TotalBiscuit retires - health failing

chocolate pickles

New member
Apr 14, 2011
Total biscuit is really Yahtzee with nothing in the way of redeeming features. As well as that infamous tweet, he was a smug, narcissistic douche who thought his shit didn't stink. His PC master race shticck was irritating, as well as his fascination with option menus instead of gameplay.


Former Mad Man
Mar 29, 2012
I did watch him on YT, for about a few years. Lost interest later on,when TB stated "how used games were killing the industry" and just stop watching. He inserted his opinions as if they were fact when they were clearly not. He also came off just a little too smug at times and in person his personality irked a lot of people it seemed.

Besides my personal opinions, the fact is Liver Cancer is really fatal if its not caught soon. Although you can remove parts of the liver and still have it function. Or have a liver transplant, either way from the sounds of it TB might be ending his career and this actually might be the real end for him.

" 43% of people who are diagnosed at an early stage, the 5-year survival rate is 31%. If liver cancer has spread to surrounding tissues or organs and/or the regional lymph nodes, the 5-year survival rate is 11%. If the cancer has spread to a distant part of the body, the 5-year survival rate is 3%. However, even if the cancer is found at a more advanced stage, treatments are available that help many people with liver cancer experience a quality of life similar to that of before their diagnosis, at least for some time.*"


Although i hold no high regards to the man himself because of his personality.To die this way is far from painless and will require a lot of care for him. I wish him luck

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Gut-wrenching. I love TB and I think he's a great force for good in the industry. As much as I'd like to be positive and wish him the best, sadly I think that he's not going to make it. That's been my opinion ever since he announced that cancer has spread to his liver. I respect him a lot for fighting as hard as he did, but at this point he needs a miracle.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
I keep hearing people say that he thought PC was the master race and all that. He didn't. Sure he mentioned it from time to time but always in an ironic way. And he's mostly if not entirely a PC gamer himself so of course he covers PC stuff.

Silentpony said:
The only thing I remember about Biscuitdoughhandsman is that he took the PC gaming master race literally and only played games in 1080p, 60FPS PC release will full graphic options - everything else was just riffraff.
So I never really took what he said too seriously.
That's just false information. His PC is a BEAST. You pretty much can't get more powerful than what he has. His point always was, that if his rig couldn't play a game at 1080p, stable 60fps and at least a mix of high/ultra if not ultra, then the game was poorly optimized and the devs had released a poor product. Which was very fair considering his setup.

I agree with him being an asshole though. That and being brutally honest. (at least on what he deemed to be true.) I like that about him. No bullshit, no taking shit, no pretending to be nice to gain popularity. But I get that a lot of people don't agree with that. Also, I have a lot of respect for the guy. He was fairly influential in the industry in his earlier years, and he always tried to keep his content as professional and high quality as he could.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
I was never particularly a fan of his, but I feel for him. I've seen people say he deserves this. He doesn't. No one does. Cancer is not something you wish on anyone. I wish him the best of luck, but like Adam Jensen above, I'm not optimistic about his survival.

Aside from that, it's no doubt hard on his family too. Speaking from experience, having to watch someone you love be destroyed from within by liver cancer is painful. I wish them strength too.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
Chimpzy said:
I was never particularly a fan of his, but I feel for him. I've seen people say he deserves this.
Really? I never really watched his videos or anything but I wonder what the perspective of these people is when someone 'deserves' to die over an opinion of a stupid videogame or something that is said on shitter 10 years ago or, low and behold, 'framerates'.

To me, anytime a young person either dies or is terminally ill it's always a stark reminder of the frailty of life and that it can be over at any second. A stark reminder to live your life without excessive fear, worry or anxiety. To not waste your days on petty grievances, sadness or regret. The inevatible will happen, it's only a question of when. In the end, we are just hanging by a thread before we are forever snapped out of existence. Even if you make it to the horror of old age.

