Trailers: Warhammer 40k: Space Marine - "Blockbuster" Developer Dairy


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Jul 11, 2008
Zeetchmen said:
I dont thinking the toungebathing of the moive industry was really need, but game looks banging for a starcraft IP clone

I get annoyed as hell when people make that assumption, The Warhammer 40K IP was around in the 80's, where as Starcraft was released in the late 90's. In fact, one could say that Starcraft is the clone here.


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Mar 18, 2009
Darth_Dude said:
Zeetchmen said:
I dont thinking the toungebathing of the moive industry was really need, but game looks banging for a starcraft IP clone

I get annoyed as hell when people make that assumption, The Warhammer 40K IP was around in the 80's, where as Starcraft was released in the late 90's. In fact, one could should say that Starcraft is the clone here.
I'm using the troll's train of thought here.


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Jun 8, 2010
That bolter didn't sound like an automatic rocket launcher.

I want to be excited about this game, but I can already see some bad things.


New member
Sep 16, 2010
scumofsociety said:
The orks sounded kinda weak, they always feel like they should have deeper voices. Also, is it just me or does it look like they've managed to crowbar in a female companion right at the start...
I dunno, he sounded like a pretty deep voiced cockney which is all the Orks are ever written as.

Yes, there is a female companion. She's a Imperial Guard Lt. from the Cadian regiments. Her inclusion worries me as if they try to make her a love interest I will turn to the forces of chaos in rage.


The Butcher On Your Back
Apr 25, 2010
Zeetchmen said:
I dont thinking the toungebathing of the moive industry was really need, but game looks banging for a starcraft IP clone
I'm sure Starcraft and Warcraft were based on 40k and Warhammer respectively? I could be wrong.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Nouw said:
You got all that from one video with very little real gameplay? Protip:Look at real game-play. Yeah it somewhat gives the wrong message but that isn't an excuse to be ignorant.
I usually make game choices by gut feeling or experience and I doubt you have followed this game very closely.

I have seen it from the first trailer. Where it looked like a completely generic hack and slash. They moved away from that since and moved on to have more elaborate set pieces (the train, areal stages). But "cinematic" generally means bad news.

It means the game suffers from being to linear. But that sounds bad in the marketing blurb so they use "Cinematic" to describe it. Just like how they used to movies by calling it "an action packed thrill ride" which translated to, we couldn't come up with something positive to say.

It's good to see that your own ignorance didn't prevent you from commenting.


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Dec 24, 2008
WaysideMaze said:
Zeetchmen said:
I dont thinking the toungebathing of the moive industry was really need, but game looks banging for a starcraft IP clone
I'm sure Starcraft and Warcraft were based on 40k and Warhammer respectively? I could be wrong.
Warhammer 40k created in 1987.

Warcraft created in 1994.
Starcraft created in 1999.

Yeah it's so awful that Warhammer 40k ripped of Starcraft 12 years before it existed.

The internet is full of stupid people Maze, best to ignore em or just bullet point em with info.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
here is what i understood from that, i dunno, interview?

"blah blah blah blah, hollywood, blah blah blah, movie, blah blah hollywood."

gah, i think we can all agree that not everything that was made, or inspired by hollywood is that good..... and why oh why, do you try to sell a game, by saying its a lot like a movie? its like selling a book by saying "it has a lot of pictures!" or selling music by saying "it has awesome video clip!"....

i like good cutscenes, yes, but you shouldnt concentrate on them..... concentrate on gameplay.
and dont try to tell me, that you can have both, because every cent spend on cutscenes, is a cent that has not been spent on gameplay.....

ehhh.... i hope this will turn out to be marketing bs, and the gameplay will actually be bigger part of this game than cutscenes.....


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Mar 18, 2009
BroJing said:
Her inclusion worries me as if they try to make her a love interest I will turn to the forces of chaos in rage.
Worry no more, for that would be the single biggest 'Fuck You!' to the IP. Yes Matt Ward, at least you didn't give Warhammer 40,000 a romantic aspect.
1337mokro said:
Nouw said:
You got all that from one video with very little real gameplay? Protip:Look at real game-play. Yeah it somewhat gives the wrong message but that isn't an excuse to be ignorant.
I usually make game choices by gut feeling or experience and I doubt you have followed this game very closely.

I have seen it from the first trailer. Where it looked like a completely generic hack and slash. They moved away from that since and moved on to have more elaborate set pieces (the train, areal stages). But "cinematic" generally means bad news.

It means the game suffers from being to linear. But that sounds bad in the marketing blurb so they use "Cinematic" to describe it.

It's good to see that your own ignorance didn't prevent you from commenting.
First off I feel that I came on a tad too agressive, so I apologize. *Clears throat.

I have followed this game closely, for over a year if I'm correct. To me I don't think this game will suffer from being linear or 'generic hack and slash.'[sub]Completely subjective so if you think that it's going to be boring then I can't change your mind.[/sub]However, Relic have been making strategy games in the past where cut-scenes delivered the story, at times, well. I don't think they came into making this game with the same thoughts that 'Cinematic=Good Story.' They obviously at this point want to try and sell this game with reasonable methods they can use and I don't think the message is "It's going to be choke-full of cutscenes and will masturbate.' I think that it's leaning more towards showing good story.

