THQ Claims It's One of the Big Publishers


New member
Oct 1, 2009
THQ is pretty much the go to guy for fast paced real time strategy games these days after they put out Company of Heroes and Dawn of War II. While they might not be on the level of the other giants in terms of number of IPs in their portfolio, they definately deliver some of the highest quality games.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
"We had the top selling game in March with Homefront ... We were number one.
Pokémon Black and Pokémon White would both like to object to that, Farrel. You know, seeing as how they both sold a hell of a lot more copies than Homefront in March [], which makes Homefront #3, not #1.

Of course, I guess I shouldn't expect someone who thinks he's a giant publisher like EA or Activision because he had one game do decently to be able to read a sales report either...

Brian Hendershot

New member
Mar 3, 2010
KarmicToast said:
OMG THQ STFU about Homefront. It sucked, okay? Mediocre at best. Multiplayer was broken, single player was four hours long and awful, story was great BUT ONLY THE PARTS OF IT AVAILABLE IN THE TRAILER SIX MONTHS PRIOR TO RELEASE. Get over yourselves for the love of God! Stop putting out statements that always seem to magically fold back upon some half-cocked defense of this absolutely forgettable game. Try focusing your attention on a new game that doesn't suck instead of holding non-stop press releases slamming consumers and critics about why we should have liked your game more.
OMG KarmicToast STFU about Homefront. We get it, you don't like it. It was a B+ game that not everyone liked.

Sorry about that. Anyhow, I already consider THQ to be a fairly large (not sure if they are a industry giant though) game company that puts out pretty good games. I mean Saints Row, Dawn of War, Red Faction, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Darksiders, and Metro 2033 are all amazing games. And Homefront was pretty good too. It had some great ideas but wasn't a great game. However I feel it was a positive new approach to herp derp shooters that we all have grown accustomed to.

Though, THQ, if you do become an industry giant, please keep the corporate take-overs to am minimum.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
He's coming off as too full of himself. Tell him to calm down a little and maybe I'll give some support.

Captain Pirate

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Tiswas said:
Eh. I already considered THQ to be one of the big publishers.
Yeah, same.
Definately the smallest of all the big publishers, but still one of them.

I just hate the way THQ always big up their games, Homefront being the main example.
It was a fucking disastrous game. It may have sold a ton, I know not how, but it was still god-awful.

I have never heard any of the other main publishers big up their games as much. Well, that is to say, in different ways. THQ just flat out said Homefront would be brilliant, and tried to defend it when everyone thought 'Nah, it's shit', whereas other publishers just say 'I think people'll be impressed by this new game' or 'We've got new, improved tech on it'.


is the king of kong
Jun 21, 2009
coldalarm said:
Rockstar? They're part of Take-Two, which is made up of 2K Games and Rockstar. Aside from Rockstar games, Take-Two really don't put out all that much worth paying attention to.

In terms of volume of quality releases, THQ are up there with EA. OK, EA aren't perfect, but they're not as bad as people make them out to be. Activision rely on CoD and WoW, UbiSoft on Assassin's Creed, some brain damaged rabbit things and shovelware (Although I do think they put out some good quality European titles), so if we're talking terms of quality and frequency of releases - EA and THQ are two of the best major companies out there.
take-two put out borderlands, bioshock and along with the rockstar games like grand theft auto, CIV V and red dead redemption as well as the upcoming LA Noire. look at some of the titles from take-two i would say that THQ in quality personally don't like THQ games and don't think they are of the same quality of ubisofts in particular. i just don't think they are that high. whereas ubisoft make the splinter cell games and a few prince of persia's as well as quality titles relative to the wii. but thats just me :p im a ubisoft fanboy maybe im project my hopes into my opinions...... hmmm lol


New member
Jan 1, 2011
You mean you weren't a significant one before? Sure you aren't as big as EA, Activision or Ubisoft, but I mean, come on Farrell;
You own;
Volition, makers of Saints Row and Red Faction
Relic, makers of Homeworld, Dawn of War and Company of Heroes
You've published;
Metro 2033 by 4A
Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl by GSG
Supreme Commander by Gas Powered Games
The WWE series (an annual event they are...)

