Top most hated/liked Cliche's

Nov 28, 2007
Like: Slasher movies. Sure, nothing special, but damned if there isn't mindless entertainment in watching some butchering.

Retraux films. You know, movies made in the 2000's that are heavily inspired by films from the 80's and so? Yeah, I love that. The Expendables 2 is one of the best action movies of the last 5 years, IMO.

Dislike: Disney Deaths []. It's such a cheap cop-out, and only exists to play with emotions.

People being idiots for the sake of the story (yes, there's a trope. Not linking it because I'm pretty sure I've already ruined the days of several people with the first one). If your plot requires people to stop thinking, it's a bad plot. Even worse when the eventual solution is the one you've been yelling at the TV screen for the past hour or so.

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
I like the aspect of a "cappa movie". There's a team and everyone has a specific job to do to complete the mission/heist/whatever else.

-I hate formula movies that don't offer something to distract us from the fact that it's a formula movie.

Take "Wedding Crashers" for example. They do the comedy-romance formula, they do "the liar revealed" formula and they do the "The villain who's a bully just to be a jerk" formula. Every formula is there...Except, they give two leading men that has a good chemistry together. They give you a supporting cast that makes you laugh. We have a movie that can distract us from those tired formulas. If you can't do that, the movie isn't watchable.

-I hate it when the only caracteristics of the female lead are "She's tough, she really can stood it to the man and she's a mom since motherhood is an exclusive feature that only women have". Sure, it's way better than those women who can't stand up from themselves. They still can do other stuff to make a great female character.

Tough and letting no one get the better of you is a trait that male heros can have. Yet, no one says they are great characters because of it. Motherhood, as in "protecting the child no matter what" isn't exclusive. Guys can do it too. However, no one will say that a "father" or the "guy protecting the girl" will make him a great character.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Hmmm, this would be long but for some basics:


1. The good guys win in the end, even if they lose "rounds" until the climax.

2. Some of the worst seeming bad guys turn out to acually be good guys without overwriting what they did.

#2 here is a paticular favorite because I realize that as messed up as the world is, somtimes the right thing isn't always the pleasant thing and seems pretty evil. Mass murder, torture, psychological warfare, all are nessicary evils. Those seeking to explore "gray" morality oftentimes don't really want to go there, and generally speaking realizing that an utter bastard was that way for a reason and was right (without further judgement) is the
best way to do it when you put all those actions into a "big picture" type of context. Part of the whole point of being "Gray" is when you realize that the old saying "The ends do not justify the means" is dead wrong, and spell out why.

It also helps to define REAL evil when it appears. Some of my favorite stories ever have basically involved the initial villain being right, and joining with the initial hero to beat the real bad guy. If done right let's just say that there can be few things more inspiring than someone who scares the hell out of you now being on your side.

3. Truely heroic heroes, I get tired of everyone having to be dark, flawed, or too human. These things can be okay, but not when it becomes the standard. Today a tragic backstory or a ton of angst is a turn off for me.




1. Political messages. This can range from anything to feminism, to enviromental preaching, to criticisms of current political administrations, and analogies to racism. A bit part of the reason why is that it's usually one sided and written by people who don't understand the issues. It's especially painful when they try and tack this onto a work where they shoot themselves in the foot by creating a situation where what they are criticizing is justified. For example a metaphor against racism is paticularly eye rolling if presented without any logical context, or put into a situation where it's been justified. For example if your message is against discrimination, represented by the oppression of this race of aliens that tried to kill and eat humanity or something, your not exactly tugging at my heartstrings even if there is some pluky alien character who represents a general exception to what happened to cause it to begin with. Perhaps the worst single (mainstream) example of this is probably something like "True Blood", where having seen what the vampires are up to and their general attitudes I just really can't get into the idea of vampire hunters being the bad guys.

2. Token characters. This can include anything from tossing in some minorities that aren't needed for political correctness, to a kid, to a love interest with no paticular function in the overall storyline other than to be a tacked on love interest.

3. Love/Emotion wins the no-win scenario. This one bugs me, because while on rare occasions it's been used well, it's generally a huge crutch. If the aliens/demons/whatever are eating worlds and presenting this huge threat, two people loving each other or their kids shouldn't matter at all, because it's ridiculous to assume that nobody loved each other in the long history of the bad guys doing all of this massive devestation.

4. Connected to the above, the whole "Love/Emotion as a foil" thing bugs me even worse. The hero being forced to fail because of their kid/girlfriend in trouble, or the sudden tension of say having to have a family in the middle of a war. You know the whole "honey, I'm preggers" right before the final battle. Simply put if some guy condemns thousands of people to death because his kid/girlfriend is in trouble, or even take a huge risk, he's not a bloody hero. Sacrificing something like that can add meaning to a desician, but doesn't justify doing the wrong thing (and teaches the wrong moral lesson I feel).