Also, one of the people talking say "You're walking into the blockbuster,we wanted the major action piece to be something the player was going to experience himself." Sounds like the gameplay is just as important as the cutscenes.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
BristolBerserker said:
Finally! A game in space where the people with british accents aren't just the bad guys. Then again the bad guys can be pretty cool.
Keep in mind that the protagonists of this game fight for a galactic empire that's basically The Third Reich meets ancient Sparta meets the Spanish Inquisition. :p


New member
Mar 13, 2010
scumofsociety said:
Also, is it just me or does it look like they've managed to crowbar in a female companion right at the start...
Yep. She's in Cadian guardsman gear, mind, so... Canon??? IG seem to take everyone, but oddly all the female character models seem to get relegated to the Sisters of Battle / Inquisition armies. I'm not sure what the official skinny is on that one.

On topic, the game looks fun; Relic are solid developers... By the gods, though, I hope they were TOLD to talk up that film-reel humping BS by their marketing department for the promo video and that isn't truly how they feel in their respective heart of hearts.


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Jul 20, 2010
II2 said:
scumofsociety said:
Also, is it just me or does it look like they've managed to crowbar in a female companion right at the start...
Yep. She's in Cadian guardsman gear, mind, so... Canon??? IG seem to take everyone, but oddly all the female character models seem to get relegated to the Sisters of Battle / Inquisition armies. I'm not sure what the official skinny is on that one.

On topic, the game looks fun; Relic are solid developers... By the gods, though, I hope they were TOLD to talk up that film-reel humping BS by their marketing department for the promo video and that isn't truly how they feel in their respective heart of hearts.
Every man woman and child on Cadia is automatically under arms for their military (let's not get into the logistics of the reproduction of the population, that gets convoluted). So a female Guards(wo)man is not impossible. Usually though male & female regiments are kept separate, however it is not unheard of to have a mixed M/F regiment (usually from combining two existing, under-strength regiments). It's kinda nice to see a female guardsmen every now and then, goes to show the women in 40k aren't all nuns with guns, investigators or Slaaneshi cultists.

From what I've heard, she'll be something of a liaison between Mr. Cpt. Smurf there and the (remaining) Guardsmen of the relief force in game (presumably the higher ups are on their coffee break or are otherwise unavailable). So you'll see her here and there, but probably not too often. I suspect she'll give you updates over the comm-net about the goings on around you as you curb-stomp your way through hundreds or Orkz. Just my speculation though.

I seriously doubt she'd be a love interest, this is video games, not Hollywood (despite many of the comments in the interviews), so I don't expect many producers hands to be getting their sticky fingers all over the grimdark IP. Relic has been pretty good about keeping to the rules of the IP so I don't expect anything major to be screwed up (remember: Soulstorm was done by a different studio, so Stubb's 100 Baneblades doesn't count).


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Can go both ways.

They could interpret "playable movie" as playable sections and movie sections in one package, or it could be something much, much better and more promising. Not enough information now.

I'm keeping this game on my radar but not pre-ordering, never pre-order anything though so nothing rare about that.


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Apr 10, 2011
angry_flashlight said:
Every man woman and child on Cadia is automatically under arms for their military (let's not get into the logistics of the reproduction of the population, that gets convoluted). So a female Guards(wo)man is not impossible. Usually though male & female regiments are kept separate, however it is not unheard of to have a mixed M/F regiment (usually from combining two existing, under-strength regiments). It's kinda nice to see a female guardsmen every now and then, goes to show the women in 40k aren't all nuns with guns, investigators or Slaaneshi cultists.

From what I've heard, she'll be something of a liaison between Mr. Cpt. Smurf there and the (remaining) Guardsmen of the relief force in game (presumably the higher ups are on their coffee break or are otherwise unavailable). So you'll see her here and there, but probably not too often. I suspect she'll give you updates over the comm-net about the goings on around you as you curb-stomp your way through hundreds or Orkz. Just my speculation though.

I seriously doubt she'd be a love interest, this is video games, not Hollywood (despite many of the comments in the interviews), so I don't expect many producers hands to be getting their sticky fingers all over the grimdark IP. Relic has been pretty good about keeping to the rules of the IP so I don't expect anything major to be screwed up (remember: Soulstorm was done by a different studio, so Stubb's 100 Baneblades doesn't count).
God, I hope there's no love interest.

These are genetically engineered religious zealots. I don't think they're even capable of lust or love (beyond their 'love' for the emperor, but I'm not sure that can really be classified as love). And their only 'appreciation' of the human body is likely to be "squishy".

Not to mention the extensive amount of implants they receive, do they even still have their 'bits'? Do they ever take off their power armor beyond repairs and maintenance? Are they even capable of taking off their armor without various servitors assisting them?

