AnAngryMoose said:
That's the main problem with America. It feels like it can do whatever the fuck it wants because it can and because no one will stop it. It's a typical schoolyard bully: it shits on other countries because it can and knows that no one would touch it.
I'm not agreeing with Al Qaeda, but America's attitude of being able to do whatever it wants whenever it wants is beyond fucked up for a developed country and self-entitled "saviour of the world".
That's just it though. No one will stop the US. Thus, there's no reason to stop. You're incredibly naive if you think the world is in any way, shape or form "fair". Those with power will abuse that power and take advantage of those they have power over. That's human nature (well, nature in general really), and it's not going to change any time soon.
If there were any other nation in a similar position as the US after WWII, you'd bet your ass they'd have done the exact same thing (hell, the British did it quite well for centuries, and Italy did it even better, for even longer, before them).
The fact of the matter is, regardless of what
should be, we need to deal with what
is. And the way the world works is that those with power will use it, and in the process, most of the time, abuse it.
Everyone in the world does what they want, as long as they have the power to do it. Even you. It's just how humanity works. If you were suddenly granted omnipotency, I can practically guarantee you will have murdered, maimed, or otherwise harmed someone, somewhere, for no reason beyond that they annoyed you. Unfortunately, such a test is impossible to conduct, but I can be reasonably confident it would back up that conclusion in the vast majority of humanity (and yes, that more than likely includes you).
Edit: For clarity's sake, I'd like to point out that this argument is also one of the primary reasons I'm against government in general, but yea whatever.
Also, it's not really much in the way of "Go in and tell people how to run their country" when all we do is sneak in, kill the target and walk out again. I actually happen to agree with you about the whole debacle in Iraq and possibly Afghanistan (I don't know enough about the Afghani situation to say).