In regards to #4 I think this one is abused most in the zombie genere. A common motivation being "oh, I must find out if my family is still alive" despite all the odds. Ultimatly leading to someone doing something really bloody stupid, or weakening the group as a whole. It gets even worse when something like this is let go, as opposed to resulting in a well deserved bullet in the head.


New member
Aug 21, 2012
-Redeemed Villians ( possibly the best characters)
-Villians that aren't flat characters and evil for the sake of adding an engie to move the plot forward without reason.
-Heroes that decide not to kill the villains in the end. ( Its not becoming them but its just unnecessary to do so)
-Sci fi / fantasy settings
-Well thought out romantic sub plots
-Action sequences that forward the plot or provide the climax

-Fade to black previews or constant fade to black throughout the film
-Flat characters that are generally red shirts
-Glairing predictable outcome of the movie ending
-Untransitioned change of character personality without warning time. One moment they are a tough bully, the next a little *****. A damsel in distress that when you finally get there to rescue her she rips the ropes off pulls a gun out and blows the whole building up. Its fine for characters to be dynamic but the change shouldn't happen without reason and so quickly.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Casual Shinji said:
- The underdog story.
- Romance subplots.
- The odd man out.

- It's intentionally crappy so it's good. See Machette.
- Shaky cam.
- Lack of originality played off as homage. See Quentin Tarantino.
- The "no one believes the hero till it's too late" plotline. Usually disaster movies.
- Snarky animation movies. See Dreamworks.
- The "colorful" gang of "individuals" in either a horror or adventure movie.
All of this. Also.


- Self sacrifice when done right
- Plucky hero trope when humble
- Definitely an underdog
- Betrayal. The more brutal and unexpected the better. Nothing wrenches your heart more than totally unexpected betrayal (this can sometimes be AWFULL COUGH PANTYSTOCKING COUGH)
- Positive main character, upbeat
- So bad its good when it breaks ALL the rules and gives zero fucks at all (Kill bill)
- Villains who were once good and cant really be blamed for their evil (adventure time im looking at you!)


- Any amount of wangst or teenage angst. Sure i guess angst like any feeling can be explored but fuck angst. Fuck it. Im so sick of teenage angst when i see it in a movie its an instant turn off. (Because fuck you)

- Troubled past trope when overplayed.
- Dark mysterious figure trope which seems to be trying WAY too hard to be cool.
- Grunts and henchmen. Suspension of disbelief is broken almost instantly when i see legions of faceless grunts do stupid things and march into death
- Evil villain has no motivation other than TEH EVILS or MOAR POWER. As satisfying as it is to watch someone beat up a "hitler" type character with no redeemable features it gets very boring after a while.


New member
Mar 18, 2009

With that out of the way, here's a video [] of 11 cliches I love. Particularly number 8, number 6 and number 1. I have no other reason for liking them aside from the rule of cool. Therefore, a slow-motion fight scene with things blowing in the wind to epic choral music would be the coolest thing ever.


New member
Jul 6, 2012
- Cheesy one-liner accompanied by explosion
- All alien races have contrived reason to speak English
- Literally any cliche that can be applied to spaceships/space combat: I don't care how bad it is, if it has rad space battles, I am IN.

- Characters acting uncharacteristically stupid to force a plot point.
- Love triangles: They are a waste of time and of whatever character has to play the third wheel.
- The slow gliding camera ogling a hot chick, usually set to stupid music.
- Overly convoluted mysteries (see: Lost and Battlestar Galactica reboot)
- The "quirky" character, as in that's their main attribute.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
BiscuitTrouser said:
- So bad its good when it breaks ALL the rules and gives zero fucks at all (Kill bill)
I don't think Kill Bill is "bad" in any sense of the word...I mean I wouldn't put it in the same catagory as such films

yeah its heavyly influenced by older "cult/grindhouse" films....but its not [i/]one[/i] of I said before...its meta/paradoy yet 100% serious at the same time...its an odd case because you just don't see that outside tarantino films
Nouw said:
I know...its just hard to think of "actual"cliches" I like because usually theyre just eye-roll inducing


