Those "I'm Fucked" moments.

Dead Eye II

New member
Aug 7, 2009
my "im fuckd" moments in gaming are as long as my arm, cause they happen all the damn time, from stepping on a landmine to getting hit by a car that i didnt see

RL was on my cousins farm screwing around on his quad bike, went through some long grass and next thing i know im in the air about 6 feet infront the heavy duty quad bike that i was screwing about on, the "OW FUCK!" moment occured when it hit the ground pretty damn hard and pictured the quad flying my way at some speed and landing on me which wasnt gona happen cause the quad hadnt went oer the big ass rock, lets just say that moving at speed with a dis-located shoulder not the best of ideas

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
Necrotisingfasciitis said:
Does getting the RROD count? Cuz yeah, I surely felt fucked after that. Especially as my Xbox is out of warranty. Also I'd just purchased Red Dead Redemption. Still feeling fucked as I'd had to lend money to a friend, money I would have used to buy my replacement Xbox. Yup, I'm fucked until the end of the month. PITY ME!!!
Tell me about it...

My Xbox lived for 3 years before it RROD'ed. Nice of Microsoft to extend the warranty to 3 years isn't it? Shame my Xbox fell OUTSIDE of that damned period! Why did it have to be so reliable for so long? Ended up buying an arcade from Ebay cheap. Still not impressed though!


New member
Nov 2, 2009
In a game: On fallout 3, I had just took my first steps out of the vault and there was a deathclaw right there. Needless to say I died pretty quickly.

In real life: I was going very fast down a grassy hill on my bike, I was nearing the bottom when I saw a piece of concrete. There was no way for me to brake or stop, so I ended up flying about 7 meters forwards. I broke my arm and leg.

Ben Jamin

New member
Apr 15, 2009
Well this one time I got nabbed by the police. That was more of a "Holy f*cking shit/dear God no" moment but I guess it qualifies to a certain extent.

Edit: In game though I guess when I shoot a helicopter out of the sky and the moment before its flaming hulk crushes my body or in Alan Wake on Nightmare just before a chainsaw rips through my tweed jacket.


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
Gaming wise, every time I decide to attempt to play MW2 on veteran.

Real life wise, the time I fell off a cliff whilst skiing. I've mentioned it in other posts, so I won't elaborate too much here. Suffice to say it hurt, and if I'd been a foot to the left, I'd have landed on a large, very solid-looking rock. Which wouldn't have gone so well...


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Within picoseconds of forming the necessary neural network required to make such a thought, and every moment since. I've been fucked for a long time. We've all been. I find it quite soothing. It's a meditative thought. I can relax; knowing my enemies are just as fucked as I am...

Lemon Of Life

New member
Jul 8, 2009
After getting drunk at school, the long bus journey contemplating how I was going to break the news to my parents.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
In game: (Tf2) Seeing the sticky bombs when I'm on top of them

In Real Life: Basically what this guy said;
molesgallus said:
Within picoseconds of forming the necessary neural network required to make such a thought, and every moment since. I've been fucked for a long time. We've all been. I find it quite soothing. It's a meditative thought. I can relax; knowing my enemies are just as fucked as I am...


New member
Jun 4, 2010
I have a ton of these in both RL and gaming... some that pop into mind are..

Walking into any room in the original Doom games with a cyber-demon within arms reach, no way out of that.

Starting the platinum match at the colliseum in Kingdom Hearts to find out it's Sephiroth... and God did he ever kick my ass. "Sin Harvest" *slash* *death*

Every time the announcer said "fight" during the final boss fight of Dead or Alive 4...

One of my favorites is being in the silverpine woods and going about your business when the son of arugal suddenly jumps out of the bushes and starts attacking you... so many of my toons have met cruel ends that way.

