Pretty much this.
To me, its another The Last Jedi.
I have criticisms that I feel are legitimate. I did not enjoy this game as much as I would have liked, for a variety of reasons that I have explained elsewhere. Yet I don't want to be lumped in with the very vocal crowd, who are complaining about needing to play as women, or the LGBT representation, or those who refuse to call one of the characters anything but She-Hulk, or HERclues, or whatever, just because how dare Naughty Dog impliment a muscular woman.
I just didn't like the game too much, but I don't want to be labeled as a bigot, or a moron who just didnt get it, or some philistine who only likes "Avengers movies or superhero comics", or whatever, because that is apparently what people who don't like this game apparently think, and have my criticisms waived aside.
God, I hate it when this happens.