar I assume you can't put two and two together without someone shoving it in your face.
You calling me an idiot is a false accusation when I never said anything to suggest that. It's pretty easy to see that you do take things at face value from the government and media when you won't even consider an alternative side to a story which means that I didn't contradict myself. If there were 60 people in a room and 59 of them believed that the world was flat and called the other person an idiot for thinking about the possibility of a round world then they would all be wrong. Having more people make false accusations doesn't prove anything apart from people love to jump onto bandwagons and hate what they don't understand. My avatar shows that I like Anime, your avatar suggests you like fighting games; neither make any difference over what is being said.

Spade Lead said:
No, he is right. If you think Micheal Moore makes Documentaries you are an idiot. A gullible idiot who doesn't know how documentaries actually work.
If you look at wikipedia, IMDb or a variety of other reliable websites they all say that he makes documentaries and since his films as classed as them it doesn't make me an idiot especially since they appear to be documentaries; they may only present one side of a story but that doesn't invalidate them. If you believe that they're comedy films or belong in a differnt genre then provide some evidence to support your claim.
Christ your stupidity knows no bounds does it? Do you honestly believe everything the internet tells you? Do you even know that Wikipedia is the worst source of reliable info out there?
If you take anything Michael Moore makes seriously and believe anything Wikipedia writes, then you are indeed an idiot. 3 people have shown this so far.
I swear to god no one can be this stupid. It is just not feasible. You have to be a troll.

Edit: Ya actually your avatar can reflect your intelligence and subject on the matter at hand. Obviously this is situational but considering naruto is infamous for being so simple minded, having everything shown out to the watcher without the watcher needing any kind of brain to figure anything out, and generally know to be only for the lower common folk of anime fans, it makes you wonder if you can really think for yourself or if you need everything handed to you on a silver plate.
I really should snip all of this, but I digress.

This has little relevance to the original topic, the two of you are vehemently opposed to each other's point of view, and it's escalating to insults and mud-slinging. Agree to disagree; arguing is getting neither of you anywhere, and is only stirring a pot that needn't be touched.
You are right and I do apologize but it is just rare to see this kind of stupidity taken so seriously. I will cease my arguments for now.
Phoenixlight said:
GameNeo said:
Christ your stupidity knows no bounds does it? Do you honestly believe everything the internet tells you? Do you even know that Wikipedia is the worst source of reliable info out there?
If you take anything Michael Moore makes seriously and believe anything Wikipedia writes, then you are indeed an idiot. 3 people have shown this so far.
I swear to god no one can be this stupid. It is just not feasible. You have to be a troll.

Edit: Ya actually your avatar can reflect your intelligence and subject on the matter at hand. Obviously this is situational but considering naruto is infamous for being so simple minded, having everything shown out to the watcher without the watcher needing any kind of brain to figure anything out, and generally know to be only for the lower common folk of anime fans, it makes you wonder if you can really think for yourself or if you need everything handed to you on a silver plate.
Oh now this just proves you're the only idiot here, wikipedia is not the worst source of information on the internet; saying that is completely stupid. Sure people can edit it but edits are moderated and it provides a vast amount of useful information on a variety of differet topics. You're the only stupid one here, you haven't disproved that Michael Moore's films are not documentaries so please just go back to school and stop labelling other people with your own defaults.

And please just shut the fuck up about Naruto, it has a lot more intelligent story lines running throughout the series than mindless fighting games. I like other Anime as well, it makes no difference on a site like this since there are many other Anime fans.
I am done with you kid. I can't even read the stupidity of your posts without blowing a vessel out of anger.