Reading the reddit post I'm surprised how matter-of-fact TB is about his illness. But yeah, if they ceased treatment and only resort to palliative care now it's only a matter of time. His liver must have turned to mush from so much chemo which must have been absolutely brutal. Atleast he gave everything he got to buy himself a few more years. From what I understand he already defied the odds when he was diagnosed with late-stage bowel cancer.

But yeah, I wish him much spiritual strength.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
stroopwafel said:
Chimpzy said:
I was never particularly a fan of his, but I feel for him. I've seen people say he deserves this.
Really? I never really watched his videos or anything but I wonder what the perspective of these people is when someone 'deserves' to die over an opinion of a stupid videogame or something that is said on shitter 10 years ago or, low and behold, 'framerates'.
Deplorable as it is, there are some out there. There always are. Though I should mention it was when his illness first came to light, not in response to this recent news (not that I've seen anyway). And yes, it begs the question what kind of mindset those people have. Is it dumb, spur-of-the-moment overreaction or some misguided attempt at trolling or being edgy? Or do they really mean it? In which case, yikes.

Then again, there are groups of people that hate another group of people much more for much less reason.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
fix-the-spade said:
The obsession with 60fps stems from his suffering motion sickness.
In one side, that makes its criticism more understandable. On the other, it makes his inflexible stance on criticisms and his "frame-rate police" look really pedantic.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
bartholen said:
A completely unnecessary and unrelated tangent on another gaming content creator

I recently stumbled across this youtube channel called "The Completionist". At first it seemed like it was about trophy guides and how absurd some trophies can be. But no. It's just another review channel, and one I'm not sure isn't generated by an algorithm because the content is so banal, so by the books, so generic, so devoid of personality or creativity that it creates this paradox of mediocrity: the fact that the content creates no response whatsoever itself creates a very strong response of annoyance. Plus it's another example on my list of what constitutes corporate shill manchild hype culture. No original ideas, only reviewing the most well known games, overly excited voice, no personality... and this hack has 900k subscribers.
I used to follow him (like, 5 years ago).

His main stitch is that he gets all collectibles, endings, trophies/achievements, post-game content and secrets in every game he reviews beforehand; so in the review's conclusion he scores the game according to how much of the game you can play (complete 100%, just finish it, play it occasionally, not play it at all) before it stops being enjoyable and becomes a chore to play. He also makes sure his criticisms are as family-friendly as possible, and plays both old games and recent releases.

He is pretty much the safe-space for those who don't care about politics and questionable corporate practices in gaming.


New member
May 11, 2016
Silentpony said:
The only thing I remember about Biscuitdoughhandsman is that he took the PC gaming master race literally and only played games in 1080p, 60FPS PC release will full graphic options - everything else was just riffraff.
So I never really took what he said too seriously.

Also if I remember correctly, he was against pre-ordering, which is cool. That's a cool thing.
No he didn't, he often admonished people for taking the PC Master race thing literally.


New member
May 11, 2016
Samtemdo8 said:
I am gonna be that guy and this is out of dissapointment.

Though I still pity him for his cancer and does not wish anyone to suffer it.

I have long since stopped caring about Totalbiscuit for awhile, especially when it comes to his content. This was the guy that used to push PC gaming out of the rut it was in the late 2000s. Every WTF games he reviewed was either games I am excited for and happy to see, and games that is just hilarious how broken it is.

But then his taste for games changed after awhile, like more and more and more he just started to review obscure as fuck indie games, most of them all these sprite based games with very simplistic gameplay and I am like, "What is this TB? I can play this on Xbox Live Arcade, why are you covering this?" it reached a catalyst when he then refuse to give Witcher 3 any ackwoledgement, the most highly anticipated PC game ever (even though it was multiplatform, its roots was in PC gaming) and he didn't even gave an award to it because of petty political reasons that I honestly don't care about (as in not politics regarding Social Justice mind you)

And then there is him shutting down comments, and to be frank it was one of the worst mistakes he has ever made and hypocritical of him at times, the official story of him doing that as far as I know was that Google was trying to merge Youtube and Google Accounts into one whole Mega-account and this caused a lot of ire in youtube, TB protested by shutting down comments, but since then, people stopped caring, but TB hasn't restored comments, instead prompting to use reddit instead making communication with him more inconviniant then it actually was.

