Time Travellers are real? or were in 1928...


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Look, its quite simple. The Doctor sonic'd that person mobile so it would work anywhere and then somehow they got separated. Now that person is just calling the Doctor to come pick 'em up. Happens all the time, don't you people watch tv?


New member
Feb 5, 2009
x EvilErmine x said:
Time travel to the future is possible though, all you need to do (ha that makes it sound easy lol) is get close to the speed of c (this makes time slow down to preserve the absolute speed of light) or get close to a really massive body such as a Super Massive Black Hole (this is because mass distorts space time as can be proved by the network of GPS satellites).
Interesting. I actually didn't know this. So by getting close to the speed of light time would slow down around you but go at the same speed everywhere else? I guess that would be possible once we actually discover a way to get close to the speed of light. Still, the super massive black hole theory is a little impossible, isn't it? I mean, you'd have to find a way so as not to get sucked into the black hole since if I remember correctly at a certain distance not even light can escape.

Pyro Paul

New member
Dec 7, 2007
arc1991 said:
FalloutJack said:
By any chance, was it the premier of Modern Times? (That being, of course, the Chaplin film on modernization and so forth.) Because if it WAS...and they had a guy walking around with a thing that was meant to seem like a phone that would operate cordlessly...then it could have been deliberate.
Nope, take a look at the article, people are baffled buy it, cynics have been looking at the video and cannot find an explanation other than"time traveller"
those must be some really stupid cynics.

Simplist most direct answer.
she is holding her inner coat closer to her face, considering her atire.
you have a heavy fur over coat and a lighter inner coat which is drapped over ones dress. often on cold and windy days of the time, women will drape the heavy fur coat over themselves and bundle up inside it while they use their hands to prop up the lighter inner coat to cover their face.

second plausable answer.
Hearing device. rudimentry mechanical hearing aids where invented in 1924 and had to be held to the ear in the same fasion she is. rich foke did have a habit of indulging in such technology, exspecially if it allowed them to more enjoy entertainment of the time.

third plausable answer.
Electronic Recording Device. invented in the 1890s sound recorders did see some usage in commercial markets before world war 2. although mostly improbable as such devices where very expensive and usually only held by news reporters and big budget film producers. they really didn't see much of a boom until After world war 2 in 1945 and 46.

but instead of all that... we jump to 'Time Traveler!!'
it would be more likely that she is an Alien space explorer and is communicating with a ship in space then it is that she is a Time Traveler...


New member
Jan 16, 2010
AndyFromMonday said:
arc1991 said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
How do you know what can happen in the future? hell people though Mobile phones would fail, we never though that we could travel in something with wheels witch ran on something called petrol. Hell we never though we would make something that can get into space...

But ooh look!
In order to travel back in time you'd have to find a way to re-assemble all the atoms in the universe so as to remake the world before. This would mean you'd have to basically re-assemble the universe. This is impossible and besides that, if you DID actually do this then you'd kill everyone in the universe.

There is a "WAY" to travel back in time by means of traveling faster than light in such a way that you'd reach a point where the light coming from earth would be the light that left earth about a few thousand years ago. It would be looking in the past but not traveling back.

I know you're going to say the same thing you did now. "You can't know what happens in the future" and that's true, I can't know what will happen. However, I can state that manipulating the universe at such a grand scale is impossible, as you'd have to manually reassemble every single atom so as to re-create what happened before and that is, again, impossible. Even if we wind a way to manipulate atoms in such a way so as to create the past you'd still have to take in account the task of actually manipulating them into place. Do you know how small atoms are? Do you know how long it would take to actually recreate the past? Do you know how much it would take to recreate the entire universe in the past? And if you don't want to do that then you'd pretty much have to create a separate universe to house your old earth and then you'd have to artificially create atoms and then put them into place so as to recreate the earth. But then you'd have inconsistencies because all we have for information about the past are old texts so you can't really be sure what person A from China was doing during say the Medieval era.

There are to many variables to be taken into account in order to make "time travel" possible. In the traditional sense it's impossible and even in a modern sense it starts to look impossible.
x EvilErmine x said:
No it isn't. There's nothing in the laws of physics that prevents it. The vid is not of a time traveler though as you cant go back to a point before the time machine was invented, this would create a paradox and also would violate the law of thermodynamics.

Time travel to the future is possible though, all you need to do (ha that makes it sound easy lol) is get close to the speed of c (this makes time slow down to preserve the absolute speed of light) or get close to a really massive body such as a Super Massive Black Hole (this is because mass distorts space time as can be proved by the network of GPS satellites).

Time travel is theoretically possible. (I explained it in another thread in more detail...)