As far as I'm aware, all of these games have sold really well, but you're only now big boys because you publish high-profile AAA shooters now?... Perhaps not a "first tier" publisher, but definitely "second tier" and have been for a couple of years.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
THQ > EA+Activision
Why? Because they make less crap games. Activision only has everything Blizzard touches and CoD to keep them in the race, and imo CoD is bad too, it just sells pretty good. EA is doing a bit better lately, but also produce mostly shit. THQ on the other hand doesn't make a lot of crappy games. I might not like all of their games, but they certainly aren't bad in their genres.

I hope THQ stays small tho. As soon as they get big they are going to mass produce crap just because it sells.

Actually, I hope the "casual" market grows up, that would fix a lot of problems.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
cardinalwiggles said:
take-two put out borderlands, bioshock and along with the rockstar games like grand theft auto, CIV V and red dead redemption as well as the upcoming LA Noire. look at some of the titles from take-two i would say that THQ in quality personally don't like THQ games and don't think they are of the same quality of ubisofts in particular. i just don't think they are that high. whereas ubisoft make the splinter cell games and a few prince of persia's as well as quality titles relative to the wii. but thats just me :p im a ubisoft fanboy maybe im project my hopes into my opinions...... hmmm lol
As a PC gamer, THQ Rule whilst Take-Two Drool.

Civ V, whilst good, suffers from ridiculously bloated sys. reqs., an overpriced range of DLC and some very shoddy programming. The 2K games we've seen recently, such as BioShock 2 and Borderlands, were poor ports with technical issues, poor support (Especially BioShock 2) and weren't well made. No game has made me feel ill except for Borderlands. That's not good. Oh, and we won't go into GTA IV's horrific port and the lack of Red Dead Redemption on PC.

THQ put out high quality PC titles, at least compared to many of the major players. Dawn of War 2 is pretty damn good, for example, and Company of Heroes was well praised. They're not without their flaws, such as Saints Row 2's poor port, but as a PC gamer my support lies more with THQ than it does Take-Two/2K/Rockstar.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
cardinalwiggles said:
take-two put out borderlands, bioshock and along with the rockstar games like grand theft auto, CIV V and red dead redemption
Did you just say Civ V is a Rockstar game?

*grabs kerosene and lighter*

Are you sure it's not, say, a Firaxis game?


is the king of kong
Jun 21, 2009
RhombusHatesYou said:
Did you just say Civ V is a Rockstar game?

*grabs kerosene and lighter*

Are you sure it's not, say, a Firaxis game?
AHAHA i humbly apologise i meant take-two rather than rockstar, im just going by the website and civ 5 is ALLLL over it (not really but it's there). but i do also apologise for my misgivings. haha


New member
Sep 23, 2008
*laughs uncontrollably*
Ahahahaha... ahaha.. Great.. hehe.. eh.. heh... Products.. eeeeeh..

"Farrell said. "It's not about numbers of products, it's about bringing great products to market"

Right... Right...


New member
Jan 5, 2011
Is that why you ditched STALKER?
So you could boast that you're a big Publisher?
You could declare bankruptcy tomorrow and the only people I'd feel sorry for are the DEVELOPERS you keep screwing over.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Grey_Focks said:
Well, they've made quite a few good games, I mean who can hate the bros who've published Saints Row, Stalker, Metro 2033, Darksiders, Dawn of War, Company of Heroes, Titan Quest and Red Faction!

That's more stuff I care about that Activision makes, and may even be more than EA. Keep it up THQ, the sooner you get over this Homefront business the better.
Well SR was a disaster on the PC (I'm not even sure it could be considered a game), Stalker has always been horribly glitchy, RTS just isn't my style and neither is the click on enemy pray stats are higher repeat style RPG, and I've never played it but everyone I talked to said Red Faction was mediocre. I really hope Space Marine is good though. I really prefer to do the killing myself instead of telling the computer to do it for me.

OT: He sounds very arrogant right now. He really should tone it down. Why would he want to be like EA and Activision anyway?


New member
Mar 31, 2011
Try releasing against Call of Duty or Halo and let me know how that works out for ya...

...Better yet, ask Tim Schafer and the Mirror's Edge folks what it got them.

Timing is EVERYTHING when it comes to a release. Activision sees that, it owns November until something dethrones it.

EDIT: For those listing Red Faction, have you tried the new one's demo? It's god awful. Gone is free-roaming and destruction of mars for yet another tps about *gasp* "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!"