TotalBiscuit retires - health failing


New member
May 11, 2016
Dalisclock said:
I feel bad for the dude because of his health, though I can't say I was ever a fan. I tried watching a couple of his video reviews but god are they way too fucking long. His shortest review I can find from a casual youtube search is 20 minutes. A
lot of them clock in at an hour or so. Seriously, dude? I got shit to do. If I have an hour to watch stuff on youtube, I could also be watching half a feature length film or a couple normal episodes of serialized TV. An hour for a review just seems fucking excessive.
Not when you are talking about complex games it's not, TB made his videos for older viewers, not impatient teenagers with zero attention span.


New member
May 11, 2016
I don said:
darkrage6 said:
People from the other side hated him too, throwing a hissy fit because he dared to have a moment of silence at the start of one episode of Co Optional in honor of some Muslims who were killed in a hate crime.
There was also that time when he said Trump voters were not his audience, and that one time he kicked out a guy for making the "Are traps gay?" joke.

Then they pass around screencaps of TB of his "get cancer" tweet, or the Something Awful rant. I mean I'm not expecting you to have to feel sad for TB now that he's going to pass away, but at least try not to make this guy just a couple of screencaps from a long time ago.
Correction, the CoxCon staff kicked that guy out, TB had nothing at all to do with the decision, and that guy was a transphobic piece of shit and deserved to be kicked out anyways.

Trump voters are morons and TB was right to call them out, especially since Trump's bullshit healthcare policies would only make his life harder.


New member
May 11, 2016
Saelune said:
darkrage6 said:
Don't stress yourself too much over defending youtubers. Not criticizing you or telling you to stop, I have done similar, just don't want you to feel like criticism of TB or Jirard is somehow criticism of you.
I'm not stressing myself, i'm just dispelling the myths people have about TB.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
darkrage6 said:
Dalisclock said:
I feel bad for the dude because of his health, though I can't say I was ever a fan. I tried watching a couple of his video reviews but god are they way too fucking long. His shortest review I can find from a casual youtube search is 20 minutes. A
lot of them clock in at an hour or so. Seriously, dude? I got shit to do. If I have an hour to watch stuff on youtube, I could also be watching half a feature length film or a couple normal episodes of serialized TV. An hour for a review just seems fucking excessive.
Not when you are talking about complex games it's not, TB made his videos for older viewers, not impatient teenagers with zero attention span.
I'm in my mid-thirties, for what it's worth, and regardless of complexity, it feels like 30 minutes to an hour for any game is pushing it for a review. Some of us older viewers have jobs and chores and families, so spending an hour on a game review is an hour I'm not spending with my free time actually playing a game.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
It's amazing he kept it going as long as he did. Of course it is an unmitigated tragedy. I didn't always agree with him but he was honest and passionate and that is all you can ask.

Sad sad day.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Dalisclock said:
I'm in my mid-thirties, for what it's worth, and regardless of complexity, it feels like 30 minutes to an hour for any game is pushing it for a review. Some of us older viewers have jobs and chores and families, so spending an hour on a game review is an hour I'm not spending with my free time actually playing a game.
He's been very clear about not labeling his videos as reviews.


New member
Sep 30, 2013
TB strikes me as being so far up his own arse he was flossing with his own hair, still, wouldn't wish cancer on anyone.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
darkrage6 said:
Trump voters are morons and TB was right to call them out, especially since Trump's bullshit healthcare policies would only make his life harder.
Trump supporters come from all walks of life, while the opposition is largely concentrated in supersmug metropolies(just look at the election map by county) that get made fun of for how smug they are. People having degrees in social studies aren't really all that smart.

Much as I don't wish poor upon the guy, TB will croak out long before any of Trump's policies get to make a measurable impact on healthcare costs. At the time he was bitching about them going up, they were already the highest in the world and rising.
If he can't afford medication, it's not because of Trump, it's because of Obama.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
RobertEHouse said:
Holy cow, you just quintuple posted! What happened? We do have an edit button, you don't have to repost every time you want to make a change.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Fireaxe said:
TB strikes me as being so far up his own arse he was flossing with his own hair, still, wouldn't wish cancer on anyone.
.....isn't TB bald?