Time Travellers are real? or were in 1928...


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
That is the most vague video of this theory I have ever seen. There is no visual evidence that she's talking into a mobile phone. You can't see what's in her hand at all, and heaven knows I've walked along talking like that, with my hand near my face, in the past. I did it today, for instance, when my phone was in my pocket, as I was shielding my eyes from the glaring sun.

My point is, this is just an idiot video trying and failing to prove a non-existent point because the person who made it had nothing better to do. In other words, something else on the internet to ignore.


Aug 25, 2008
ravensheart18 said:
bleachigo10 said:
Diagonal Horizontality said:
How would a mobile phone work before all the cell towers were built?
She was probably just a crazy person talking into her wallet, or something.
Unless in the future they don't need cell towers.
And yet you need to use a big obvious thing held up to your head - we don't even have to do that now. You telling me they forgot how to make a BT earbud?

The one thing that it is not is a time traveller on a cell phone.

One possibilty is that she was digitally inserted as a joke during the transfer of the film to DVD - and the guy who did that is damn well not going to admit if if he ever wants to work again. Let's see if its on the original film, then we can talk some more.
It wasn't on a film, it was on the DVD extra's showing the premier of the film.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
But think about this.

Lets assume, this IS a time traveler. Thus, he is aware that he got "caught" on the video.

If he wanted to fix it, he would done it already and we would never knew what happened.
If he wanted to mess with us, there would be plenty of better ways, then one single shot in a video from 1928.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
arc1991 said:
FalloutJack said:
By any chance, was it the premier of Modern Times? (That being, of course, the Chaplin film on modernization and so forth.) Because if it WAS...and they had a guy walking around with a thing that was meant to seem like a phone that would operate cordlessly...then it could have been deliberate.
Nope, take a look at the article, people are baffled buy it, cynics have been looking at the video and cannot find an explanation other than"time traveller"
I actually have another thought, though this one is slightly funnier. Now, of course, I'm entirely vague on precisely the limits of technology then. But if, say, someone in the government wanted to try out the notion of long-distance hand-held conversation ahead of its time to get an edge on, well, anyone...it MIGHT be possible. I understand this is baffling and would love there to be real time travel, but wouldn't it be hilarious if this was the first-ever example of "Can you here me now? Good."?

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Dana22 said:
But think about this.

Lets assume, this IS a time traveler. Thus, he is aware that he got "caught" on the video.

If he wanted to fix it, he would done it already and we would never knew what happened.
If he wanted to mess with us, there would be plenty of better ways, then one single shot in a video from 1928.
No no, don't you ever watch Back to the Future?
If they went back in time to fix it, the time they went forward to where it wasn't discovered would have been an alternate future.
Therefore, we are in the alternate future where they didn't fix it.
Otherwise, if there wasn't an alternate future/universe, then them going back to fix it would create a paradox, since if they went back to fix it, and it became fixed, then they wouldn't have gone back to fix it, which means it would still be in there...


New member
Jun 5, 2009
It looks less like she's talking on a mobile phone, and more like she's turning up the collar of her coat or something. Or at least that's how it looks like to me.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
If you ask me she's probably holding a transistor radio to her ear to listen in on a radio show of some kind, and is probably musing to herself on what the characters are doing in it.

Wait a minute... transistor radios didn't appear until 1954... ZOMG TIME TRAVELLER 4 RAEL!


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Baby Tea said:
If they went back in time to fix it, the time they went forward to where it wasn't discovered would have been an alternate future.
Of course, but YOU wouldnt be aware of it. Maybe THIS is that alternative future.


New member
Jul 9, 2010
I have seen this video over and over, its not a cell phone, I belive this is a person talking to themself while scratching the side of his/her head

not a cell phone, radio was in its infancy in 1928, let alone cell technology


Aug 25, 2008
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
How do you know what can happen in the future? hell people though Mobile phones would fail, we never though that we could travel in something with wheels witch ran on something called petrol. Hell we never though we would make something that can get into space...

But ooh look!


New member
Nov 18, 2009
arc1991 said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
How do you know what can happen in the future? hell people though Mobile phones would fail, we never though that we could travel in something with wheels witch ran on something called petrol. Hell we never though we would make something that can get into space...

But ooh look!
Defying expectations of what we can do in the realm of normal laws of the universe and defying the normal laws of the universe are substantially different things. And if time travel was invented, this is the best evidence we have? Someone went back to a Charlie Chaplin premiere and talked on a cell phone? If someone could do something that trivial someone would have come back and blown us all up with a black hole generator bomb or something.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
arc1991 said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
How do you know what can happen in the future? hell people though Mobile phones would fail, we never though that we could travel in something with wheels witch ran on something called petrol. Hell we never though we would make something that can get into space...

But ooh look!
In order to travel back in time you'd have to find a way to re-assemble all the atoms in the universe so as to remake the world before. This would mean you'd have to basically re-assemble the universe. This is impossible and besides that, if you DID actually do this then you'd kill everyone in the universe.

There is a "WAY" to travel back in time by means of traveling faster than light in such a way that you'd reach a point where the light coming from earth would be the light that left earth about a few thousand years ago. It would be looking in the past but not traveling back.

I know you're going to say the same thing you did now. "You can't know what happens in the future" and that's true, I can't know what will happen. However, I can state that manipulating the universe at such a grand scale is impossible, as you'd have to manually reassemble every single atom so as to re-create what happened before and that is, again, impossible. Even if we wind a way to manipulate atoms in such a way so as to create the past you'd still have to take in account the task of actually manipulating them into place. Do you know how small atoms are? Do you know how long it would take to actually recreate the past? Do you know how much it would take to recreate the entire universe in the past? And if you don't want to do that then you'd pretty much have to create a separate universe to house your old earth and then you'd have to artificially create atoms and then put them into place so as to recreate the earth. But then you'd have inconsistencies because all we have for information about the past are old texts so you can't really be sure what person A from China was doing during say the Medieval era.

There are to many variables to be taken into account in order to make "time travel" possible. In the traditional sense it's impossible and even in a modern sense it starts to look impossible.

x EvilErmine x

Cake or death?!
Apr 5, 2010
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
No it isn't. There's nothing in the laws of physics that prevents it. The vid is not of a time traveler though as you cant go back to a point before the time machine was invented, this would create a paradox and also would violate the law of thermodynamics.

Time travel to the future is possible though, all you need to do (ha that makes it sound easy lol) is get close to the speed of c (this makes time slow down to preserve the absolute speed of light) or get close to a really massive body such as a Super Massive Black Hole (this is because mass distorts space time as can be proved by the network of GPS satellites).