And then there's his co-optional podcast and his friends and honestly, I never liked Jesse Cox and the female who's name eludes me at the moment, especially Cox because he talks way too much and TB doesn't talk at all, and Cox is no where near as cool as TB was.

In the end I just think Totalbiscuit lost his edge in recent times, he used to be cool, now he became lame as time went on, so I will miss the man he used to be, not the man he later became.
He explained the Witcher 3 thing in a Soundcloud, basically because GOG(which is owned by Witcher developer/publisher CD Projekt Red) was a direct sponsor of his Starcraft 2 eSports team Axiom, promoting one of CDPR's games would've been a massive conflict of interest for him: It was not due to "petty political reasons" or any BS like that.

Dodger is the "female" you are talking about and she is funny and brilliant, she just had a baby and now TB's wife Genna is taking over her role.

TB talks plenty on the podcast, i've actually heard complaints that TB is the one who talks over everybody else on there.

TB is not "lame" at all, but your post sure as hell is. TB still has his "Edge"

He shut down comments on Youtube because they were getting really toxic, can't really blame him for that. I actually like using Reddit to comment on his videos moreso then Youtube, because it's way easier to actually have a productive discussion on Reddit then on Youtube.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
darkrage6 said:
He shut down comments on Youtube because they were getting really toxic, can't really blame him for that. I actually like using Reddit to comment on his videos moreso then Youtube, because it's way easier to actually have a productive discussion on Reddit then on Youtube.
Eh, I do respect TB overall as a force for good in gaming, but he was weirdly thin-skinned when it came to criticism against himself and that always bothered me. No one who makes a living in criticism should ever dare run from criticism against themselves, that is completely hypocritical.

Yeah, alot of people are shit, but honestly, I think this action only bred more toxicity. Atleast on your own turf, you will have your own rabid fans who will fight against even the slightest criticsm, but this way, it creates cesspools of pure hate.

Plus as someone who used to watch Co-optional regularly, I really hated the lack of a discussion to read while I listened.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
darkrage6 said:
Samtemdo8 said:
I am gonna be that guy and this is out of dissapointment.

Though I still pity him for his cancer and does not wish anyone to suffer it.

I have long since stopped caring about Totalbiscuit for awhile, especially when it comes to his content. This was the guy that used to push PC gaming out of the rut it was in the late 2000s. Every WTF games he reviewed was either games I am excited for and happy to see, and games that is just hilarious how broken it is.

But then his taste for games changed after awhile, like more and more and more he just started to review obscure as fuck indie games, most of them all these sprite based games with very simplistic gameplay and I am like, "What is this TB? I can play this on Xbox Live Arcade, why are you covering this?" it reached a catalyst when he then refuse to give Witcher 3 any ackwoledgement, the most highly anticipated PC game ever (even though it was multiplatform, its roots was in PC gaming) and he didn't even gave an award to it because of petty political reasons that I honestly don't care about (as in not politics regarding Social Justice mind you)

And then there is him shutting down comments, and to be frank it was one of the worst mistakes he has ever made and hypocritical of him at times, the official story of him doing that as far as I know was that Google was trying to merge Youtube and Google Accounts into one whole Mega-account and this caused a lot of ire in youtube, TB protested by shutting down comments, but since then, people stopped caring, but TB hasn't restored comments, instead prompting to use reddit instead making communication with him more inconviniant then it actually was.

And then there's his co-optional podcast and his friends and honestly, I never liked Jesse Cox and the female who's name eludes me at the moment, especially Cox because he talks way too much and TB doesn't talk at all, and Cox is no where near as cool as TB was.