In real life I suppose the most incredible one of these would be when I was traveling back from school in my Jeep and I was going about 70mph on the highway when a Dodge Ram 2500 with a massive brush guard swerved out of the oncoming lane and into mine. Watching that grill bear down on my jeep at 140mph was definitely an "I'm so fucked" moment. Should have died in that collision... didn't. Walked away without a scratch. Obliterated my vehicle though. Screwed the Ram up something fierce too.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Konrad Curze said:
Paksenarrion said:
I have decided to combine these two because I lack sleep:

When I was younger I used to play D&D. Great Wyrms kill lvl 1's very, very easily.
My DM at the time was very, very, very jealous.
So imagine how I felt when she rolled a very slutty pair of drow elves out of the Underdark.
My cousin had been staying with me and had just forgotten them but come on, the old "it's Drizzt's" excuse has been so overused that no one ever believes it anymore.
That is offically the dumbest and most pointless post I have ever seen.
Thank you for that. Next time some one goes on about how this forum is the last bastion of intelligence on the net I will direct them to that post.
That was a bit mean, and your comment on the post was, quite ironically, also unnecessary.

I have a seriously bugged version of both Assassin's Creed and Prince of Persia, the Forgotten Sands. Ubisoft hates me. And they so often get BSODs, I had to do one assassination mission 9 F***ing times, so every time the screen froze for even a second was an "Oh, crap" moment for me.

In real life, the first time my friends coerced me onto a rollercoaster, as soon as it started moving I thought that my testicles would be shoved up my ass and into my throat. Now I love rollercoasters.


New member
Jul 7, 2009
game wise every time you realise you have been put in the team with one other player when the other team is full

real life skiing, hitting the 60 foot jump with too much speed and completely missing the landing. and then realising your about to land on a rail and own yourself. After you just miss the rail and realise nothing is broken you turn around and there was nobody else in the terrain park to witness it, NOBODY AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Was chasing a friend back along a road on valentines day a couple of years ago, he was in his car I was on my motorbike and (unusually for me) I hadn't bothered with my protective gear. Dropped the bike into a fast right hander and my rear wheel caught a patch of gravel...

"Hello floor"

About 50 seconds later I'm on the tarmac, a nice gash up my right arm and I'm trapped under the bike... It got better from there, I looked over my shoulder and there was a bus bearing down on me breaking hard and with no where else to go.

Kicked my bike off my legs and ran the hell out of there. (I still feel uncomfortable around buses, yea they are big docile creatures most of the time but so are cows and they aren't much fun if they charge you.

In games: The little chuckle my brother makes whenever he is about to utterly destroy me in multi-player (I do the same thing though in fairness)


New member
Jun 26, 2009
accidentally jumped into a mirelurk den. Fucking mirelurks, they're such pains in the asse to fight.

Professor M

New member
Jul 31, 2009
Being out of flares and down to my last bit of health in Alan Wake, all the while one of those big guys is slowly ambling his way towards me. I boost my flashlight at him but he slowly plods through it, the darkness not disappearing. Then the flashlight flickers and dies, and he raises his axe, and takes a massive swing towards my head.

Thing is, I remember the dodge button seconds before he hits, and in slow motion I dodge the blow my about a centimetre. Completely awesome, but for a few seconds I was totally fucked.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
GTA4 online 4 people (including me) on my team and the server was full every one else was on the other team and the i saw a helicopter approaching i had a pistol


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Erm... rl wise, everytime I wake up and it isnt due to the sound of my alarm clock because it is a 90% chance that I didnt wake up earlier than the alarm.

Gaming wise, I have had acrap load of those moments, one of the most frequent in a single game is when you are doing pretty well handling your lane in dota and then having at least 2 of your team mates say "missing or ms" then seeing one hero pop out in your lane. whilst being stunned/disabled.

My most recent one was whilst planting a bomb in SnD mode on MW2 being the last man standing and hearing more than one set of foosteps getting louder (worse becuz it was a class with sitrep pro). *CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK... omg im fucked"


New member
Oct 21, 2009
Today I wrote the final exam of this term in a subject I hate and then the last two questions ask me about something I have not heard during the who half a year. I have looked through every exercise sheet and every lecture and I could not find these.

University really drains your will to live.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
Whenever the enemy always calls in a pred missile in MW2. Why do they always pick me?