Transformers 2 Writers Explain Why it Sucked


New member
Nov 26, 2008
KeyMaster45 said:
PhiMed said:
KeyMaster45 said:
PhiMed said:
*snipped for space*
So because you didn't like it no one else is allowed to have enjoyed it?
Oh good. The "no one is ever allowed to have a negative opinion" fairy has come to the party. Welcome!
I never said you couldn't have a negative opinion. You just seemed to be saying people were allowed to like the movie for simple reasons. There's no need to get ugly about it.
People are allowed to like bad movies for simple reasons, and I'm allowed to assume that they're simple people the instant they start defending them.


New member
Jun 29, 2004
People are allowed to like bad movies for simple reasons, and I'm allowed to assume that they're simple people the instant they start defending them.
That comes off as bit pretentious. What does liking anything make you automatically anything? I think you're a simple person for making such short sighted statement if you assume someone is simple for something as arbitratiy as liking anything. Not everyone who likes sports is a jock. Not every one who likes video games.( or comics, any other geeky thing in like.) is a nerd. Why is everyone who likes transformers simple? (I've been described as needlessly complicated on multiple occasions heh.)

Sweeping generalizations are a poor way view the world. I didn't much appreciate when movie bob suggested everyone who liked the film was D bag. Trying invalidate people doesn't validate their point.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Now why in the hell would I see the third one if the first one sucked and the second was so bad I couldn't even finish it?


New member
Sep 3, 2004
luvd1 said:
So what was the excuse for the first movie?
The first movie was passable. Certainly not a pivotal piece of cinema gold, but it was at least entertaining and...not...crap. The problem with the second one was they had the benefit of /experience/ to teach them what worked, what didn't work, and what horrible mistakes should not have been repeated...and yet they discarded much of what worked, continued what didn't work, and not only did they repeat the same mistakes, they made them worse in almost every instance. I have little faith, even given their problems of the strike and time issues and whatever, that they can make a decent movie for the third one, largely because they will never be able to discard the biggest problem holding back the quality of the Transformers franchise: Michael f***ing Bay.


New member
Jan 26, 2011
"And at that point it becomes very difficult - and very expensive - to try to rework macro ideas"

I don't care if I'm not a screenplay writer, but there is no way in hell you need to spend anywhere near a million dollars to write a film. No way.

Not even great films require millions of dollars to be written.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
The first movie was bad. The awkward masterbation joke in the middle of the movie was too much. The humans were the main attraction, not the giant transforming robot cars.

The second movie was worse. It had fewer scenes with the giant transforming robot cars, choppy dialog, loose story with glaring plot holes, more scenes with the unnecessary humans, and stereotypes.

The second movie did have a drag-out beat-down fight with Optimus Prime vs Starscream, Blackout, and Megatron where Optimus said one of the coolest lines (I'll take you all on!) that should have been accompanied with the music "To the Threshold." It also did have a brief battle with jet-Prime versus the bullcrap-baddie where he pulled the robot's face off. It did have a couple of good points, but so few it hurt rather than helped.

The third movie sounds stupid. The space race? really? But I will give it the shadow of a doubt because I am a Transformers fan. This is the last of these movies, and I'm waiting for another director to look the movies over, crap on them, and make it right next time. I just hope it won't take another twenty years for that to happen.


It's yer man Chewy here!
Apr 24, 2008
The problem with it was the same as the problem with the first. It was a childish mess. Bay couldn't direct anything coherent to save his life and he doesn't give a fuck to.

So had they given either to a writer or director team that wasn't intent on making a film that an incomprehensible combination of explosions, giant twisting robots, glaringly obvious product placement, puerile humour, a boring story and Shia Leboef, it may have had a shot of being something halfway decent. As it stand, they fucked the whole series up from the very start. The CGI was about the only good thing, but since they decided to make the fight scenes impossibly messy and difficult to follow, the only time you could really enjoy it was on a small scale.

They were both spectacles, and the worst kind: boring ones. Fuck them and their bullshit excuses.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
PhiMed said:
KeyMaster45 said:
PhiMed said:
KeyMaster45 said:
PhiMed said:
*snipped for space*
So because you didn't like it no one else is allowed to have enjoyed it?
Oh good. The "no one is ever allowed to have a negative opinion" fairy has come to the party. Welcome!
I never said you couldn't have a negative opinion. You just seemed to be saying people were allowed to like the movie for simple reasons. There's no need to get ugly about it.
People are allowed to like bad movies for simple reasons, and I'm allowed to assume that they're simple people the instant they start defending them.
Then you're an ass.

You can't judge a person just because they like a simple movie. I love all kinds of movies, games, and shows... shallow and stupid and brainless, or excellently written with deep characters and a thought provoking story.