Approaching the speed of light causes time to slow down (x EvilErmine x is right) and exceeding it would reverse time to keep c constant for you. THERE IS NO NEED TO RECREATE THE UNIVERSE. Because if you reverse time (-t) every reaction, speed, acceleration, force (every vector or equation involving t) reverses itself, thereby reverting the universe to a previous state. Time "jumping" (going directly from 2010 to 1928) is impossible, you have to reverse t and go through all the years in between. Time reversing is possible, we just haven't found any way of going faster than light.

Oh and mass doesn't distort time, it distorts space, which distorts time. (mass bends the fabric of space, which condenses (slows down) time).


New member
Feb 5, 2009
zfactor said:
Time travel is theoretically possible. (I explained it in another thread in more detail...)

Approaching the speed of light causes time to slow down (x EvilErmine x is right) and exceeding it would reverse time to keep c constant for you. THERE IS NO NEED TO RECREATE THE UNIVERSE. Because if you reverse time (-t) every reaction, speed, acceleration, force (every vector or equation involving t) reverses itself, thereby reverting the universe to a previous state. Time "jumping" (going directly from 2010 to 1928) is impossible, you have to reverse t and go through all the years in between. Time reversing is possible, we just haven't found any way of going faster than light.

Oh and mass doesn't distort time, it distorts space, which distorts time. (mass bends the fabric of space, which condenses (slows down) time).

But wouldn't that still just destroy everything in the universe basically?


New member
Aug 2, 2008
She's scratching her fucking head.

I mean, Hesus.

"Ooooh, it's a mobile phone time travel ololololz!"

No. No.


New member
Jan 16, 2010
AndyFromMonday said:
x EvilErmine x said:
Time travel to the future is possible though, all you need to do (ha that makes it sound easy lol) is get close to the speed of c (this makes time slow down to preserve the absolute speed of light) or get close to a really massive body such as a Super Massive Black Hole (this is because mass distorts space time as can be proved by the network of GPS satellites).
Interesting. I actually didn't know this. So by getting close to the speed of light time would slow down around you but go at the same speed everywhere else? I guess that would be possible once we actually discover a way to get close to the speed of light. Still, the super massive black hole theory is a little impossible, isn't it? I mean, you'd have to find a way so as not to get sucked into the black hole since if I remember correctly at a certain distance not even light can escape.
Going the speed of light causes your perception of t around to slow, others still see you going whatever speed you are going. They tested this with hyper fast jets, after going really fast for a long time, their clocks were out of sync with ground clocks (theirs were slower, every second was longer than a ground second, time slowed down).

You are talking about the event horizon for a black hole, the point where gravity is too strong for anything to escape (almost anything, black holes actually radiate some energy, which is why some die out fast (radiate too quickly) and other take billions of years (massive slow radiating ones...)) Time slows for people at the event horizon, (seconds get longer) until they stop (an outside observer would see them stop, according to them, they just passed right through the black hole never slowing down).


New member
May 23, 2010
Wait... Are anyone actually taking this seriously?

She's not a time traveller. The reasons have already been pointed out. Of all the possible explanations for why a person would hold their hand up to their head, and appear to talk at the same time; them being a time traveller is by far the least reasonable. Unless you count such theories as them trying to bring the coming of Cthulu by chanting strange incantations into their hand.
Mar 9, 2010

Seems a little shady. But, if she is a time traveller then she wouldn't need a cell tower. they have time travel, they'd be able to communicate through time easily and the thing they use to time travel would act as a relay.


New member
Jan 16, 2010
AndyFromMonday said:
zfactor said:
Time travel is theoretically possible. (I explained it in another thread in more detail...)

Approaching the speed of light causes time to slow down (x EvilErmine x is right) and exceeding it would reverse time to keep c constant for you. THERE IS NO NEED TO RECREATE THE UNIVERSE. Because if you reverse time (-t) every reaction, speed, acceleration, force (every vector or equation involving t) reverses itself, thereby reverting the universe to a previous state. Time "jumping" (going directly from 2010 to 1928) is impossible, you have to reverse t and go through all the years in between. Time reversing is possible, we just haven't found any way of going faster than light.

Oh and mass doesn't distort time, it distorts space, which distorts time. (mass bends the fabric of space, which condenses (slows down) time).

But wouldn't that still just destroy everything in the universe basically?
No. Where did you get that idea?

Putting negative t into an equation would reverse it, not destroy everything. If you went too far back (to the big bang) then yeah the universe would get destroyed, only according to you. Time would be reversed for you. You would see everything revert backwards, everybody else would keep going normally.


New member
May 23, 2010
arc1991 said:
AndyFromMonday said:
Time travel is impossible which means this is a fake. End of story. That was easy.
How do you know what can happen in the future? hell people though Mobile phones would fail, we never though that we could travel in something with wheels witch ran on something called petrol. Hell we never though we would make something that can get into space...