In the end I just think Totalbiscuit lost his edge in recent times, he used to be cool, now he became lame as time went on, so I will miss the man he used to be, not the man he later became.
He explained the Witcher 3 thing in a Soundcloud, basically because GOG(which is owned by Witcher developer/publisher CD Projekt Red) was a direct sponsor of his Starcraft 2 eSports team Axiom, promoting one of CDPR's games would've been a massive conflict of interest for him: It was not due to "petty political reasons" or any BS like that.

Dodger is the "female" you are talking about and she is funny and brilliant, she just had a baby and now TB's wife Genna is taking over her role.

TB talks plenty on the podcast, i've actually heard complaints that TB is the one who talks over everybody else on there.

TB is not "lame" at all, but your post sure as hell is. TB still has his "Edge"

He shut down comments on Youtube because they were getting really toxic, can't really blame him for that. I actually like using Reddit to comment on his videos moreso then Youtube, because it's way easier to actually have a productive discussion on Reddit then on Youtube.
I know about the Soundcloud, and I just find it petty that he cares. I want to hear his opinion on the game, if he criticizes it, if anyone should be concerned about it, its CDProjektRED, the controversy should be on them if they act against TB for giving Witcher 3 a negative review.

Not of fan of Dodger. No offense to her.

I listend to my fair share of the podcast and in my experiance its usually Cox that dominates the conversation

But he alinates a whole user base denying a chance to comment in his channel. I don't have a reddit account, I don't have a twitter account and don't want to. (mostly because I think they are redundant)


New member
May 11, 2016
Samtemdo8 said:
I am gonna be that guy and this is out of dissapointment.

Though I still pity him for his cancer and does not wish anyone to suffer it.

I have long since stopped caring about Totalbiscuit for awhile, especially when it comes to his content. This was the guy that used to push PC gaming out of the rut it was in the late 2000s. Every WTF games he reviewed was either games I am excited for and happy to see, and games that is just hilarious how broken it is.

But then his taste for games changed after awhile, like more and more and more he just started to review obscure as fuck indie games, most of them all these sprite based games with very simplistic gameplay and I am like, "What is this TB? I can play this on Xbox Live Arcade, why are you covering this?" it reached a catalyst when he then refuse to give Witcher 3 any ackwoledgement, the most highly anticipated PC game ever (even though it was multiplatform, its roots was in PC gaming) and he didn't even gave an award to it because of petty political reasons that I honestly don't care about (as in not politics regarding Social Justice mind you)

And then there is him shutting down comments, and to be frank it was one of the worst mistakes he has ever made and hypocritical of him at times, the official story of him doing that as far as I know was that Google was trying to merge Youtube and Google Accounts into one whole Mega-account and this caused a lot of ire in youtube, TB protested by shutting down comments, but since then, people stopped caring, but TB hasn't restored comments, instead prompting to use reddit instead making communication with him more inconviniant then it actually was.

And then there's his co-optional podcast and his friends and honestly, I never liked Jesse Cox and the female who's name eludes me at the moment, especially Cox because he talks way too much and TB doesn't talk at all, and Cox is no where near as cool as TB was.

In the end I just think Totalbiscuit lost his edge in recent times, he used to be cool, now he became lame as time went on, so I will miss the man he used to be, not the man he later became.
He explained the Witcher 3 thing in a Soundcloud, basically because GOG(which is owned by Witcher developer/publisher CD Projekt Red) was a direct sponsor of his Starcraft 2 eSports team Axiom, promoting one of CDPR's games would've been a massive conflict of interest for him: It was not due to "petty political reasons" or any BS like that.

Dodger is the "female" you are talking about and she is funny and brilliant, she just had a baby and now TB's wife Genna is taking over her role.

TB talks plenty on the podcast, i've actually heard complaints that TB is the one who talks over everybody else on there.