I really, really hope they don't crack open that can of worms.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Nouw said:
First off I feel that I came on a tad too agressive, so I apologize. *Clears throat.

I have followed this game closely, for over a year if I'm correct. To me I don't think this game will suffer from being linear or 'generic hack and slash.'[sub]Completely subjective so if you think that it's going to be boring then I can't change your mind.[/sub]However, Relic have been making strategy games in the past where cut-scenes delivered the story, at times, well. I don't think they came into making this game with the same thoughts that 'Cinematic=Good Story.' They obviously at this point want to try and sell this game with reasonable methods they can use and I don't think the message is "It's going to be choke-full of cutscenes and will masturbate.' I think that it's leaning more towards showing good story.

Also, one of the people talking say "You're walking into the blockbuster,we wanted the major action piece to be something the player was going to experience himself." Sounds like the gameplay is just as important as the cutscenes.
This is why I focused solely on Matthew Berger in my criticism.

It is Rapheal van Lierop, Game Director and possibly a Dutchman, who knows how to say the game is cinematic in the right way. He says it as you quoted.

Which is sort of funny when you think about it. It's all in the wording. The guy I'm pissed off about is saying movies are the ideal to work towards. Here how ever storytelling methods from movies are used to elevate the game.

How much of this is true... we'll have to wait and see.

RTS game cutscenes are really the only way to tell a story in those kinds of games. So Dawn of War having cutscenes is not more than natural. The gameplay itself is completely detached from that.

In other words the cinematics and gameplay are kept neatly in 2 seperate cages (which can be a bad thing, but is standard in an RTS). But this is a hack and slash game. One where there IS opportunity to mix the two meaning that we might get screwed.

Remember Homefront! It looked great on paper (if your American), sucked balls in game.


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Jul 29, 2009
Butterjaw said:
The_ModeRazor said:
Which is a shame, I really liked Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising (haven't played the first games)

Seriously, it's gonna suck hard. Bland, boring gameplay, environments completely uninteresting (and WH 40k has some interesting ones... being a fuck-ass huge galaxy and all) Of course, using the lamest Spess Mehreen chapter don't help none. (Ultramarines... blegh, so Suetastic... besides, isn't Relic making the game? I thought they managed to canonify the Blud Rehvens)

Just putting this out there so that when it comes out and the 'scapist review goes up and everyone agrees how shitty it is, I can point at this here comment and say "called it!" .
Get off that bandwagon boy, the Ultramarines are not Mary Sues. Calgar is the Mary Sue. The internet has completely blown their poster boy status out of the water for no reason.

They are no more 'suetastic' than any of the other Imperial MAHREENS.
Their scouts supposedly have more combat experience than the chapter masters of other chapters. They beat everyone in any fight. And they do it while being one of the nicest things in the WH40k universe. Sounds like Mary Sue-ing to me all right.


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Mar 18, 2009
1337mokro said:
I must have missed the part where you were criticizing the man, not the game. Also, care to explain how Homefront looked good on paper? I mean this in a friendly way, I'm all for knowing about it.

Also, this isn't a hack and slash game. It's an essential aspect of the game but the other just as important part of it is of course the shooting. It is an Action/TPS after all. Are you sure you've been tracking this game for as long as I make you out to be?


New member
Apr 24, 2008
The_ModeRazor said:
Butterjaw said:
The_ModeRazor said:
Which is a shame, I really liked Dawn of War II and Chaos Rising (haven't played the first games)

Seriously, it's gonna suck hard. Bland, boring gameplay, environments completely uninteresting (and WH 40k has some interesting ones... being a fuck-ass huge galaxy and all) Of course, using the lamest Spess Mehreen chapter don't help none. (Ultramarines... blegh, so Suetastic... besides, isn't Relic making the game? I thought they managed to canonify the Blud Rehvens)

Just putting this out there so that when it comes out and the 'scapist review goes up and everyone agrees how shitty it is, I can point at this here comment and say "called it!" .
Get off that bandwagon boy, the Ultramarines are not Mary Sues. Calgar is the Mary Sue. The internet has completely blown their poster boy status out of the water for no reason.

They are no more 'suetastic' than any of the other Imperial MAHREENS.
Their scouts supposedly have more combat experience than the chapter masters of other chapters. They beat everyone in any fight. And they do it while being one of the nicest things in the WH40k universe. Sounds like Mary Sue-ing to me all right.
I may hate the Ultramarines but they aren't all that bad. Give the Tyranid codex a read sometime. Basically page after page of the Tyranids ripping the Ultramarines a new one. Sure the Marines win in the end, but the best Ultramarines were all dead and Marneus Calgar was essentially outsmarted by a giant alien bug who then proceeded to hand him his ass in single combat. The Tyranids were too busy killing everything else to finish him off =p

Everyone has had their share of ass whoppings in 40k. If its the pansy-do-gooder "mary sue" type you want to hate, look no further then the Tau Empire. Everyone thinks their the good guys, because no one questions the Ethereals =p