But ooh look!
Well, if time travel will be possible in the future; how come the holocaust happened?


New member
Jun 7, 2010
seriously, people have got to stop taking medication.

1) If she was from the future, they wouldn't have cellphones but something FAR more sophisticated and tiny to the eye that you probably wouldnt see.

2) She wouldn't be so brazenly holding it against her ear in PUBLIC. (ya know, kinda how we have laws against guns, stealing, and such... if you dont believe we'd make laws for that kinda thing you'd be daft)

3) Why do people jump to idiotic conclusions based on Youtube footage, ...how does ANYone know thats not a hearing aid of somesort... or she was clearing her ear out, ... or was SCRATCHING her ear,... or any NUMBER of basic honest intelligent and reasons based in *reality* :)

Youtube also shows an alien base on the moon that Neil Armstrong took a walk round and filmed it for Nasa......... doesnt mean its real.


Imaginary Friend
Apr 19, 2010

It's a hearing aid. They had those. And if you're in a crowd, and it's loud, you're going to adjust the volume, and talk to yourself to make sure it's still on enough for you to hear conversation.

It's just a hearing aid.


Aug 25, 2008
steverivers said:
seriously, people have got to stop taking medication.

1) If she was from the future, they wouldn't have cellphones but something FAR more sophisticated and tiny to the eye that you probably wouldnt see.

2) She wouldn't be so brazenly holding it against her ear in PUBLIC. (ya know, kinda how we have laws against guns, stealing, and such... if you dont believe we'd make laws for that kinda thing you'd be daft)

3) Why do people jump to idiotic conclusions based on Youtube footage, ...how does ANYone know thats not a hearing aid of somesort... or she was clearing her ear out, ... or was SCRATCHING her ear,... or any NUMBER of basic honest intelligent and reasons based in *reality* :)

Youtube also shows an alien base on the moon that Neil Armstrong took a walk round and filmed it for Nasa......... doesnt mean its real.
LMFAO! never heard of that video before! XD

Can you post it please? XD

x EvilErmine x

Cake or death?!
Apr 5, 2010
AndyFromMonday said:
x EvilErmine x said:
Time travel to the future is possible though, all you need to do (ha that makes it sound easy lol) is get close to the speed of c (this makes time slow down to preserve the absolute speed of light) or get close to a really massive body such as a Super Massive Black Hole (this is because mass distorts space time as can be proved by the network of GPS satellites).
Interesting. I actually didn't know this. So by getting close to the speed of light time would slow down around you but go at the same speed everywhere else? I guess that would be possible once we actually discover a way to get close to the speed of light. Still, the super massive black hole theory is a little impossible, isn't it? I mean, you'd have to find a way so as not to get sucked into the black hole since if I remember correctly at a certain distance not even light can escape.
You recall correctly, that distance is called Schwarzschild radius. It's the distance at which if you get any closer the gravitational pull would become so strong that there is no force in the known universe that could stop you falling in toward the center. Stay above this distance though and provided you could keep up the velocity to prevent orbital decay then you are golden and will begin to travel through time for the reasons that zfactor stated. (my he's right and i misused the concept of space time)

@ zfactor while what you say is true i don't think you could exceed the speed of c in normal space as far as i am aware. The closer you get to c then the grater the mass of the object becomes up to the point where at very close to the speed of c your mass effectively becomes infinite thus requiring more energy than is contained in the universe to accelerate you further. Please correct me if I'm wrong here, this type of stuff interests me


New member
Feb 5, 2009
zfactor said:
AndyFromMonday said:
zfactor said:
Time travel is theoretically possible. (I explained it in another thread in more detail...)

Approaching the speed of light causes time to slow down (x EvilErmine x is right) and exceeding it would reverse time to keep c constant for you. THERE IS NO NEED TO RECREATE THE UNIVERSE. Because if you reverse time (-t) every reaction, speed, acceleration, force (every vector or equation involving t) reverses itself, thereby reverting the universe to a previous state. Time "jumping" (going directly from 2010 to 1928) is impossible, you have to reverse t and go through all the years in between. Time reversing is possible, we just haven't found any way of going faster than light.

Oh and mass doesn't distort time, it distorts space, which distorts time. (mass bends the fabric of space, which condenses (slows down) time).

But wouldn't that still just destroy everything in the universe basically?
No. Where did you get that idea?

Putting negative t into an equation would reverse it, not destroy everything. If you went too far back (to the big bang) then yeah the universe would get destroyed, only according to you. Time would be reversed for you. You would see everything revert backwards, everybody else would keep going normally.
I can't wrap my mind around that. How would time reverse itself for you but not affect anyone else?