TB is not "lame" at all, but your post sure as hell is. TB still has his "Edge"

He shut down comments on Youtube because they were getting really toxic, can't really blame him for that. I actually like using Reddit to comment on his videos moreso then Youtube, because it's way easier to actually have a productive discussion on Reddit then on Youtube.
Samtemdo8 said:
Bedinsis said:
I'm sad to hear that his survival prospects have worsened. I stopped watching him when he stopped doing WTFs, but I'm still sad that he has reached this point. I hope he will live for many years still.

Samtemdo8 said:
it reached a catalyst when he then refuse to give Witcher 3 any ackwoledgement, the most highly anticipated PC game ever (even though it was multiplatform, its roots was in PC gaming) and he didn't even gave an award to it because of petty political reasons that I honestly don't care about (as in not politics regarding Social Justice mind you)
What reasons were they?
From his perspective, CD Projeckt RED/ is one of TB's advertisers, and he thinks reviwing the game or giving it GOTY or any awards would be considered un-ethical like those reviewers giving 10/10s while being paid off by by EA..

IMO, who cares, I wanna see you review this game in terms of specs and bugs, even paid off reviews still has to ackwoledge when a game is broken.
Well TB has a lot of integrity and let's be honest, you didn't him to tell you Witcher 3 was good.


New member
May 11, 2016
Souplex said:
That guy... I've heard he exists because Jim Sterling mentions him from time to time. As far as I can tell he's a lesser Jim. So long as Jim's health holds I'll be fine.
Nah TB's been around long before Jim(since at least 2005).


New member
May 11, 2016
I don said:
It's a shame some people will remember TB as an asshole.

He was an asshole in a sea of assholes, where everyone is pretending they aren't assholes but the other guy is. He admitted he could not stop reading negative criticism, hence why he disabled comments. He admitted to hating his fanbase, to what degree depends on your opinion of him.

I remember when his subreddit turned on him when he tweeted "This is why we don't link to the subreddit anymore" for a thread of a DragonCon booth podcast, where almost every single comment was attacking a 10 year old child in the audience for her weird laugh. His fans went apeshit at the mere insinuation of a lecturing, and I don't know, maybe making such comments and upvoting them where said child could possibly see that thread, is an asshole thing to do?

But they dodged that shit, saying things like "How dare you generalize the whole subreddit community", or "We were complaining about the audio quality", or "We were complaining about letting a child into the audience of a pg-17 podcast", and saying all kinds of vile shit that was just safe enough to follow the subreddit rules.

Then when TB mentally broke down and apologized, the fans said shit like "TB needs to learn how to not overreact and ignore bad apples." These people have no ability for introspection. They are entitled, self-important pricks.

His enemies, holy shit, were they petty, deluded, and insane, denouncing him for linking to a charity, posting bullshit articles like "TB has an Axe to Grind with Minorities" on Polygon, and making up shit about him because he publicly supported GG. When he defended Laura against his subreddit, they still said TB was still a transphobe, the broken clock being right cliche. These people were so far down the GG rabbit hole, it's amazing the lengths they go to hate him. They made him the Leader of GG when he wasn't, and couldn't let it go.
People from the other side hated him too, throwing a hissy fit because he dared to have a moment of silence at the start of one episode of Co Optional in honor of some Muslims who were killed in a hate crime.


New member
May 11, 2016
I don said:
It's a shame some people will remember TB as an asshole.

He was an asshole in a sea of assholes, where everyone is pretending they aren't assholes but the other guy is. He admitted he could not stop reading negative criticism, hence why he disabled comments. He admitted to hating his fanbase, to what degree depends on your opinion of him.

I remember when his subreddit turned on him when he tweeted "This is why we don't link to the subreddit anymore" for a thread of a DragonCon booth podcast, where almost every single comment was attacking a 10 year old child in the audience for her weird laugh. His fans went apeshit at the mere insinuation of a lecturing, and I don't know, maybe making such comments and upvoting them where said child could possibly see that thread, is an asshole thing to do?