If you just instantly call someone "simple" just because they state "it was a fun movie, I enjoyed it for the action, I don't care about the story" then you don't deserve to have your opinion heard. All you're doing is insulting people you don't even know. You think that makes you look smart or better? It doesn't.

Insult the film, not the fans. Only exception is if the specific fan you're insulting is an asshole. But never generalize.

Luke Cartner

New member
May 6, 2010
I really blame the people who watch these movies full knowing that Micheal Bay created them and they are unlikely to be of any discernible quality.

I mean can you really blame a man who passes off manure as candy if people keep insisting on paying him lots of money for his manure candy?

On the other hand if you dont like manure candy you can you know, chose not to eat it...
Unless you are movie bob ofcourse, where it is your job to eat manure and chocolate in equal measure.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Why make excuses, it's apparent that regardless of how terrible at their job they are (and they are) that studios will keep churning out shit so what are they worried about. You'll never go broke appealing to the lowest common denominator.

The first Transformers was so incredibly dull it's the closest I've ever come to walking out of the cinema. As a result I never saw the second one and won't be seeing the third one. I genuinely can't see any redeeming qualities in them. The characters are all awful retarded "comic" fodder or just plain cardboard cutout pointless, the action all looks like shit there's a thousand directors who could have done a better job (I don't care what anybody says, the visuals are 90% awful) and I found it impossible to care who won or lost even on the few occasions when I could actually tell who was winning or losing, and the plot was so paper thin I found it impossible to become engaged even for a moment. By the end the only outcome I would have enjoyed was if the decepticons won and wiped out the human race because as far as I could tell we all suck and probably deserve it.

I just don't get it. I have never been so bored as when I was watching Transformers, I'm afraid I can't be as easily captivated by loud noises and flashing lights as some people.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Just to toss my two cents in but I enjoyed Transformers 2 much better than the first one. Cinematic masterpiece it was not, but it was based on a cheesy (albeit awesome) cartoon and was nothing but a mindless popcorn flick.

I'm not one to fanboy rage over every little inconsistency to the cartoons / universe / lore but for what it was it was an overall fun movie and I don't like Megan Fox or Shia Labeouf at all.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
ZeroMachine said:
PhiMed said:
KeyMaster45 said:
PhiMed said:
KeyMaster45 said:
PhiMed said:
*snipped for space*
So because you didn't like it no one else is allowed to have enjoyed it?
Oh good. The "no one is ever allowed to have a negative opinion" fairy has come to the party. Welcome!
I never said you couldn't have a negative opinion. You just seemed to be saying people were allowed to like the movie for simple reasons. There's no need to get ugly about it.
People are allowed to like bad movies for simple reasons, and I'm allowed to assume that they're simple people the instant they start defending them.
Then you're an ass.

You can't judge a person just because they like a simple movie. I love all kinds of movies, games, and shows... shallow and stupid and brainless, or excellently written with deep characters and a thought provoking story.

If you just instantly call someone "simple" just because they state "it was a fun movie, I enjoyed it for the action, I don't care about the story" then you don't deserve to have your opinion heard. All you're doing is insulting people you don't even know. You think that makes you look smart or better? It doesn't.

Insult the film, not the fans. Only exception is if the specific fan you're insulting is an asshole. But never generalize.
LOL. I'm an ass, but you get to decide whose opinion deserves to be heard?

Do you listen to yourself?

I can judge anyone I want for whatever reason I want. You do, too. There are no thought police, last time I checked, and you're certainly not in their employ. Please stop dictating what people can and cannot do.

You have decided that I am a bad person because of what I've said. Why do you get to decide that I am a bad person because of my statements but I don't get to decide that someone else is a stupid person because of theirs? That doesn't make any kind of sense.

You've started a fight with a stranger in defense of Transformers 2. Neither Michael Bay, nor anyone who participated in the production of that film, need you to white knight for them. You are the personification of wasted time. This is what they call rock bottom. Go bother someone else now, please.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
At least they didn't try to defend it, I suppose.
What must they think of the people calling it the best thing since sliced bread, I wonder?


New member
Aug 19, 2009
It's a movie loosely based on an 80's kids cartoon serial, directed by Michael Bay. Does there really need to be an explanation as to what went wrong? The entire concept is wrong.

Also, Michael Bay considers himself a jobs program? LOL


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2008
Whimsi said:
luvd1 said:
So what was the excuse for the first movie?
The first movie was passable. Certainly not a pivotal piece of cinema gold, but it was at least entertaining and...not...crap.
Yeah! The first movie was great! I loved it! I've seen it so many times I can quote it line for line.

The live action reboot was absolutely terrible though.
Sep 4, 2009
A sequel to a film of a series of cartoons made to sell toys to children sucks, and the writers think they need to make a reason as to why it sucked.

I hope you Transformers fanboys feel patronised, because you really, really should.