Transformers 2 Writers Explain Why it Sucked


New member
Sep 29, 2009
Ian Lutz said:
This is just sad, look, why don't they just admit what really happened. Transformers 2 was a clear sign that nobody involved had any care what so ever for the subject matter.
Transformers are a cheap plastic toy from Japan marketed by a cut rate cartoon that is fondly recalled in the most fetishistic way by uber-nerds who had the misfortune of being twelve in the 1980s.

What worries me would be if anyone involved in the movie actually did care about the subject matter.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
lastjustice said:
I agree the first one was good; a solid movie that proved the concept was good. Saw it 7 times in cinemas.

Trailers for the second movie started rolling in; hype was big and the general buzz was positive. Then I saw the movie itself and I felt somehow cheated: liked I'd been promised A fine steak but someone gave me a McDonalds burger.

With a couple of years worth of reflection I felt RotF isn't the worse movie ever made, but as a tentpole flick I felt it sucked for worse than it had any right to. There are flashes of excellence such as the Forest Battle but overall it was the bigger but not better of the two movies.

I'll say again, a reasonable and intelligent narrative is not, nor should it ever be, an optional extra or a luxury.


New member
May 28, 2008
I understand perfectly why people hate Bay's tf films, and as a long time tf fan I definitely have my own issues with them but I quite enjoyed both the first and RotF. People just need to switch their brains off and enjoy them for what they are; simple action films with some amazing cgi and sound design. That said though the second clearly had tonnes of writing issues but eh I still bought the blu-ray lol.

I'm looking forward to the third since they presumably have had a much better and easier time of writing the thing so at least if its just another plotless action fest it won't be so god awful to try to follow or understand what exactly is going on without rolling your eyes =P

Sentinel (voiced by lenard nemoy) and Shockwave are in it so they have some cool new characters this time around as apposed to the generic ones that do nothing for most of the film like sideswipe and jolt. Also they took the racist twin characters out, which is nice.
Jun 11, 2008
Well to be honest I thought Transformers 2 was a bit better than the first as it had more robot fights really. Yeah the story did suck but that redeemed it and made it watchable.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
You might be able to pull out the "bad timing" excuse if any of your other scripts were better, Orzi & Kurzman. RoTF was a total train wreck, but most of the damage done was in acting and directing. The script was par for the course for these guys.

Ian Lutz

New member
Jan 23, 2011
honeybakedham said:
Ian Lutz said:
This is just sad, look, why don't they just admit what really happened. Transformers 2 was a clear sign that nobody involved had any care what so ever for the subject matter.
Transformers are a cheap plastic toy from Japan marketed by a cut rate cartoon that is fondly recalled in the most fetishistic way by uber-nerds who had the misfortune of being twelve in the 1980s.

What worries me would be if anyone involved in the movie actually did care about the subject matter.
If that is the case than what was the point of making a movie about it? For the record I didn't grow up in the 1980's, but I did happen to watch the cartoon thanks to VHS and DVD. Alright sure, maybe the plot and writing for individual episodes weren't as good as they could've been, but the premise and characters were compelling enough to make the show at least memorable. Which is more than I can say for it's live action counterparts.


Lord Cromulent
May 21, 2010
I'm not holding my breath. I was outrageously disappointed when I found out that the trailer for an interesting alternate lunar landing fiction was being used for another Transformers movie.
May 28, 2009
Gildan Bladeborn said:
On Topic: I can't say I really expect the 3rd film to be any better than the 2nd, not when they have already established that releasing a film its own director at one point described as "crap" will still make them crazy amounts of money - where is the incentive to improve in this scenario exactly?
Heh, I saw the advert for the third film, and the lead-up seemed really compelling, then I found it was a Transformers film advert. Then it just seemed really horrifically cheesy. Interesting advert ruined.


New member
Feb 17, 2011
What I find funny is that I was bored outta my skull during T2. The action actually became mundane and dull. Honestly, it was the first time I fell asleep in a movie theater while M-16s were blasting away and cars were crunching into each other.

This is because mindless action is BORING. It's the same with horror films: without likeable characters, no one cares about whether or not they make it out ok in the end.

It also doesn't help that almost every action sequence is pretty much the same for these movies. It pretty much bombards you with it every 6 seconds so you become used to the noise and light and your body stops reacting to it.

You see my lovelies, there is something called 'rising tension' which helps to keep movies (regardless of their genre) engaging. Even chick-flicks and family dramas have it on some sort of base level. T2 lacks it because there is no threat. Why is there no threat? Because no one gives a shit about the characters. Even if The Fallen wasn't taken down like a ***** in the end, there's no reason for us to feel afraid or worried for these characters, therefore making him little more than a cheap plot device for the mind-numbing action.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
Marowit said:
I'm pretty sure it had everything to do with Mr. Bay being associated with the movie, and blaming it on the writer's strike is about as poor of an excuse as I could imagine. I mean, Mr. Bay is only THE Director - it's just a small fry in the process afterall.
Yeah, the lack of script did not hurt the director of the Walking Dead achieve critical success. No script? FU writers, I will write the damn thing myself. Of course, this is the guy who made Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile, two of the best adaptations of Stephen King since Stand By Me so he knows something about cinematic arts.

PS: Ugh, I just imagined how Michael Bay would of handled The Green Mile, not a pleasant thought.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
er bad fiction that was regurgitated twice by two 12 year old hookers sharing a cup then inseminated into "big momma" only to "come" to full term to a still born, line sniffing bastard child of big media and bad writing... did I mention the bad writing?


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2008
koroem said:
Jman1236 said:
That face in the ark in the trailer better be Unicron.
It is Sentinel Prime.

Wait... so that abomination on the moon is Sentinel Prime?

I thought it was a giant douched out, in classic Bay fashion, Super Skrull

Also... to the person that WANTED it to be Unicron... I hate you.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
There's absolutely no point in apologising or trying to explain why it sucked now, the damage has been done, man.


New member
Nov 26, 2008
KeyMaster45 said:
PhiMed said:
But the action sucked. It was poorly choreographed, inexpertly shot, ugly, difficult to follow, and pointless. There was no tension or sense of purpose or danger. I swear during the fight where Optimus "died" I just quit trying to figure out who the hell was doing what and spaced out.

And just when you started to care about what was going on in the action, they'd cut to captain douchebag running like a sissy, or slutdog McGee doing... something... with that damn thing in her purse. Or one of the comic relief characters doing something racially offensive. Or they'd make a dick joke that wouldn't make a 12 year-old chuckle.

I get so tired of people saying this movie was good "because of robots fighting and stuff".

I could make more interesting, more exciting action sequences with some fireworks and gasoline in my back yard.
So because you didn't like it no one else is allowed to have enjoyed it?
Oh good. The "no one is ever allowed to have a negative opinion" fairy has come to the party. Welcome!


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
PhiMed said:
KeyMaster45 said:
PhiMed said:
*snipped for space*
So because you didn't like it no one else is allowed to have enjoyed it?
Oh good. The "no one is ever allowed to have a negative opinion" fairy has come to the party. Welcome!
I never said you couldn't have a negative opinion. You just seemed to be saying people weren't allowed to like the movie for simple reasons. There's no need to get ugly about it.