But they dodged that shit, saying things like "How dare you generalize the whole subreddit community", or "We were complaining about the audio quality", or "We were complaining about letting a child into the audience of a pg-17 podcast", and saying all kinds of vile shit that was just safe enough to follow the subreddit rules.

Then when TB mentally broke down and apologized, the fans said shit like "TB needs to learn how to not overreact and ignore bad apples." These people have no ability for introspection. They are entitled, self-important pricks.

His enemies, holy shit, were they petty, deluded, and insane, denouncing him for linking to a charity, posting bullshit articles like "TB has an Axe to Grind with Minorities" on Polygon, and making up shit about him because he publicly supported GG. When he defended Laura against his subreddit, they still said TB was still a transphobe, the broken clock being right cliche. These people were so far down the GG rabbit hole, it's amazing the lengths they go to hate him. They made him the Leader of GG when he wasn't, and couldn't let it go.
People from the other side hated him too, throwing a hissy fit because he dared to have a moment of silence at the start of one episode of Co Optional in honor of some Muslims who were killed in a hate crime.
Saelune said:
darkrage6 said:
He shut down comments on Youtube because they were getting really toxic, can't really blame him for that. I actually like using Reddit to comment on his videos moreso then Youtube, because it's way easier to actually have a productive discussion on Reddit then on Youtube.
Eh, I do respect TB overall as a force for good in gaming, but he was weirdly thin-skinned when it came to criticism against himself and that always bothered me. No one who makes a living in criticism should ever dare run from criticism against themselves, that is completely hypocritical.

Yeah, alot of people are shit, but honestly, I think this action only bred more toxicity. Atleast on your own turf, you will have your own rabid fans who will fight against even the slightest criticsm, but this way, it creates cesspools of pure hate.

Plus as someone who used to watch Co-optional regularly, I really hated the lack of a discussion to read while I listened.
No he was not "thin-skinned" he did take plenty of criticism to heart, for example he changed his PAX coverage drastically in response to viewer comments, he also shortened the podcast in response to viewer criticism(that's why he no longer attempts to cover all game releases during the releases section). TB has stated his problem was NOT that he "couldn't take criticism" but that most of the criticism aimed at him was just bad, and frankly most of it was fucking terrible.


New member
May 11, 2016
RobertEHouse said:
I did watch him on YT, for about a few years. Lost interest later on,when TB stated "how used games were killing the industry" and just stop watching. He inserted his opinions as if they were fact when they were clearly not. He also came off just a little too smug at times and in person his personality irked a lot of people it seemed.

Besides my personal opinions, the fact is Liver Cancer is really fatal if its not caught soon. Although you can remove parts of the liver and still have it function. Or have a liver transplant, either way from the sounds of it TB might be ending his career and this actually might be the real end for him.

" 43% of people who are diagnosed at an early stage, the 5-year survival rate is 31%. If liver cancer has spread to surrounding tissues or organs and/or the regional lymph nodes, the 5-year survival rate is 11%. If the cancer has spread to a distant part of the body, the 5-year survival rate is 3%. However, even if the cancer is found at a more advanced stage, treatments are available that help many people with liver cancer experience a quality of life similar to that of before their diagnosis, at least for some time.*"


Although i hold no high regards to the man himself because of his personality.To die this way is far from painless and will require a lot of care for him. I wish him luck
TB was just playing devil's advocate in that used games, he's said he has no problems with people getting used games, he just has a different perspective since he's more of a PC-gamer then a console one and used games for the most part aren't really a thing for PC games anymore. That also comes from his experiences of working at GAME in the UK where he was told to push used games over new ones as much as possible.

Also TB actually has bowel cancer, not liver cancer.

He's not really smug, he actually does a lot of self-deprecation.