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Vault101 said:
I don't think Kill Bill is "bad" in any sense of the word...I mean I wouldn't put it in the same catagory as such films

yeah its heavyly influenced by older "cult/grindhouse" films....but its not [i/]one[/i] of I said before...its meta/paradoy yet 100% serious at the same time...its an odd case because you just don't see that outside tarantino films
I know what you mean. I watched it 2 days ago for the first time and all i could think was "What IS this?!". It doesnt really fit any category of movie ive seen before. Some of the lines were so hilarious and cliche but delivered so seriously and in a totally over the top wtf way that the only category i could partially shoe horn it into was parody/sobaditsgood. I mean the whole movie just took the piss the entire way through. It had no reservations and no guidelines for anything it did and every scene seemed designed to be as over the top as humanly possible but in a way that made it obvious thety did so. Almost EVERY motion had sound effects in the fights. I dont know what it is but i loved it.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
-The hero never pulls out! Has sex once, end of the movies comes and 'boom' the chicks pregnant.
-The hero that takes a 15 min beating from the antagonist and miraculously come back to win with only 1 or 2 moves (usually learned by some old fart)
-Old sensai uses a cane, but somehow kicks major ass when the need arises.
-Horror movies with terrible acting.
-99% of most Rom-Com plot devises/twists.
-Smart ass kid.

-An easily escapable, over-elaborate death.
-A hot chick that's stupid.
-An old fart that has a stupid hot chick nurse/assistant (especially Blazing Saddles!)
-An old fart that dies and is supposed to leave his younger stupid hot wife everything in the will, but dosen't.
-Suave hero, has sex at will, with any female that makes eye contact with him.
-Al Bundys "a fat woman walks in the shoe store today" routine.


True Gamer
Apr 8, 2010

Good guys winning

That american film thing where someone finds out he can do something does it more and more earning money and fame, then some mistake or someother stupid thing the guy loses everything and then in the late 10 min turn it all around gets all his friends back and "learn" from the experience or some other stupid message.


New member
Mar 26, 2012

Characters telling each other about shit they already know as a form of exposition! FUCK!

If you can't figure out a logical way to deliver exposition, YOU ARE NOT A FUCKING WRITER!


All the classic villain cliches. Explaining the plan, evil laughter, overly-elaborate deathtraps, all of it. Love it with all my heart.


New member
Sep 3, 2012

Epic Space Battles (even though if there was to ever be a space battle in reality, the opposing forces would unlikely ever come into visual range before one side was wiped out)

Professionals (especially professional villains...think Heat & Hans Gruber)

Planning and the preparations for the plans (when well shot they are usually my favorite parts of the movie)


Good friends who become lovers at the end (sorry, but if you have been friend zoned, you are N E V E R going to get out of it!!!!)

Someone realizing that they were wrong in the end and all of the sudden does the right thing at the critical moment...L A M E (unless it's the Bridge over the River Kwai, that was pretty cool, but then again he kind of does the right thing at the end by accident)


New member
Apr 6, 2010
-Villains with very impractical/ridiculous yet cool weaponry. A bad guy with a pair of giant scissors or a gun that shoots black holes is probably going to be a lot more memorable than someone with a gun or a sword.
-Sunglasses. They can make so many people look like douchebags, but with some characters, they work really well.
-Maniacal Laughter. The louder and more insane, the better.
-Long, flowing trench coats. Particularly in the rain or in the moonlight.
-Private Detectives/Detectives of any kind really. I've always had a soft spot for detectives, especially the hard boiled, abrasive film noir types.

-Meaningless character deaths. If they're just meant to pad out the game, why should I care?
-Protagonists that are never happy. While this isn't a problem in games where the bleakness is key to the games atmosphere, but games where you do something really awesome and the protagonist just sneers. I guess I just like it when the protagonist is having fun too. Hell, even Doomguy flashed a big, toothy grin when he found a new gun.
-Anticlimaxes/Sequel Hooks... Rrrrrr...
-Meaningless characters in general. Characters added solely for diversity or sex appeal really get on my nerves.
-Subplots that never go anywhere. Very self explanatory.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Hmm at this moment in time.


-Guile heroes, magnificent bastards...trickster in general I guess.

-Well intention extremist and tragic villains

-Urban fantasy

-Underdog story

-Bittersweet endings

-Stories involving the fey/sidhe when they are more ambiguous rather than nice.

-Gas masks + trench coat. I like gas masks, no idea why.


-Outright evil villains with no real motivation other than to fuck shit up. The villain is the main driving force behind the plot most of the time. At least give them decent characterisation.

-Faux action girls or when you have a semi action girl who turns into a fucking moron every time the author wants to make things dramatic by having the hero rescue her and is apparently incapacitated whenever someone grabs her by the arm.

-Love triangles. I don?t mind if there a bit of one but it?s not drawn out to long and he character doesn?t flip flop between them or date them both at the same time.

-Fake deaths

-Using a sword in a modern setting for no goddamn reason.

-Guys are strong/ skilled fighters/smart and were suppose to respect hem based on shit they actually do. Girls are the moral centre of the group, inspire the others and we are suppose to respect them because of the shit they endure.

-The hero who has killed many many people working for the big bad without batting an eyelid but all of a sudden has an issue killing the big bad him/herself.

-Unpopular guy falls in love with popular girl who is a ***** and doesn?t even notice him. He beats some popular guy at this own game or saves her life and all of sudden she?s all over him. Especially since a lot of the time it?s played like a lesson about not judging by appearances and being shallow but never acknowledges that he was being shallow too and since she only likes him now because of beating the other guy she is still being shallow.

-A book I read recently had a lot of this. I don?t know if it?s really a cliche, its more just bad writing but when you have heroes that should be completely out classed but somehow always manage to be good enough to outrun and win fights against the enemy. How are you outrunning something that can fly and is of a race that has been repeatedly stated to be much stronger and faster than yours? That makes no sense.

-It also had a lot of ?What was that sound? I think I?ll check it out by myself without telling any of my companions what I am doing even though I know there are monsters everywhere ?


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Side characters who are more bad ass than the protagonist
Bad ass boasts
Warrior with a code
Villains being dicks for no reason
When something happens which makes everyone hate the protagonist, only for him to somehow get everyone to like him again
Needless sacrifices
"If I kill him I will be no better than him" bullshit

Relish in Chaos

New member
Mar 7, 2012
-Brooding antiheroes
-?Walking moodily in the rain? scenes
-Apocalyptic futures
-Heroic sacrifices
-The ?hero?s journey?
-Slow-motion martial arts sequences
-Cool guys walking away from explosions with their back turned
-Zombies, as they serve their purpose
-Cheesy but badass one-liners, from the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis
-The scenes where a good guy snaps and just goes fucking bad
-?It was all a dream/hallucination/figment of your imagination??at least it?s upfront about just how much of a fantasy it is, and it?s even better when it?s ambiguous (e.g. Total Recall)
-Tragic backstories
-Badass trenchcoat-wearing characters (Rorschach FTW!)

-Romantic subplots shoehorned into films (e.g. Neo & Trinity in the Matrix trilogy, Rachel in Nolan?s Batman trilogy)
-Characters acting like fucking retards in horror films
-Most birth scenes (this isn?t a fucking soap opera!)
-Manic Pixie Dream Girls (not realistic, just annoying)
-Military porn
-Damsels in distress (fuck off, we?re not in the bloody 40s)
-Buddy-cop films (e.g. the Rush Hour trilogy; I was disappointed when MovieBob said he disliked them)
-Random musical numbers
-Annoying character stereotypes (e.g. overly flamboyant gay man, jive-talking token black gangsta)
-Guy ?gets the girl? (once again, it?s not the bloody 40s)
-?Power of friendship? (even when reading the Harry Potter books as a youngster, I thought that was bullshit)
-Wangst, especially teenage wangst (I deal with enough of this shit from, well, myself and my peers, so why would I want to waste my time with 2 more hours of some whiny 15-year-old going ?NO-ONE UNDERSTANDS ME I?M NOT STRONG ENOUGH WAAHH??
-Expository monologue to yourself when there?s no-one else in the fucking room


New member
Jul 20, 2011

-How the military is used in pretty much everything. If they're the villain or even neutral, they're all gun-wielding psychopaths who love being in war. Instead of, you know, actually having some fear and reprehension about what they're doing like normal soldiers.

If they're on the good guy's side, they're always amoral as fuck and cause half the problems by themselves. That and their men are always killed off with barely a fight. In the end, the one or two main characters are always more useful than that entire organization.


New member
Jul 5, 2011

Trenchcoats as a symbol of badassery. The way they blow in the wind and just the coolness of the jacket is awesome to me. Almost everyone looks better in one.

Dual Wielding pistols. Pistols only not smg's or stuff like that because then it's just ridiculous but the skill it takes to be shooting 2 guns and reloading them makes for a good gunfight.

Dark Smokey Bars. Gives off a noir mood or the looking for trouble vibe and those are things I like.


Chosen One. So you're the only one who can do X thing. I think not. At least one other person has to be able to do that same thing.

Prophecy. I have a prophecy on how this whole thing is gonna go down in 5 seconds and it's binding because it's a prophecy.

Wholly happy endings. Come on you mean to tell me not a single person is worse off for what just happened? Yet again I think not.